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SEBI Denies Tata Steel Long Products Scheme for ISWP

Tata Steel Long Products Limited informed the BSE last week that it received a letter from SEBI Letter stating that SEBI has returned the Scheme document, observing that the Scheme of amalgamation of The Indian Steel and Wire Products Limited into and with Tata Steel Long Products and their respective shareholders is in noncompliance with Securities law provisions. No further reason for return of the Scheme has been provided in the SEBI Letter, company said.

The company had disclosed on November 13, 2020 the decision of the Board of Directors of the company approving the aforesaid Scheme which envisaged the amalgamation and consolidation of the businesses of the ISWP into and with the company and their respective shareholders. It had said “The company had applied to stock exchanges on November 14, 2020 to obtain an Observation Letter or No Objection letter and had provided all documents and clarifications as has been requested or required by the stock exchanges from time to time.”

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Dillinger Bolsters Offshore Wind Strategy with Investment inFrance

Dillinger France is currently using a new edge milling line to produce its first order for edge-machined plates for offshore wind turbines. This forward-looking investment is aimed at strengthening the position of Dillinger in the future market for wind power. After completion of the extensive work of redesigning the halls, creating the rail connection for efficient logistics and constructing the line itself Dillinger France was able to put the new line into operation on schedule despite pandemic-related restrictions. Production began at the end of April for a first order for 62-millimeter-thick plates. Dillinger is putting its third edging machine into operation with this EUR 12 million investment – but this is the first to be installed at Dillinger France in Dunkirk. These are high-precision tools for preparing plate edges for welding, thus meeting the increasingly demanding requirements of wind power operators.

Dillinger France Président Directeur Général Markus Lauer said: "Dillinger is a major European player in the offshore wind power market; in Europe, around 80 wind farms have been built on foundations made of steel from Dillinger. In order to press ahead in this market with our development strategy to significantly strengthen our position in this segment, we have invested EUR 30 million over the last three years in the Dillinger France site in Dunkirk. The funds went into the renovation of a furnace, the purchase of a conveyor crane for the exceptionally large dimensions of plate for wind turbines, the expansion of a hall as well as the acquisition of new halls, and the construction of our new edge milling line.”

Dillinger France has been a subsidiary since 1992 of Dillinger – one of the world's largest producers of premium heavy plate steel. The company was established in 1962 on a site of more than 50 hectares in the Dunkirk region. With more than 500 employees, Dillinger France is able to produce around 750,000 tons of heavy plate per

Source - Strategic Research Institute
AM/NS India Supplies 16Mo3 Plates to Nuclear Power Corporation

Times of India reported that ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India has designed and manufactured the country’s first indigenously developed specialist-grade steel plates 16Mo3. They are meant for use in heavy water reactors for the Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd. A senior AM/NS official said “These special steel plates were shipped after a flagging-off ceremony at AM/NS India’s Hazira steel plant on June 29.”

He added "This is the first time that a domestic supplier has been able to meet the high raw material and manufacturing criteria laid down by N PCI L for critical-class equipment of this grade. Previously, such plates were acquired from overseas. Due to a historical lack of specialist manufacturing capability among domestic plate mills, India's nuclear programme has always imported critical alloy steel grades from Europe.”

16Mo3-grade plates are among the most critical internal components of steam generators, operating under extreme temperature, pressure and radioactive consitions.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
JSW Neosteel Rebar Gets GreenPro Certification from CII

JSW Steel has received GreenPro ecolabel certification for its JSW Neosteel TMT rebars from Confederation of Indian Industry. GreenPro is a type 1 eco-label by CII GBC for building materials and it is recognised in IGBC Green Building Rating System. Builders who are opting for green building rating system will now be able to benefit from using Tata Tiscon rebars in their construction. The objective of the GreenPro eco-labelling programme is to promote sustainable products in the building sector.

JSW Neosteel TMT bars are manufactured through high-yield quenched and self-tempered HYQST technology which ensures uniform quality across the bar. The TMT bars have the highest grade of purity and lowest sulphur and phosphorus content which makes it stronger and sustainable

JSW Neosteel has its presence in major projects of national importance and some landmark structures of India, like high speed rail projects, metro rail projects, atomic power plants, refinery projects, expressways, heavy bridges, ports, airports, landmark high rises, commercial complexes etc, he said.

The statement further said the

Earlier Tata Steel had announced in June that its Tata Tiscon Rebar has received GreenPro ecolabel certification from CII.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
GGD Kennemerland Director Removed Tata Steel from Cancer Report

The Netherland Times reported that the director of GGD Kennemerland Mr Bert van de Velden deleted Tata Steel’s name from a report on lung cancer in IJmond, even though Tata Steel is the largest source of air pollution in the region. Mr Van de Velden allegedly intervened several times to avoid that Tata Steel’s name appeared in a report on cancer prevention in Kennemerland. The Noordhollandse Dagblad reviewed 31 draft versions of the report which appeared one year ago. Tata Steel was initially mentioned in the draft but did not appear in the final version. Mr Van de Velden admitted to the Noordlhollands Dagblad that Tata had indeed been swept from the messages, although he stated this was done for purely stylistic reasons. Van de Velden recommended to his employees, according to the newspaper, “The word Tata should not be used.”

GGD Kennemerland monitors health risks and tries to promote people's health. All activities are aimed at keeping people healthy.

Investigative journalist, Bart Vuijk, from the Noordhollands Dagbald who uncovered the discrepancies said he finds the defense “strange”. Vuijk uncovered 345 pages of emails and Whatsapp messages from GGD employees. “Tata is mentioned 70 times mostly in the context of ‘how do we keep Tata out of this report’”, he said. “That was a direct order from the director. It was literally stated a few times.”

Lawyer Bénédicte Finq said "This piece may be influential for the investigation of the Public Prosecution Service. I want people to learn about the potential power that Tata Steel has to influence independent investigations. I am a really scared of this. What else is being kept from us to please Tata”, local resident Dirk Weidema wondered. The GGD recently asked me again to join a board group for the Health Monitor 2020. I said that I don’t feel like it anymore if they hide the facts.”

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Romanian COS Targoviste Facing Bankruptcy

Ziarul Financial reported that Targoviste Romania based Special Steel Plant COS Targoviste, under insolvency procedures since 2013, has entered bankruptcy after the local court overruled its reorganization plan proposed by creditor Alphard Financial. The court rejected the exception of inadmissibility of the bankruptcy application, a request made by the electricity supplier and ordered the commencement of the bankruptcy procedure. The ruling is not final. The next deadline to continue the procedure is October 19.

COS Târgoviste announced that it would appeal against the sentence, including for the suspension of the execution of the syndic judge's decision until the appeal is resolved.

In June, the Assembly of Creditors voted to complete the reorganization plan in order to urgently start the procedure for auctioning the functional assets of COS. The proposal was made by Alphard Financial, which owns 51% of COS's receivables. According to the report of the plant, the total value of debts is 524 million lei.

The plant has been in insolvency proceedings since February 2013 and is one of the main producers of billets and steel products in Romania. The company with about 1000 employees last year recorded sales revenues of 44 million lei, compared to 590 million lei in 2019, and ended with losses of 62 million lei, from a net profit of 140 million lei a year earlier. For comparison, in 2011 COS Targoviste had a turnover of 1.1 billion lei and losses of 155 million lei with about 2,450 employees.

COS was owned by the Russian group Mechel, but the majority stake was taken over in 2013 by the offshore Mazur Investments Ltd in Cyprus, which has 86% of the capital. The Romanian state holds 4%.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
US Court Declares Section 232 Steel Tariffs on Derivative Invalid

Lexology reported that Baker McKenzie announced that the US Court of International Trade issued a significant ruling on 5 April 2021 that overturns a portion of the Section 232 tariffs imposed by President Trump under Section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962 (19 U.S.C. §1862). The decision affects the duties imposed on US imports of steel and aluminum derivative products but not the more general steel and aluminum tariffs. The Court found that President Trump missed the statutory deadline when he extended Section 232 tariffs to cover steel and aluminum derivative products more than two years after he received the original Section 232 report. In particular, the President failed to issue the proclamation expanding the duties within the 105-day window beginning upon receipt of the investigation report issued by the Secretary of Commerce. The decision may provide a path to meaningful relief (i.e., refunds and future imports with no Section 232 duties) to importers of these products and also provides important precedent for the ongoing litigation challenging the Section 301 tariffs imposed on Chinese goods.

This recent decision follows an earlier one in the same proceeding (Slip Op 21-8, dated 27 January 2021), in which the Court denied both the government’s motion to dismiss and the plaintiff’s motion for summary judgment, meaning the Court ordered additional briefing on the critical question of when the 105-day period began. The US Government declined to submit additional evidence on this question, and the Court concluded that the government therefore waived an argument that it complied with the 105-day time limit. After finding the President’s actions unlawful, the Court ordered covered entries to be liquidated without the assessment of duties and refunds of past duties paid by the plaintiff.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Vale Ore Carrier Reduces Emissions with Air Bubbles in Hull

Air bubbles, produced artificially under the ship's hull, will help Vale further reduce its greenhouse gas emissions from navigation. The technology, known as air lubrication, was installed in the Sea Victoria, a Guaibamax with a capacity of 325 thousand tons. Ten compressors installed on the ship's deck send air to twenty devices positioned under the ship to produce a carpet of bubbles. These bubbles reduce the friction between the hull and the water, reducing fuel consumption and, consequently, emissions. Sea Victoria, which is already on its way to Brazil, is the first ore carrier in the world to use this technology.

Vale's navigation team estimates that, if the test is successful, the technology could be replicated on the remainder of the contracted fleet dedicated to transporting the company's ore. “Conservative estimates point to a fuel reduction of around 5 to 8%, with a potential reduction of 4.4% in annual emissions from Vale´s maritime transport of iron ore”, explains the technical manager of Navigation, Rodrigo Bermelho.

The technology is supplied by the English manufacturer Silverstream. Vale developed the project in partnerships with ITV (Vale Institute of Technology) and the Korean shipowner Pan Ocean to install the technology on one of the VLOCs (Very Large Ore Carrier) dedicated to transport Vale ores. Shanghai Ship Design Research Institute (SDARI) was responsible for the ship design and its integration with the bubbles. The Chinese shipyard, New Times Shipbuilding, prepared the vessel during its construction and the shipyard, Yiu Lian Dockyards (Shekou) LTD, located in the Chinese city of Shenzhen, installed the equipment. The installation took 35 days and the ship was ready on the June 28th

The adoption of air lubrication is part of Vale´s Ecoshipping program, a program created to meet the challenge of reducing the company’s carbon emissions, in line with what has been discussed within the scope of the International Maritime Organization (IMO). Last year, the company announced that it intends to neutralize its direct and indirect emissions (scopes 1 and 2) in 2050 and still reduce scope 3 emissions by 15% by 2035. Scope 3 emissions are emissions from the company’s value chain, which includes emissions from shipping since the company contracts the ships from third parties to transport their ore. Vale’s emission reduction goals are in line with the ambition of the Paris Agreement.

The technology, known as air lubrication, was installed in the Sea Victoria, a Guaibamax with a capacity of 325 thousand tons.

Recently, Vale announced the launch of the world's first ore carrier equipped with rotor sails, also built in China and scheduled to arrive in Brazil at the end of the month. Like air lubrication, the new technology were installed on a Guaibamax. There are five sails distributed along the vessel that allow an efficiency gain of up to 8% and a consequent reduction of up to 3.4 thousand tons of CO2 equivalent per ship per year. If the pilot project proves to be efficient, it is estimated that at least 40% of the fleet will be able to use the technology, which would result in a reduction of almost 1.5% in annual emissions from Vale's maritime transport of iron ore. The rotor sails are cylindrical rotors, four meters in diameter and 24 meters high – equivalent to the height of a seven-story building. When in operation, the rotors rotate at different speeds, depending on the ship's environmental and operating conditions, to create a pressure difference which propels the ship forward, a phenomenon known as the Magnus effect.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
China Allows Tangshan Steel Mills to Operate at 70% Capacity

Global Times reported that furnaces in all major steel mills in Tangshan in North China's Hebei Province are firing again, which they plan to maintain until the end of the year. However, with China's continued pursuit of carbon emissions reductions, the furnaces are kept at 70% of capacity, except for those that meet the most stringent emissions standards. The move is seen as a relaxation from a more stringent production curb imposed earlier, which limited many steel mills to keeping their output at 50%, as the government balances strong demand for steel from a recovering economy and its environmental commitment.

However, considering an uptick in steel production in the first half of this year and the China's goal of not increasing steel output on an annual basis, Chinese crude steel output needs be slashed by some 60 million tonnes in the second half of 2021. Beijing Lange Steel Information Research Center Research Director Mr Wang Guoqing told the Global Times that “Steel mills will have to avoid producing about 60 million tonnes of crude steel in the second half, so as to maintain a commitment of not increasing crude steel output from the 2020 level. The production curbs in Tangshan, which started in March this year, could slash crude steel production by 34 million tonnes a year. Besides Tangshan in Hebei, other steel-producing provinces including East China's Anhui and Shandong and Northwest China's Gansu are all facing output reduction targets.”

In the first five months, China's crude steel output reached 473 million tonnes, up 13.9% YoY, contrary to stated Chinese government goal of not seeing an annual rise in crude steel production for 2021.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Canada Supports Algoma Steel’s Transformation Plan for Green Steel

Canadian steel maker Algoma Steel Inc’s potential to become the greenest flat-rolled steel producer in Canada marked another significant milestone with the Government of Canada’s commitment of up to CAD 420 million in financial support. Canada’s Prime Minister Mr Justin Trudeau was on site along with Canada’s Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry Mr François Phillippe Champagne to make the announcement to facilitate Algoma Steel’s proposed transformation to electric arc furnace steelmaking. The financial commitment includes up to CAD 200 million from the Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada’s Strategic Innovation Fund through the Net Zero Accelerator to rapidly expedite decarbonization projects and accelerate Canada’s industrial transformation. Under an investment agreement in principle, the Canada Infrastructure Bank is committing a further CAD 220 million towards the project. The funding will be provided over four years and will support thousands of very good direct and indirect jobs in Sault Ste Marie

Algoma Steel’s proposed EAF transformation has the potential to reduce Algoma Steel’s carbon emissions by approximately 70%, making the project among the lowest-cost-per-tonne of GHG reduction in Canada. When combined with Ontario’s low-carbon power, Algoma Steel will be positioned as the greenest producer of flat-rolled steel in Canada, and among the greenest in North America.

Algoma Steel Chief Executive Officer Mr Michael McQuade said “We were honoured to host Prime Minister Trudeau and Minister Champagne today and we took to the opportunity to showcase our new No. 2 Ladle Metallurgy Furnace, another significant milestone in Algoma Steel’s transformation journey which we commissioned this past February. The momentum is building on our path to our enhanced sustainability, with the promise of good secure jobs and a greener future for our community and our customers.”

The Canadian Steel Producers Association welcomed the government support. Canadian Steel Producers Association President and CEO Ms Catherine Cobden said “Today’s announcement is a significant step forward in achieving Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions target while ensuring a strong and sustainable steel operation in Sault Ste Marie. It is also an important illustration of the partnership envisioned through the CSPA’s Climate Call to Action and is an indication that the government is a supportive partner in the Canadian steel industry’s climate plan.”

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Ecolant Selects SIAD Macchine Impianti for Air Separation Unit

Russian Green Steel entrant Ecolant has chosen the Italian company SIAD Macchine Impianti as a supplier of an air separation unit for Russia's first electrometallurgical complex for the production of green steel, which is being built in the city of Vyksa in Nizhny Novgorod region. The air separation plant will produce technical gases, nitrogen, oxygen and argon, in liquid and gaseous form, getting them from the air. These components are required for the production of direct reduced iron and electric arc furnaces. It is planned that the air separation unit at the future production in Vyksa will be launched in 2023, ensuring the commissioning of a steel production complex with DRI technology in a few years. Until this moment, SIAD MI specialists will provide support at the stage of installation and commissioning of equipment.

The Ecolant project in the Nizhny Novgorod region is one of the largest investment projects in the Russian metallurgy, launched in the fall of 2020. Investments in the company are estimated at 150 billion rubles. Production is scheduled to start in 2025. The future plant will produce steel from iron ore and natural gas using the Direct Reduced Iron method. For the first time in Russia, an iron ore-steel technology will be presented at one production site with continuous supply of hot reduced pellets to an arc steelmaking furnace, and the resulting steel for out-of-furnace processing and casting. This will be the first such plant in Europe.

Ecolant will produce high-quality metal in the form of billets and slabs for the production of large diameter pipes for trunk pipelines, wide sheets for shipbuilding, seamless pipes for oil production and railroad wheels. The main consumer of the complex's products will be the plant of the United Metallurgical Company in Vyksa.

Ecolant is a metallurgical complex without coke-chemical and blast-furnace conversion, therefore it will not have emissions associated with the production of coke, sinter and pig iron. As a result, the emissions of carbon dioxide and sulfur oxide will be up to three times lower than with traditional converter steelmaking. This is an important step in reducing the negative impact of metallurgical production on the environment.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Greensill Used Taxpayer Loans to Cut Exposure to Mr Sanjeev Gupta

California News Times, citing a Financial Times report revealed that Greensill Bank uses state-sponsored loans from three European governments to reduce exposure to companies owned by Mr Sanjeev Gupta, potential taxpayer exposure to the metal king’s troubled business empire emphasized the degree of. The scheme, described in a document viewed by the Financial Times, provides insight into the tactics Greensill Bank adopted when trying to quell regulators concerned about the risks of financing Gupta’s GFG Alliance.

FT said that a Report from German law firm CMS Hasche Sigle’s Administrator Mr Michael Frege revealed “Bremen-based banking subsidiaries in Greensill faced an increased pressure from the German Financial Supervisory Authority BaFin in 2020 to reduce widespread lending to GFG. In response, Greensill Bank has devised a plan to use government guarantees granted under Covid economic measures to offset its credit risk. At the end of July 2020, Greensill Bank plans to use government-sponsored loans provided to three GFG companies in France, Italy and the Czech Republic to BaFin as cash collateral for banks’ existing loans to GFG. Greensil Bank’s credit risk to GFG is offloaded to the government. At the time of the collapse of Greensill, GFG companies were in debt of more than EUR 2.8 billion to Bremen-based banks.”

GFG companies in France, Italy and the Czech Republic have acquired four loans worth a total of EUR 190 million, and their respective governments have provided a guarantee of 80% or 90% of the value of the loans. In France, the state investment bank BPI supported two loans by Greensil Bank to the Alvance Aluminum Group, EUR 17 million and EUR 10 million. Liberty Magona Srl, which forms part of GFG’s steel business, received a EUR 86 million loan with the support of the Italian Sace export credit agency. Meanwhile, in the Czech Republic, GFG’s steel business, Liberty Ostrava, received a EUR 76 million loan with the support of the country’s export credit agency, Egap.

According to the FT report, lawyers working for managers are considering the effectiveness of loan guarantees.

Supply chain finance group Green Sill Capital collapsed into power in March. The lender’s relationship with Gupta’s company is currently Criminal investigation Invasion of GFG by the Serious Fraud Office in the United Kingdom.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Labour Leaders Protest against Suspension of 4 SAIL BSL Workers

Jagran reported that that Steel Authority of India Limited’s Bokaro Steel Plant’s management has suspended four plant workers for violating the service conditions during the June 30 strike demanding pay revival in SAIL. The suspended personnel include Blast Furnace operators Mr Rakesh Kumar Giri, & Mr BC Singh, Machine Shop Fitter Mr Rajiv Kumar and Operation Garage person Mr R Kumar. Mr Rakesh is accused of obstructing the work by the management and obstructing the railway track at a very sensitive place and Rajiv affecting the gas line.

There is resentment among the plant workers after this decision of the management. He begins to gather to protect his colleague. At the same time, the labor leaders have spoken of giving an answer to this decision of the management by going on strike. Labor leaders say that when the strike was 100% successful in the entire cell on June 30, then the question of departmental action on any particular person does not arise. If the management wants to take action against the employees because of the strike, then it will have to suspend all the workers together. They said “Since the work in all the departments was completely closed on the day of the strike, all the workers are responsible for this.”

Labor leaders added “After the historic strike of 30 June in SAIL, the management is in a rage and is suspending the plant workers. It will be answered. If the suspension of the workers is not withdrawn soon, then the management will have to be ready for the next strike.”

Source - Strategic Research Institute
ArcelorMittal Tubarão Announces Investments in Environment

ArcelorMittal Tubarão is investing an additional BRL 750 million in 127 new actions aimed at enhancing the Company's environmental control and ratifying compliance with the Environmental Commitment Term, signed with the Government. The new projects have already been reported to the State Institute for the Environment, Iema, and will add to the BRL 1.14 billion in investments announced in 2018, thus totalling investments of around BRL 1.8 billion. Among the planned improvements are new Dedusting Systems in the Coke Crushing and Steel Mill, expansion of Blast Furnace Collection Systems, renovation of Coke Batteries 2 and 3 and replacement of some equipment with new, more efficient technologies. Also noteworthy is the ongoing renovation of the Coke 2 and 3 batteries, which, in addition to generating around 600 jobs, uses the methodology called Rolling Repair, which consists of rebuilding the ovens with fully functioning batteries.

The initiative is in line with the company's commitment to the continuous improvement of its processes and air quality, as well as its relationship with society and its commitment to the State Government and the State and Federal Public Ministry. So far, 66% of the actions provided for in the TCA have already been completed by ArcelorMittal Tubarão.

The company will make two major deliveries in the area of environmental management in the next semester. In September, work will be completed on the bag filter system at the Co-products yard, in the amount of BRL 51 million, and on the seawater desalination project, in the amount of BRL 50 million. It is the largest plant in the country, with an initial capacity to treat 500 cubic meters of water per hour (12,000 cubic meters per day), which can be expanded in the future. The water coming from this system will be used exclusively for industrial purposes and will contribute to greater water security.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
EC Modifies Metallic Coated Steel Import Quota Volumes

The European Commission has revised the tariff rate quotas regarding metallic coated sheets in 4A and 4B categories for some countries, correcting some clerical errors. According to the revised numbers, volumes for some countries have increased, while volumes for others have decreased. Meanwhile, some quota volumes for three-month periods have changed, while some have remained the same.

Click for revised tariff rate quotas

The EC has extended the EU's safeguard measures encompassing 26 steel product categories for another three years until June 30, 2024 and increased the quota volumes by three percent, and a 25 % tariff duty will be applied on products if the tariff rate quotas are exceeded.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Tenova to Supply Decarburization & Coating Line to NLMK VIZ-Stal

Tenova has received a new contract for the supply of a Decarburization and Coating Line from NLMK Group’s VIZ-Stal for its plant in Ekaterinburg in Russia. The contract was awarded through its company Essen Germany based industrial furnace plants supplier Tenova LOI Thermprocess. This new line will provide one of the important stages of grain oriented electrical strip production; steel final processing will be carried out at a newly-built plant located in India. The contract includes the engineering, the supply and the supervision services of the mechanical and process equipment, the heat treatment portion (furnace system) as well as the related electrical, measuring and control systems for a Decarburization and Coating Line.

NLMK Group’s General Director of Silicon Production Mr Valery Shevelev said "NLMK selected Tenova on the basis of the large number of references for similar heat treatment lines. The short execution time is another important factor that led us to choose Tenova as partner for this project. The DCL Line is scheduled to start production by the end of 2021.”

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Liberty Stocksbridge Sale Plan to Reviewed by Syndex Consultancy

Yorkshire Post reported that multiple trade unions have secured an agreement that will see Liberty's proposals subjected to an independent review. The National Trade Union Steel Coordinating Committee, alongside Unite and the GMB, have convinced Liberty to submit their business plans to the union’s external experts, the Syndex consultancy, for what they described as detailed analysis. Unions said “This crucial work will take place over the coming weeks and Syndex will tell us whether the plans stack up and what they mean for the workforce. This is an important development and we are pleased that Liberty has recognised the value of submitting their plans for independent review. The last few months have been full of worry and uncertainty for the workforce and we all have many unanswered questions. While we do not have the answers today, we now have a process to channel our questions and pursue our concerns. Rest assured, if we believe Liberty’s plans fall short the unions will be representing our members’ interests and vigorously challenging the company. The unions have been clear Liberty must first convince the workforce that their plans will secure jobs and the future of every UK site. We’ve all heard Sanjeev Gupta promising that none of our plants will close on his watch and we will hold him to that commitment.”

A Liberty spokesperson confirmed the agreement had been reached.

Liberty announced in May that up to 1,500 jobs were at risk after it confirmed it was placing its South Yorkshire aerospace and steel business on the market as part of a major restructuring in the wake of its main financial backer, Greensill Capital. The company is still engaged in a formal sale process meaning that its Stocksbridge plant, alongside its manufacturing facilities in Brinsworth in South Yorkshire is to be sold. Sites in Coventry, Kidderminster and Essex are also up for sale. Instead, Liberty wants to focus its attention on its Rotherham hub, where it plans to make two million tonnes of green steel.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
CII Seeks Preference for Odisha Steel Mills for Iron Ore Supply

The Pioneer reported that Confederation of Indian Industry Odisha has sought reinstating pre-emption of iron ore for Odisha based end-use plants from the Steel and Mines Department. In a letter to Principal Secretary, Steel and Mines Mr Surendra Kumar, CII Odisha State Council chairman Mr Manish Kharbanda urged a policy for permanent pre-emption of mineral as per need for State based plants. The CII said in recent times the state based iron and steel industries have been facing huge challenges due to low production of iron ore, rampant inter-state dispatches of ore and exponential increase in iron ore prices.

He wrote “The annual iron requirement for the Orissa based steel and iron industry who invested in the State under the promise of iron ore availability is about 112 million tonnes for proper functioning of the plants that generate livelihood of over 10 lakh of natives of Odisha. It is paradoxical that despite Odisha being the largest producer of iron and steel, with 25% share in steel (33 million tonnes), 35% in sponge iron (14 million tonnes) and 33% of iron ore pellets (30 million tonnes), the State based plants are struggling for sustainable supply of iron ore.”

He sought a pre-emption policy in Odisha on line of Karnataka where entire iron ore produced under merchant category is sold to the State based value added plants.

However, a separate report in Orissa Diary said that Jindal Steel & Power Ltd Managing Director of Mr VR Sharma has lauded the innovative and progressive policies of the Odisha Government for protecting the interests of the State based industries. He said “There is an excellent policy on Pre-emption of Iron Ore which was issued by the Government of Odisha, much ahead of time on June 26th, 2014, and further amended on April 16th, 2015. JSPL and other State-based plants have been immensely benefitted from this policy as it’s a simple process to apply to the Director Mines for securing minerals as per the existing pre-emption policy. Presently the Steel industries in Odisha are reeling under severe iron ore crisis and this simple policy of pre-emption can be a saviour provided industries come forward and just follow the simple process laid out by the State Government.”

In the financial year 2021, iron ore production in the State was about 111 million tonnes which was 23% less compared to 145 million tonnes in FY 2020. In terms of Environment Clearance capacity of 182 million tonnes from 43 mines, actual production was only 60%. In this crisis situation, about 46 million tonnes iron ore (84% surge) was exported in FY 2021.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Indonesia Drops AD Duty on CR Steel Imports from Vietnam & China

VNA reported that the Indonesian Government has decided not to impose anti-dumping taxes on cold steel sheets originating from Vietnam and China. In February, Indonesia’s Anti-Dumping Committee KADI announced the final results of an anti-dumping investigation into cold steel sheets imported from the two above countries which was launched in 2019.

The products subject to investigation have codes 7210.61.11, 7212.50.23, 7212.50.24, 7212.50.29, 7225.99.90, 7226.99.19 and 7226.99.99.

KADI also proposed imposing anti-dumping taxes of 3.01-49.2 percent on Vietnamese products and 3.07-55.43 percent on Chinese ones.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Tata Steel Transfers Stake in Himalaya Steel & TSAML Subsidiaries

Tata Steel announced transferring of its 26% stake in Himalaya Steel Mill Services Private Limited to Tata Steel Utilities and Infrastructure Services Limited, formerly known as Jamshedpur Utilities & Services Company Limited, for an undisclosed amount. Tata Steel Utilities and Infrastructure Services Limited is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tata Steel, the company said in a statement.

It has also transferred its 100% stake held in Tata Steel Advanced Materials Limited to another subsidiary company Tata Steel Downstream Products Limited.

Tata Steel did not disclose any financial details related to the share transfer.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
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