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Korean Metal Workers Union Calls for Safety at POSCO Plants

IndustriALL Global Union’s affiliate Korean Metal Workers Union believes that POSCO workplaces will only become safer when union representatives are able to participate fully in safety systems. Instead, POSCO recently dismissed three union activists for exposing union busting, and failed to reinstate them after the National Labor Relations Commission ruled that the dismissal was unfair. The affiliate argues that large scale industrial disasters happen at POSCO due to management decisions to not upgrade aging facilities and equipment, to downsize subcontracted workers and to outsource risks instead of eliminating them. Korean Metal Workers Union alleged that “POSCO blocks the affiliate from accessing accident sites and refuses to allow union safety experts to participate in accident investigation. The company fails to disclose the true cause of an accident after an investigation is concluded, leaving workers to face the same risks that killed their colleagues.”

Korean Metal Workers Union demands labor inspections with guaranteed union participation, a joint labor management response system, fundamental safety measures that address root causes, measures to improve aging equipment, and an end to outsourcing risks. Korean Metal Workers Union’s international officer Mr Hyewon Chong said “Allowing a democratic union to function freely is a precondition for setting up a credible safety system at the steelworks. But instead of working with the union to make POSCO workplaces safer, the company dismissed three union activists for exposing their plans to bust our union.”

IndustriALL’s base metals director Mr Matthias Hartwich said “We join with the KMWU to demand accountability from POSCO for the frequent, preventable industrial disasters, and to call for those responsible to be prosecuted. We cannot stand by while our co workers die in preventable fatal accidents. This must end now!”

Accidents in November and December at POSCO’s Gwangyang steelworks in resulted in the deaths of five workers. On November 24, an explosion near a blast furnace led to the deaths of three workers. In further incidents on December 9 and 23, another two POSCO workers lost their lives. The latest is the 18th accident in the past three years at the company’s Pohang and Gwangyang plants. POSCO workers have been killed by asphyxiation, explosions, fires, physical crush injuries, fatal falls, and overwork. The accidents have continued despite the plants being subject to an inspection conducted by the labour ministry.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Erdemir Acquires Kumas Magezit

OYAK Mining Metallurgy company Eregli Demir ve Qelik Fabrikalari, Erdemir, announced that an agreement of 340 million dollars was signed with Yildiz Holding and Gozde Giriim for the purchase of Kumas Manyezit completely. With the legal approvals, the share transfer will take place.

Kumas founded in in 1972 is engaged in the production of magnesite based refractory with 3 facilities in Kutahya. Kiimas owns approximately 20 percent of the world's cryptocrystalline magnesite ore alone and is among the top 10 in the world in its field. The company managed to increase its total sales volume by 14 percent in 2020 compared to the previous year and it exports to more than 50 countries with an annual ore processing capacity of approximately 1.2 million tonnes. With this acquisition move, OYAK will achieve cost control and efficiency by ensuring vertical integration in its activities in the iron, steel and cement sectors.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Danieli Mida Minimill Starts at Nucor Steel Florida

On December 18th, Nucor Steel Florida safely started on schedule, melting, casting and rolling in endless mode from the first heat. Located in Frostproof, Florida, USA, the new MIDA minimill has a rated capacity of 380,000 short tons per year and will produce rebar ranging from #3 to #11 (9.5 to 35.8 mm) in straight bars up to 60 feet, and spooled coils up to 5 tons. Featuring the latest energy saving and environmentally friendly melting, the MIDA casting and rolling technologies significantly reduce the overall CO2 emissions thanks to the absence of the reheating furnace.

The Nucor Florida MIDA endless casting rolling process route includes the Danieli ECS scrap preheating and continuous charging system, able to feed hot scrap continuously into a 40 ton, side-charging, Fastarc AC EAF; and then a ladle furnace ensures the proper refining of the steel. A single strand, high speed continuous casting machine is the core of the endless casting rolling section. It is equipped with the Danieli Fast Cast Cube and a 130 x 130 mm square section Power-mould copper tube directly connected, through a 4 MW induction furnace, to an 8 + 8 stands ultra compact rolling mill. The finishing facilities consist of an apron roller line, for the larger sizes, the Danieli-patented Direct Rolling and Bundling system for the smaller range and a spooler line based on the K-Spool technologies, able to produce coils from rebar #3 to #8 in coils up to 5 tons.

The latest Danieli technologies for an environmentally friendly and energy saving plant are also applied to the auxiliary units, which include the Fumes Treatment Plant, based on a Pulse-jet bag filter, the Water Treatment Plant, and the Danieli heavy duty technological and maintenance cranes serving the whole plant, from the scrap yard to finished products handling

Nucor Steel Florida is the fourteenth Danieli MIDA minimill featuring Endless Casting-Rolling ECR technology for long products in operation worldwide, second for the Nucor group and fourth in the USA. In January 2020, the first MIDA minimill for Nucor, Sedalia, Missouri also started up quickly, having the endless casting and rolling operations in place on third day and a “more than 1 km” long billet produced on the fifth day.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
EEPC Seek Government Intervention to Check Steel Prices in India

India’s engineering exporters have sought intervention of the government to check the spiralling prices of steel in the domestic market which is hampering exports. Engineering Export Promotion Council said “With a whopping 55 per cent rise in prices of steel, the mother raw material for manufacturing, the path to Atmanirbhar Bharat has become very tough and arduous. Wholesale price of Hot Rolled Coil has gone up to INR 58,000 a tonne, an increase of 55% per cent between January 2020 and 2021, which is hard to absorb by the industry. This was a double whammy for exporters of engineering products as they have anyway been battling the unprecedented impact of Covid-19 on global trade.”

EEPC Chairman Mr Mahesh Desai said “Under these circumstances, an unprecedented increase in steel prices is making the situation for the engineering industry unbearable, hitting exports the most. Steel manufacturers are indicating further rise in prices in the coming weeks and months. It could act as a dampener.”

EEPC said “In April-November 2020-21, engineering exports fell by 13% to USD 43.9 billion from USD 50.5 billion during the same period in the previous financial year. As many as 29 out of 33 engineering panels exhibited a year-on-year decline in exports. Likewise, only five out of top 25 countries recorded positive cumulative growth in engineering exports during April-November 2020 over April- November 2019.”

The engineering exporters account for more than one fourth of the country's total merchandise exports and comprise mostly the MSMEs.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
LIBERTY Steel Rolls First Plate at Huta Czestochowa in Poland

GFG Alliance’s LIBERTY Steel Group has taken over the lease for Huta Czestochowa, one of Poland’s largest steel mills. The restart of production has already taken place with the first plates having been rolled by the plant’s mill, using steel from LIBERTY Ostrava. Corween Investments, to be renamed LIBERTY Czestochowa, has taken on the plant’s lease from the plant’s Administrator until mid 2021. LIBERTY is also taking an active role in the plant’s acquisition, based on the sales process determined by the Court.

LIBERTY believes the addition of the Huta Czestochowa, which has the capacity to produce up to 0.7 million tonnes per annum of GREENSTEEL from its electric arc furnace and 1.2 million tonnes per annum from its Heavy Plate Mill, will give it the opportunity to strengthen its position in the European GREENSTEEL sector. The plant will also benefit from synergies due to its geographic proximity to LIBERTY’s existing assets, particularly LIBERTY Ostrava in the Czech Republic, and the strength of LIBERTY’s sales, marketing and distribution teams across Europe.

GFG Alliance and LIBERTY Steel Group Executive Chairman Mr Sanjeev Gupta said: “We are very pleased to start our industrial journey in Poland, a country with a long and proud industrial heritage, and restart production at Huta Czestochowa. I would like to welcome the plant’s 1,200 highly skilled and committed employees into the LIBERTY Steel family and provide them with some certainty after the difficult situation over the last year. We have a strong industrial plan for Huta Czestochowa and believe we can develop the business and make it economically, socially and environmentally sustainable for the long term.”

Source - Strategic Research Institute
AISI, SMA, AISC, CPTI & USW Urge Mr Biden to Keep Steel Tariffs

Four of the leading US steel industry associations and the United Steelworkers union urged President elect Mr Joe Biden to ensure steel tariffs and quotas, put in place in 2018 to protect national security, are preserved. American Iron and Steel Institute, Steel Manufacturers Association, United Steelworkers union, Committee on Pipe and Tube Imports and American Institute of Steel Construction in a letter to the president elect urged that “Continuation of the steel tariffs and quotas is essential to ensuring the viability of the domestic steel industry in the face of this massive and growing excess steel capacity. Removing or weakening of these measures before major steel producing countries eliminate their overcapacity and the subsidies and other trade-distorting policies that have fueled the steel crisis will only invite a new surge in imports with devastating effects to domestic steel producers and their workers.”

The letter states that the OECD last year projected that steel overcapacity would grow to 700 million tonnes in 2020, eight times the total steel output of the United States last year. China, Vietnam and Turkey, among others, continue to increase their steel production even as the pandemic has caused demand for steel to drop around the world. Korea, Russia, Ukraine, Indonesia and others continue to export large shares of their steel production to other markets.

The groups wrote “Unfortunately, the steel industry’s recovery was set back by the COVID-19 pandemic, which caused a significant drop in demand last spring, forcing painful job cuts as steel mills, fabricators and pipe and tube mills either cut back production or shut down entirely. As customers have restarted production, the steel industry has begun to recover, but we remain very vulnerable to new surges in imports. We stand ready to work with your administration to address the global trade distortions in steel that continue to threaten our industry and its workers.”

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Malaysian PERSTIMA Orders Tinning Line from Tenova

Tenova has been contracted for a 200,000 tonnes per year new high speed electrolytic tinning line with insoluble anodes by Perusahaan Sadur Timah Malaysia Berhad, premier producer and supplier of high quality tinplate in South East Asia. This cutting edge technology will be implemented in PERSTIMA’s plant in Batangas in Philippines. The electrolytic combined tin plating and tin free steel line will work at 550 meters per minute at entry & exit and 420 meters per minute at the process section, for annual production of 200,000 tonnes. The steel strip will be 550-1000 mm wide and 0.10-0.60 mm thick, and the line will process all the main grades of steel for a product mix which will satisfy the most recent demand of the high quality market. A minimum tin coating thickness of 1.1 grams per square meters is guaranteed. The electrolytic line is expected to be put into operation by Q4 of 2021.

The line is equipped with a dedicated section of cells and recirculation equipment for the production of tin free steel process as well. Tenova will provide the state of the art automation with an enhanced Web Based Level 2 and Roll Management Software to automatically schedule roll activities in the processing line.

Finally, a further improvement in the quality of the tin plate has been achieved through the development of special edge-masks. These devices prevent the white edge defects due to tin over coating at the edges while processing strips with different widths. In addition, Tenova edge mask design guarantees easy inspection and access to the cell.

Tenova Insoluble Anode Technology with IGBT Rectifiers globally permits a large operating saving in tin and electrical consumption, guaranteeing the top of quality.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Tenaris, Edison,Snam to Make Steel with Green Hydrogen in Dalmine

Tenaris, Edison and Snam have signed a letter of intent to launch a project aimed at decarbonizing Tenaris’s seamless pipe mill in Dalmine through the introduction of green hydrogen in some production processes. Tenaris, Edison and Snam will collaborate to identify and implement the most suitable solutions for the production, distribution and use of green hydrogen at the Tenaris mill, contributing their skills to invest in the best available technologies. The project looks to generate hydrogen and oxygen through an approximate 20 MW electrolyser that will be installed at the Dalmine plant and to adapt the steelmaking process to use green hydrogen instead of natural gas. The initiative may also include the construction of a storage site for the accumulation of high-pressure hydrogen and the use of oxygen, locally produced through electrolysis, within the melting process. The development of the project would significantly reduce CO2 emissions related to electric arc furnace steel.

After the initial test, the three companies will evaluate whether to expand the collaboration to other stages of the production process therefore extending the use of hydrogen. The project is part of the broader Dalmine Zero Emissions initiative, launched by Tenaris together with Tenova and Techint Engineering & Construction, to integrate green hydrogen in steelmaking from the electric arc furnace steel and in the downstream processing of the Dalmine mill. This would be the first application of green hydrogen on an industrial scale in Italy’s steel sector.

The implementation of the project will be governed by separate agreements negotiated between the parties in compliance with the legal and regulatory framework.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Boston Metal Raises USD 50 Million to Decarbonize Steelmaking

Boston Metal announced that it raised USD 50 million in Series B funding, positioning the company to accelerate industrial-scale deployments of its molten oxide electrolysis technology towards emissions free steel. The financing was led by Piva Capital, BHP Ventures and Devonshire Investors, the private investment firm affiliated with FMR LLC, the parent company of Fidelity Investments. Existing investors Breakthrough Energy Ventures, Prelude Ventures, OGCI Climate Investments, and The Engine also participated in the round, reflecting strong ongoing support for the company and its recent progress.

Boston Metal’s MOE technology uses electricity to transform metals from a raw oxide form into high-purity molten metal products, facilitating CO2 emissions-free steel production from a wide array of iron ores in a potentially more efficient, less costly and more sustainable approach.

Building on the momentum of its Series A in 2018, this new funding round will allow Boston Metal to validate its patented inert anode technology at industrial-scale, further expand its world-class team, and begin to deploy its MOE technology with customers, starting with high-value ferroalloy production as it advances toward steel applications.

Boston Metal is a global metals technology solutions company that is commercializing molten oxide electrolysis, a patented tonnage metals production platform. MOE provides the metals industry with a more efficient, lower cost, and greener solution for the production of a wide variety of metals and alloys from a wide variety of feed stocks. Boston Metal works closely with customers to tailor the MOE technology for specific alloys, feed stocks, and business needs.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Odisha Mining Corporation Allocated 2 Iron Ore Blocks in Odisha

Indian government has approved the proposal of Odisha state government to reserve two iron ore blocks in favour of state PSU Odisha Mining Corporation. An Odisha government official said that approval of preferential allocation of the iron blocks of Jilling Langlotta and Guali will enable the state government to rapidly ramp up production of the raw material and alleviate the current shortage faced by domestic steel mills.

Previously, the central government had approved the allocation of the Rengalbada iron ore block in favor of Odisha Mineral Exploration Company Limited, another mining arm of the Odisha state government.

Source - Strategic Research Institute

GMS Market Commentary on Ship Breaking in Week 01 – Good Start

World's leading cash buyer of ships for recycling GMS said that it has been an excellent start to 2021 for the international ship recycling industry, as steel gains have pushed the markets on again, particularly in a resurgent Bangladesh, which tops the leader board by some distance and for another week. Following the ban on iron ore imports from Australia, China has started to import scrap steel from international markets once again and this can be partially attributed to some of the stunning rates on show. The roll out of Covid-19 vaccines across the world has also brought some optimism back to global markets as well, even though the virus continues to surge in the US, UK and other parts of Europe. GMS said “That we may be over the worst of this pandemic cannot be said though, with record cases and deaths still being witnessed with this new more transmissible strain in the UK, in particular. It will certainly take some time before a relative sense of normality begins to return, particularly when it comes to travel, quarantine, and potential delays on as is take overs of vessels.”

GMS added “Demand remains good across all locations, and as we head over the USD 450/LDT mark, many owners are now tempted to sell for recycling, despite some impressive charter rates being seen in different sectors. How much longer some of these firmer rates last, remain to be seen. However, with BWTS set to be installed on a whole raft of vessels, expect another busy year in recycling markets.”

Source - Strategic Research Institute
SMS Heat Treatment Line Produces Plate at Ilsenburger Grobblech

On November 23, 2020, Ilsenburger Grobblech GmbH successfully heated the first heavy plate in its heat treatment furnace No 1, followed by the subsequent successful cooling in the new X-Roll. MultiFlex Quench plant is part of a new, energy efficient heat treatment line supplied by SMS to the Salzgitter Group subsidiary. The new heat treatment line will process more than 200,000 tonnes of heavy plate per year. It is designed to handle plate in thicknesses between 5 and 175 millimetres and widths up to 3,500 millimetres. The between 4 and 24 meters-long plates will weigh up to 28 tonnes. The material grades to be processed will include high-strength carbon steels, highly wear resistant steels, steel for offshore and pressure vessel applications as well as case-hardened and quenched/tempered steels. With the extremely flexible cooling strategies enabled by the now commissioned new quench, Ilsenburger Grobblech GmbH is now able to expand its product range to also include particularly demanding grades.

With the X-Roll MultiFlex Quench, SMS has established a new and innovative cooling technology in the market, providing significantly more options than conventional cooling lines. By means of switchable pressure ranges any cooling strategies from extremely slow cooling to fast quenching with freely selectable cooling-stop temperatures can be implemented. Thanks to the variable settings, the MFQ enables a significantly larger product portfolio than conventional quenches. The plates are hydraulically clamped by roller guides, ensuring optimal flatness, especially of thinner plates. A prerequisite for homogeneous cooling and optimal product properties of the plates is high temperature uniformity during both plate heating and the tempering process that follows quenching.

For this purpose, SMS supplied two state of the art roller hearth furnaces, which both feature energy efficient heating systems and modern low NOx burners for low emission operation. In addition, SMS is supplying an X-Roll MultiFlex Leveler T for the heat treatment plant. While providing proven functions, this new leveler type sets new standards in terms of final flatness and residual stress distribution in the material. Among other things, new back-up rolls for maximum load transfer were developed specially for this machine type and tested on SMS's own test stand. The quick acting leveling roller adjustment system enables, in addition to variable strategy selection to effectively remove even complex flatness deviations, the application of Extended Roll Mode, which greatly increases the leveling range of the machine. The functionality range of the X-Roll MultiFlex Leveler T is rounded out by a bending system with the possibility of specific leveling gap adjustment, a system for load balancing of the individually driven main drives as well as a highly dynamic main adjustment system.

Besides the X-Roll MultiFlex-Quench, the X-Roll MultiFlex Leveler T and the two furnaces, the SMS group supplies include a shot blaster, a primer line and a water treatment plant, all complete with X-Pact electrical and automation systems. Powerful X-Pact process models, including a material model, ensure the correct setting of the equipment and the achievement of the desired material properties. The scope of supply also includes ancillary equipment such as the plate conveyor system, the cooling beds, and the plate feeding and centering equipment.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
British Steel Installs Oil Detection Technology at Scunthorpe

British Steel has completed the installation of a new GBP 800,000 state of the art environmental system at its Scunthorpe site to transform the way it monitors the water network. As well as improving the management of oil, the new equipment also helps the company’s environmental experts to monitor the quality of the on-site water network. Group Environment Manager Mr Lee Adcoc said “We handle significant volumes of oil on our site every year as it’s a fundamental tool that helps us to keep our machinery functioning efficiently and reliably. While we’re extremely careful about how we handle this substance and have made significant efficiencies in our use of oil in recent years, it’s essential we have plans in place to ensure we minimise the risk of oil entering our site drainage system in the unlikely event of a leak. By investing in this technology we’re doing everything within our power to monitor the presence of oil in our water systems and to quickly and effectively get rid of it, therefore minimising the risk of the substance entering local watercourses.”

The investment in oil detection and skimming equipment has been welcomed by the company’s environmental regulators, the Environment Agency. Environment Agency’s Senior Regulated Industry Officer Mr Peter Borrell said “The significant investment by the Scunthorpe steelworks in oil detection and skimming equipment to prevent and minimise pollution will help to protect the Bottesford Beck from potential oil emissions. This is especially welcome as the beck is popular with walkers and nature lovers from the local area. It is of utmost importance that the habitat is protected for both people and wildlife to enjoy.”

Source - Strategic Research Institute
China Banks Fund Xiamen Xiangyu Stainless Steel Plant Indonesia

ICGL reported that a USD 1 billion stainless steel plant in Indonesia has received project financing from the Bank of China and a group of onshore and offshore lenders. The multi layered project financing included a dual currency facility allowing money to be drawn out in both RMB and USD. The facility has also been designed to benefit from coverage by commercial insurance and protection by China state owned insurance company Sinosure. The group of 11 banks contributing to the financing were onshore weighted, comprising seven onshore and four offshore lenders. The lenders included Bank of China, China Development Bank, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Agricultural Bank of China, CITIC Bank, China Merchants Bank and Tai Feng Bank.

The plant, owned by Shanghai Stock Exchange listed logistics services company Xiamen Xiangyu, comprises a nickel mine, a 2.5 million tonne per year stainless steel smelting plant, a 1,440 MW thermal power project and a 40 million tonne multi functional port.

Pinsent Masons advised the Bank of China on the financing, with lead partner Kanyi Lui.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Eusider Group Acquires Steel Pipe Producer Bidue in North Italy

Anghileri family owned Italian steel service center Eusider Group has acquired 100% of the capital of Italian region Veneto’s Province of Rovigo Melara based leader in the production of high quality welded tubes Bidue. Bidue, with 30 employees, produces about 15,000 tonnes of tubes per year and exports about 80% of pipes. Eusider CEO Mr Eufrasio Anghileri said "In addition to its great profitability and strong internationalization, Bidue is characterized by high product quality, as demonstrated by its ISO 9001 and IATF 16949 certifications for the automotive sector and the ISO 14001 certification for environmental sustainability. With this operation, the first of a very important year for us at a strategic level, the growth, verticalization and internationalization processes of the Eusider Group continue.”

Eusider Group, founded in 1979 by the Anghileri brothers from company created by their grandfather at the beginning of the 1900’s, is one of the largest private steel group and steel service center in Italy and is controlled by the family through the parent company Lecco based Eusider Spa. With a total of 500 employees, Eusider is a group made of 8 companies, 6 in Italy Eusider SpA, Metaltubi Srl, Iron Service Srl, Lima Eusider Srl, Comal Ferlatta SpA, Eusider Inox Srl and 2 abroad Estsider in Serbia and Eu Metal in Turkey.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
HDG & Color Coated Steel Added to Mandatory Certification Scheme

The Philippine Star reported that Philippines Department of Trade and Industry has added hot dip metallic coated and pre painted galvanized coils and sheets as products covered by the mandatory certification scheme. DTI issued Department Administrative Order 20-10 dated December 28 to provide the new technical regulation for such products. With the products now covered by the mandatory product certification scheme, both local and foreign manufacturers of such are required to secure the Philippine Standard safety certification mark license prior to selling, distribution or use of their products in the country. Importers, meanwhile, would have to source such products from foreign manufacturers with valid PS licenses.

DTI said “All other hot dip metallic coated and pre painted galvanized steel coils and sheets intended as raw materials for the manufacture of automotive products, appliances, furniture, and electrical and electronics and hot rolled carbon steel strips for pipes and tubes are not covered by the technical regulation, but importers thereof are required to apply for certificate of exemption from the DTI Bureau of Philippine Standards.”

Trade Secretary Mr Ramon Lopez said the new regulation would ensure steel products being sold in the country meet the quality requirements prescribed by the DTI Bureau of Philippine Standards. He said “This new technical regulation will not only level the playing field for the iron and steel industry firms but will ultimately ensure the safety and protection of the consumers which is also one of top priorities of DTI and President Duterte.”

Source - Strategic Research Institute
US Steel Capacity Utilization Crosses 75% Mark in Week 01

American Iron & Steel Institute announced that in the week ending on January 9, 2021, domestic raw steel production was 1,709,000 net tons while the capability utilization rate was 75.4%. Production was 1,906,000 net tons in the week ending January 9, 2020 while the capability utilization then was 82.4 percent. The current week production represents a 10.3% decrease from the same period in the previous year. Production for the week ending January 9, 2021 is up 3.6% from the previous week ending January 2, 2021 when production was 1,650,000 net tons and the rate of capability utilization was 74.6%.

Adjusted year to date production through January 9, 2021 was 2,180,000 net tons, at a capability utilization rate of 75.2%. That is down 10.4% from the 2,432,000 net tons during the same period last year, when the capability utilization rate was 82.4%

Broken down by districts, here’s production for the week ending January 9, 2021 in thousands of net tons: North East: 155; Great Lakes: 601; Midwest: 184; Southern: 699 and Western: 70 for a total of 1709.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
SSAB to Supply Steel for Photovoltaic Solar Parks in Angola

SSAB Borlange and SSAB Arendal are to supply steel to build a number of photovoltaic solar parks in Angola. The plants will strengthen electricity supply in the country and help Angola to switch to renewables and reduce dependency on fossil fuels. The first step in the international business project was recently concluded with the Swedish Export Credit Corporation financing the transaction, which is guaranteed by the Swedish Export Credit Agency EKN. Among the international parties involved in the project is SSAB, which will supply the steel. To ensure that EKN could act as guarantor of the Angolan government, one of the conditions was the use of several Swedish suppliers. For SSAB, this means a total shipment of around 6,000 tonnes of steel, which will be processed into profiles to be piled into the ground and later be used in a racking system on which the solar panels will be mounted.

Once the first transaction is completed, EKN would appear to be a safe financier in this type of business. The potential for more business depends on how well the first part goes. The lead supplier will make an evaluation based on how well the commitments have been met and how secure the funding is.

The photovoltaic solar park is one of seven different solar panel projects, two larger ones close to the Angolan capital of Luanda and five smaller projects in rural areas. The total capacity will be 370 megawatts and will make a huge difference for the country’s electricity supply and help to reduce the country’s dependency on fossil energy sources.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Pilbara Port Shipping Figures for December 2020

Pilbara Ports Authority has delivered a total monthly throughput of 64.5 million tonnes for December 2020. This throughput was the same amount as December 2019. The Port of Port Hedland achieved a monthly throughput of 47.3Mt of which 46.5 million tonnes was iron ore exports. The monthly throughput was a one per cent decrease from December 2019. Imports through the Port of Port Hedland totalled 164,000 tonnes, a decrease of four per cent from the same month in 2019. The Port of Port Hedland was closed for a total of 26 hours from 10 December to 11 December 2020 due to significant swells generated by Tropical Low 02U.

The Port of Dampier delivered a total monthly throughput of 16.3 million tonnes, an increase of three per cent from December 2019. Imports through the Port of Dampier totalled 85,000 tonnes, a decrease of two per cent from the same month in 2019.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Hyundai Steel Workers Stage Strike over Wages

Yonhap reported that thousands of unionized workers of Hyundai Steel Co began a walkout Wednesday to demand higher wages and bonuses amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The union said that the workers will go on strike for two days through Thursday, affecting production at five domestic plants of South Korea's second largest steelmaker. The strike by the 8,400 strong unions came after the company and the union failed to narrow differences over wages and bonuses in 15 rounds of negotiations. The union demanded an increase of 120,000 won (USD 109) per person in basic monthly pay, a bonus amounting to three months of salary and 5 million won in special allowance. But the company proposed a freeze on basic pay, a bonus amounting to one month of salary and 1 million won in special allowance.

Still, some 2,000 essential workers did not join the strike as they need to work at three blast furnaces in Dangjin, about 120 kilometres south of Seoul.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
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