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AMG: groot in grafiet

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gerrit 69 schreef op 10 mei 2015 13:32:

Toch ook een ab-tje voor DZW
Hmm. Knip, plak en post. Gvd toch wetenswaardig. Tegen heug en meug dan. Een ab'tje. Maar ik druk niet op die knop. Ha.
Toch nog ff inhoudelijk: Is het niet zo dat overheden een grote invloed hebben, via wetten, op hoe een kernreactor zijn afval verwerkt en opslaat? Als ik ik me dit idd goed herinner, kost een wet voor de nieuwe cq alternatieve verwerking van kernafval jaren en jaren. Althans hier op de koude grond. Rest van de europa/wereld heb ik eigenlijk geen idee van hoe ze dat doen.



Chasse Patate(Broke-even) schreef op 2 mei 2015 13:56:

[...]Met andere woorden grafeen heeft geen drempelspanning. Drempelspanning van silicium is 0.7 volt uit mijn hoofd.
De weer sterker wordende US dollar zou negatief uitwerken op de resultaten
van AMG,dit melde het bestuur met de eerste kwartaal cijfers toch?
Lang stil geweest in dit forum maar ik geloof dat de bodem van de grafiet markt nu berijkt is. In ieder geval is mijn flinder resources investering vrijdag behoorlijk geexplodeerd! Go Graphite go! Hard nodig in alle batterijen die in de autos moeten worden ingebouwd!

springinhetveld schreef op 6 maart 2016 15:29:

Lang stil geweest in dit forum maar ik geloof dat de bodem van de grafiet markt nu berijkt is. In ieder geval is mijn flinder resources investering vrijdag behoorlijk geexplodeerd! Go Graphite go! Hard nodig in alle batterijen die in de autos moeten worden ingebouwd!
of battereien?? In ieder geval geen gezeik allemaal reik.
@Springinhetveld, leuk om een aandeelhouder van Flinders hier tegen te komen. Man, wat gaat het hard zeg. Kijk eens naar het volume. Ongekend. Heb tevens jouw reactie op Stockhouse gezien. Ik ga ze eens mailen.

Het was natuurlijk te verwachten dat grafiet ook zou aantrekken, nadat de prijs van staal wat gestegen is. De belangrijkste afnemer is staal voor grafiet, dat vergeten mensen weleens doordat grafeen/batterijen veel aandacht krijgen.

Tekst bij toegevoegde grafiek:
This statistic shows the worldwide graphite mine production from 2010 to 2015, by major producing countries. In 2013, Canada's graphite mine production, for example, amounted to 20,000 metric tons. Thus, Canada belongs to the global top four producers of natural graphite.
Leuk weetje: China produceert het meest (let wel, grafiet van lage kwaliteit), maar de grootste reserves zitten in Brazilië.
Bron grafiek:



Talk schreef op 7 maart 2016 21:37:

@Springinhetveld, leuk om een aandeelhouder van Flinders hier tegen te komen. Man, wat gaat het hard zeg. Kijk eens naar het volume. Ongekend. Heb tevens jouw reactie op Stockhouse gezien. Ik ga ze eens mailen.

Het was natuurlijk te verwachten dat grafiet ook zou aantrekken, nadat de prijs van staal wat gestegen is. De belangrijkste afnemer is staal voor grafiet, dat vergeten mensen weleens doordat grafeen/batterijen veel aandacht krijgen.

Tekst bij toegevoegde grafiek:
This statistic shows the worldwide graphite mine production from 2010 to 2015, by major producing countries. In 2013, Canada's graphite mine production, for example, amounted to 20,000 metric tons. Thus, Canada belongs to the global top four producers of natural graphite.
Leuk weetje: China produceert het meest (let wel, grafiet van lage kwaliteit), maar de grootste reserves zitten in Brazilië.
Bron grafiek:


Hi Talk,
Kon hier geen Flinders draadje vinden in het forum dus maar hier gepost, en ja ook op stockhouse.
Flinders is goed gepositioneerd als de grafiet markt aantrekt. En wat ze het afgelopen jaar gedaan hebben met de chinesen voor batterijen en in Sweden voor graphene was een goede zet. Zorgt dat ze hun voorsprong behouden. En vergis je niet, de batterijen markt explodeerd nu. Dus daar komt iets groots aan ook al gebruiken die op het moment voornamelijk kunstmstige grafiet.
@Springinhetveld, heb je jouw positie nog in Flinders? Ik heb mijn positie gisteren verkocht. Vandaag is uitgekomen dat ze daadwerkelijk gaan fuseren met Tasman. Ik ben hier niet gerust op. Tasman is met haar flagship project (Norra Kärr) veel groter dan het projectje van Flinders. De capex is echt inmens van Tasman, terwijl Flinders zo de productie kan starten met minimale investering. Daarnaast krijgt Tasman het project niet gefinancierd. Kans op vele kapitaalrondes. Beide bedrijven hebben alleen synergiën op het gebied van directie.


Benchmark Minerals: 12 ‘gigafactories’ in aanbouw

Benchmark Mineral Intelligence is gespecialiseerd in grondstoffenmarktonderzoek. In een publicatie over de markt voor grafiet, veel gebruikt als electrode in lithiumaccu’s, ziet Benchmark een groei van 200 procent voor de komende vier jaar. In de nabije toekomst voorziet de marktanalist de bouw van twaalf grootschalige accufabrieken. Daarvan is Tesla’s gigafabriek de grootste, maar Benchmark verwacht de meeste vraag naar accugrafiet in China. De investeringen in nieuwe accufabrieken tot 2020 gaan volgens Benchmark de $ 12 mrd voorbij.

Imagecredit: Sonnen
AMG and GK shares are clean ?
According to Reports AMG was a partner of the Lueshe coltan mine in the Congo.

GK a subsidiary of AMG.
Operations Manager & Chief Geologist of GK Ancuabe, Mozambique was Mr. Dr. Johannes Wontka until 2016.

According to reports Dr.Johannes Wontka was a Manager of Lueshe in 2004.
It is reported about the cooperation between the Lueshe mine and the rebels.
It is also reported that Mr. Wontka tried to kill people in Lueshe.
Allegedly, he was arrested and escaped.
What interest had AMG in cooperation with Dr.Johannes Wontka ?
Can I invest my money in e clean graphit shares?
Or I'm complicit in suffering in Africa?

humanshares schreef op 28 april 2017 20:30:

AMG and GK shares are clean ?
According to Reports AMG was a partner of the Lueshe coltan mine in the Congo.

GK a subsidiary of AMG.
Operations Manager & Chief Geologist of GK Ancuabe, Mozambique was Mr. Dr. Johannes Wontka until 2016.

According to reports Dr.Johannes Wontka was a Manager of Lueshe in 2004.
It is reported about the cooperation between the Lueshe mine and the rebels.
It is also reported that Mr. Wontka tried to kill people in Lueshe.
Allegedly, he was arrested and escaped.
What interest had AMG in cooperation with Dr.Johannes Wontka ?
Can I invest my money in e clean graphit shares?
Or I'm complicit in suffering in Africa?
Man hou op met deze onzin...!!
AMG Advanced Metallurgical Group N.V. Completes Sale of 40% Equity Stake in AMG Graphite Kropfmühl GmbH


Amsterdam, 7 April 2015 (Regulated Information) --- AMG Advanced Metallurgical Group N.V. ("AMG", EURONEXT AMSTERDAM: "AMG") is pleased to announce the completion of the sale of a 40% equity stake in AMG Graphite Kropfmühl GmbH to an affiliate of Alterna Capital Partners.

The transaction was completed on 30 March 2015, with cash received from Escrow on 2 April 2015.

About AMG

AMG is a global critical materials company at the forefront of CO2 reduction trends. AMG produces highly engineered specialty metals and mineral products and provides related vacuum furnace systems and services to the aerospace, infrastructure, energy, and specialty metals & chemicals end markets.

AMG produces aluminum master alloys and powders, titanium alloys and coatings, ferrovanadium, natural graphite, chromium metal, antimony, tantalum, niobium and silicon metal. AMG Engineering designs and produces vacuum furnace equipment and systems used to produce and upgrade specialty metals and alloys for the aerospace, automotive, infrastructure, and energy markets.

With approximately 3,000 employees, AMG operates globally with production facilities in Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Czech Republic, United States, China, Mexico, Brazil and Sri Lanka, and has sales and customer service offices in Russia and Japan
AMG Advanced Metallurgical Group N.V. Announces Completion of Ancuabe Graphite Mine Commissioning Process


Amsterdam, 8 May 2017 --- AMG Advanced Metallurgical Group N.V. ("AMG", EURONEXT AMSTERDAM: "AMG") is pleased to announce that Graphit Kropfmuhl GmbH ("AMG Graphite") has successfully completed the commissioning process at its Ancuabe graphite mine in the Cabo Delgado province of Mozambique. AMG Graphite is an operating division of AMG and an affiliate of Alterna Capital Partners LLC ("Alterna").

Production activities will restart in May 2017, with a projected annual production capacity of 9,000 metric tons. AMG Graphite is the first and currently sole graphite producer in the Ancuabe area of Mozambique.

AMG's Mozambique assets include permitted mining concession 4C which encompasses the functional graphite producing plant at Ancuabe and exploration license 3659L at Nipacue, where a graphite deposit with a JORC compliant mineral resource estimate of 900,000 metric tons has been developed.

About AMG

AMG is a global critical materials company at the forefront of CO2 reduction trends. AMG produces highly engineered specialty metals and mineral products and provides related vacuum furnace systems and services to the transportation, infrastructure, energy, and specialty metals & chemicals end markets.

AMG produces aluminum master alloys and powders, titanium alloys and coatings, ferrovanadium, natural graphite, chromium metal, antimony, tantalum, niobium and silicon metal. AMG Engineering designs and produces vacuum furnace equipment and systems used to produce and upgrade specialty metals and alloys for the transportation, automotive, infrastructure, and energy markets.

With approximately 3,000 employees, AMG operates globally with production facilities in Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Czech Republic, United States, China, Mexico, Brazil and Sri Lanka, and has sales and customer service offices in Russia and Japan (

About Alterna Capital Partners

Alterna is a private equity firm that invests in capital assets and companies with significant involvement in the ownership, operation or financing of capital assets. Alterna seeks to make investments within the energy, industrial, power, transportation and related sectors. Alterna was founded in 2008 and manages over $1.25 billion across two funds and co-investments (


DeZwarteRidder schreef op 4 december 2016 19:15:

Benchmark Minerals: 12 ‘gigafactories’ in aanbouw

Benchmark Mineral Intelligence ziet een groei van 200 procent voor de komende vier jaar. In de nabije toekomst voorziet de marktanalist de bouw van twaalf grootschalige accufabrieken. Daarvan is Tesla’s gigafabriek de grootste, maar Benchmark verwacht de meeste vraag naar accugrafiet in China. De investeringen in nieuwe accufabrieken tot 2020 gaan volgens Benchmark de $ 12 mrd voorbij.

Imagecredit: Sonnen
wordt dus 300% van nu
Toch zijn de grafietprijzen nog dalend. Er is echter een hoop nodig begrijp ik. Dus je mag aannamen dat de prijzen in 2017/2018 echt wel gaan stijgen. Maar goed dat zullen we zien.
Joint venture reopens graphite mine in Mozambique

7th July 2017

By: Keith Campbell
Creamer Media Senior Deputy Editor

The Ancuabe graphite mine, in Mozambique’s Cabo Delgado province, was reopened on June 28, following 18 years of inactivity. This was the result of a private-sector investment of €12-million in the project. The mine is now operated by GK Ancuabe Graphite Mine Sociedade Anônima, which is a joint venture between Germany’s Graphite Kropfmuhl (Kropfmuhl, also known as AMG Graphite; this is a subsidiary of AMG Advanced Metallurgical Group, domiciled in the Netherlands) and local enterprise Empresa Moçambicana de Exploração Mineira.

Kropfmuhl acquired the mining concession for Ancuabe in an international open tender process in 2012. Since then, the mine and its processing plant have both been rehabilitated and expanded. The processing plant can now handle 9 000 t/y of graphite. Ancuabe’s production will be exported to Germany. GK Ancuabe is reported by the Mozambique media to be the first of the enterprises investing in the country’s graphite resources to start production.

Kropfmuhl also has a prospecting licence for graphite in the Nipacué locality in the area of Malema, also in Cabo Delgado, which is believed to hold a graphite resource estimated at 900 000 t. This estimate is compliant with Joint Ore Reserves Committee (better known as JORC) principles. (Cabo Delgado province occupies Mozambique’s north-west coastal region and is the country’s most northerly province, bordering Tanzania.)

The Ancuabe mine directly employs 100 people. The importance of the project was demonstrated by the fact that the opening was conducted by Mozambique President Filipe Nyusi and attended by German ambassador Detlev Wolter. (Ancuabe actually finished its commissioning in early May.) Nyusi described the project as one that would have a direct impact on the economic and social lives of all Mozambicans. He added that it was a crucial step in the development of the minerals sector in Cabo Delgado.

“The extraction of graphite has returned through concrete acts and this is one of them,” affirmed Nyusi in his speech. “The return to activity of the mine, which has been closed for a number of years, shows the commitment of government to the creation of a business environment favourable to the private sector.”

The reactivated mine was an example of how the private sector could contribute to government’s agenda of promoting integrated, inclusive and sustainable economic development, he added. “The company is making material the vision of the Mozambique government with regard to the sustainable exploitation of the natural resources which the country has, ensuring that the generations to come will also benefit from these resources.”
Elon Musk: Our lithium ion batteries should be called Nickel-Graphite…
5th June 2016Gigafactory, Graphite, Lithium, Tesla,

… Yet Tesla executives fail to allay lithium shortage fears //

Tesla CEO Elon Musk and CTO JB Straubel have attempted to play down the role of lithium in a lithium ion battery, but could have inadvertently given themselves further supply headaches.

In response to a question of whether there is enough lithium supply, Musk diverted it onto two other key battery raw materials of nickel and graphite in an attempt to allay fears that there will not be enough lithium for an operational Gigafactory, which is set to become world’s largest lithium ion battery plant.

“Our cells should be called Nickel-Graphite, because primarily the cathode is nickel and the anode side is graphite with silicon oxide… [there’s] a little bit of lithium in there, but it’s like the salt on the salad,” the CEO explained.

Musk said that the amount of lithium in a lithium ion battery is about 2% of its total volume and that “lithium in a salt form is virtually everywhere… there is definitely no supply issues with lithium.”

Tesla also explained that it has been working with a number of lithium producers “from tiny start-ups to large name lithium companies all around the world and working with them to figure out the most economical or efficient ways … to have the capacity ready when we need it”.

Lithium’s most severe shortage

Despite Musk’s confidence, the lithium market is in its most severe shortage of modern times, a shortage that has seen internal Chinese prices for hydroxide reach $30/kg while rest of the world contract prices have risen to up to $14/kg (FCL).

While Tesla has said that it does not expect any shortage for the Gigafactory, it also revealed that the battery megafactory will be producing complete cells, from scratch, ahead of schedule in Q4 2016.

“We need to make sure we have the [lithium] extraction and processing capacity [ready] but it’s not that much different to lining up other supply chain components for the car it just has long lead time,” Straubel explained.

However, with limited new lithium supply set to hit the market within the next 18 months, the shortage of both carbonate and hydroxide is set to continue particularly as China’s electric bus production and electric car output surges.

This timing will also coincide with Tesla’s Gigafactory expansions in 2017 and 2018.

It is, however, important to note that new short term lithium supply will be coming from hard rock lithium sources in Australia destined for China.

As stressed by Tesla, lithium is an immature market that is not exchange traded. Last year, only 15,000 tonnes of lithium hydroxide was used in batteries.

Tesla alone will need at least a third of this quantity in 2017, its first year of Gigafactory operation.

While FMC Lithium were the latest to announce plans to triple its lithium hydroxide production by 2019 to 30,000 tonnes, the question remains whether there will be enough feedstock product available to supply this.

Graphite overlooked

When downplaying the lithium supply issue, Tesla explained that the most important cost factors to a lithium ion battery included the cost of nickel and the graphite anode.

“The main determinants on the cost of the cell are the price of the nickel in the form that we need it… and the cost of the synthetic graphite with silicon oxide coating,” explained Musk.

Graphite has not experienced the price spikes that lithium is going through primarily because the price is driven by the materials’ consumption in steel, a globally depressed market.

As a result, graphite’s supply situation has fallen under the radar.

At present, Tesla uses Panasonic manufactured cells which use both synthetic graphite and natural spherical graphite for anode material, all of which is sourced from China.

For the Gigafactory, however, Tesla has had to source all raw materials itself and, in a bid to drive costs down and improve battery performance, Benchmark understands that Tesla favours the natural spherical product due to its lower cost profile and lower carbon footprint for manufacturing.

Today, 100% of natural spherical graphite is produced in China, and last year alone production expanded by nearly 50%. Increasing demand has seen prices of uncoated spherical graphite increase by 10% in the last two months.

While the country is increasing its spherical graphite capacity, there is a fear that there will not be enough quality product available for internal Chinese needs together with other emerging customers such as Tesla.

In many ways, however, Elon Musk was correct. Graphite’s importance to the cost of a lithium ion battery cannot be underestimated.

While the average cost of an anode is 30% of a battery, graphite is 50% of the anode cost equating to 15% of the cost of a cell.

Meanwhile, the average cost of the cathode is 40% with lithium being 50% of the cathode cost, equating to 20% of the cost of a cell (before the Q1 2016 price spike).

If you consider that there is more graphite in a lithium ion battery than lithium, the cost of graphite to a battery could be as, if not more, significant than lithium. It just has not been considered because the price of flake graphite feedstock is low and there is a synthetic substitute.

But considering the preference towards natural spherical graphite, and the fact that demand is outpacing new supply, it is a subject that could soon rise to the surface, and in many ways, that is thanks to Tesla putting it on the radar.
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