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Steel Minister Seeks Plan for Disposal of Iron Ore Fines by SAIL

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
23 Sep, 2021, 6:06 am

India’s Steel Minister Mr Ram Chandra Prasad Singh has reviewed status of the disposal of iron ore fines by Steel Authority of India Ltd and National Mineral Development Corporation along with officials in the Ministry of Steel. Steel Minister directed the SAIL to prepare a roadmap with clear timelines for the disposal of iron ore fines either by sale it in open market or by using it for their captive use. Mr Singh stated that “Since Ministry of Mines has given permission to sell stock of 70 million tonnes of dump fines & tailings lying across different captive mines of SAIL, these stocks should be disposed of at the earliest and made available to the industry. A concrete plan of action needs to be prepared and acted upon.”

NMDC is also advised to prepare a similar roadmap for enhancing their production and expanding their customer base.

Earlier, SAIL Chairperson and NMDC CMD briefed about their present and future action plan for the disposal of iron ore fines along with ramping up their production to ensure the more surplus raw material in the market.
US Steel Challenging Air Quality Regulation in Allegheny County

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
23 Sep, 2021, 6:08 am

To many who have been fighting for better air quality in the Pittsburgh region, it is just another chapter in US Steel’s long history of fighting against air pollution regulations. Pittsburgh City Paper reported that amid US Steel’s apparent desire to turn over a new leaf, it is requesting relief from air pollution regulations instituted by Allegheny County. In a legal brief filed on September 9, US Steel is arguing that regulations related to the settlement are not applicable to Clairton Coke Works’ coke oven batteries. US Steel’s argument is that there is no reasonable dispute the proposed hydrogen sulfide emission standards for the coke works’ ovens are more stringent than the current standards, and, therefore, shouldn’t be applied.

And to the air quality advocates at the Group Against Smog and Pollution, it’s another disappointment in the face of recent statements US Steel has made about wanting to become a more environmentally friendly company. Group Against Smog and Pollution Director Rachel Filippini said “They like to come across as a good corporate citizen and they want to clean up in the act, but when it comes down to it, they are fighting that effort.”

On 24 December 2018, part of Clairton Coke Works caught fire and knocked out the pollution controls at the US Steel facility, causing the surrounding Mon Valley’s air quality to plummet to dangerous levels. Studies have shown the pollution from the fire led to exacerbated asthma rates among residents, including increasing the number of hospital emergency department visits by asthma sufferers in the Clairton area to nearly double following the fire. Six months later, a second fire hit the coke works, and air pollution control devices were again suspended. The fires and resulting air pollution were so bad, it forced the hand of the Allegheny County Health Department who, prior to these incidents, wasn’t always apt to enforce air quality regulations.

Allegheny County Health Department, which has the authority to doll out fines and regulations concerning public health in Allegheny County, took action against US Steel with an enforcement order and fines; eventually, the two parties reached a settlement in 2019 that included USD 200 million in plant improvements, annual environmental audits for five years, annual reports of the company’s environmental improvements, and an established Community Benefit Trust for affected Mon Valley communities. In April, when US Steel announced cancelling expansion plans for facilities in the Mon Valley, US Steel CEO Mr David Burritt said part of the reason was the company’s desire to become carbon neutral by 2050.

Hydrogen sulfide is not a greenhouse gas, though coke ovens do produce those as well, and it usually produces a noxious smell that can reach most parts of Allegheny County. Hydrogen sulfide is also referred to as H2S, as well as sewer gas, swamp gas, stink damp, and sour damp. According to the Centers for Disease Control, acute exposure of H2S can result in nausea, headaches, disturbed equilibrium, and skin and eye irritation. Repeated or prolonged exposure has been reported to cause low blood pressure, headache, nausea, eye-membrane inflammation, and chronic cough.
WorldAuto Steel Releases Updated AHSS Guidelines Version 7.0

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
23 Sep, 2021, 6:13 am

World Steel Association’s automotive group WorldAutoSteel has released new guidelines for best practices on the forming and joining of Advanced High-Strength Steels for vehicle manufacture. The AHSS Application Guidelines Version 7.0 is now online at in a searchable database, allowing users to pinpoint information critical to successful use of these amazingly capable steels. WorldAutoSteel makes these Guidelines freely available for use to the world’s automotive community at

New grades of steel that are profiled in Version 7.0 show dramatically increased strength while achieving breakthrough formability, enabling applications and geometries that previously were not attainable.

The new database includes a host of new resources for automotive engineers, design and manufacturing personnel and students of automotive manufacturing, including

- Search tools and related posts fueled by thousands of industry-specific keywords that enable users to drill down to the information they need

- Information on the metallurgy and mechanics of AHSS grades

- An explanation of 3rd Gen AHSS and what makes these grades unique

- A primer on Press Hardened Steels, one of the most popular AHSS grades in today’s automotive structures

- Summaries of new research in resistance spot welding for joining AHSS of multiple grades and thicknesses

- New information on modelling resistance spot welding

- An expanded solid state welding section

- New information on RSW joining of dissimilar steels as well as dissimilar materials

- Articles written by subject-matter experts and product manufacturers

- Integration of the popular AHSS Insights technical blog

The new online format enables consistent annual updates as new mastery of AHSS’s unique microstructures is gained, new technology and grades are developed, and data is gathered.
NUMSA Plans Indefinite Strike in South African Steel Industry

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
23 Sep, 2021, 6:16 am

After a deadlock with multiple steel and engineering federations during wage negotiations, National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa announced that it would embark on a strike in October. The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa held its Special National Executive Committee meeting on 19th of September 2021. The purpose of the meeting was to reflect on the stubbornness of employers, who are refusing to give workers wage increases that will settle this round of negotiations in the Engineering sector.NUMSA has deadlocked with all employer associations in Engineering, namely NEASA, SEIFSA, SAEFA and the CEO of the Metals Engineering Industries Bargaining Council. The union resolved to embark on militant mobilization of all workers in the Engineering sector in order to embark on an indefinite national strike until workers’ demands are met. The strike will take place on the 5th of October 2021 and we will launch the strike with a national march.

This looming national strike is a clear rejection of the insulting offer which SEIFSA advanced on behalf of employers. They have proposed a three-year agreement of a 4.4% increase for this year, which is based on minimums, and not on the actual rates of pay. They have also offered CPI + 0.5% for the second year, and CPI + 1% for the third year.

Mr Jim had warned in August that Numsa would call on members in the engineering sector and all sub-sectors to unite behind their demands and prepare themselves for the mother of all strikes if employers refuse to settle this round of negotiations.

South Africa's steel and engineering sector body Steel and Engineering Federation of South Africa says the decision by the National Union of Metalworkers of SA to down tools indefinitely in October could lead to a situation worse than 2014 four week strike that cost the economy ZAR 6 billion. Steel and Engineering Federation of South Africa operations chief Mr Lucio Trentini said "In 2014 the four-week strike cost the industry ZAR 300 million per day and SA economy lost ZAR 6 billion. If there is to be an industry strike, I have no doubt that these numbers will be surpassed if the strike continues for a similar period of time, which we are working around the clock to avoid. We are in constant communication with Numsa and the other trade unions, looking at various options that possibly would find favour with both sides.”

Solidarity Deputy Secretary General Metals & Engineering Mr Willie Venter said union is hopeful that a resolution could be found ahead of the beginning of the strike because the manner in which the strike is announced suggested Numsa still had the appetite for a resolution. He said "It's a difficult one to call. I do thing that Numsa is still eager to negotiate rather than to strike. They have been talking to employers for weeks. If they were eager to get the strike going, they would have issued their mandate already. We are still very hopeful that employers and trade unions to reach each other.”

NUMSA on behalf of its members in the industry, is calling on employers to meet our demand of an 8% increase across the board for the first year, and CPI + 2% improvement factor for the second and third year. If CPI + 2% falls below 6%, employers must offer 6% or re-open negotiations. This will settle the round of negotiations.
Mr Sajjan Jindal Expects Improvement in Steel Prices in India

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
23 Sep, 2021, 6:18 am

Times Now reported that JSW Group Chairman Mr Sajjan Jindal has shared positive demand and price outlook for the Indian steel sector at JP Morgan India Investor conference. On the outlook for the domestic steel industry, he sees India having the opportunity to become a large steel exporter as various growth projects is currently under the implementation stage.

Over steel demand, he expects that to improve from the current levels in the near term as he is hopeful that it might bear a consideration across Steel, Cement, and Renewables demand. He expects India’s steel demand to improve once the festival season starts which should drive some steel price improvement as well. He highlights that the domestic Indian steel prices are still at discount, which is currently +15% in difference to the landed steel prices.

On steel prices, he says that the experience is such where he has never seen price differentials as those prevailing now. Traditionally Indian steel prices have been higher vs China, which are now at a discount he adds. This price differential should allow room for some improvement. He expects infrastructure spending to remain strong with a pick-up in spending which should augur well for steel demand in India. He expects that flat steel demand growth will be structurally stronger over the coming years.

On the ESG theme, he says that it offers both opportunities as well as challenges. He expects ESG and carbon to become even more important from here and highlights that JSW Group has ESG and Carbon at the core of its investment decisions.
Vale Ramping Up Iron Ore Capacity to Reach 400 Million Tonnes

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
23 Sep, 2021, 6:30 am

Brazilian miner and iron ore producer Vale has unveiled its iron ore capacity guidance for both end-2021 and end-2022. According to a Vale’s presentation to investors and analysts, it expects its iron ore capacity to reach about 343 million tonnes by end-2021, and 370 million tonnes by end-2022. Vale also said that it expects to reach an iron ore capacity of 400 million tonnes in the medium-term. In the long term, it should reach an iron ore capacity of between 400 to 450 million tonnes.

Vale said its North System should alone contribute to a 205 million tonnes capacity by end-2021. The company’s North System iron ore capacity should remain unchanged at 205 million tonnes in end-2022, however, it should then increase to 215 million tonnes in the medium-term and to 240-260 million tonnes.
Mondiale staalproductie omlaag
In augustus daling van 1,4 procent op jaarbasis.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De mondiale staalproductie is augustus gedaald, na een groeivertraging in juli. Dit bleek donderdag uit cijfers van brancheorganisatie World Steel Association.

In totaal vervaardigden de 64 staalproducerende landen vorige maand 156,8 miljoen ton staal, een daling van 1,4 procent op jaarbasis. Dat was in juli nog een stijging van 3,3 procent, in juni zo'n 12 procent, in mei circa 17 procent en in april zelfs meer dan 23 procent.

In China, wereldwijd met afstand de grootste fabrikant van staal, daalde de productie in augustus met ruim 13 procent tot 83,2 miljoen ton. In de VS was ook nu weer sprake van een forse stijging, ditmaal van bijna 27 procent op een totaal 7,5 miljoen ton. Duitsland zag de productie met bijna 7 procent toenemen.

In India, Rusland en Brazilië was in augustus sprake van een groei oplopend tot 14 procent.

Door: ABM Financial News.

Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999
Investors Road Shows for Revival of Pakistan Steel Mills End

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
24 Sep, 2021, 5:38 am

12days long road show with national and international investors for the revival of Pakistan Steel Mills has ended. Pakistan’s Federal Minister Privatisation Mohammedmian Soomro said that “Pakistan is investors’ friendly country and Prime Minister’s personal interest in boosting the foreign investment culminated in such an encouraging response in the roadshow. We are hoping that the world’s renowned investor’s consortium would participate in the revival of Pakistan Steel Mills.”

He assured that the whole process is run with utmost transparency, and all the decisions are deliberated and approved from PC Board, CCoP and Federal Cabinet and focus is to bring the Mills in operation.

The Ministry of Privatisation of Pakistan has stated that the leading investor consortiums from China, South Korea and Russia have showed interest in investing in Pakistan Steel Mills during roadshows conducted by the ministry for international and national investors.

PSM is non-functional since 2015 and the government has decided to divest PSM's subsidiary Steel Corp’s 51 percent to 74 percent shares through a competitive and transparent bidding process for the revival of the PSM. The transaction is expected to be completed in the second quarter of next year.

Located at 40 KMs South-East of Karachi at Bin Qasim, PSM is Pakistan's largest integrated steel manufacturing plant having designed production capacity of 1.1 million tonnes per annum with a built-in potential for expansion up to 3.0 million tonnes per annum. The main production units include collectively the buddings, superstructure and plant, machinery, equipment etc. installed on the PSM Core Land, include Coke Oven & By Product Plant, Sintering Plant, Iron Making Plant, Steel Making Plant, Billet Mill, Hot Strip Mill, Cold Rolling Mill, Galvanizing Plant, Cold Forming Section, Refractory Plant, Oxygen Plant and Thermal Power Plant. Products manufactured by Steel Plant are Pig Iron, Billets, Cold Rolled Sheets. Hot Rolled Sheets and Galvanized Sheets. An Iron Ore and Coal Berth constructed and owned by PQA and leased to PSMC. The conveyor belt system established by PSMC for the transportation of materials from the Jetty to the Steel Plant.
Severstal Updates Prototyping Complex for Product Development

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
24 Sep, 2021, 5:40 am

Russian steel maker Severstal has modernized the equipment used in prototyping new types of products and is mastering its capabilities. Investments in the development of opportunities for experiments amounted to more than 37 million rubles. The prototyping process was implemented at the industrial sites of the Severstal enterprises in Cherepovets. It includes smelting in the furnaces of the machine building center SSM Tyazhmash and rolling of experimental samples on the equipment of the steel shaped sections shop CSFP of Severstal Metiz.

Smelting capabilities in the machine-building center SSM Tyazhmash were expanded by the installation of a new vacuum furnace with a capacity of 250 kilograms. Previously, smelting was carried out in an open type induction furnace, which did not allow excluding oxidation processes. This had a negative effect on the melt and limited the production of a number of steel grades that were considered as CWP. The new unit eliminates the influence of the atmosphere, and also allows you to get a cleaner alloy for non-metallic inclusions and dissolved gases. The use of a vacuum furnace will make it possible to bring prototypes closer to the products that will be obtained at the units of a real production chain. At the moment, the process of adjusting the equipment and mastering its capabilities is underway.

The facilities of the Severstal-Metiz Center for Financial and Industrial Production have also been modernized. Here is a unique set of equipment for Russia and Europe, which makes it possible to develop the second stage of prototyping cold and hot rolling operations. The existing hot rolling mill was supplemented with reheating furnaces, tempering furnaces and a laminar cooling unit. Such a composition of the equipment makes it possible to provide heating of samples to a given temperature, to cool the work piece at the outlet at the required rate and to give the sample its final properties. This made it possible to fairly accurately simulate the technological operations of the real production of the Cherepovets Iron and Steel Works.

Severstal is strategically interested in accelerating the development of new types of products for its customers. Continuous improvement of the prototyping complex, as a flexible tool for testing hypotheses, confirms these intentions. The composition of the equipment is close to real production and allows checking the complex of product properties in small batches, adjusting and adjusting the chemical composition, smelting and rolling modes. The presence of such a complex near key units is not only more cost-effective compared to the services of external organizations, but also faster, easier in terms of process control and management. Since 2018, based on the results of prototyping on our own equipment, Severstal has developed 35 fundamentally new products.
New Forging Line Starts Production at ThyssenKrupp Homburg Plant

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
24 Sep, 2021, 5:43 am

Thyssenkrupp's new forging line at the Homburg site in Germany's Saarland region has started producing the first sample parts for truck chassis components in September. This production expansion with 80 million euros spent in the last two years represents the most significant single investment ever made at Thyssenkrupp’s Homburg site and a substantial step in the expansion of the product portfolio. The centrepiece of the new highly automated and digitized forging line in Homburg is a 16,000-ton forging press measuring nearly 15 meters in height (without frame and damping system) and weighing 1,700 tons. The new line can produce 360,000 forged components per year and will be able to make different large-scale products. In addition, the new line will be the next step in the on going efforts to reduce energy consumption in production. Requiring significant investments and smart ideas, the energy consumption per ton of produced products was reduced by 40 percent over the last ten years at the Homburg plant. With the new line, the plant will further develop energy efficiency leadership in forging.

Thyssenkrupp has manufactured forged components at the Homburg site since 1947. For many years, the plant in Homburg has been the most efficient production site in Thyssenkrupp’s global forging network. The production of powertrain-independent truck chassis components is part of the company's strategy to open up new markets and product segments in the light of future e-mobility developments.
ArcelorMittal South Africa Appoints Ms Van Wyk as Interim CFO

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
24 Sep, 2021, 5:46 am

ArcelorMittal South Africa announced that Ms Suretha Van Wyk, Senior Manager Statutory Reporting, who currently is part of the Finance team and reports to the CFO, will act as interim CFO until the new CFO is appointed and takes office. The appointment is effective from 1 October 2021 for a maximum period of 6 to 12 months. Ms Van Wyk has 32 years of relevant experience and has been employed by ArcelorMittal South Africa for a combined period of 12 years, initially during 2002 to 2012 and then in 2019 to date in an auditing and statutory reporting capacity.

ArcelorMittal South Africa had informed on 4 May 2021 about Mr Desmond Maharaj’s resignation from ArcelorMittal South Africa as Chief Financial Officer and Executive Director effective 30 September 2021.

Board of Directors has embarked on a process to identify a suitable successor. While the process to find a successor commenced some time ago, it has not been concluded and despite its attempts to do so, ArcelorMittal South Africa will not be in a position to appoint a Financial Director at the end of September 2021.
Danieli Q-ONE Optimizes Steel production at Tokyo Steel Kyushu

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
24 Sep, 2021, 5:48 am

Danieli Automation has supplied its most advanced system for digitalization and optimization of electric arc furnaces and ladle furnaces. The patented Danieli Automation Q-ONE technology already used by European steelmakers is in operation now at the Tokyo Steel Kyushu plant in Japan. Designed with a single, high-current power unit for the 115 tonne ladle furnace and working with currents up to 25 kA and 205-V arcs, the Q-ONE successfully processed the first heat on August 12, 2021. The full system was installed in just 20 days during the summer production shutdown, as crews worked on three shifts to reach the challenging target.

The energy consumption recorded at different frequencies, based on the same Delta Temperature, has shown that at 40 Hz it is possible to obtain an electrical energy savings of 12% compared to the refining process without the Q-ONE.

The variation of the fundamental frequency of current is dynamically possible only thanks to the innovative Q-ONE and creates a capability to reach and set new targets for the steel industry. The power-on time was decreased by over 20%, down to 22 min, thus enabling the EAF production increase. The power factor is higher than 0.96, compared to the previous 0.90, while flicker value of Delta V10 4th measured at 22 kV is below 0.1. Electrode saving at 40 Hz is in the order of 10%, compared to the previous analog operation. Frequency of operation is foreseen to move down to 30 Hz and less in the next days to introduce more operation savings.

In addition, this digital solution ensures compliance with the flicker limits and the harmonic distortion thresholds imposed on the grid by the electricity supplier.

Tokyo Steel Kyushu Works issued a Preliminary Acceptance Certificate to confirm the completion of commissioning in accord with a narrow contractual schedule.
Mechel's I Beams Used in Construction of Dairy Farm in Tatarstan

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
24 Sep, 2021, 5:51 am

Mechel Group's metal trading company Mechel Service has supplied beams for the construction of a dairy complex for 6 thousand cows in Tatarstan. Mechel-Service supplied for the construction of the complex over 600 tonnes of beams produced by the Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant. The steel I beam has a high load-bearing capacity with a low specific weight as its flanges distribute the load and reduce the risk of structural failure. For the production of an I-beam, carbon or low-alloy steel grades are used. Low alloy steel structures can also be used in northern sites in low temperature areas.

LLC Kamsky Bacon is building a mega-farm for 6 thousand cows in Tatarstan. The construction of the dairy complex will go in two stages and will be completed by the end of 2022. The dairy complex will be located on an area of ??about 100 hectares, 109 jobs will be created for this. A livestock complex of this scale will be the first in Tatarstan. The farm will house animals without a leash, and 25 robots will be installed to milk the cows. As a result, the company is expected to increase milk production to more than 68 thousand tons per year or 186 tonnes per day.
Primetals to Supply Staves for BF of ArcelorMittal South Africa

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
24 Sep, 2021, 5:55 am

ArcelorMittal South Africa has placed an order with Primetals Technologies to supply cast iron staves for the blast furnace at the company’s Newcastle, KwaZulu Natal works. The new staves incorporate several key features like the well-proven fixing system which eliminates bolt pull-out, a common cause of over-stressing of the cooling pipes leading to failure and coolant leakage into the furnace, as well as a variation of the patented and established anti-bending solution. This eliminates premature failure of the staves by preventing of corner deformation due to thermal effects. The design will result in a reliable, predictable production for the full campaign life of the blast furnace. Equipment will be ready to be shipped to the Newcastle site by mid-September 2021. ArcelorMittal South Africa is planning to install the staves in the second quarter of 2022.

Primetals Technologies´ scope includes the engineering and supply of 5 full rows of cast-iron staves including refractory inserts, fixtures and fittings. ArcelorMittal South Africa is responsible for installing the staves.

The Newcastle Works, located in the northern part of South Africa’s KwaZulu-Natal Province, is the country’s foremost supplier of profile products. The single blast-furnace-based plant has the capacity to produce 1.8 million metric tons per annum. The profile products produced include low and medium-carbon commercial grades, low-carbon rimming steel substitutes, Sulphur containing free-cutting steels, micro-alloyed steels, high-carbon wire-rod steels and low, medium and high-alloy steels.

Primetals Technologies previously supplied copper staves to ArcelorMittal South Africa’s Vanderbijlpark Works.
Aperam’s European Operations Earn ResponsibleSteel Certification

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
24 Sep, 2021, 5:57 am

Global stainless steel giant Aperam announces that its Stainless Europe operations have been successfully certified to be operating at the ResponsibleSteel Standard by the independent auditors AFNOR. Aperam Chief Executive Officer Mr Timoteo Di Maulo said “Aperam becoming the first stainless steel player to be certified under the ResponsibleSteel Standard is reassurance to our stakeholders that we produce responsibly. With Aperam, our customers have selected a partner of choice, offering them responsibly produced solutions that are also 100% recyclable and low carbon solutions that are much needed for the sustainable society we strive to live in.”

The audit of Aperam's facilities, which took place in June and included Aperam's Chfitelet, Genk, Gueugnon, Isbergues and Saint-Denis sites in Belgium and France, examined such sustainability topics as

- Governance and ethics

- Health & Safety and other labour and human rights Climate change, greenhouse gas emissions and biodiversity Water stewardship and other environmental impacts Stakeholder engagement and local community relations

In accordance with the standard process, Aperam's sites were screened based on written documentation, and underwent on-site audits by third-party auditors from AFNOR Certification. The analysis was completed by more than 40 exchanges with our external stakeholders, including officials, neighbours, associations, subcontractors, employees and unions. An independent Assurance Panel reviewed the final audit report and agreed with the audit team's conclusion that Aperam meets the ResponsibleSteel criteria.

The ResponsibleSteel initiative is the first global sustainability certification programme for the steel sector and its certification follows a stringent audit of the company's practices. The ResponsibleSteel Standard, which was designed together by business partners and NGOs with the aim of promoting steel as a responsible material of choice, contains 12 principles with more than 200 requirements that set the benchmark for responsible steel production.

Aperam is a global player in stainless, electrical and specialty steel, with customers in over 40 countries. The business is organised in three primary operating segments: Stainless & Electrical Steel, Services & Solutions and Alloys & Specialties. Aperam has a flat Stainless and Electrical steel capacity of 2.5 million tonnes in Brazil and Europe and is a leader in high value specialty products. In addition to its industrial network, spread over six production facilities in Brazil, Belgium and France, Aperam has a highly integrated distribution, processing and services network and a unique capability to produce stainless and special steels from low cost biomass. In 2020, Aperam had sales of EUR 3,624 million and steel shipments of 1.68 million tonnes.
Johnstown Pitching for US Steel’s Proposed Steel Plant

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
24 Sep, 2021, 6:01 am

US’s Pennsylvania state’s Johnstown Representative Republican Mr Jim Rigby has begun gathering Johnstown’s representatives from the local to the federal levels and will hold a press conference in Johnstown on 24 September to extend support to US Steel, which announced last week that it is exploring sites to build a miniature steel mill. Mr Rigby said “On Friday, we want to show that it’s not one political party, it’s not one branch of the government, that wants this in Johnstown, Wednesday. It’s the whole body, from A to Z, saying to US Steel, look, we are here for you and support it. We’d like you to consider us.’ We’ve got the land. I’d like to say we’ve got the work force. We are hurting for jobs. These will be good, union, family-sustaining jobs. We need that in our area.”

Mr Rigby said that his sources tell him the mini-mill would bring 300 labor jobs, as well as construction jobs needed to build the plant.

Mr Rigby will be joined by representatives from the offices of US Senator Pat Toomey, Congressman John Joyce (R-13) and Congressman Glenn Thompson (R-15); state Sen. Wayne Langerholc (R-35); members of the Cambria County Commissioners and Johnstown City Council; Johnstown Redevelopment Authority Executive Director Melissa Komar and Johnstown Community and Economic Development Director John Dubnansky.

Record high steel prices and an upswing in demand in the manufacturing sector have ushered in boom time for the US steel industry. Major American steel producers, Nucor Corp and United States Steel Corp recently announced plans to set up new mills in the United States. US Steel Corp announced last week that it is in an exploratory site-selection process to build a new state-of-the-art mini-mill in the United States. Final site selection and other construction terms are subject to a number of factors, including state and local support and final approval by the US Steel Board of Directors. The company’s planned mini-mill will combine two state-of-the-art electric arc furnaces with differentiated steelmaking and finishing technology. The estimated investment is approximately USD 3 billion. Upon receipt of required environmental and operating permits, US Steel would expect to begin construction of the mini-mill in the first half of 2022, with production expected to begin in 2024.

US Steel was a major employer throughout much of Johnstown’s history. In the span of 10 years in the 1880s, a series of steel company consolidations led to US Steel’s presence in the city. Johnson Steel Rail Company became Lorain Steel, which became Federal Steel and then became part of US Steel. In 1984, US Steel sold the Johnstown Plant to a few former employees who continued to run it as Johnstown Corp until it closed.
Mr Pawan Kalyan's Jana Sena Party to Step up RINL VSP Agitation

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
24 Sep, 2021, 6:06 am

Actor truned politician Mr Pawan Kalyan’s Jana Sena Party has warned that it would soon get into action mode in the agitation against the disinvestment of Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited’s Visakhapatnam Steel Plant. Jana Sena Party leader Mr Nadendla Manoha told media that party president Mr Pawan Kalyan will meet with workers' unions next month as he time is right for taking the next step in the agitation.

Mr Pawan Kalyan has conveyed the party's stand on the issue to the BJP leadership in Delhi and Jana Sena Party is optimistic that its ally will act positively to secure the employment opportunities of the people of the state.

The Union government's move to disinvest in the Visakhapatnam Steel Plant has been met with opposition from all quarters in Andhra Pradesh, with the employees continuously holding protests on the issue. The workers, employees and opposition party people have intensified the protest against the privatisation of Vizag steel plant since the Union government started expediting the process of disinvestment. Protests were conducted in Delhi and in Visakhapatnam, padayatras and maha padayatras are also being conducted against the move.
Chancellor Nominee MrScholz Offers Support for German Steel Sector

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
24 Sep, 2021, 6:09 am

German media reported that German Social Democrat party’s candidate for chancellor Mr Olaf Scholz has promised to help German steel industry convert to climate friendly production if his party wins federal election on Sunday. During his visit to ThyssenKrupp Steel in western Ruhr area, traditionally a stronghold for the SPD which has close ties to trade unions, Mr Scholz promised to keep Germany competitive as an industrialized country and said that he is firmly behind expanding electricity generation capacity to help industry cut carbon emissions. He told "I have made a clear commitment: in the first year of the coming government, I want to take decisions for the expansion of electricity generation capacity in Germany. This would involve offshore and onshore wind power, solar energy and electricity grids.”

He added that he understands that steel companies would only invest in conversion if sufficient electricity is available.

For the first time in Germany, climate change is perhaps the most dominant issue in an election campaign, especially for young voters. It's at the centre of televised debates among candidates, and five of the six main parties offer plans with varying degrees of detail for slowing global warming. German steel industry is one of the largest producers of climate damaging CO2. The sector, with players including Thyssenkrupp, Salzgitter and ArcelorMittal, faces the biggest transformation in its history to switch to climate-neutral production.

Germany will go to the polls on September 26 to elect members of the lower house of parliament known as the Bundestag. German citizens do not elect a chancellor directly, but their votes determine the makeup of parliament every four years and the representatives further elect the chancellor. In Germany, each voter can cast two votes: one for a candidate standing in their constituency, and one for a party list of candidates in their federal state. The first vote decides which candidates are sent to Parliament from the constituencies and the second vote determines the relative strength of the parties represented in the Bundestag. The polls are crucial as they will determine who will succeed Chancellor Ms Angela Merkel as she steps down after 16 years.

Ms Merkel, in power since 2005, plans to stand down after the election. Mr Scholz, currently vice chancellor and finance minister in her grand coalition, is the voters' most popular choice by far to succeed her.

In a recent Kantar poll, SPD scored 25%, conservative CDU/CSU alliance whose chancellor candidate is Armin Laschet stood at 22%, The Greens at 16% and the business-friendly Free Democrats FDP at 11%.
Liberty Steel to Restructure Belgian Steel Units

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
24 Sep, 2021, 6:12 am

Local media reported that the management of Liberty Steel announced its desire to launch, as soon as possible, a procedure with a view to separating 153 workers at Tilleur & Flémalle in Liege in Belgium. These job cuts would target various functional areas, including purchasing, IT and accounting. There is also a question of loss of staff at the Galva 4 site in Flémalle. The social breakdown began in Liège, where Liberty Steel has several steel sites, notably in Flémalle and Tilleur. The steel group presented a restructuring aiming to maintain the Galva 4 line and the tinplate plant, but to put under cocoon the galvanizing line 4 of Flémalle, requiring too heavy an investment for the moment. As a result, 153 workers have to leave the company out of a total of 690 working for Liberty Steel in the Liège region.

According to media reports, Liberty plans to mothball the Galva 4 hot dip galvanizing line at Flémalle, which had previously been halted between 2014 and 2018, under ArcelorMittal's ownership. The site's Galva 5 hot dip galvanizing line is expected to continue to operate. Liberty plans to keep open the Tilleur tinplate factory, citing an accord being struck with Trivium Packaging Group to purchase 130,000 tonnes per year of tinplate for three years from the plant.

Liberty Steel in Liège had requested and obtained, on May 11, to be placed under judicial reorganization proceedings PRJ. This status was granted by the Liege Company Court to protect the steelmaker from his creditors, theoretically until the end of this month. The purpose of this protection was to give the management of the steel group time to set up a rescue plan for the Liège and Luxembourg sites.

At the end of June, Liberty Steel announced a major reorganization of its sites in Europe aimed at optimizing the operational integration between three steel sites, namely Liège-Dudelange, Magona in Italy and Galati in Romania. The latter, the largest integrated steel plant in Romania, was to become, on paper, the main supplier of hot rolled coils to companies downstream from Liberty Steel sites with the aim of ensuring "a safe and sustainable supply of their raw material. At the beginning of August, Liberty Magona was thus able to restart its activities thanks to the receipt of hot-rolled coils from Liberty Galati. An identical scenario was to occur in Liège-Dudelange for the month of October.
Russia Finalizes Mineral Extraction Tax

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
24 Sep, 2021, 6:15 am

TASS reported that Russia’s S Finance Ministry and steel, metal & mining companies have agreed to increase mineral extraction taxes for the industry from 2022. According to the head of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Alexander Shokhin, at the meeting the authorities and companies managed to agree on the following rates: MET for ore at 4.8%, excise tax for liquid steel at 2.7%.

Earlier, the Finance Ministry proposed, in particular, to introduce an excise rate on liquid steel at the level of 3% of the average export price for steel slabs in the seaports of Russia located in the Southern Federal District for a calendar month. It was proposed to set the MET rate for iron ore at 5.5% and tie it to the price of ore on world markets. For coking coal, it was proposed to set the tax rate at 1.5% and also tie it to the price of raw materials.

The new measures are intended to eventually replace the increased export duties on a range of ferrous and non-ferrous product imposed for 1 August-31 December, which were expected to bring substantial losses to the country's major metallurgical producers.

Minerals Extraction Tax in Russia

- Taxpayers - Organisations and individual entrepreneurs recognised as users of subsoil

- Subject to tax - Extracted commercial minerals

- Tax base - Thetax base is the result of self assessment tax. It is established as the value of extracted minerals or as a multiple of the quantity of extracted minerals and a certain solid tax rate subject to a coefficient.

- Taxable period - Calendar month

- Tax rate - Determined for each type of exacted mineral

- Tax payment - Not later then the 25 th day of the month following the expired tax period
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