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Arcelor Mittal - september 2017

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gerrit 69
Op bijgaande daggrafiek heeft AM steun op € 21,00 en weerstand rond de € 23,20
Eenmaal boven de € 23,20 komt de top rond de € 26,40 weer in beeld.

Gaston Lagaffe schreef op 29 september 2017 09:24:

[...]Heeft AM - USA / AM - Brazilie / AM - Mexico geen beschikbare capaciteit die men in kan zetten ? Ik dacht dat men nog lang niet alle beschikbare capaciteit richting "producten met hogere toegevoegde waarde" gestuurd had of zit hier technisch een probleem ?

Arcelormittal had een hoogoven idle staan in mexico, als ik me niet vergis is deze vorig jaar weer opgestookt. Dus niet echt veel overcapaciteit bij AM. Ook het huidige CSA kan niet zomaar 2,5 milj ton tevoorschijn toveren
Ik denk dat Vale, begin dit jaar uitgekocht door Thyssenkrupp, nu samen met Ternium in Mexico aan de slag gaat. Lijkt voor de hand liggend. Dus het project waar TKB over schreef vanochtend.

Kom op beste kopers, zet die koers hoger a.u.b! (ik doe al mijn best met de nieuwsberichten) :-)

ArcelorMittal 21,72 0,21 0,98 % 15:23:02
Nogmaals, hier ook maar geplaatst.

Ternium further develops its industrial system with plans to build new facilities in Mexico and Colombia

? New hot rolling mill at Ternium’s Pesquería industrial center in Mexico to be operational by the second half of 2020 ? New steel bar production facility in Colombia to be completed by the second half of 2019

Luxembourg, September 28, 2017 – Ternium S.A. (NYSE: TX) today announced two new investment programs that will further develop its industrial system to better serve its customers. The company plans to install a new hot rolling mill at its Pesquería industrial center in Mexico, and to build a new steel reinforcing bar manufacturing facility in northern Colombia.

The new state-of-the-art hot rolling mill in Mexico will target the growing industrial and commercial markets, improving customer service and reducing lead-times. The investment will constitute a significant technological upgrade to the country’s steel production capacity, enabling the expansion of Ternium’s product range to encompass a broader dimensional offering and the most advanced steel grades, with the aim at replacing high-value-added steel imports.

Ternium’s new hot rolling mill will have an annual production capacity of 3.7 million metric tons. With a total investment of USD1.1 billion, the new line would be operational by the second half of 2020. The current plan includes the option to increase in the future the line’s production capacity by an additional 1.1 million metric tons with a small additional investment.

“A new high-end hot rolling mill in Mexico is a logical next step after the addition of our new facility in Brazil, formerly known as CSA, to Ternium’s industrial system,” said Daniel Novegil, CEO of Ternium. “This new equipment, once operational, will integrate upstream with Ternium’s high-end steelmaking capacity in Brazil and downstream with the company’s state-of-the-art Pesquería facility. This will allow us to produce in Mexico technologically advanced products for the demanding and innovative automotive industry, as well as for a wide range of other industries like the home appliance, machinery, energy and construction sectors.”

Mr. Novegil continued: “We are also proud to announce a new steel bar production facility in northern Colombia to integrate upstream our operations in the country. The Colombian steel market has been gaining relevance in the region in the last years, with significant growth in steel consumption. This investment will enable us to expand our market share in the dynamic construction sector by offering an alternative to imports. The new facility will enlarge Ternium’s footprint in the country and at the same time contribute to Colombia’s industrial development.”


With annual production capacity of 520,000 metric tons and total investment of approximately USD90 million, the new steel bar and coil mill will expand Ternium’s reinforcing bar production capacity in Colombia to 720,000 metric tons. The new mill would be completed by the second half of 2019.

Forward Looking Statements

Some of the statements contained in this press release are “forward-looking statements”. Forward-looking statements are based on management’s current views and assumptions and involve known and unknown risks that could cause actual results, performance or events to differ materially from those expressed or implied by those statements. These risks include but are not limited to risks arising from uncertainties as to gross domestic product, related market demand, global production capacity, tariffs, cyclicality in the industries that purchase steel products and other factors beyond Ternium’s control.

About Ternium

Ternium is Latin America’s leading flat steel producer, with operating facilities in Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, the southern United States and Central America. The company offers a broad range of high value-added steel products for customers active in the automotive, home appliances, construction, capital goods, container, food and energy industries through its manufacturing and service center network and advanced customer integration systems. More information about Ternium is available at
Westpac says the worst of the iron ore rout is probably over

Iron ore has been in the wars recently, falling more than 20% in recent weeks, leaving it in a technical bear market. It’s merely the continuation of the wild price movements over the past 12 months. After such a pronounced decline, it’s has many, especially traders, wondering what will happen next. Is it the start of an even larger decline, or the start of yet another rebound? To Westpac’s economics and strategy team, the near-term risks appear to be slanted to the downside.

Westpac said that “We have been arguing that markets were too downbeat on iron ore for some time and that a rise to the late USD 70s or even early USD 80s was likely. Thus the recent high at $80 was fully justified in our view. However, our concern now is that iron ore markets are more likely to soften as the National People’s Conference and seasonal plant closures came into view.”

it said that “Another factor adding to this view has been that rebar inventory levels have started to rise as they did last year. This was arguably one factor that weighed on iron ore and steel prices in Q3 last year and may again do so this year.”

However, while seasonality and higher steel inventories may weigh on iron prices in the near-term, Westpac says that if further downside does eventuate, it will likely be mild in nature given a slowdown in global iron ore seaborne exports.

It said that a key point to keep in mind is that the pace of increase of seaborne iron ore exports remains muted at best.

Source : Business Insider
ik weet niet hoe het met de meesten van jullie is maar ik geloof de koersschommelingen op dit niveau wel. Als lt belegger weinig interessant en voordat we de 24 euro zijn gepasseerd waarop ik het weer een beetje leuk begint te vinden, zijn we nog wel even bezig , toch ? Al het nieuws lijkt nauwelijks invloed te hebben en maakt het een aardig dooie boel.

voda schreef op 29 september 2017 15:25:

Kom op beste kopers, zet die koers hoger a.u.b! (ik doe al mijn best met de nieuwsberichten) :-)

ArcelorMittal 21,72 0,21 0,98 % 15:23:02

Dank u!

ArcelorMittal 21,775 0,265 1,23 % 15:46:08

voda schreef op 29 september 2017 16:07:

Is er nog iemand aanwezig? :-)
Ja, ik ben er nog maar zoals velen verlaat ik ook dit geweldige draadje.
Prettig weekend.
Nah, ik trek dan ook maar een halve liter daklozen bier open! :-)
Zoveel poen heb ik nu ook weer niet. LOL.
Willen jullie de laatste minuten niet meemaken?
Of gaat het volgens jullie toch niet meer even naar beneden om weer in te stappen?
Zo in de eindfase.

Maripi schreef op 29 september 2017 16:57:

Willen jullie de laatste minuten niet meemaken?
Of gaat het volgens jullie toch niet meer even naar beneden om weer in te stappen?
Zo in de eindfase.
Ik blijf hier zo wie zo. Als is het maar om de winnaar van de koerswedstrijd bekend te maken. Later meer info.
Ik heb de champagne al open staan. Tenslotte gebeurt niet vaak dat je in een spel winnaar ben:-).

raarmaarwaar schreef op 29 september 2017 17:15:

Ik heb de champagne al open staan. Tenslotte gebeurt niet vaak dat je in een spel winnaar ben:-).
Ja, die 10 punten zijn binnen! Alvast van harte gefeliciteerd!
Het negatieve dipje van het Amerikaanse Consumenten vertrouwen is weer weggewerkt.

ArcelorMittal 21,785 0,275 1,28 % 17:19:07
tempus fugit
..Bij Citigroup blijven ze blijkbaar volharden: de aan(deel)houder wint...
best spannend om met dit recentste advies de (statistisch) volatiele oktobermaand te beginnen...

( - Op 28 september 2017 hebben de analisten van Citigroup hun beleggingsadvies voor ArcelorMittal (MT; ISIN: LU1598757687) herhaald. Het advies van Citigroup voor ArcelorMittal blijft "kopen".

De analisten behouden hun koersdoel van 30,00 EUR.
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