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Sustainable Solution Prevents Corrosion of Quay Walls

Without protection, a submerged steel surface will gradually corrode. That is why steel quay walls are generally fitted with sacrificial anodes, which draw rust away from the steel itself. There is an alternative protection method, however: using anodes that are charged with ‘impressed current’. At the HES Hartel Tank Terminal in the port of Rotterdam, no fewer than 2 km of steel quay wall are currently being protected via this method, which is more sustainable and ‘smarter’ than conventional anodes. To this day, hulls and quays are protected by fitting them with these galvanic or ‘sacrificial’ anodes. Nevertheless, the method does have its drawbacks. ‘The anodes need to be replaced once every 25 years or so. It means divers have to work weeks on end to replace all the spent anodes. This is an expensive operation and has a major impact on shipping near the quay.

The good news is that there’s an alternative method that doesn’t have this disadvantage. In this approach, the anodes are connected to a power source that puts them under a constant low voltage charge called impressed current and does not dissolve them. Metal corrodes at the molecular level: the iron reacts with the oxygen in the water and releases ions. The molecular structure of the iron changes due this natural process: its surface ‘rusts’. You can block this process by feeding the metal with ions via a current that flows through the anode. This makes the metal inert, it is no longer activated by oxygen, which in turn halts corrosion. Impressed current has been around for a few decades, but up till now it hadn’t seen too many large-scale applications in the port of Rotterdam. How this works out in practice can be seen along the quay of the HES Hartel Tank Terminal at Maasvlakte.

The quay wall of the terminal has a total length of 2 km: 1 km of deep sae quay and 1 km of quay for inland vessels . The quay has been fitted with 370 anodes. The shortest anodes along the inland shipping quay measure 5 m; the longest anodes, in the deepest section of the deep sea quay, are up to 18 m long. The anodes are charged from 52 wells with rectifier units.

worldsteel Short Range Outlook October 2020

The World Steel Association has released an update to its Short Range Outlook for 2020 and 2021. This SRO is showing a much more optimistic outlook than the previous SRO finalised in June. While still showing a decline in demand for 2020, it is a much smaller decline than previously expected. In 2020 worldsteel forecasts that steel demand will contract by minus 2.4%, dropping to 1,725.1 million tonne due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2021 steel demand is expected to recover to 1,795.1 million tonne, an increase of 4.1 % over 2020. A strong recovery in China will mitigate the reduction in global steel demand this year. The post lockdown recovery in steel demand in the rest of the world has been stronger than was earlier expected, but it still marks a deep contraction in 2020, both from developed and emerging economies, with only a partial recovery expected in 2021.

The forecast assumes that despite the current resurgence in infections in many parts of the world, nationwide lockdowns will not be repeated. Instead, selective and targeted measures will be able to contain this second wave.

Since the reopening of most economies in mid-May, pent-up demand initiated a strong rebound of economic activities, suggesting a V-shaped recovery. However, to date, this has not been enough to offset the drop during the lockdown. Many steel using sectors remain below their pre-COVID-19 level. A recovery from the pandemic remains fragile due to the second wave of infections, continued social distancing measures, elevated unemployment and weak confidence allied with increasing concern on the timing of a demand recovery.

On the positive side, health systems are in a much better shape to tackle the pandemic now due to the lessons learnt from the first wave. A careful balance between containing the virus and maintaining the viability of economies is being widely sought. Added to this in the northern hemisphere there is uncertainty over how COVID-19 will evolve during the upcoming flu season which may have a serious impact on the outlook for 2021. The risk is tilted toward the downside. A W-shaped recovery cannot be ruled out and a full recovery in 2021 is unlikely.

China's strong recovery since late February, which continues at a steady pace, suggests positive GDP growth in 2020 despite a -6.8% contraction in the first quarter. During January-August, investment in real estate was up 4.6% YoY, and infrastructure investment recovered to the level of last year. In August, the mechanical machinery and automotive sectors showed a YYoY growth of 10.9% and 7.6% respectively. As a result the mechanical machinery sector's output during January-August surpassed that of 2019 by 1.2%, while automotive production is still 9% below the 2019 level. With retail sales also catching up in August, the Chinese economy is rapidly approaching full normality. China’s steel demand is expected to increase by 8% in 2020, aided by government infrastructure stimulus and a strong property market. In 2021, steel demand is expected to stay flat as a result of the following two forces. First, the infrastructure and housing projects initiated in 2020 will continue to support steel demand in 2021. On the other hand if the economy shows a full recovery the government is likely to reverse its stimulus policy to cool down the construction sector. Given the outlook for a weak global economy in 2021, the manufacturing sector's rebound will be limited.

Advanced economies
Manufacturing in the developed economies, which was only just beginning to recover from the slowdown in late 2019, was pushed back again by the pandemic. Even with a strong bounce back after the economies reopened, which has closed the gap with pre-pandemic levels, double-digit contraction over the whole year still seems unavoidable. In the US, recovery from the lockdown has been strong, aided by substantial government support measures. The manufacturing downturn was shorter and less acute than expected. However, the US is still struggling to control the virus's spread, and the recovery momentum might taper off in the coming months. The outlook for 2021 is less optimistic, with a subdued outlook for construction and auto production. In Europe, the negative economic impact of COVID-19 was softened by strong social security schemes and fiscal stimulus. The post lockdown recovery in the EU is turning out to be stronger than expected, but the deep contraction of major steel using sectors, especially automotive, will contribute to a double-digit contraction in 2020 The contraction was particularly pronounced in Italy and Spain. In Japan and South Korea, despite relatively successful management of the virus with less severe containment measures, steel demand will see a substantial contraction in 2020 with limited recovery next year due to falling exports and weak confidence. Overall steel demand in the developed economies is expected to fall by minus 14.9% in 2020 and increase by 7.9% in 2021.

Developing economies excluding China
Generally the emerging economies have been less well equipped to absorb the pandemic shock, and the impact has been uneven, depending on the economic structure and the severity of the containment measures required. The impact has included rapidly falling domestic demand, the collapse of exports and commodity prices, and a free fall in tourism with no immediate recovery being seen. A double-digit fall in steel demand is expected in 2020 for the major emerging economies. India and Brazil have suffered most from a failure to effectively control the virus. India, where one of the most severe lockdowns in the world was implemented, is expected to see the deepest decline in steel demand in decades. However, a relatively fast recovery should take place in 2021, supported by rural consumption and government investment in infrastructure. In Latin America the impact has been high across the continent due to its structural problems and poor crisis management. The resulting interruption in reforms and deterioration of the region's social stability suggest a slow recovery in 2021. In ASEAN, while some countries fared well and needed less stringent lockdowns, Malaysia and the Philippines were severely affected. Vietnam will see positive growth in steel demand due to the successful containment of the virus. The MENA region was also severely hit by the dual shock of the pandemic and falling oil prices. In 2021, the recovery of steel demand in the developing economies is expected to be less than full but faster than the developed economies, driven by infrastructure investment. Steel demand in the emerging economies, excluding China, is expected to fall by minus12.3% in 2020 and recover by 10.6% in 2021.

Deel 2:

The construction sector remained more resilient to the COVID-19 shock as many governments focused on implementing public projects. Following the easing of lockdown this continued in the advanced economies, mostly driven by infrastructure investment, pent-up demand, low mortgage rates and easier access to credit. The construction sector in many emerging economies will see a double-digit contraction in 2020, notably Turkey, Mexico and Brazil, as they enter a deep recession and face financing issues. On the other hand, in China, the construction sector will rebound strongly, thanks to government stimulus measures. The recovery in 2021 will be slow. Looking forward, infrastructure is expected to drive construction growth in the coming years, especially in developing economies. Financing difficulties arising from worsened government balance sheets might lead to a revision of investment plans. The subdued oil outlook will also put energy sector investments in check, particularly in the US and MENA. Green recovery programmes could boost infrastructure investment in the developed economies. In the longer term, structural changes in the construction sector will take place, reflecting the shift in demand patterns for office and residential space and major changes in urban design and build regulations.

The automotive sector suffered dramatic consequences from the pandemic. In April, automotive production fell by 70-90% in many countries. While supply-side issues dissipated relatively quickly, post-lockdown recovery has been constrained by a slow return in demand. Global automotive production was down by minus 34% YoY in Q2 2020. However, In China, robust domestic demand has helped a faster recovery, but overall from January to August 2020 China's motor vehicle production is still 9% below the 2019 equivalent. In the rest of the world, the situation is much worse. In January-August, car production in Germany and the US was down by more than 30% YoY. For the same comparison period India’s passenger car production, which completely halted during the lockdown, is 46.1% below last year. At the same time the industry is going through substantial restructuring with realignment of supply chains for increased resilience, changes in urban mobility patterns along with the ongoing transition to EV.

The sector was severely hit by the disruptions of supply chains and decline in orders during the lockdown. China led the contraction of the machinery sector in Q1 2020, which was followed by the EU, the US, and Japan in Q2. Since May, the decline of machinery output decelerated, but the industry is still contracting in most countries. Low profits and confidence is causing delays or cancellation of investment projects and making recovery of the sector beyond the initial rebound sluggish. Exceptionally in China, the output level during January-August 2020 has exceeded that of 2019. The subdued prospect of investment recovery will constrain the recovery of the machinery sector in the mid-term.

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Liberty House van Sanjeev Gupta doet bod op staalactiviteiten Thyssenkrupp

Liberty House, het investeringsvehikel van de Brits-Indiase zakenman Sanjeev Gupta, heeft een bod gedaan op de verlieslatende staalactiviteiten van het Duitse Thyssenkrupp. Indien succesvol zou de overname de op deals beluste zakenman naar de top van de Europese industrie stuwen, schrijft de Britse zakenkrant Financial Times.

De groep met het hoofdkantoor in het Verenigd Koninkrijk bevestigde vrijdagochtend dat het een niet-bindend indicatief bod had gedaan op zijn rivaal, dat ook de interesse van andere partijen heeft. Hoewel Liberty niet naar buiten bracht hoe hoog het bod is, stond het aandeel Thyssenkrupp TKA€4,63+11,16% vrijdagmiddag om 17.00 uur zo'n 11% hoger dan aan het begin van de dag.

Een koppeling zou de activiteiten van de tweede en vierde staalproducenten van het continent samenvoegen. Naast Europa runt Liberty Steel ook fabrieken en mijnen in Noord-Amerika, Australië en India. Het bedrijf heeft een wereldwijde omzet van $15 mrd en een personeelsbestand van 30.000 mensen. De Europese staaltak van Thyssenkrupp genereert een omzet van €8,9 mrd en heeft 27.000 werknemers.

Krimpende auto-industrie
Thyssenkrupp heeft geen geheim gemaakt van zijn wens om zijn staalactiviteiten, die lijden onder de krimpende auto-industrie en de impact van covid-19, af te stoten. Het bedrijf waarschuwde dat de het verlies van de staaltak dit jaar kan oplopen tot €1 mrd.

Liberty zei vrijdag dat het steun had van 'een aantal financiële instellingen' zonder deze te noemen en voegde daaraan toe dat het verder onderzoek wil doen voor het een mogelijk bindend bod uitbrengt. Ook liet het bedrijf weten dat een overeenkomst of transactie niet zeker is.
Hoewel een combinatie tussen de twee staalproducenten de kosten zou kunnen helpen verlagen in een sector die al jaren worstelt met buitenlandse concurrentie en overcapaciteit, kunnen Europese regelgevers nog roet in het eten gooien. Brussel blokkeerde vorig jaar een voorgestelde fusie tussen Thyssenkrupp en de Europese tak van Tata Steel uit vrees dat het de concurrentie zou verminderen.
Beursblik: Deutsche Bank verhoogt koersdoel ArcelorMittal

12,232 0,016 0,13 % Euronext Amsterdam

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Deutsche Bank heeft maandag het koersdoel voor ArcelorMittal verhoogd van 14,00 naar 18,00 euro met een onveranderde koopaanbeveling.

Analist Bastian Synagowitz verhoogde het koersdoel in aanloop naar de kwartaalcijfers van ArcelorMittal op 5 november. Hij rekent erop dat de resultaten op kwartaalbasis verder zijn aangetrokken. De EBITDA schat hij voor het derde kwartaal op 875 miljoen dollar. Daarmee zit hij circa 100 miljoen dollar boven de consensus.

In het tweede kwartaal lag de EBITDA op 707 miljoen dollar.

Volgens Deutsche Bank profiteerde ArcelorMittal in het afgelopen kwartaal van een gunstige mix en hogere volumes. De omzet zal vermoedelijk op 12,4 miljard dollar zijn uitgekomen.

Voor heel 2020 trok Synagowitz zijn taxaties met 11 procent op, gezien de positieve ontwikkelen op de staal- en ijzermarkt en rekening houdend met de verkoop van de Amerikaanse activiteiten door ArcelorMittal.

Hoewel het aandeel al het nodige herstel heeft laten zien, meent Deutsche Bank dat er nog voldoende opwaarts potentieel is. Ook voorziet de analist dat de consensus voor 2021 nog opwaarts moet worden bijgesteld.

Het aandeel won maandagmiddag 0,5 procent op een koers van 12,28 euro.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

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Dunaferr Unions Protest for Wages & Collective Agreement

Hungary Today reported that Unions of steelmaker Dunaferr in Dunaújváros in central Hungary staged a demonstration demanding that the company should pay employees wages and negotiate a new collective agreement. Some 300 union members also held a demonstration in Budapest, in front of company headquarters and at the Russian embassy. Union leader László Molnár said that the company is dying due to a lack of responsible leaders and the management is trying to resolve financial difficulties to the detriment of its workers.

The company unilaterally terminated the collective agreement on August 14, has not started talks on a new deal with employees, and has delayed payment of last month’s wages.

SAIL Announces Enhanced Performance Incentive for 2020

Steel Authority of India Limited has announced an increase of more than 6% in the annual payment of SAIL Performance Incentive, ex-gratia or bonus in comparison to previous year to the non-executive employees on the festive occasion of Durga Puja & Dussehra. It was finalized based on discussions and mutual agreement between SAIL management and trade union leaders representing the workers and belonging to the constituent unions of NJCS viz. INTUC, CITU, AITUC, HMS & BMS. SAIL has also announced the distribution of ex-gratia during the festive season. While an amount of INR 16,500 will be paid to the non-executive employees of SAIL’s five integrated steel plants at Bhilai, Bokaro, Durgapur, Burnpur and Rourkela and also Raw Materials and Collieries Divisions, an amount of INR 14,500 will be paid to the non-executive employees of other plants and units of SAIL.

The enhanced SAIL Performance Incentive will be disbursed to Non-executive employees’ before the onset of festive season and will augment the purchasing capacity of the employees during the festive season. Further, it will also aid in infusion of liquidity and boost the economic activity especially in the Steel Townships and facilitate in alleviating, to some extent, the adverse impact of COVID on economy.

BSRM Steel to Add 0.5 Million Tonne Rolling Mill

The Daily Star reported that Chattogram based listed BSRM Steel has decided to set up a BDT 700 crore plant to raise steel rod production capacity by 0.5 million tonnes to meet its growing market demand. The investments would come from bank loans and own sources. BSRM expects to start operation of the new production unit by the middle of 2023.

At present, BSRM Steel is producing 2 million tonnes of billet and 1.6 million tonnes of re-rolling steel per year.

Metalloinvest Honours Mr Alexey Ugarov by Renaming OEMK

Metalloinvest announced the renaming of OEMK in honour of Mr Alexey Ugarov. MrUgarov was born in Moscow in 1930. He graduated from Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. He worked at Cherepovets Steel Mill and at Novolipetsk Steel. He started his career at OEMK as Chief Engineer in August 1985, and after two months was promoted to Director. He headed up OEMK for 26 years. Mr Ugarov is an Honoured Metallurgist of the RSFSR, a two-time laureate of the Russian Federation Government Prize in the field of science and technology and a recipient of numerous state awards. He was awarded the title of Honoured Citizen of Stary Oskol in 1998 and awarded the title of Honoured Citizen of the Belgorod Region in 2000.

Metalloinvest CEO Mr Nazim Efendiev said "Alexey Ugarov brought with him a combination of unique experience, deep knowledge, managerial talent and love for his homeland and his work. He is remembered and respected for his determination, responsibility and integrity. Alexey aspired to introduce advanced technologies, maintain industry leadership and take care of the wellbeing of his employees and town residents, which is the basis of OEMK’s development philosophy. It is a great honour and responsibility for the enterprise to bear his name."

OEMK is a leading Russian producer of special bar quality steel that meets the requirements of modern global automotive and mechanical engineering industries. OEMK is unique among Russian producers using direct reduction technology. The enterprise carries out direct reduction of iron and smelting in electric furnaces, which enable steel production to be free from harmful impurities and residual elements, while minimising environmental impact in the process.

Salzgitter AG Names Gunnar Groebler as New CEO

Salzgitter AG announced that Chief Executive Officer Prof Dr lng Heinz Jorg Fuhrmann to retire in 2021 as planned. Mr Fuhrmann will have reached the age of 65 in 2021. He will therefore be retiring upon expiry of his employment contract on June 30, 2021

The Supervisory Board has appointed Dipl lng Gunnar Groebler as his successor, effective July 1, 2021. Mr Groebler is currently a member of the Executive Group Management of the Swedish energy supplier Vattenfall AB, where he is responsible for the Business Area Wind.

CSN Reports Strong Recovery in Q3 of 2020

Siderurgica Nacional announced its results for the third quarter of 2020. Q3 net income came in at BRl 1.26 reais, reversing a loss of BRL 870 million in the year-earlier period, as sales surged. Net Revenue in 3Q20 totaled BRL 8,715 million, up by 40% over 2Q20 and by 45% over 3Q19. The increase was mainly due to the normalization of the volume of iron ore production, combined with higher prices for iron ore, cement and steel when compared to 2Q20.

Adjusted EBITDA reached BRL 3,506 million in 3Q20, up by 82% QoQ due to a combination of better volumes, prices and costs in all segments. The recovery in sales volume and in cost competitiveness led to a 70% increase in EBITDA in 3Q20 compared to the previous quarter.

Domestic sales in 3Q20 reached 923KT, 50% over 2Q20.

Iron Ore production totaled 9.4 million tonnes in 3Q20, up by 27% QoQ, due to better costs combined with higher prices generated the highest EBITDA ever recorded by the segment.

SAIL RSP Sets Daily Hot Metal Production Record

Pragativadi News Service reported that Steel Authority of India Limited’s Rourkela Steel Plant has set a new record by producing 13316 tonnes of hot metal on 15th October from three Blast Furnaces. Out of the 13,316 tonnes, Blast Furnace 1 has contributed 2797 tonnes, Blast Furnace 4 made 2463 tonnes while the remaining 8056 tonnes have been produced by Blast Furnace 5.

The previous best of 13,115 tonnes was recorded on 7th February 2019 from the same three furnaces.

AMNS India Launches Stallion & Maximus Branded Steels

ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India has launched two new hot-rolled brands, Stallion & Maximus. AM/NS India Chief Marketing Officer Mr Ranjan Dhar said “We are excited to launch these new brands for our customers across India, particularly MSMEs, where industrial activity has seen strong recovery since the early months of the pandemic. AM/NS India’s Hot Rolled and As-Rolled plates are already recognised in the market for their strength and dependability. The new brand names Stallion & Maximus, Asian elephant, have been inspired by these qualities. The introduction of these two brands reflects AM/NS India’s commitment to enhance its product portfolio by combining our access to world-class technology and R&D with unrivalled Indian steel industry knowledge and expertise.”

Stallion, the hot rolled steel, will be manufactured at Hazira in a variety of strengths, ranging from mild to high tensile. Consistency of properties, best-in-class tolerances and guaranteed flatness are Stallion's key attributes. Like most of the other steel products of the firm, Stallion will be available in a range of bespoke sizes and various finishes such as black or pickled and oiled.

Maximus’s premium quality rolled plates will serve a broad range of engineering and fabrication needs of heavy industries. It can produce plates of 5 meters, the widest available in India. Maximus will bring in terms of attributes uniformity strength across the plates, best in class flatness and surface quality.

Customers can purchase Stallion and Maximus through AM/NS Hypermart.

Chinese Crude Steel Output in September Remains above 3 Million Tonne per Day Mark

According to the latest data from National Bureau of Statistics, China produced 92.6 million tonnes of crude steel in September 2020, up 10.9% YoY & down 2.4% MoM because of the one-day difference. Daily steel output averaged record 3.09 million tonnes per day, up another 0.8% MOM & above the 3 million tonne per day mark for the fourth consecutive month. China’s crude steel output over January-September grew at a faster pace of 4.5% YoY to about 782 million tonnes. If production continues ate similar pact in October, November & December, Chinese crude steel production would hit record high of about 1040 million tonnes in 2020.

As for finished steel, the output was in pace with crude steel in growth in September, up 12.3% on year to 118 million tonnes, taking the country’s total for the first three quarters to 964 million tonnes, up 5.6% on year.

JSW Steel Coated Products Resolution Plan for Asian Colour Coated Ispat Approved

The Delhi Bench of National Company Law has approved JSW Steel Coated Products INR 1550 crore resolution plan for insolvent Asian Colour Coated Ispat. Bawal Haryana based ACCIL also has a facility in Khapoli in Maharashtra and the combined entity has total capacity of one million tonnes. The ACCIPL deal will give JSW access to a million tonnes of value-added products such as colour-coated sheets and coils and galvanised corrugated

This is the third acquisition by JSW from the insolvency courts. Company’s INR 2457 crore plan for integrated steel maker Monnet Ispat was approved in 2018. It also made an acquisition of Vardhaman Industries in 2019 for INR 63.5 crore. JSW is also keen to close the acquisition of Bhushan Power and Steel for INR 19,500-crore. The company is also in an early stage of making an offer for Gonterman Peipers (India).

SAB Raahe Uses Augmented Reality in Installation Work

SSAB Raahe took a digital leap in the annual maintenance of the strip mill in the summer, when augmented reality was used for the first time in the supervision of installation work. This meant that instead of traveling from Germany to the SSAB’s Raahe mill in Finland, the expert who usually oversees the work was able to follow and direct the work through AR glasses attached to the hard hat of the mill’s own installation supervisor.

Two gearboxes were replaced in conjunction with the last annual maintenance at the Raahe mill. The new gearboxes were ordered for the strip mill line from Germany, and normally a representative of the supplier supervises the installation work. However, the coronavirus situation resulted in the parties deciding to try out a completely new installation model. SSAB Raahe’s own installation supervisor put on a hard hat with AR glasses and began to use a tablet with AR software installed. This allowed him to show the installation work to the supervisor in Germany, who then added the necessary information to the image shown in the mill fitter’s glasses.

Before starting installation work, both parties tested the necessary software and hardware, and the actual installation work ultimately went well.

This is the first time that augmented reality has been used in the supervision of installation work at the mill. Alpo Riekki, who acted as project manager in the maintenance work, says that the technology might also be used in future projects.

USITC Continues Duty on PC Steel Wire Strand Imports from Brazil, India, Japan, Korea, Mexico & Thailand

The US International Trade Commission has determined that revoking the existing antidumping and countervailing duty orders on imports of prestressed concrete steel wire strand from Brazil, India, Japan, Korea, Mexico and Thailand would be likely to lead to continuation or recurrence of material injury within a reasonably foreseeable time. As a result of the Commission’s affirmative determinations, the existing orders on imports of these products from Brazil, India, Japan, Korea, Mexico, and Thailand will remain in place.

This action comes under the five-year (sunset) review process required by the Uruguay Round Agreements Act. See the attached page for background on these five-year (sunset) reviews.

The five-year (sunset) reviews concerning Prestressed Concrete Steel Wire Strand from Brazil, India, Japan, Korea, Mexico, and Thailand were instituted on March 2, 2020.

GMS Market Commentary on Shipbreaking in Week 42 - Settling Down

After weeks of uncertainty following the formation of a cartel in Bangladesh and the ongoing volatility in competing markets (i.e. India & Pakistan), subcontinent prices finally appear to have somewhat settled this week. As the troublesome winter months approach and Covid-19 cases continue to rise across the globe, the focus has once again fallen on Europe where second spikes are being witnessed. In many areas, more cases and hospitalizations are being reported than before the lockdowns began in March-April time, in further concerning developments over the recent past. Markets therefore remain somewhat on edge, as the seemingly unending search for a vaccine goes on and the economic fallout from the first round of lockdowns continues to be felt worldwide. There is also the uncertainty regarding the upcoming US election (to be determined in November) and how long it may take to announce a winner with absentee voting, now likely to be required to register votes with Covid-19 still surging in the US.

Supply into subcontinent markets for recycling has slowed over this last month or so, as charter markets, particularly in the container and dry bulk sectors, pick up again after a largely woeful first half of the year.

At the far end, the Turkish market seems to have finally stabilized this week, with scrap steel imports firming up marginally and the Lira though weaker, has also been stable this week.

US Steel Production Capacity Utilization Improves Further in Week 42

AISI announced that in the week ending on October 17, 2020, domestic raw steel production was 1,535,000 net tons while the capability utilization rate was 69.4 percent. Production was 1,805,000 net tons in the week ending October 17, 2019 while the capability utilization then was 78.0 percent. The current week production represents a 15.0 percent decrease from the same period in the previous year. Production for the week ending October 17, 2020 is up 2.2 percent from the previous week ending October 10, 2020 when production was 1,502,000 net tons and the rate of capability utilization was 67.9 percent.

Adjusted year-to-date production through October 17, 2020 was 62,481,000 net tons, at a capability utilization rate of 66.3 percent. That is down 19.4 percent from the 77,545,000 net tons during the same period last year, when the capability utilization rate was 80.1 percent.

Broken down by districts, here's production for the week ending October 17, 2020 in thousands of net tons: North East: 143; Great Lakes: 557; Midwest: 164; Southern: 601 and Western: 70 for a total of 1535.

Tata Steel Rebars used in Kanaka Durga Flyover Construction in Vijayawada

Business Line reported that about 80 per cent of the steel used in the construction of a 2.6 kilometer bridge in Andhra Pradesh is from Tata Steel. The company has supplied 2,000 tonnes of Low Relaxation Pre-Stressed Concrete strands and 10,000 tonnes of TMT bars for the six-lane Kanaka Durga flyover in Vijayawada.

According to the company, the strength of the steel proved to be a major enabler in increasing the span between the pillars to 45 metres, nearly double the generally accepted standard of 25 metres.

The three-way each, 78-feet wide elevated corridor includes six curves and two major turnings. The new flyover, spanning the Krishna River and Prakasam barrage and running through Vijayawada city before connecting to NH65.

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