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BAM november 2018 Strong Buy

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HenkdeV schreef op 7 november 2018 08:08:


Omdat die altijd ten onrechte zijn:-)))))).
:-) De eerste van vandaag heeft hij al weer te pakken op 00:49.

13 contractors win places on £8.7bn Highways England framework

7 November, 2018 By Katherine Smale, Rob Horgan

Eighteen contractors have won places on Highways England’s £8.7bn Regional Delivery Partnership framework.

Bam Nuttall, Skanska and Galliford Try have all been named on two of the eight lots. Other winnning contractors include Balfour Beatty, Taylor Woodrow, Kier, Volker Fitzpatrick, Amey and Costain (for the full breakdown, see below).

The new framework will be a cornerstone of Highways England’s relationship with the supply chain for the second UK Road Investment Strategy (RIS2) until 2024.

Highways England said the new contract model had been developed as part of the wider Routes to Market programme and will replace the £2.7bn collaborative delivery framework (CDF), which reaches its headline value in this year.

The new framework will see the newly appointed regional delivery integration partners delivering schemes such as conventional road widening and junction improvements.

The framework is divided into eight lots, each with its own budget and geographical area. The contracts will be under the NEC4 standard terms and run from 2018 until 2024.

The work packages in lots 1 to 3 are for contracts below £100M and those in lots 4 to 8 are for projects exceeding £100M.

There were restrictions placed on the number of contracts which companies could bid for, with candidates applying for projects in lots 1 to 3 not permitted to bid for contracts in lots 4 to 8.

Highways England Chief Executive Jim O’Sullivan said: “Routes to Market represents a fundamental change in the way we deliver road projects. It will be performance rather than price based, focusing on building the right projects with the best outcomes for road users and the communities we serve.

“It demands a major step up in our supply chain to embrace innovation and team work and in their ability to deliver value.”

Under the terms of the contracts, successful bidders will be guaranteed an initial package of work under each lot with subsequent contracts allocated either on a direct award basis or under mini competition which may include suppliers on any other lot.

Across all work packages, successful bidders will be expected to carry out a range of different activities ranging from preliminary design to giving specialist advice on whole life costing and future maintenance or inspection requirements and provisions, and enabling works to digital platform transformations.

In October, Kier, Costain, Bam Nuttall, Balfour Beatty, Skanska, Galiford Try and Vinci won places on Highways England’s £6bn Delivery Integration Partner framework.
Regional Delivery framework partners

Lot 1 – South West & Midlands - £200M – two partners: Geoffrey Osborne Ltd; and Griffiths / Farrans Joint Venture (Alun Griffiths (Construction) Ltd and Northstone (NI) Limited trading as Farrans Construction)

Lot 2 – South East & East - £350M - two partners: John Graham Construction Ltd; and Volker Fitzpatrick Ltd

Lot 3 – North West, North East, Yorkshire & Humber - £200M - two partners: Amey Sir Robert McAlpine Joint Venture (Amey OW Ltd and Sir Robert McAlpine Ltd); and North Midland Construction Plc

Lot 4 – South West - £800M - two partners: Galliford Try Infrastructure Ltd; and Taylor Woodrow

Lot 5 – Midlands - £1,250M - two partners: Bam Nuttall Ltd; and Skanska Construction UK Ltd

Lot 6 – South East - £1,100M - two partners: Bam Nuttall Ltd; and Balfour Beatty Civil Engineering Ltd

Lot 7 – East - £2,800M - three partners: Costain Ltd; Galliford Try Infrastructure Ltd; and Skanska Construction UK Ltd

Lot 8 – North West, North East, Yorkshire & Humber - £2,000M - three partners: Balfour Beatty Civil Engineering Ltd; Costain Ltd; and Kier Highways Ltd

OnoMatopee schreef op 7 november 2018 08:55:

13 contractors win places on £8.7bn Highways England framework

7 November, 2018 By Katherine Smale, Rob Horgan

Eighteen contractors have won places on Highways England’s £8.7bn Regional Delivery Partnership framework.

Bam Nuttall, Skanska and Galliford Try have all been named on two of the eight lots. Other winnning contractors include Balfour Beatty, Taylor Woodrow, Kier, Volker Fitzpatrick, Amey and Costain (for the full breakdown, see below).

The new framework will be a cornerstone of Highways England’s relationship with the supply chain for the second UK Road Investment Strategy (RIS2) until 2024.

Highways England said the new contract model had been developed as part of the wider Routes to Market programme and will replace the £2.7bn collaborative delivery framework (CDF), which reaches its headline value in this year.

The new framework will see the newly appointed regional delivery integration partners delivering schemes such as conventional road widening and junction improvements.

The framework is divided into eight lots, each with its own budget and geographical area. The contracts will be under the NEC4 standard terms and run from 2018 until 2024.

The work packages in lots 1 to 3 are for contracts below £100M and those in lots 4 to 8 are for projects exceeding £100M.

There were restrictions placed on the number of contracts which companies could bid for, with candidates applying for projects in lots 1 to 3 not permitted to bid for contracts in lots 4 to 8.

Highways England Chief Executive Jim O’Sullivan said: “Routes to Market represents a fundamental change in the way we deliver road projects. It will be performance rather than price based, focusing on building the right projects with the best outcomes for road users and the communities we serve.

“It demands a major step up in our supply chain to embrace innovation and team work and in their ability to deliver value.”

Under the terms of the contracts, successful bidders will be guaranteed an initial package of work under each lot with subsequent contracts allocated either on a direct award basis or under mini competition which may include suppliers on any other lot.

Across all work packages, successful bidders will be expected to carry out a range of different activities ranging from preliminary design to giving specialist advice on whole life costing and future maintenance or inspection requirements and provisions, and enabling works to digital platform transformations.

In October, Kier, Costain, Bam Nuttall, Balfour Beatty, Skanska, Galiford Try and Vinci won places on Highways England’s £6bn Delivery Integration Partner framework.
Regional Delivery framework partners

Lot 1 – South West & Midlands - £200M – two partners: Geoffrey Osborne Ltd; and Griffiths / Farrans Joint Venture (Alun Griffiths (Construction) Ltd and Northstone (NI) Limited trading as Farrans Construction)

Lot 2 – South East & East - £350M - two partners: John Graham Construction Ltd; and Volker Fitzpatrick Ltd

Lot 3 – North West, North East, Yorkshire & Humber - £200M - two partners: Amey Sir Robert McAlpine Joint Venture (Amey OW Ltd and Sir Robert McAlpine Ltd); and North Midland Construction Plc

Lot 4 – South West - £800M - two partners: Galliford Try Infrastructure Ltd; and Taylor Woodrow

Lot 5 – Midlands - £1,250M - two partners: Bam Nuttall Ltd; and Skanska Construction UK Ltd

Lot 6 – South East - £1,100M - two partners: Bam Nuttall Ltd; and Balfour Beatty Civil Engineering Ltd

Lot 7 – East - £2,800M - three partners: Costain Ltd; Galliford Try Infrastructure Ltd; and Skanska Construction UK Ltd

Lot 8 – North West, North East, Yorkshire & Humber - £2,000M - three partners: Balfour Beatty Civil Engineering Ltd; Costain Ltd; and Kier Highways Ltd

nou als dit geen koers jump oplevert weet ik het ook niet meer

OnoMatopee schreef op 7 november 2018 08:55:

13 contractors win places on £8.7bn Highways England framework

7 November, 2018 By Katherine Smale, Rob Horgan

Eighteen contractors have won places on Highways England’s £8.7bn Regional Delivery Partnership framework.

Bam Nuttall, Skanska and Galliford Try have all been named on two of the eight lots. Other winnning contractors include Balfour Beatty, Taylor Woodrow, Kier, Volker Fitzpatrick, Amey and Costain (for the full breakdown, see below).

The new framework will be a cornerstone of Highways England’s relationship with the supply chain for the second UK Road Investment Strategy (RIS2) until 2024.

Highways England said the new contract model had been developed as part of the wider Routes to Market programme and will replace the £2.7bn collaborative delivery framework (CDF), which reaches its headline value in this year.

The new framework will see the newly appointed regional delivery integration partners delivering schemes such as conventional road widening and junction improvements.

The framework is divided into eight lots, each with its own budget and geographical area. The contracts will be under the NEC4 standard terms and run from 2018 until 2024.

The work packages in lots 1 to 3 are for contracts below £100M and those in lots 4 to 8 are for projects exceeding £100M.

There were restrictions placed on the number of contracts which companies could bid for, with candidates applying for projects in lots 1 to 3 not permitted to bid for contracts in lots 4 to 8.

Highways England Chief Executive Jim O’Sullivan said: “Routes to Market represents a fundamental change in the way we deliver road projects. It will be performance rather than price based, focusing on building the right projects with the best outcomes for road users and the communities we serve.

“It demands a major step up in our supply chain to embrace innovation and team work and in their ability to deliver value.”

Under the terms of the contracts, successful bidders will be guaranteed an initial package of work under each lot with subsequent contracts allocated either on a direct award basis or under mini competition which may include suppliers on any other lot.

Across all work packages, successful bidders will be expected to carry out a range of different activities ranging from preliminary design to giving specialist advice on whole life costing and future maintenance or inspection requirements and provisions, and enabling works to digital platform transformations.

In October, Kier, Costain, Bam Nuttall, Balfour Beatty, Skanska, Galiford Try and Vinci won places on Highways England’s £6bn Delivery Integration Partner framework.
Regional Delivery framework partners

Lot 1 – South West & Midlands - £200M – two partners: Geoffrey Osborne Ltd; and Griffiths / Farrans Joint Venture (Alun Griffiths (Construction) Ltd and Northstone (NI) Limited trading as Farrans Construction)

Lot 2 – South East & East - £350M - two partners: John Graham Construction Ltd; and Volker Fitzpatrick Ltd

Lot 3 – North West, North East, Yorkshire & Humber - £200M - two partners: Amey Sir Robert McAlpine Joint Venture (Amey OW Ltd and Sir Robert McAlpine Ltd); and North Midland Construction Plc

Lot 4 – South West - £800M - two partners: Galliford Try Infrastructure Ltd; and Taylor Woodrow

Lot 5 – Midlands - £1,250M - two partners: Bam Nuttall Ltd; and Skanska Construction UK Ltd

Lot 6 – South East - £1,100M - two partners: Bam Nuttall Ltd; and Balfour Beatty Civil Engineering Ltd

Lot 7 – East - £2,800M - three partners: Costain Ltd; Galliford Try Infrastructure Ltd; and Skanska Construction UK Ltd

Lot 8 – North West, North East, Yorkshire & Humber - £2,000M - three partners: Balfour Beatty Civil Engineering Ltd; Costain Ltd; and Kier Highways Ltd

ABje ouwe reus.

Nu maar hopen dat BAM met een persbericht komt!


BAM consolideert binnen de neerwaartse trend. BAM vormt nog wel lagere toppen en bodems, echter zonder veel overtuiging. De recente adempauze geeft aan dat de verkoopdruk wat afneemt.

BAM heeft de eerste weerstand inmiddels getest. Deze wordt gevormd door de oude bodem van september. Deze oude steun keert nu terug als nieuwe weerstand rond €3,21.

Pas bij een doorbraak boven deze weerstand komt er ruimte voor nieuwe koersstijgingen. Na een uitbraak wordt €3,88 het volgende opwaartse koersdoel.


boldie schreef op 7 november 2018 09:05:

pffdff nou had toch andere volume in gedachte met zo'n opdracht
Omzet is nog geen winst, hoe belangrijk ook.
Hopelijk komt deze keer de uitbraak met en na de cijfers en niet zoals andere keren ervoor, zoals deze nu achterwege blijft ;-)

boldie schreef op 7 november 2018 09:05:

pffdff nou had toch andere volume in gedachte met zo'n opdracht
de toekenningen zijn gedaan, nu de contracten nog. We wachten hier al 4 weken op. Nu zijn de bedragen een beetje bekend. Het is een programma voor de komende 6 jaar. Dus..

OnoMatopee schreef op 7 november 2018 09:10:

[...]de toekenningen zijn gedaan, nu de contracten nog. We wachten hier al 4 weken op. Nu zijn de bedragen een beetje bekend. Het is een programma voor de komende 6 jaar. Dus..
had toch wel koersreactie verwacht. andere bouwer ging voor mindere opdracht ruim 5% omhoog na berichtgeving. maar bij bam weer eens anders.

boldie schreef op 7 november 2018 09:16:

[...]had toch wel koersreactie verwacht. andere bouwer ging voor mindere opdracht ruim 5% omhoog na berichtgeving. maar bij bam weer eens anders.
Is de dag al om?

boldie schreef op 7 november 2018 09:16:

[...]had toch wel koersreactie verwacht. andere bouwer ging voor mindere opdracht ruim 5% omhoog na berichtgeving. maar bij bam weer eens anders.
het staat toch niet in de NL-pers, daar komt het mogelijk pas in als de contracten voor het Bonanzaproject zijn getekend. Doe er je voordeel mee ;)
Gaat na Posts €dje/Ono eindelijk kwartje vallen?
Angelsaksische korte broeken kunnen dit bericht in ieder geval ook goed lezen ;-))
Ben bang dat men veel te hoge verwachtingen heeft voor de cijfers van donderdag.
Het gaat tenslotte om de winst die gemaakt wordt, en niet om de omzetcijfers.
Verder ligt het aandeel veel te goed in de markt om te kunnen manipuleren, hetgeen de laatste jaren veelvuldig gebeurt is.
Een aandeel gaat veel sneller omlaag dan omhoog.

boldie schreef op 7 november 2018 09:05:

pffdff nou had toch andere volume in gedachte met zo'n opdracht
Boldie, gaat het aandeel vandaag dan toch die 3,30 van jou aantikken?

snaike schreef op 7 november 2018 09:20:

Ben bang dat men veel te hoge verwachtingen heeft voor de cijfers van donderdag.
Het gaat tenslotte om de winst die gemaakt wordt, en niet om de omzetcijfers.
Verder ligt het aandeel veel te goed in de markt om te kunnen manipuleren, hetgeen de laatste jaren veelvuldig gebeurt is.
Een aandeel gaat veel sneller omlaag dan omhoog.
De zin 'Verder ligt het aandeel veel te goed in de markt om te kunnen manipuleren, hetgeen de laatste jaren veelvuldig gebeurt is' verrast me een beetje. Heb je naar de grafiek van dit jaar gekeken?
Het Britse pond is de afgelopen weken gestaag opgelopen, vooruitlopend op een akkoord EU/UK. Is m.i. zeer positief, winst in EUR.

ischav2 schreef op 7 november 2018 09:24:

Het Britse pond is de afgelopen weken gestaag opgelopen, vooruitlopend op een akkoord EU/UK. Is m.i. zeer positief, winst in EUR.
Alles wat er sinds 1-10-2018 is gebeurd, is in de Q4-cijfers terug te zien. Maar het helpt zeker voor de outlook.
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Koers 3,804
Verschil -0,008 (-0,21%)
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Volume 738.222
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Volume gisteren 723.164

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