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KPN oktober 2016

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[Modbreak IEX: Gelieve op uw taalgebruik te letten, bericht is bij dezen aangepast.]
Geduld is een schone zaak, je kan niet iedere dag het geluk hebben dat de toko word overgenomen.

iedereen succes

Adek 2001 schreef op 6 oktober 2016 12:00:
Ja Adek, had ik ook al gezien.

Maar als je op "klik hier om deze posities wel te zien" druk dan zie je 2.14% Is inclusief de laatst bekende positie van partijen die onder de meldingsgrens zijn gekomen.

Dus welk percentage is vlgs jou dan juist?

waarvoor jegeld schreef op 6 oktober 2016 12:09:

Het blijft gewoon een kut fonds Word er zo moedeloos van
Dit soort bewoordingen kwam je ook heel vaak op het DL draadje tegen. Tot gisterenochtend.... :-)

waarvoor jegeld schreef op 6 oktober 2016 12:09:

Het blijft gewoon een kut fonds Word er zo moedeloos van
Wat geld hebben lijkt leuk, maar valt soms vies tegen.
Ik heb wat aandeeltjes en wat lt call, is voor de rest niet spannend. Ga ervan uit dat dit zo'n beetje aan de onderkant zit en dat er wek wat winst zal ontstaan op mijn positie. Schrijf bij verder daling nog wat puts. Krijg ik weer wat binnen. Risico overzichtelijk.

easy56 schreef op 6 oktober 2016 12:42:

sprinters kpn gekocht.
Vanmorgen ook nog wat KPN turbo's en boosters bijgekocht.

Jager63 schreef op 6 oktober 2016 12:52:

Vanmorgen ook nog wat KPN turbo's en boosters bijgekocht.
Tickets for a race to the bottum?
For today: PP=2.922
Resistance: R1=2.937
Support: S1=2.908; S2=2.894; S3=2.879; S4=2.85

The stock is testing the st-support zone ~2.90-2.88 (daily closing, see yesterday post).

The nearest st-support zone is quite wide: ~2.85-2.82 (daily closing), which is reinforced by the S4.

The (strategic) lt-support zone: ~2.80-2.70

The 'strong' st-support is around ~2.75 (see yesterday & old posts for details).

Many telcos are down, for instance, 'mobistar' -2.5% (and -5% yesterday); 'dte' -2% ; 'orange' -1.5%; 'tef' -1.3%

The eu-telcos were hit by Oct 5 'City report/speculations' (looks like 'manipulations', as actually nothing new was delivered there) on just "growing risks" in telco-sector.

FRANKFURT, Oct 5 (Reuters) - Caught between regulators and competitive threats by Internet players, telecom operators globally face harsh choices that could upset their favored status with investors as defensive, dividend-rich stocks, Citi said on Wednesday.
Citi research analysts say in a 146-page report that mobile and fixed line operators must choose between investing to become digital players to fend off Internet foes or streamlining their businesses and acting as "dumb pipes" for digital players.
The global, comparative survey finds dozens of promising examples of telecom network operators testing the waters to become digital players in their own right, but no successful examples of complete digital makeovers.
A major factor in telecoms' resistance to change is that most investors prize them for their stability and consistent dividends, while assigning little value and mostly big risks to the deal-making and restructuring needed for digital makeovers.
"A majority of investors are still sceptical that such transformation with a fundamental industry impact would even happen," Citi analysts write. "That said, a growing number of investors are already starting to see digitally-driven structural changes as a possibility".
Among many issues raised, operators may be required to make investments on an "unprecedented scale" in next-generation 5G wireless networks due around 2020, the authors warn.
The benefits of embracing new digital strategies beyond providing basic network access is that these tend to come with lower burdens from local or national regulators.
Concrete moves in this direction include Verizon's push to buy web properties like Yahoo, NTT DoCoMo and SingTel investments in media, advertising and big data, Safaricom's move into financial services
and BT ownership of football broadcast rights.
Still, Citi notes, the idea of telecoms expanding into adjacent industries is nothing new: "A similar idea about telecoms expanding into Internet, advertising, e-commerce etc. was in fact one of the drivers which fuelled the 1990s stock market bubble in the sector."
The report is called "Re-Birth of Telecoms into a New Digital Industry" and is available at
Two years ago, a similarly hefty Citi report entitled "Re-Birth Of Telecom Monopoly" anticipated the rebound of incumbent telecom operators as powerful national players, reversing years of deregulation and fforts to foster telecom competitors.

(Reporting by Eric Auchard; Editing by Ruth Pitchford)
((; +49 69 7565 1235; Reuters



effegenoeg schreef op 6 oktober 2016 12:58:


Tickets for a race to the bottum?
Begint er nu wel op te lijken.

ingelogd schreef op 6 oktober 2016 13:20:

Is er iemand die weet waarom -2,5%?
Ik niet. Maar het is beter dat het 1 keer flink daalt i.p.v. martel gedoe elke dag.

SNSN schreef op 6 oktober 2016 13:04:

For today: PP=2.922
Resistance: R1=2.937
Support: S1=2.908; S2=2.894; S3=2.879; S4=2.85

The stock is testing the st-support zone ~2.90-2.88 (daily closing, see yesterday post).

The nearest st-support zone is quite wide: ~2.85-2.82 (daily closing), which is reinforced by the S4.

The (strategic) lt-support zone: ~2.80-2.70

The 'strong' st-support is around ~2.75 (see yesterday & old posts for details).

Many telcos are down, for instance, 'mobistar' -2.5% (and -5% yesterday); 'dte' -2% ; 'orange' -1.5%; 'tef' -1.3%

The eu-telcos were hit by Oct 5 'City report/speculations' (looks like 'manipulations', as actually nothing new was delivered there) on just "growing risks" in telco-sector.

FRANKFURT, Oct 5 (Reuters) - Caught between regulators and competitive threats by Internet players, telecom operators globally face harsh choices that could upset their favored status with investors as defensive, dividend-rich stocks, Citi said on Wednesday.
Citi research analysts say in a 146-page report that mobile and fixed line operators must choose between investing to become digital players to fend off Internet foes or streamlining their businesses and acting as "dumb pipes" for digital players.
The global, comparative survey finds dozens of promising examples of telecom network operators testing the waters to become digital players in their own right, but no successful examples of complete digital makeovers.
A major factor in telecoms' resistance to change is that most investors prize them for their stability and consistent dividends, while assigning little value and mostly big risks to the deal-making and restructuring needed for digital makeovers.
"A majority of investors are still sceptical that such transformation with a fundamental industry impact would even happen," Citi analysts write. "That said, a growing number of investors are already starting to see digitally-driven structural changes as a possibility".
Among many issues raised, operators may be required to make investments on an "unprecedented scale" in next-generation 5G wireless networks due around 2020, the authors warn.
The benefits of embracing new digital strategies beyond providing basic network access is that these tend to come with lower burdens from local or national regulators.
Concrete moves in this direction include Verizon's push to buy web properties like Yahoo, NTT DoCoMo and SingTel investments in media, advertising and big data, Safaricom's move into financial services
and BT ownership of football broadcast rights.
Still, Citi notes, the idea of telecoms expanding into adjacent industries is nothing new: "A similar idea about telecoms expanding into Internet, advertising, e-commerce etc. was in fact one of the drivers which fuelled the 1990s stock market bubble in the sector."
The report is called "Re-Birth of Telecoms into a New Digital Industry" and is available at
Two years ago, a similarly hefty Citi report entitled "Re-Birth Of Telecom Monopoly" anticipated the rebound of incumbent telecom operators as powerful national players, reversing years of deregulation and fforts to foster telecom competitors.

(Reporting by Eric Auchard; Editing by Ruth Pitchford)
((; +49 69 7565 1235; Reuters


Dan lopen alle telco's toch dezelfde risico's, zou je kunnen zeggen? En is KPN al niet goed op weg om zijn diensten uit te breiden naar de "periferie"?
[quote alias=SNSN id=9623340 date=201610061304]

The stock is testing the st-support zone ~2.90-2.88 (daily closing, see yesterday post).

The nearest st-support zone is quite wide: ~2.85-2.82 (daily closing), which is reinforced by the S4.

The (strategic) lt-support zone: ~2.80-2.70

The 'strong' st-support is around ~2.75 (see yesterday & old posts for details).

Tja, kan alle kanten op; 2,90 / 2,80 / 2,70 / 2,60 / 2,50 / 2,40 maar natuurlijk ook richting 3,30 / 4,00

Beleggen is zooooo eenvoudig haha.

G. Roet schreef op 6 oktober 2016 13:54:

[quote alias=SNSN id=9623340 date=201610061304]

The stock is testing the st-support zone ~2.90-2.88 (daily closing, see yesterday post).

The nearest st-support zone is quite wide: ~2.85-2.82 (daily closing), which is reinforced by the S4.

The (strategic) lt-support zone: ~2.80-2.70

The 'strong' st-support is around ~2.75 (see yesterday & old posts for details).
Je vergeet de 'super-strong' st-support around ~0.00.
Adek 2001

RAUL schreef op 6 oktober 2016 12:33:


Ja Adek, had ik ook al gezien.

Maar als je op "klik hier om deze posities wel te zien" druk dan zie je 2.14% Is inclusief de laatst bekende positie van partijen die onder de meldingsgrens zijn gekomen.

Dus welk percentage is vlgs jou dan juist?
geen idee hebben dezelfde info....

Klaver020 schreef op 6 oktober 2016 13:52:


Dan lopen alle telco's toch dezelfde risico's, zou je kunnen zeggen? En is KPN al niet goed op weg om zijn diensten uit te breiden naar de "periferie"?
First of all, that "City report" is just a "price manipulation" tool, nothing more (indeed, nothing either new, or important was presented there, just well know stuff).

Second, diff telcos were hit (a bit) differently - see post above - actually 'mobistar' was one of the most hit: -2.5% today & -5% yesterday (and that is not just because of their 'objectively' different risk diversifications & exposures, but also by the 'strategies' & 'structures' of "investors/traders").

As for 'kpn', it has good positioning in the market and good outperformance prospects based on objectively improved financials (see old posts) --> actually 'kpn' has (objective financial) potentials to outperform even if (slightly) losing clients (see old posts).... However, 'kpn' has still too many & too (very) active "st-investors" (switching fast long/short), volatility traders and quite enough just 'd/st-shorters'....(read old posts on "investors" structures).
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