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25/03/2010 Patrys Activity Update/Newsletter - March 2010 7 PDF

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PAT-SC1: Move Towards GMP Production.
Since aquiring PAT-SC1 in October of 2009, the company has re-confirmed the product's anti-cancer activity in laboratory tests and begun establishing PAT-SC1 in Patrys' recently devolped and high yielding production technologies.
Upon succesful development of that manufacturing platform, which is expected to take approximately 12 months, the Company expects to advance the product into larger Phase II clinical trials for the treatment of gastric cancer.
flosz schreef:

Art. FD erbij:
Opschalen van productie

DSM Biologics is specialist in het opschalen van de productie van medicijnen van de laboratoriumfase naar de volwassen industriële, commerciële fase. DSM zal die kennis in Australië toepassen voor nieuwe medicijnen van de circa 400, veelal jonge biotechbedrijven nabij Brisbane.

Nog meer info....

DSM Biologics Announces Entering an Agreement with the Australian Governments to Build and Operate a Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing Facility in Brisbane

PARSIPPANY, N.J., May 3 /PRNewswire/ -- DSM Biologics is pleased to announce the signing of preliminary agreements to enter a partnership with the Australian Governments (Queensland State Government and the Commonwealth of Australia) to design, build and operate the first major Australia-based mammalian biopharmaceutical manufacturing facility, which will be located in Brisbane.

The over 70,000 square foot facility will offer mammalian process development and cGMP clinical and commercial manufacturing services. DSM Biologics will employ its global expertise and portfolio of proprietary technologies to offer Australia and clients from all over the world, state-of-the-art, world-class contract manufacturing services.

Karen King, President of DSM Biologics comments, "We are extremely honored to be selected by and partnering with the Australian Governments, in particular with the Queensland State and the Commonwealth Governments to bring Australia its first major cGMP mammalian contract manufacturing organization (CMO). This offering will be an important continuation and expansion of the services we currently provide out of our facility in Groningen, The Netherlands. Clients will have the added advantage of being able to choose between standard technology processes or Royal DSM's proprietary XD® and DSP optimization technologies." The services offered at the site will support all mammalian cell lines and process technologies including standard CHO-based systems and the PER.C6® cell-line technology, to which DSM has co-exclusive licensing rights for proteins and mAbs, together with the Dutch biotech company Crucell."

Nog wat meer:
DSM’s involvement also means the site will support the PER.C6 cell line, which it has co-exclusive licensing rights for proteins and monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), as well as standard Chinese hamster ovary (CHO)-based systems.

Investing in biopharm
The cGMP manufacturing facility is expected to be operational in 2013 and is located within the Queensland Translational Research Institute (TRI) in Brisbane, Australia. TRI is expected to open in 2012 and will be a one-stop-shop for discovery, production and clinical testing of biologics.

Federal and Queensland governments have invested more than A$100m in the TRI, which is intended to provide economies of scale and improved efficiency in research through greater collaboration.

For DSM the facility forms an “important element” of its CMO strategy, improving its ability to serve clients at all phases of development and


DSM buys Upfront's Rhobust chromatography tech
By Gareth Macdonald, 05-May-2010

DSM Biologics says combining its XD platform with newly-acquired Rhobust chromatography platform will create high yield, low cost bio-manufacturing option.

The US-based DSM unit has had its eye on the platform since September 2007 when it provided former owner, Danish purification technology specialist Upfront Chromatography, with funding to further its development.

Financial terms of the acquisition have not been disclosed although it is understood that DSM will continue to work with customers that already use the technology.

Rhobust is an expanded-bed absorption (EBA) technology in which cross-linked tungsten carbide and agarose beads create a purification surface designed to improve recovery yields during bio-processing.

The enhanced purification capacity offered by Rhobust has significant application in the field of high density bio-production according to DSM VP of global technology Rolf Douwenga.

He explained that the XD platform’s ability to operate at densities of 200m cells per ml and produce, for example, up to 27 grams of antibody per litre has created a need for downstream technologies able to match this capacity.

“With the Rhobust technology we can address this issue, and we are constantly broadening our technology portfolio for an even more effective bio-manufacturing process."

DSM Biologics president Karen King also stressed the benefits of the bringing the technologies together for the bio-processing industry.

She suggested they “will provide an integral package combining high titre, high yield processing with efficient downstream processing leading to lower manufacturing costs."

And, while King did not say where Rhobust will be applied, it is likely it will be used at contract bio-manufacturing plant DSM is developing in Queensland, Australia , given that production at the facility will utilise the XD platform.
PAT-SM6->PER.C6 inside.

Royal Adelaide Hospital Approves Commencement of Patrys Melanoma Human Trial

Approval granted for human clinical trial to evaluate PAT-SM6 as a treatment for melanoma

Trial to be conducted in Australia where melanoma rate is highest in the world
Patient recruitment will commence immediately; first data expected during the 2HCY2010

Melbourne, Australia; 2 August, 2010: Patrys Limited (ASX: PAB), a biopharmaceutical company focused on the development of natural human antibody based therapies for deadly cancers, announced today the approval of a human clinical trial to evaluate PAT-SM6 as a treatment for melanoma.
Approval to commence the trial came from the Human Research Ethics Committee at the Royal Adelaide Hospital.
PAT-SM6 is a natural human antibody that has shown great promise in laboratory and animal testing as a potential treatment for multiple types of cancer, with a particularly strong potency against melanoma.
Melanoma is a very serious global medical problem, with an expected doubling of incidence every 15 years. Australia has the highest rate of skin cancer in the world, where nearly 10,000 cases are diagnosed each year. Current treatments for metastatic melanoma are largely ineffective, resulting in a five year survival rate of just 16%.
This will be the first trial globally to target Glucose-Regulated Protein 78 (GRP78) as a treatment for melanoma. GRP78 is a protein over-expressed on the surface of cancer cells that plays a role in the aggressiveness of the disease. In contrast, GRP78 is not present on the surface of normal cells. PAT-SM6 is thus a novel treatment with a potentially potent yet safe profile.
Patrys CEO, Dan Devine, commented: “This is exciting on a number of levels. First, PAT-SM6 offers a potentially new treatment for melanoma, where current therapies are largely ineffective."
"In addition, this is the first trial of a product produced using Patrys' proprietary manufacturing platform for natural human antibodies – which is groundbreaking and which sets a precedent for advancing other clinical candidates from our pipeline.”
The clinical trial will be conducted at the Royal Adelaide Hospital in Australia and enrol approximately 10 patients. The primary endpoint for the trial is to measure the safety of PAT-SM6. Multiple secondary endpoints are aimed at measuring the anti-tumour activity of PAT-SM6.
First patient data from the trial is expected to be available in the 2HCY2010. The trial is expected to take approximately twelve months to complete.
Should PAT-SM6 prove safe and well tolerated in this first human study, Patrys anticipates the immediate start of a second clinical trial for PAT-SM6 that will target up to 25 patients with metastatic melanoma and additional types of cancer. The production process for this larger trial has commenced.
Appendix: PAT-SM6 Human Clinical Trial - Melanoma
Approval: Approval for this trial was granted by the Human Ethics Committee of the Royal Adelaide Hospital on 30 July 2010 and notification given to the Australian regulatory body, the Drug and Safety Evaluation Branch of the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). The trial will be conducted under the TGA's Clinical Trial Notification (CTN) scheme.
Global Standards: The trial will be conducted in accordance with the principles of the International Conference on Harmonization (ICH), which incorporate standards of conduct for clinical trials that are essentially uniform for all the major regulatory agencies world-wide, including the United States FDA and Australia’s TGA.
Trial Title: A Single Dose, Dose Escalating, Phase I Clinical Trial of PAT-SM6 Monoclonal Antibody in Patients with Recurrent In-Transit Cutaneous Melanoma
Primary Objectives: Establish the safety profile of a single dose of the anti-GRP78 monoclonal antibody PAT-SM6 in patients with recurrent in-transit cutaneous melanoma
Major Secondary Objectives:
Describe the pharmacokinetics of PAT-SM6
Screen for the development of patient antibodies against PAT-SM6 (immunogenicity)
Explore the anti-tumour activity of PAT-SM6
Assess the pharmacodynamic effect(s) of PAT-SM6 in patient tumour samples
Identify potential predictors (biomarkers) of therapeutic efficacy and/or safety

Method: This trial is a multicentre, open-label, dose-escalation, Phase I study. Patients will receive a single dose of PAT-SM6 intravenously, followed 96 hours later by collection of cutaneous tumour tissue.
Patrys Secures Funding of up to A$15 Million to Support Advancement of Clinical Products

Patrys intends to use the funding to enhance shareholder value primarily by supporting the advancement of its lead anti-cancer therapeutic candidates, including, but not exclusively, PAT-SM6, PAT-SC1 and PAT-LM1.

PAT-SM6: the Company has recently received approval to commence a clinical trial to evaluate PAT-SM6 as a treatment for melanoma. The funding received from Advance will be used in part to advance PAT-SM6 into a larger clinical trial in 2011 that will target additional melanoma patients and patients with other cancers.
Question: What is the significance of this trial to the advancement of PAT-SM6, and more broadly, Patrys’ pipeline?
Patrys: Approval for a first-in-human clinical trial for PAT-SM6 is a significant milestone for all of the Company’s stakeholders, including the patients we aim to treat, our potential strategic partners and our shareholders.
It provides the first opportunity to evaluate the potential of PAT-SM6 as a treatment for cancer and its safety and efficacy in humans. The clinical trial is a therapeutic landmark, given that PAT-SM6 kills cancer in a completely different way compared to existing treatments, in turn offering patients a promising alternative to existing treatments, which are mostly ineffective and unsafe.
Patrys’ business model is based on partnering our products with larger companies for advanced clinical development. What this trial allows us to communicate to those potential partners is that we can manufacture and advance our products to the clinic under mandated regulatory guidelines, and that we can gain clinician/oncologist support for the clinical development of our products. That validation is critical.
From a broader perspective, our success with PAT-SM6 is indicative of what value we can create overall as a Company, as all of our products emanate from the same natural human antibody platform. In other words, the ability to manufacture at large scale and get clinician support to advance PAT-SM6 to a human trial is a direct example of what is possible with our entire pipeline.
Question: PAT-SM6 applies to many cancers, so why is Patrys targeting melanoma in this first trial?
Patrys: Melanoma was selected as the first indication due to a number of factors.
Firstly, laboratory experiments show that PAT-SM6 binds to melanoma cells strongly and kills them. In fact, PAT-SM6 bound to 100% of the melanoma patient tumours screened. This is a uniquely high hit rate, resulting in added confidence that PAT-SM6 could attack the tumours of all the patients enrolled in the study. This is an important and differentiating feature of PAT-SM6, as melanoma tumours can vary significantly from one patient to another, and treatments on the market often fail to work for all patients. Secondly, PAT-SM6 binds to a protein called GRP78 that is present at high levels in melanoma cancer tissues, and third-party researchers have shown that the level of GRP78 in a given patient’s melanoma tissue is proportional to the aggressiveness of an individual’s cancer, therefore making melanoma a good choice.
More broadly, targeting GRP78 makes biological or therapeutic sense as multiple independent researchers have shown that GRP78 plays a number of roles in cancer, including in the spread of cancer beyond its primary tumour site (metastases) and the resistance of cancer cells to existing treatments. We intend to interrupt those cancer cell processes by blocking the normal function of GRP78 by treating patients with PAT-SM6.
Finally, biopsies can be obtained from melanoma tumours that are on the surface of the skin without an invasive surgical procedure. That clinical study design feature will facilitate enrolment and allow us the possibility of analysing those biopsies post treatment as one means to study the anti-cancer activity of PAT-SM6.
Question: When can the public expect to see results from the melanoma clinical trial?
Patrys: Over the next nine months, we intend to update shareholders on safety data following recruitment of the third, sixth and tenth patient. The exact timing of those announcements will be determined by the recruitment of patients who meet the criteria for inclusion.
We will report any material efficacy data as it arises and we will continue to monitor patients well beyond the trial conclusion to collect data on the prevention of recurrence of melanoma in treated patients.
Question: Patrys has mentioned a second PAT-SM6 clinical trial. Are details about that trial available?
Patrys: Assuming the level of doses of PAT-SM6 administered in this first trial are proven safe, we will have the data necessary to progress to a trial with more patients and higher dosing. This trial will focus on melanoma with the possibility that we will include patients with other indications such as pancreatic cancer and colon cancer.
To avoid delays in commencing the second trial, Patrys has begun the necessary production activities to support that second trial. The full implementation of this clinical strategy of course depends on future funding.

P.59: notes to the financial statements
Manufacturing: Patrys is deploying PER.C6®human cell line for production; broad license that covers up to 8 Patrys products with potential to extend
Over 35 PER.C6®products in clinical development
Over 5,000 patients treated with PER.C6®products -safe profile
Regulatory approval in all major markets

PAT-SC1 Lead Candidate (Gastric Cancer)
Human Trial Results
Survivalbenefit for treated patients vs. historic control
Well tolerated
Converting to PER.C6®manufacturingplatform
PhaseIIhuman trial (2011)*
Expressed in over 70% of primary tumours and 95% of metastases
CD55+patients correlated with poorer UICC staging, may indicate that tumours are more aggressive
Third party research confirms role of CD55 in tumourdifferentiation, migration, and invasiveness

PAT-SM6 Lead Candidate (Multiple Cancers)
First human trial approved July 2010
Anticipated trial completion June 2011
Broad Applications:
Applies to multiple cancers including melanoma, breast, colon and pancreatic

Safe profile in laboratory and in vivo experiments; no binding to healthy tissues

Melanoma clinical trial approved

First site: Royal Adelaide Hospital

Patient recruitment underway

Regulatory compliant manufacturing in PER.C6®

PAT-SM6 binds to GRP78 expressed in >98% of over 200 different patient tumours screened
Particularly strong correlation between GRP78 expression and aggressiveness of melanoma
GRP78 expression correlated to adverse prognosis in breast, lung, gastric and prostate cancers
GRP78 expression correlated to drug resistance in breast cancer

PAT-LM1 Lead Candidate (Multiple Cancers)
PAT-LM1 is effective at reducing tumours in an animal model of human lung cancer

Broad Applications:
Applies to multiple cancers including colon, pancreatic, lung, breast, ovary and prostate

Safe profile in preclinical safetystudiesno binding to healthy tissues

PhaseIhuman trial (2011)*

Successful establishment of FDA compliant manufacturing (PER.C6®)

PAT-LM1 binds to NONOexpressed in >98% of over 200 differentpatient tumoursscreened
NONO expression in bladder cancer is strongly correlated with higher patient mortality
Expressed in majority of prostate cancer tissues screened, and consistent through different stages/tumour grades
Third party research confirms role of NONO in unregulated tumour cell growth and metastases, and overall a poor prognosis
Lanzaam maar zeker wordt het sprookje de waarheid, PerC6 gaat het nieuwe besturing systeem worden in de biotech.
Indien Crucell zelfstandig blijft kunnen de aandelen binnenkort gesplitst worden. Dit is met Bill zijn aandelen ook een paar keer gebeurd.
Opmerkelijke info van eerder deze maand, flosz. Thanks. Als PER.C6 toch zou beginnen te rollen (en ergens moet de eerste steen voor een wiel weg), dan begrijp je de move van mt/rvc niet. Waarom je onafhankelijkheid nu vrijwillig opgeven? Een veel betere beloning van het mt/rvc ligt dan immers in het verschiet. Zal ongetwijfeld al geopperd zijn, maar zou Crucell lucht hebben gekregen van een mogelijk vijandig bod. De toekomst is dan onvoorspelbaar en die is met J&J wat scherper. Overigens met een tijdshorizon van 1 tot 3 jaar.

eddy59 schreef:

Lanzaam maar zeker wordt het sprookje de waarheid, PerC6 gaat het nieuwe besturing systeem worden in de biotech.
Eén patrys maakt nog geen (brussiaanse) zomer.
USA FDA Confirms Orphan Drug Status for Anti-Cancer Product PAT-SC1
Orphan designation confirmed for PAT-SC1 clinical product
Provides 7 years market exclusivity in the USA post approval
PAT-SC1 treatment of gastric cancer patients provided significant survival benefit

Melbourne, Australia; 5 November, 2010: Patrys Limited (ASX: PAB; “Company”), which is focused on the development of safer and more potent treatments for cancer, has received confirmation of Orphan Medicinal Product Designation for anti-cancer product PAT-SC1 from the USA Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Orphan product designation is intended to provide incentives to encourage companies to pursue cures and treatments for rare diseases with high unmet medical needs.

Under orphan drug status, PAT-SC1 qualifies for potential grant funding during development as well as a period of marketing exclusivity upon FDA approval.
PAT-SC1 has been evaluated for safety and efficacy in a human clinical trial involving gastric cancer patients. The results were encouraging, as patients treated with PAT-SC1 experienced a significant survival benefit compared to a historical control set of patients that received similar treatment but for the PAT-SC1 antibody.
The product is now being converted to Patrys' recently developed large scale manufacturing technology in preparation for a second trial.
The FDA was formally asked to confirm that orphan status is available for PAT-SC1 as produced using Patrys' new manufacturing technology. That confirmation was recently received by Patrys.
Orphan drug designation is available for disease indications where the incidence in the USA is less than 200,000 cases. In the case of gastric cancer in the USA, just over 20,000 new cases per year are reported.
Importantly, while an orphan indication in the USA, the market is much larger as reflected in the fact that over 1,000,000 new cases are reported every year worldwide. The disease is deadly, as the lives of 800,000 gastric cancer patients are lost every year.

PAT-SC1 Lead Candidate (Gastric Cancer)

Converting to PER.C6® manufacturingplatform
PhaseII human trial (2011)

These factors present a unique opportunity for Patrys with respect to PAT-SC1, because the product can benefit from the potential for fast track development in the USA. Approval in the USA can then be leveraged globally where the market is more commercially significant.
The conversion of PAT-SC1 to Patrys’ large-scale manufacturing technology is expected to be completed by June 2011. During this period the Company will assess the opportunities to advance PAT-SC1 into a second clinical trial as an internal program or through a larger industry partner.
en weer heeft flosz ons een positief bericht eerder gebracht dan investor relations bij Crucell!

heel mooi weer.
PAT-SM6->PER.C6 inside.

Patrys Completes Treatment of First Patient Group in Melanoma Trial
Treatment of first patient group at initial dose of lead product PAT-SM6 now complete
No safety issues reported in any patients treated
Expect to advance quickly to second group of patients at higher dose

Melbourne, Australia; 10 November, 2010: Patrys Limited (ASX: PAB), which is focused on developing revolutionary treatments for cancer, announced today that it has completed the treatment of the first group of patients in a melanoma clinical trial for lead product PAT-SM6.
PAT-SM6 is a natural human antibody that has shown promise as a potential treatment for multiple types of cancer including melanoma; importantly, it is the first reported clinical product to target a protein on the surface of cancer cells called GRP78 that plays a number of key roles in cancer cell survival, growth and metastases.
The first group of three patients was screened at the Royal Adelaide Hospital (RAH) Cancer Centre and subsequently treated at the Pain and Anaesthesia Research Clinic, which is onsite at the RAH.
The first patient in this melanoma trial was treated on 19 October 2010, with the last patient in this group completing treatment on 1 November 2010. To date, no safety issues have been observed or reported for any patients treated with PAT-SM6.
Patrys has targeted a maximum of ten patients for this trial over ten months, so the Company is well within its anticipated timeline for completing the trial. Under the trial design, in total three different dose levels will be evaluated in three groups of patients.
Patrys Chief Medical Officer and President, Dr Marie Roskrow, commented: “We are very satisfied with the progress of this trial, both in terms of the product appearing safe to date, and the rate at which we are able to recruit patients."
Melanoma is a very serious global medical problem, with an expected doubling of incidence every 15 years. Australia has the highest rate of skin cancer in the world, where nearly 10,000 cases are diagnosed each year. Current treatments for metastatic melanoma are largely ineffective, resulting in a five year survival rate of just 16%.
Patrys CEO, Dan Devine, added: "Advancing promising products through clinical development involves a number of important operational capabilities, including being able to produce quality material at large scale and recruiting patients for clinical trials in a timely fashion. Patrys has done both well with respect to the PAT-SM6 melanoma trial, which gives us great confidence going forward both for the development of PAT-SM6 and other Patrys lead products."
The primary aim of the current melanoma trial is to evaluate the safety and tolerability of PAT-SM6. Multiple secondary endpoints are aimed at measuring the anti-tumour activity of PAT-SM6. All results will be finalised and reported at the end of the trial, which is expected to be by June 2011.
Bedankt flosz. Opnieuw goed nieuws voor de toekomstige hoge marge inkomstenstroom van Crucell. Ontwikkelingen die helaas vanuit Leiden stil worden gehouden.

Patrys Announces Capital Raising of $3.2 Million and Share Purchase Plan
Melbourne, Australia; 17 November, 2010: Patrys Limited (ASX: PAB; Company), a biotechnology company focused on the development of revolutionary new treatments for cancer, is pleased to announce a successful capital raising of approximately $3.2 million, which was conducted via a private placement.
The capital raised, when coupled with existing financial resources, is sufficient to:
Support an expanded PAT-SM6 human clinical trial;
Further prepare PAT-SC1 and PAT-LM1 for clinical trial(s) and/or partnering;
Support the CSL collaboration;
Continue business development and licensing activities; and
Expand the pipeline through internal R&D and potential acquisitions of clinical programs.

The financing was led by Wilson HTM and Lodge Partners and supported by institutions and high net worth individuals. Both new and existing shareholders participated in the financing.
Dan Devine, Patrys CEO said: “Our team set a prudent funding target to further support the clinical development of PAT-SM6 and to support other key activities, and we are pleased with the positive response we received from institutional and sophisticated investors, both from Australia and Europe."
The placement involves a first close of approximately $2.9 million with the issue of 28,940,000 million ordinary shares at $0.10 per share. The balance of the funding is subject to shareholder approval at an extraordinary general meeting (EGM) to be convened on or about 22 December 2010, in order to comply with ASX Listing Rule 7.1. Subject to shareholder approval the second funding close will involve the issue of a further approximately 3,600,000 ordinary shares at $0.10 per share.
In order to allow all existing shareholders to participate in the capital raising, at the same price as the placement, the Company will launch a share purchase plan (SPP). Participation in the SPP is open to Eligible Shareholders (defined below). Funds raised from the SPP will be used to extend and support clinical programs, pipeline expansion and other key company activities.

Patrys Announces Update to Capital Raising
Melbourne, Australia; 18 November, 2010: Patrys Limited (ASX: PAB; Company), a biotechnology company focused on the development of revolutionary new treatments for cancer, is pleased to announce that it has accepted a further approximately $500,000 as part of the capital raising placement announced yesterday. The Company has now raised approximately $3.8 million from this placement.
The increased funding, arising from additional demand from institutions and sophisticated investors, will be included in the second close of the placement that is subject to shareholder approval at an extraordinary general meeting (EGM) to be convened on or about 22 December 2010. The second close will involve the issue of approximately 8,800,000 ordinary shares at $0.10 per share.
As announced yesterday, the Company is also launching a share purchase plan (SPP) which will allow Eligible Shareholders (defined below) to participate in the capital raising at the same price of $0.10 per share.
Eligible Shareholders are those shareholders whose registered addresses are within Australia or New Zealand as at 7.00 p.m. (AEDT) on 16 November 2010 (Record Date). Shareholders with a registered address outside Australia or New Zealand at the Record Date (Excluded Shareholders) will not be eligible to participate in the SPP.
A written offer document for the SPP will be mailed to all Eligible Shareholders together with a personalised Entitlement and Acceptance Form, on or about 22 November 2010. The SPP is anticipated to close at 5.00 p.m. on 8 December 2010.
22 November 2010
Dear Shareholder
Over the past twelve months your company, Patrys Limited, has made significant progress, as
illustrated by achievement of the following milestones:
The signing of a broad collaboration with CSL Limited in January 2010;
The achievement of the first milestone under the CSL collaboration in May 2010,
resulting in the first payment from CSL;
The approval of the PAT-SM6 melanoma trial in July 2010 and the recently
announced completion of the first cohort of patients in the trial, with no significant
safety issues observed to date;
The appointment of Dr. Marie Roskrow as Chief Medical Officer and President,
bringing significant medical and healthcare investment banking experience to Patrys;
The confirmation by the U.S. FDA of the orphan status of PAT-SC1, a product that has
already been shown to provide gastric cancer patients a survival benefit in a human
The granting of a number of patents in the U.S. and Europe for lead products; coupled
with the filing of three new patent families during this time period;
The addition of three new products to the Company's pipeline through internal R&D
The closing of a $15 million funding facility with Advance Opportunities Fund
(Advance); and
The initiation of research coverage by three Australian brokers, all within the past 60 days.
On 17 and 18 November 2010 the Company announced a successful capital raising of
approximately $3.8 million through a private placement to existing and new institutional and
sophisticated investors and the launch of a Share Purchase Plan (SPP) to Eligible
Shareholders (defined below).
The placement involved a first close of approximately $2.9 million with the issue of 28,940,000
ordinary shares at $0.10 per share. The second close is subject to shareholder approval at
an extraordinary general meeting (EGM) to be convened on 22 December 2010, in order to
comply with ASX Listing Rules 7.1 and 10.11. Subject to shareholder approval the second
close will involve the issue of a further approximately 8.9 million ordinary shares at $0.10 per
share. The Notice of Meeting and Proxy form for the EGM are enclosed with this letter.
Eligible Shareholders are those shareholders whose registered addresses are within Australia
or New Zealand as at 7.00 p.m. (AEDT) on 16 November 2010 (Record Date). Shareholders
with a registered address outside Australia or New Zealand at the Record Date (Excluded
Shareholders) will not be eligible to participate in the SPP.
Eligible Shareholders will also receive the offer documentation in respect of the SPP during
the week commencing 22 November 2010.
In addition to the Advance facility the funds raised from the recent capital raising and the SPP
will be used to:
Support expanded PAT-SM6 human clinical trial;
Further prepare PAT-SC1 and PAT-LM1 for clinical trial(s) and/or partnering;
Support the CSL collaboration;
Continue business development and licensing activities; and
Expand pipeline through internal R&D and potential acquisitions of clinical programs.
I ask you to read the offer document in its entirety and, on behalf of the Patrys Board, invite
you to participate in the SPP.

The Directors of Patrys Limited (“Company”) are pleased to invite you to participate in the Company’s 2010 Share
Purchase Plan (“Plan”).
Patrys Amends Equity Facility After Successful Capital Raising

New Grants to Support Patrys' Product Development

Patrys Products Supported by 3 New Grants
Total combined grant funding of AU$675,000 awarded; external validation of products
Two grants to evaluate Patrys' products as treatments for human colon cancer metastases
Third grant to evaluate Patrys' products as treatments for multiple myeloma and lymphoma
New data shows potential of Patrys products as treatments for blood-based cancers
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