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Sopheon wants to recall press release feb.11 2009
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En voor alle duidelijkheid dit bericht kreeg ik van Deborah Reilly (Marketing Communications Coordinator Sopheon)

alfahenkie schreef:

Sopheon wants to recall press release feb.11 2009
Wie heeft ook zo'n email ontvangen?



U.S. Air Force T&E Days 2009
Date: February 10-12, 2009
Location: Hotel Albuquerque Old Town, Albuquerque , NM
More information

The U.S. Air Force T&E Days 2009 is the fifth annual conference dedicated to instituting an enterprise approach to performing test and evaluation in support of weapon systems research, development, test, evaluation, and acquisition.

Designed for test and evaluation professionals from the U.S. military services and representatives from allied nations, this event offers a highly technical forum with unique opportunities to network with fellow professionals, discuss state-of-the-art advances in research, and share the latest test and analysis results directly from the field. Sopheon will be on-site, exhibiting its advanced planning and program management suite of software solutions for the A&D industry.

Innovation and New Product Development in the Chemical Industry
Date: February 17-19, 2009
Location: NH Barbizon Palace, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
More information

Developing sustainable, value-added innovation is key to combating increasing competition, rising costs and uncertainty in a challenging economic climate. This event brings together leading innovators to discuss the key issues facing new product development and innovation in the chemical industry. Practitioners from major chemical corporations including Ciba, BASF, Huntsman, Air Products and Akzo Nobel will share their knowledge and experience. Register now and enjoy a 15% referral discount.

As a sponsor of this event, Sopheon will be exhibiting its software solutions for innovation execution and product portfolio management.

Stage-Gate Innovation Summit 2009
Date: February 24-25, 2009
Location: Sheraton Sand Key Resort, Clearwater, FL
More information

If product innovation is critical to your organization and/or you have recently adopted the Stage-Gate® product development methodology (or are about to), then you’ll want to attend this event. Join us for a powerful exchange of cutting-edge ideas and free-flowing discussion with leading practitioners from Corning, Church & Dwight, Johnson & Johnson, Procter & Gamble, and Fresenius Medical Care. Sopheon is a key sponsor of this executive event.

Portfolio Management for New Products and Services
Date: February 23-25, 2009
Location: Embassy Suites Hotel, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
More information

In the changing global economy, it is ever more critical to develop winning products that drive long-term business value. The 14th Annual Portfolio Management for New Products & Services Conference presents a 360-degree view of portfolio management from discovery to commercialization. Learn to innovate faster, optimize resources, select the right projects, and ultimately develop a high performance environment that fuels growth and organizational excellence, regardless of current economic conditions.

Sopheon’s Chief Technology Officer, Paul Heller, will be participating in a panel entitled, Does Enterprise-Wide Portfolio Management Exist? Tools, Techniques and Trends from Industry Thought Leaders. Mr. Heller and other senior leaders will be discussing best practices for evaluating and managing the projects in your development pipeline to balance risk vs. reward. As an event sponsor, Sopheon will also be exhibiting its product innovation and portfolio management software solutions.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Sopheon Product Lifecycle Management Software Helps Companies Make Hard Decisions in Hard Times
Latest Version of Accolade® Enables Right Choices on Where to Cut and Where to Spend to Survive Recession and Protect Business Future

Sopheon, the international supplier of software and services for product lifecycle management (PLM), today announced availability of an enhanced version of its Accolade product portfolio and innovation process management solution. Features being introduced in the software provide advanced decision support to help senior executives more effectively prioritize product innovation investments and keep available resources focused on projects promising high business returns. The new capabilities are expected to bring immediate value to recession-plagued companies that need to reduce costs and are concerned about undercutting long-term growth strategies.

This is the most uncertain business environment many organizations have ever faced. No one is able to confidently predict the recession’s depth or duration. Business leaders are being forced to continually reconsider strategies and adjust plans and priorities based on a nonstop infusion of new, mostly negative data. One thing is sure. There will be winners and losers. A study of more than 400 companies and their performance before, during and after the last recession showed that four out of 10 changed competitive position. On average, two fell back, and two surged ahead.* Evidence is growing that spending on product innovation not only helps to sustain business success during a downturn, it generates dramatic financial benefits when markets recover. A study by the Strategic Planning Institute found that, during the past 30 years, companies that continued to invest in innovation during periods of recession generated 23.8% returns on capital employed when turnarounds occurred, compared with 0.6% for organizations that cut product development budgets.** Innovation has the capacity to transform crisis into opportunity.

New Accolade Gives Product Innovators Five Critical Advantages In Addressing Recessionary Challenges

In today’s turbulent markets, the ability to make product innovation decisions and portfolio adjustments quickly is not only a competitive differentiator, it is a survival skill. Nonetheless, many companies struggle with indecision. Sometimes it is because they are unable to get a clear picture of where they are spending their innovation resources. Frequently, decision-making is slowed or weakened by the fact that executives, project leaders and innovation teams have difficulty accessing the data needed to make sound judgments. As a result, they are vulnerable to moving with too little information or preparation and making faulty choices, delaying actions or overlooking potentially strong options. Portfolios become unbalanced. Low-value projects are allowed to sap valuable resources and high-potential initiatives starve due to lack of support. In the end, business suffers.

Accolade software brings together the critical pieces necessary in any economic climate to drive business results from product innovation: strategic planning, portfolio management, and end-to-end process automation and governance. The solution’s value is amplified during a recession because it provides planning and decision-making support that helps companies not only optimize returns from available resources while times are tough, but to develop programs and strategies that will allow them to accelerate out of the downturn and emerge with increased competitive strength. Through their use of Accolade, organizations are able to:

1) Improve strategic agility and “uncertainty planning”
The depth of today’s economic and market uncertainty calls for a just-in-time approach to strategy setting. Accolade supports agility in strategic planning by rapidly moving decision-relevant information both vertically and horizontally inside the organization. The easy flow of data permits senior executives to know and react quickly when project details change or external events suddenly demand adjustments or refinements to active strategies. It also sparks the insight needed to formulate strategic and tactical options that can be launched preemptively when conditions begin to improve. Accolade helps reduce uncertainty and risk by making it possible to precisely map market, competitor and technology developments and analyze their probable impact. The software’s charts and reports are rooted in key metrics and best-practice algorithms that enable what-if analyses of proposed strategies. Features such as threaded discussions and alerts inform executive decision-makers, project leaders and team members of changes to strategies, initiatives and metrics, and let them know when action is required.

2) Make faster, better-informed portfolio decisions
Strong portfolio management helps organizations optimize limited resources. Accolade makes it possible to see in real time where innovation resources are invested. The solution’s dashboards consolidate, aggregate and present metrics so that information can be monitored at a glance. An Aberdeen Group research study on best practices in product portfolio management found that Accolade users were able to gather decision-relevant information twice as fast as innovation teams and decision-makers in average companies. Reports generated by the Accolade system show progress toward goals, where imbalances exist and where action needs to be taken. The new version of the software allows all innovation plans and projects—even those not managed by gated processes—to be stored in one place so that access is quick and easy. The resulting visibility and transparency make it possible for even the most complex organizations to react with speed to changing market conditions, moving proactively and decisively to preserve cash and optimize the value of innovation investments to the business.

3) Identify, prioritize and act on the most promising innovation opportunities
Benchmarking studies have shown that, for many companies, project prioritization and selection are the weakest areas of product innovation management. The importance of such shortcomings is magnified in a down economy. These competencies are essential to making the right short-term decisions on how to cut costs and preserve cash. They are also key to protecting and advancing those innovation projects that promise to have the greatest positive impact on long-term strategic and financial business goals. Accolade allows users to separate winning products from losers early in the development cycle and to keep investments concentrated on high-value opportunities. Resources can be balanced on multiple levels: companywide, by business unit, product line or technology. Software features such as scorecards, tailored selection criteria, resource reports and information-gathering and presentation templates grounded in best practices strengthen process governance and minimize innovation risk. Collectively, these capabilities help make it possible for innovation teams to execute projects with predictable performance, and to meet forecasted business goals.

4) Keep daily operational activities aligned with organizational strategies for growth
An estimated 65% of companies struggle to keep product portfolios and o

alfahenkie schreef:

Sopheon wants to recall press release feb.11 2009
Wie heeft ook zo'n email ontvangen?
Ja ik kreeg hem ook. Misschien dat er (weer) wat misging in de communicatie. Te vroeg de lucht in?
Nou ja wat is te vroeg in deze "crisistijden"!
Had binnen 1 minuut 2PB's. Die arme Deborah Reilly
vergiste zich even in de twee stapels. Welke mag ik nu wel en welke mag ik beslist niet publiceren.
stond bij mij géén recall boven het pb.
is inderdaad 2x hetzelfde verzonden
alleen dit pikt mijn inbox niet en
gooit de 2e naar ongewenst.
moeten ze maar beter opletten,het is de laatste tijd zwaar klote met het verzenden van de pb's via mail.


ps.heb nog steeds géén positie in sopheon!
Hendrik de tweede

gideon1404 schreef:

Had binnen 1 minuut 2PB's. Die arme Deborah Reilly
vergiste zich even in de twee stapels. Welke mag ik nu wel en welke mag ik beslist niet publiceren.
Zucht, wat een bedrijf!
Need I say more?

de groeten van Hendrikus

Hendrik de tweede schreef:

Had binnen 1 minuut 2PB's. Die arme Deborah Reilly
vergiste zich even in de twee stapels. Welke mag ik nu wel en welke mag ik beslist niet publiceren.

Zucht, wat een bedrijf!
Need I say more?

de groeten van Hendrikus
henkie.... waar gewerkt wordt, worden nou eenmaal fouten gemaakt... Kijk nou naar jouw ouders... die zijn toch ook niet perfect? Ze hebben jou toch ook op deze wereld gezet? ;-))

gideon1404 schreef:

Had binnen 1 minuut 2PB's. Die arme Deborah Reilly
vergiste zich even in de twee stapels. Welke mag ik nu wel en welke mag ik beslist niet publiceren.
Zij lijkt op Kelly (je weet wel die blonde griet van de Bundy's).
Wat een stelletje amateurs zijn het ook he...

Ok, intern zulke fouten kan ik begrijpen, maar externe communicatie en dan een bericht recallen? Haha, fout op fout bij dit bedrijf. Dit is zo ongeveer het eerste wat je leert op een communications department.

Iemand al ontdekt wat het verschil is tussen beide versies?

Master Eric schreef:

Wat een stelletje amateurs zijn het ook he...

Ok, intern zulke fouten kan ik begrijpen, maar externe communicatie en dan een bericht recallen? Haha, fout op fout bij dit bedrijf. Dit is zo ongeveer het eerste wat je leert op een communications department.

Iemand al ontdekt wat het verschil is tussen beide versies?
Volgens mij is alleen de kop gewijzigd.
Was eerst:
Sopheon Product Lifecycle Management Software Helps Companies Make Hard Decisions in Hard Times.

Deze tekst werd veranderd in :
Debora Reilly would like to recall the message, "Sopheon News Alert - Sopheon Helps Companies Make Hard Decisions in Hard Times".

Meer heb ik niet kunnen ontdekken en dan meteen roepen wat een stelletje amateurs.

Eric eerst onderzoeken wat er echt is gebeurd en niet meteen gaan schreeuwen.



Master Eric schreef:

Wat een stelletje amateurs zijn het ook he...

Ok, intern zulke fouten kan ik begrijpen, maar externe communicatie en dan een bericht recallen? Haha, fout op fout bij dit bedrijf. Dit is zo ongeveer het eerste wat je leert op een communications department.

Iemand al ontdekt wat het verschil is tussen beide versies?
zag gisteren 4 professionals tov een commissie van het Britse Lagerhuis.

Bertus S

Zakcentje schreef:

henkie.... waar gewerkt wordt, worden nou eenmaal fouten gemaakt... Kijk nou naar jouw ouders... die zijn toch ook niet perfect? Ze hebben jou toch ook op deze wereld gezet? ;-))
Idd, pracht voorbeeld van menselijk falen..............

Bertus S.

sappas schreef:

Eric eerst onderzoeken wat er echt is gebeurd en niet meteen gaan schreeuwen.
Sappas, wellicht was mijn strekking niet volledig duidelijk voor je, maar ik schreeuwde over het feit dat een persbericht op een officiele manier gecommuniceerd gerecalled wordt. uit den boze in een professioneel opzicht. Derhalve concludeer ik dat het een stelletje amateurs zijn (niets nieuws onder de zon, maar toch).

Daarnaast was ik geinteresseerd wat er precies anders was tussen de gister verstuurde versie en degene die ik vanochtend in mijn mailbox heb mogen ontvangen (waarvoor anders zouden ze die van gisteren hebben moeten recallen). En dit was gewoon een vraag en geen geschreeuw...

kiwi schreef:

[quote=Master Eric]
Wat een stelletje amateurs zijn het ook he...

Ok, intern zulke fouten kan ik begrijpen, maar externe communicatie en dan een bericht recallen? Haha, fout op fout bij dit bedrijf. Dit is zo ongeveer het eerste wat je leert op een communications department.

Iemand al ontdekt wat het verschil is tussen beide versies?

zag gisteren 4 professionals tov een commissie van het Britse Lagerhuis.

Ja, onvoorstelbaar. Heb hier het hele interview live op televisie kunnen volgen en het is ronduit schandalig...

"welke banking qualifications do you have?"

"i have none"

Maar ja, ik kan me een dergelijk publiekelijke verontschuldiging ook niet herinneren. Wat ook niet lekker op de CV staat natuurlijk ;-)

Master Eric schreef:

Wat een stelletje amateurs zijn het ook he...

Ok, intern zulke fouten kan ik begrijpen, maar externe communicatie en dan een bericht recallen? Haha, fout op fout bij dit bedrijf. Dit is zo ongeveer het eerste wat je leert op een communications department.

Iemand al ontdekt wat het verschil is tussen beide versies?
Deze kreeg ik om 14.15 in mijn inbox,zoek de verschillen.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Sopheon Product Lifecycle Management Software Helps Companies Make Hard Decisions in Hard Times
Latest Version of Accolade® Enables Right Choices on Where to Cut and Where to Spend to Survive Recession and Protect Business Future

Sopheon, the international supplier of software and services for product lifecycle management (PLM), today announced availability of an enhanced version of its Accolade product portfolio and innovation process management solution. Features being introduced in the software provide advanced decision support to help senior executives more effectively prioritize product innovation investments and keep available resources focused on projects promising high business returns. The new capabilities are expected to bring immediate value to recession-plagued companies that need to reduce costs and are concerned about undercutting long-term growth strategies.

This is the most uncertain business environment many organizations have ever faced. No one is able to confidently predict the recession’s depth or duration. Business leaders are being forced to continually reconsider strategies and adjust plans and priorities based on a nonstop infusion of new, mostly negative data. One thing is sure. There will be winners and losers. A study of more than 400 companies and their performance before, during and after the last recession showed that four out of 10 changed competitive position. On average, two fell back, and two surged ahead.* Evidence is growing that spending on product innovation not only helps to sustain business success during a downturn, it generates dramatic financial benefits when markets recover. A study by the Strategic Planning Institute found that, during the past 30 years, companies that continued to invest in innovation during periods of recession generated 23.8% returns on capital employed when turnarounds occurred, compared with 0.6% for organizations that cut product development budgets.** Innovation has the capacity to transform crisis into opportunity.

New Accolade Gives Product Innovators Five Critical Advantages In Addressing Recessionary Challenges

In today’s turbulent markets, the ability to make product innovation decisions and portfolio adjustments quickly is not only a competitive differentiator, it is a survival skill. Nonetheless, many companies struggle with indecision. Sometimes it is because they are unable to get a clear picture of where they are spending their innovation resources. Frequently, decision-making is slowed or weakened by the fact that executives, project leaders and innovation teams have difficulty accessing the data needed to make sound judgments. As a result, they are vulnerable to moving with too little information or preparation and making faulty choices, delaying actions or overlooking potentially strong options. Portfolios become unbalanced. Low-value projects are allowed to sap valuable resources and high-potential initiatives starve due to lack of support. In the end, business suffers.

Accolade software brings together the critical pieces necessary in any economic climate to drive business results from product innovation: strategic planning, portfolio management, and end-to-end process automation and governance. The solution’s value is amplified during a recession because it provides planning and decision-making support that helps companies not only optimize returns from available resources while times are tough, but to develop programs and strategies that will allow them to accelerate out of the downturn and emerge with increased competitive strength. Through their use of Accolade, organizations are able to:

1) Improve strategic agility and “uncertainty planning”
The depth of today’s economic and market uncertainty calls for a just-in-time approach to strategy setting. Accolade supports agility in strategic planning by rapidly moving decision-relevant information both vertically and horizontally inside the organization. The easy flow of data permits senior executives to know and react quickly when project details change or external events suddenly demand adjustments or refinements to active strategies. It also sparks the insight needed to formulate strategic and tactical options that can be launched preemptively when conditions begin to improve. Accolade helps reduce uncertainty and risk by making it possible to precisely map market, competitor and technology developments and analyze their probable impact. The software’s charts and reports are rooted in key metrics and best-practice algorithms that enable what-if analyses of proposed strategies. Features such as threaded discussions and alerts inform executive decision-makers, project leaders and team members of changes to strategies, initiatives and metrics, and let them know when action is required.

2) Make faster, better-informed portfolio decisions
Strong portfolio management helps organizations optimize limited resources. Accolade makes it possible to see in real time where innovation resources are invested. The solution’s dashboards consolidate, aggregate and present metrics so that information can be monitored at a glance. An Aberdeen Group research study on best practices in product portfolio management found that Accolade users were able to gather decision-relevant information twice as fast as innovation teams and decision-makers in average companies. Reports generated by the Accolade system show progress toward goals, where imbalances exist and where action needs to be taken. The new version of the software allows all innovation plans and projects—even those not managed by gated processes—to be stored in one place so that access is quick and easy. The resulting visibility and transparency make it possible for even the most complex organizations to react with speed to changing market conditions, moving proactively and decisively to preserve cash and optimize the value of innovation investments to the business.

3) Identify, prioritize and act on the most promising innovation opportunities
Benchmarking studies have shown that, for many companies, project prioritization and selection are the weakest areas of product innovation management. The importance of such shortcomings is magnified in a down economy. These competencies are essential to making the right short-term decisions on how to cut costs and preserve cash. They are also key to protecting and advancing those innovation projects that promise to have the greatest positive impact on long-term strategic and financial business goals. Accolade allows users to separate winning products from losers early in the development cycle and to keep investments concentrated on high-value opportunities. Resources can be balanced on multiple levels: companywide, by business unit, product line or technology. Software features such as scorecards, tailored selection criteria, resource reports and information-gathering and pr
VOOR MASTER ERIC,zoek de verschillen.

4) Keep daily operational activities aligned with organizational strategies for growth
An estimated 65% of companies struggle to keep product portfolios and operational and project activity aligned with corporate strategic plans. Lack of alignment can result in a variety of problems: spending waste, wrong priorities, low morale and loss of revenues and profits to name a few. Sopheon’s solution creates a seamless, automated process and decision framework that continually reconciles strategic product planning and operational execution. Gate decisions improve because they include consideration of strategic plans and operational and external issues. Projects are measured against corporate goals, ensuring that the performance objectives of individual groups and teams support strategies. At the same time, product development teams can make decisions more quickly and in the context of strategy, with an understanding of how one decision affects others.

5) Cut costs by improving innovation process and team efficiencies
According to recent Gartner research, companies whose product lifecycle management priorities include deployment of technology applications such as Sopheon’s Accolade can reduce product development costs by 30% or more. With Accolade, the savings happen because users are able to identify and abandon low-value or non-strategic projects early, before valuable resources are spent on development. Once projects are selected for completion, they are done right. Labor costs drop because the software's planning capabilities help optimize staff utilization and eliminate uncertainty about product innovation priorities. Process inefficiencies are easy to spot and can be corrected promptly. The new version of Accolade relieves the administrative burden of project management. Advanced integration with other technology platforms enables product innovation teams to organize and complete work faster while eliminating duplication in data entry and minimizing errors. As a result, project costs are lower and rework is virtually eliminated.

“Today’s economic crisis is a time of great opportunity for companies that understand the business importance of continued, prudent investment in product innovation,” said Andy Michuda, Sopheon’s chief executive officer. “Since the market downturn, a growing list of top organizations such as Bayer HealthCare, Burger King, Novartis, PepsiCo and the U.S. Army have adopted our software. At the same time, current customers such as General Motors, Medtronic, Lockheed Martin, SABMiller and Verizon Wireless are expanding the use of our solutions across their organizations. Anecdotal evidence indicates that increasingly, these investments are being made not in spite of the recession, but because of it. The reason is that Accolade helps organizations make the hard decisions about where to cut product innovation costs, and enables them to do what’s necessary to protect the investments and programs that will shape and assure their futures.”

The latest version of Sopheon’s Accolade software is available immediately for purchase and implementation.

* Study by Diamond Management & Technology Consultants
** "Profit Impact of Market Strategy" (PIMS) study
Accolade® is a registered trademark of Sopheon plc


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