La Reina schreef op 1 december 2020 14:37:
Speciaal voor Souni: er zijn meer Covid trials die tegelijkertijd info kunnen opleveren voor Ebola, Yellow Fever, denque etc. Dus dat kan bij de Basel/Mexico/Brazil ook het geval zijn. Zie hier een voorbeeld:
Press Release
BioCryst Begins Clinical Trial with Galidesivir for Treatment of Patients with COVID-19'About Galidesivir (BCX4430)
Galidesivir, a broad-spectrum antiviral drug, is an adenosine nucleoside analog that acts to block viral RNA polymerase. It is in advanced development for the treatment of
COVID-19, Marburg virus disease and Yellow Fever. Phase 1 clinical safety and pharmacokinetics trials of galidesivir by both intravenous and intramuscular routes of administration in healthy subjects have been completed. In animal studies, galidesivir has demonstrated activity against a variety of serious pathogens, including
Ebola, Marburg, Yellow Fever and Zika viruses. Galidesivir has also demonstrated broad-spectrum activity in vitro against more than 20 RNA viruses in nine different families, including coronaviruses, etc.etc....' speciaal voor Souni: PB is van 9 april j.l. Nooit meer iets gehoord tot nu toe, erg hè?