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2011/2021: TOTAL economic MELTDOWN

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Laatste dagen bleven stijgen op steeds dunnere omzet, het patroon is herkenbaar, aftoppen en posties omkeren naar dalingen.
Morgen na de stresstest-uitslag: AEX-1,5%....de grootbanken gaan meebloeden met de PIGS-banken(samen uit, samen thuis)...

Fed buys $6.99 bln in bonds; Treasurys hold gains

Die $600B is toch echt op hoor! alles wat nu gekocht wordt is fake...
het geld is er nooit geweest, het was "verzonnen" geld, en zelfs de mooiste sprookjes eindigen ooit eens...

's zaterdags op de markt een stuk vis voor E4,- kopen of 2 bloemkool voor 3 euro dat is echte economie.

Aan die bedrijven kun je zien of de consument geld heeft en/ow wil uitgeven...

Er moet iets geknakt zijn bij de man, sinds zijn aantreden bij de ING is hij getransformeerd tot "declaratiekoning van de Benelux".
Kon hij de weelde niet aan, wist hij niet van het bestaan van luxe en weelde, moest hij wat inhalen?...allemaal vragen.
Als collectant zou je deze man als directeur* hebben...

*650 collectanten 30 uur per week jaar lang op de straat om deze man te onderhouden...toedeledoki!

paulta schreef op 30 maart 2011 18:00:


Er moet iets geknakt zijn bij de man, sinds zijn aantreden bij de ING is hij getransformeerd tot "declaratiekoning van de Benelux".
Kon hij de weelde niet aan, wist hij niet van het bestaan van luxe en weelde, moest hij wat inhalen?...allemaal vragen.
Als collectant zou je deze man als directeur* hebben...

*650 collectanten 30 uur per week jaar lang op de straat om deze man te onderhouden...toedeledoki!
Kon hij de weelde niet aan, wist hij niet van het bestaan van luxe en weelde, moest hij wat inhalen?...allemaal vragen. Zo zijn er wel velen , zeker nu het hoger onderwijs is gedemocratiseerd denken er vele van deze op gewerkte working class generatie dat al dat hard studiewerk op heel veel meer recht geeft dan hen eigenlijk toekomt . De voorgaande generatie van bourgeois waren nog tenminste opgevoed om rijk te leven met "weinig" geld :)
Tik ik "soufflaki" in bij Google...komt je post bij IEX boven water! en wat Griekse restaurants(nu ff niet).

De Athene-ASE General index daalde wel vandaag...maar niet zoveel!


Morgen komt er een klasgenootje(Ierland) met rapportcijfers, vooruitlopend op..
De banken in de PIGS zijn ten dode opgeschreven: afschrijvingen en leegloop van spaartegoeden...een dodelijke cocktail.

Lehman broeders had eens een mooi kantoor in Athene, ze deden daar veel zaken.
Op een gegeven moment was de complete 3e etage bezig om Griekenland vakkundig te shorten, alle middelen werden ingezet...

Gelijktijdig was de 2e etage van dat Lehman kantoor iedereen druk bezig om het land te redden met voornamelijk creatief boekhouden("coocking the books") en alles een beetje op te poetsen.

De ene verdieping wist niet waar de andere verdieping mee bezig was...
Hoe het met Lehman afliep? overal bekend.
Hoe het met Griekenland gaat aflopen? binnenkort overal bekend.
Diverse sites in de US beginnen ook al het vuurtje onder Italie op te stoken, gaan binnenkort ook de curator langs zien komen.
"De zogenoemde core tier-1-ratio daalt dan met 130 basispunten tot 8,3 procent. Onder de huidige regels, Basel II, is dat cijfer 9,6 procent"

Ik heb mijn rekenmachine erbij gepakt: 2,5 maal de jaarwinst wat er bij gestort moet worden, terwijl er nog €5 miljard op de lat staat.
De wijze van communiceren is wederom bijzonder: niet via een PB...maar via een spreekbeurt en website!!!!!

Er zitten nog meer hiaten in de boeken....


paulta schreef op 30 maart 2011 20:29:

"De zogenoemde core tier-1-ratio daalt dan met 130 basispunten tot 8,3 procent. Onder de huidige regels, Basel II, is dat cijfer 9,6 procent"

Ik heb mijn rekenmachine erbij gepakt: 2,5 maal de jaarwinst wat er bij gestort moet worden, terwijl er nog €5 miljard op de lat staat.
De wijze van communiceren is wederom bijzonder: niet via een PB...maar via een spreekbeurt en website!!!!!

Er zitten nog meer hiaten in de boeken....

Hoe zit het met de Alt-a hypotheken i.v.m. de prijsdalingen in de VS? Ik hoor er niets meer over...
economische smelting vertraagd.

Copper Prices Cap Longest Slump Since June on Concern Economies Will Slow
By Yi Tian - Mar 30, 2011 8:19 PM GMT+0200
Business ExchangeBuzz up!DiggPrint Email .Copper fell for a fifth day in New York, capping the longest slump since early June, as Japan struggled to contain the worst nuclear disaster in 25 years, fanning concern that global growth will slow.

European confidence in the economic outlook worsened in March as surging energy costs and Japan’s crisis clouded world growth prospects, the European Commission said today. Sentiment among U.S. consumers dropped to a three-month low, a report showed yesterday. Copper is heading its first quarterly decline since June 30.

“The Japanese situation is weighing on market sentiment,” said Lannie Cohen, the president of Capitol Commodity Services Inc. in Indianapolis. “People are really nervous.”

Copper futures for May delivery dropped 7.25 cents, or 1.7 percent, to close at $4.274 a pound at 1:21 p.m. on the Comex in New York, the biggest loss since March 9. The price has slumped 3.9 percent this quarter.

A report scheduled for tomorrow may show weaker growth in factory orders in the U.S., the world’s second-biggest consumer of the metal. A potential economic slowdown in China, the largest user, and “uncertainties in the Middle East” will also pressure prices, Cohen said. Futures may fall to as low as $4.08 in a few weeks, he said.

On the London Metal Exchange, copper for three-month delivery fell $204, or 2.1 percent, to $9,381 a metric ton ($4.26 a pound).

Lead, aluminum, tin, zinc and nickel also declined in London.

mvliex 1

paulta schreef op 30 maart 2011 18:32:

Tik ik "soufflaki" in bij Google...komt je post bij IEX boven water! en wat Griekse restaurants(nu ff niet).
Of je schrijft het goed.....

paulta schreef op 31 maart 2011 14:51:

Weet iemand hoe laat de resultaten van de stresstesten worden vrijgegeven?
Dat zie je vanzelf aan de indexen, ik zit er ook op te wachten.

Inflatie eurozone gestegen
Uitgegeven: 31 maart 2011 11:13
Laatst gewijzigd: 31 maart 2011 11:12

LUXEMBURG - De prijzen in de eurozone zijn in maart sterker gestegen dan verwacht. De inflatie bedroeg 2,6 procent, volgens een eerste schatting van het Europese bureau voor de statistiek Eurostat.
In februari stond de inflatie nog op 2,4 procent. Economen verwachtten voor maart juist een daling tot 2,3 procent.

De Europese Centrale Bank (ECB) streeft naar een geldontwaarding van tegen de 2 procent. Een aanhoudend hoger percentage zou aanleiding kunnen zijn om de rente te verhogen.

Food Commodities Surge Seen Swamping Consumers With Inflation
By Nicholas Larkin - Mar 31, 2011 Coffee, sugar and cocoa prices will rise five- to 10-fold by 2014 because of shortages that will mean consumers getting “swamped” by food inflation, according to Superfund Financial.

A lack of farmland and rising costs means growers will fail to keep up with demand, said Aaron Smith, managing director of Superfund Financial (Hong Kong) Ltd. and Superfund USA Inc. Commodities account for about 40 percent of Superfund’s $1.25 billion assets under management. Smith correctly predicted record copper prices in November and a month later rightly anticipated that silver would outperform gold.

A United Nations index of world food prices jumped to a record last month, contributing to riots across northern Africa and the Middle East that already toppled leaders in Egypt and Tunisia. Global food security is threatened by “excessive price volatility and speculation,” farm ministers from 48 countries said in a joint statement after meeting in Berlin in January.

“There’s a tremendous shortage of food, there’s a tremendous shortage of arable land,” Smith said in interview in London. “Any kind of food products are going to increase.”

Coffee jumped more than fivefold in the two years through July 1994 and more than tripled from February 2002 to March 2005. Sugar prices rose fourfold from June 2002 to February 2006 and more than tripled from June 2007 to February last year. Cocoa advanced 242 percent from December 2000 to January 2003.

Price Gains
Arabica coffee traded on ICE Futures U.S. in New York almost doubled in the past year and traded at $2.663 a pound at 7:33 a.m. local time. Raw-sugar futures advanced 51 percent to 27.03 cents a pound, while cocoa is little changed at $2,960 a metric ton.

Coffee prices jumped after wet weather damaged crops in Colombia and on forecasts for a smaller harvest in Brazil, the world’s largest exporter. Sugar gained after floods in Pakistan and Australia and cocoa advanced as fighting after elections in November disrupted exports from Ivory Coast, the largest grower.

Superfund, founded in Vienna in 1995, specializes in so- called managed futures, using its own trading system to buy and sell commodities and currency futures, stocks and bonds. It has a 24-hour trading operation in Chicago, Smith said.

The U.S. consumer price index rose 0.5 percent in February, the most since June 2009. Asian countries from China to Indonesia raised interest rates this year to curb inflation. European inflation quickened to 2.6 percent in March, the fastest since October 2008 and above the European Central Bank’s 2 percent limit.

Bull Market

The commodity bull market may last for 15 to 20 years, Smith said in July 2008. The Standard & Poor’s GSCI Index of 24 commodities, which that month dropped as much as 66 percent through February 2009, is still 20 percent below its 2008 peak.

Wheat traded in Chicago is down 8.7 percent this year and sugar has dropped 16 percent. Global sugar production may exceed demand for the first time in four years if “normal weather conditions” return to the biggest growing nations, broker and researcher Jonathan Kingsman said last month.

Access to water, higher labor costs and rising incomes are also issues for food commodities, Smith said.

“There’s about 7 billion people in the world,” he said. “When you have that many people, it only takes tens of millions of people to move up a market that’s so small like sugar.”

Rising Population
World food production will have to increase by 70 percent by 2050 to meet increasing demand from an expanding global population, projected to rise to 9.1 billion by 2050 from 6.9 billion now, Hiroyuki Konuma, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization’s regional representative in Asia, said in an interview in Bangkok on March 9.

Food costs are at “dangerous levels” after pushing 44 million people into poverty since June, World Bank President Robert Zoellick said last month. That adds to the more than 900 million people around the world who go hungry each day, he said.

It’s “an incredibly difficult humanitarian story because the poorest countries will be hit the hardest,” Smith said. “The average person is going to be swamped by food inflation. The new arms race is food and energy.”

An indirect way of betting on food prices is to buy gold, because it tends to do well when inflation accelerates, he said. Gold has gained the past 10 years and reached a record $1,447.82 an ounce last week, while silver is up 22 percent this year at $37.775 an ounce. Gold will climb to $2,000 and silver to $60 in three years, he said.

“I think that gold, and to a lesser extent silver, will dramatically underperform soft commodities, but will at least have a high correlation to them,” Smith said. “When we see short-term rates in the U.S. at double digits then you can start to speculate that gold might be getting close to the end of its run.”

Superfund Group of investment companies werd in 1995 opgericht door Christian Baha. Voordat hij het bedrijf starttte, ontwikkelde Baha eigen softwaresystemen voor de technische analyse van financiële gegevens. Door verdere verfijning van die systemen ontstond de bekroonde Superfund-handelsstrategie die resulteerde in een volledig automatische benadering van handelen. Nu, meer dan 15 jaar later, behoren de Superfund-bedrijven tot de grootste aanbieders van managed futures fondsen ter wereld.

nooit van gehoord.
Commodities Close In on Third Quarterly Climb on Global Recovery, Crude
By Glenys Sim - Mar 31, 2011 Commodities headed for a third quarterly advance as the global economy extended its recovery, and as crude oil climbed on concern that conflict in Libya and unrest in the Middle East would curb supplies.

Raw materials measured by the Standard & Poor’s GSCI Spot Index of 24 futures increased 0.2 percent to 712.61 at 1:42 p.m. in Singapore, extending its gain to 13 percent this year. Oil jumped 15 percent, cotton increased 35 percent, silver gained 22 percent and lean hogs rose 28 percent in the past three months.

Fighting in Libya, the toppling of leaders in Tunisia and Egypt and protests in countries from Bahrain to Syria drove crude oil past $100 a barrel this year. Floods in Australia and dry weather in China threatened crops, while Japan’s worst earthquake on record spurred speculation of increased commodity demand for rebuilding and food. That offset concern over a potential growth slowdown in China, the biggest commodity user, as the government seeks to tame inflation.

“We had a significant change in the overall environment, with some unexpected introduction of external risk,” said Yingxi Yu, Barclays Capital’s commodities analyst in Singapore.

Oil climbed 0.3 percent to $104.56 a barrel today, heading for its third quarterly increase on concern supplies will be reduced by an escalating conflict in Libya. Troops loyal to Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi forced rebels to retreat as the U.S. and U.K. said they would consider arming opposition forces.

Military Action
Commodities will “attract inflows” on strong emerging market growth and inflation risks and as investors seek to hedge against “tail events” such as military action in the Middle East and Africa and the nuclear accident in Japan, Michael Lewis, head of commodities research at Deutsche Bank AG, wrote in a quarterly report yesterday.

Gold for immediate delivery jumped to a record $1,447.82 an ounce on March 24 and silver surged to a 31-year high of $38.165 an ounce as investors sought precious metals to protect their wealth from geopolitical risk and rising energy costs. Gold traded at $1,427.65 and silver at $37.6850 today.

“The big picture is that the global economy is continuing to recover,” Pu Yonghao, Hong Kong-based chief investment strategist at UBS Wealth Management, said in a Bloomberg Television interview. “Emerging markets continue to remain strong although inflation is a problem.”

The LME index of six industrial metals is up 0.9 percent this year, led by tin. The metal increased to a record $32,799 a metric ton on Feb. 15 and copper touched an all-time high of $10,190 a ton on expectations supply will trail demand.

Slowdown Risk
Crude oil prices at more than $100 a barrel, the potential for further monetary tightening in China and the debt crisis in Europe may weigh on the global recovery, analysts said.

“We’re already starting to see some demand destruction,” said Francisco Blanch, Bank of America Merrill Lynch’s head of commodities research.

China’s central bank boosted banks’ reserve-requirement ratios eight times and raised interest rates three times since the start of 2010 to cool the economy and tame inflation. The People’s Bank of China may raise interest rates again in early April, according to Citigroup Inc.

“If China over-tightens and this leads to a faster than expected slowdown, there is some downside risk but it shouldn’t be overstated,” said Barclays’s Yu. Europe’s “economy is not on a strong footing and the sovereign debt issue is not over.”

The debt crisis which began in Greece persists as Portugal had its credit rating cut this week, after the country’s parliament rejected a deficit-cutting plan, sparking the resignation of Prime Minister Jose Socrates on March 23.

In Ireland, top finance officials will today seek to show investors, taxpayers and the rest of the euro region that the banking crisis in the country might be nearing an end.

Central Bank Governor Patrick Honohan will publish the results of a third round of stress tests on the country’s banks at 4:30 p.m. in Dublin. Shortly afterwards, Finance Minister Michael Noonan will set out how more capital will be raised.


Vandaag dus niet ....geen stresstest uitslagen.

Liever geen rapport dan een slecht rapport....het wantrouwen is groeiende, geloofwaardigheid gaat verdwijnen...
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