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Indonesian thermal coal prices show signs of firming

Argus Media reported that Indonesian physical thermal coal market showed further signs of strengthening, with Chinese buyers actively seeking cargoes ahead of next month's lunar new year holiday. Few physical deals were heard to have been concluded, although traders reported a higher-than-usual number of enquiries for a Monday, while supplies remain tight because of recent rain-related delays to vessel-loading operations in parts of Kalimantan. There is also a view among some market participants that suppliers may be holding cargoes back from the market amid expectations of further price increases this week.

In the actively-traded GAR 4,200 kcal/kg (NAR 3,800 kcal/kg) market, bids for February-loading geared shipments were at $33.50-33.50/t today, with an offer at $34/t. A February-loading gearless Panamax cargo of this coal was offered at a higher price of $35/t, although Argus does not assess this cargo size for this type of coal.

By comparison, geared GAR 4,200 kcal/kg cargoes for loading in February increased last week, as suppliers raised their offer prices and buyers were forced to raise their bids in attempt to secure cargoes in a tightly supplied market. Deals involving February-loading Supramax cargoes of this type of coal were done earlier last week at around $31.50-31.75/t, with other cargoes trading as the week progressed in a $32-33.25/t range.

Argus last assessed GAR 4,200 kcal/kg cargoes on 18 January at $32.38/t, up by $1.25/t from the previous week and the highest since mid-November 2018.

In the ICI 4 derivatives market, which clears on the CME, bids for January and February contracts also showed signs of strengthening today, although actual trades were scarce. January ICI 4 derivatives contracts were bid today at $31.70/t with a Singapore-based broker against an offer at $32.20/t. February contracts were bid at $33.75/t and offered at $35.25/t. By comparison, January and February were both bid on 17 January at $31.75/t and in a $33-34.25/t range, respectively.

Elsewhere in the Indonesian market, prices were also showing signs of increasing, although details of firm transactions were again scarce.

In the GAR 5,000 kcal/kg (NAR 4,600 kcal/kg) market, a February-loading gearless Panamax shipment was offered today at $54.50/t. A particularly low-sulphur February-loading geared Supramax cargo, which was sold basis GAR 5,000 kcal/kg to a southeast Asian buyer, traded at $52.95/t last week, although Argus only assesses gearless Panamax shipments for this type of coal. This was considered above current market levels by some traders, who noted that a February-loading shipment of GAR 5,100 kcal/kg coal traded at $52/t, while offers of this type of product were at $53/t.

Source : Argus Media
Greece extends deadline for coal plant bids to February 6

Reuters reported that Greece’s Public Power Corp extended a deadline for binding bids for three coal-fired plants until February 6 to give investors more time to review data on the sale. Public Power Corp is selling the plants in northern Greece and on the southern Peloponnese under the terms of Athens’ latest international bailout after a European Union court ruled that PPC had abused its dominant position in the coal market.

The bid deadline has been repeatedly pushed back since the tender was launched last year for different reasons.

PPC, which is 51 percent state-owned, and the energy ministry are handling the sale and the European Commission is overseeing the process.

PPC has shortlisted six investors, but a source familiar with the matter has said only three may submit binding bids.

Source : Reuters
GroenLinks wil per direct vier kolencentrales sluiten

GroenLinks roept het kabinet op per direct vier van de vijf kolencentrales in Nederland te sluiten. Politiek leider Jesse Klaver zei vrijdag dat sluiting nodig is om de door de rechter opgelegde klimaatdoelen te halen.

Dossier klimaat

Nieuws en achtergronden
Milieuorganisatie Urgenda dwong de doelen in 2015 af in een rechtszaak tegen de Staat. De uitstoot van broeikasgassen moest eind 2020 met minstens 25% zijn teruggebracht ten opzichte van het peiljaar 1990. De Staat is in cassatie gegaan tegen het vonnis. Deze week verschenen er mediaberichten dat het kabinet ervan uitgaat dat de doelen niet gehaald gaan worden.

Klaver presenteert vrijdag een noodplan voor het klimaat. Volgens hem hebben opeenvolgende kabinetten verzuimd om voldoende milieumaatregelen te nemen. Het derde kabinet-Rutte heeft volgens hem geen andere keuze dan nu fors in te grijpen om alsnog de klimaatdoelen te halen.

Volgens Klaver kunnen vier van de vijf kolencentrales, waarvan de sluiting in 2030 is gepland, snel dicht. De energie van deze centrales zou vervangen kunnen worden door stroom uit gascentrales die nu niet in werking zijn, en door stroom te importeren uit Noorwegen en Duitsland.

Nederland moet volgens uitgelekte cijfers eind volgend jaar minstens negen megaton CO2 extra terugdringen om aan de rechterlijke uitspraak te voldoen. De sluiting van vier kolencentrales leidt volgens GroenLinks tot een reductie van ruim twaalf megaton CO2.

Adani coal mine should be suspended - UN

ABC Net reported that United Nations has asked the Australian Government to consider suspending the Adani project in central Queensland until it gains the support of a group of traditional owners who are fighting the miner in court.

A UN committee raised concerns that the Queensland coal project may violate Indigenous rights under an international convention against racial discrimination if it goes ahead, giving Australia until April to formally respond.

Meanwhile, a public interest legal fund backed by former corruption fighter Tony Fitzgerald has stepped in with financial backing for a federal court challenge to Adani by its opponents within the Wangan and Jagalingou (W&J) people.

The Grata Fund, which boasts the former federal court judge as a patron, agreed to pay a court-ordered $50,000 bond so W&J representatives can appeal a court ruling upholding a contentious land access deal secured by the miner.

The UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination last month wrote to Australia's UN ambassador to raise concerns that consultation on Adani's Indigenous Land Use Agreement "might not have been conducted in good faith".

These allegations "notably" included that members of the W&J native title claim group were excluded, and the committee was concerned the project "does not enjoy free, prior and informed consent of all (W&J) representatives".

Federal Resources Minister Matt Canavan said the UN should "respect the Australian legal system" instead of trying to direct Australia on matters it "clearly does not understand".

UN committee chair Noureddine Amir in a letter told Australia's UN ambassador Sally Mansfield the committee was concerned ILUAs could lead to the "extinction of Indigenous peoples' land titles" in Australia.

Source : ABC NET
Chinese thermal coal futures contract prices remain low

Platts reported that Chinese thermal coal futures prices remain on a downtrend this week as market players expect demand for thermal coal to be weak after the Lunar New Year. A deadly mining incident in China’s Shaanxi province about two weeks ago had prompted fears of coal shortages after the Lunar New Year holidays. This was based on the temporary closure of many mines in the province for enforced safety inspections, while mines in other coal-producing regions also had similar checks.

Futures contracts on Chinese commodity exchanges surged in price last week on the back of the supply shortage concerns.

However, several market sources said the jump was merely a reaction to the mining accident.

A China-based trader told S&P Global Platts that “It’s more speculation without strong market fundamentals. Demand is not expected to pick up strongly after the Lunar New Year.”

Thermal coal futures contracts for May settlement, one of the most actively traded monthly contracts on China’s Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange, started to fall last Friday.

This was after a few state-owned major domestic coal miners were reportedly instructed to increase their output in January and February.

Chinese authorities had issued a circular to its coal industry this week to ensure a steady coal supply during the Lunar New Year period, and the March “two sessions” political meetings in Beijing, causing a further decline in the contracts prices.

The May futures contract for 5,500 kcal/kg NAR thermal coal settled Thursday at Yuan 572.40 per tonne(USD 84.27 per tonne) Thursday, down from Yuan 576.60 per tonne from a day ago.

The prospect of an increased output and good supply of imported coal had reined in expectations of further price rise, sources said.

The domestic spot market was also losing steam as traders at the northern Qinhuangdao port were lowering their offer prices. The 5,500 kcal/kg grade of domestic coal was assessed Thursday at Yuan 594 per tonne FOB Qinhuangdao, up from Yuan 588 per tonne FOB on January 14 after the mining accident.

Source : Platts
Contura 2019 coal shipments expected between 24.6 million and 26.7 million short tons

SP Global reported that in 2019, Contura Energy is expected to ship between 24.6 million short tons and 26.7 million short tons of coal across all of its segments. Mr Kevin Crutchfield CEO said in a guidance statement for 2019 that "Through the completion of our recent merger with Alpha Natural Resources, Contura's operational scale, production flexibility, and experienced workforce combine to create the premier met coal supplier in the US, complemented by a cost-effective eastern thermal coal portfolio.”

Of the total expected shipments in 2019, between 12.2 million short tons and 12.8 million short tons will be Central Appalachia metallurgical coal, while 4.6 million to 5.2 million short tons will be CAPP thermal coal. Another 6.8 million to 7.2 million short tons is expected to be Northern Appalachia coal, which is primarily sold into thermal markets.

The remaining 1 million to 1.5 million short tons will be metallurgical coal through its Trading and Logistics segment.

In April 2018, the company announced that it was re-merging with Alpha, and it closed the deal in November, which doubled the size of its portfolio to 23 underground mines and nine surface mines.

Crutchfield added that "Contura is well positioned within both domestic and international markets for an active and successful 2019.”

Crutchfield said that "the industry has finally reached a healthy supply and demand balance, which gives us confidence that pricing should remain strong as long as demand remains stable."

Source : SP Global
Powder River Basin coal production totals 324 million st in 2018

SP Global reported that coal production in the Powder River Basin totaled nearly 83.9 million short tons in the fourth quarter of 2018, down 3.1% from Q3 and up 0.6% from the same quarter in 2017. Mine Health and Safety Administration data showed that annual production totaled over 324 million short tons, down 3% year on year, largely given production declines from the Cloud Peak's Wyoming Antelope and Cordero Rojo mines, along with Arch Coal's Coal Creek mine in Wyoming.

Peabody Energy's North Antelope Rochelle mine, the basin's largest mine, produced over 24.5 million short tons in Q4, up 14.9% from the prior quarter and down 5.6% from the year-ago quarter. Annually, production totaled over 98.3 million short tons, down 3.2% from its 2017 production.

The second largest mine in the basin, Arch's Black Thunder mine, produced nearly 17.6 million short tons in the final quarter of the year and 71.1 million short tons throughout 2018. Fourth quarter production rose 6.8% from Q3 and went up 1.1% from the year-ago quarter. Annual production rose 0.9% from the prior year.

Antelope mine produced over 5.8 million short tons in Q4, up 19.2% from Q3, the largest quarter-on-quarter increase since Q3 2016, when production from the mine rose 37.5% from Q2. Despite the large quarterly increase, production dropped 11.6% from the year-ago quarter.

The combined output of North Antelope Rochelle, Black Thunder and Antelope mines, the three mines which produce 8,800 Btu/lb coal in the basin, totaled 62.9% of total PRB production with over 47.9 million short tons. From Q3 production the mines output rose 6.4%, and from the year-ago quarter output rose 4%.

Source : SP Global
CIL coal supply to power plants grows 8pct

Economic Times reported that Coal India Ltd has supplied 389.63 million tonnes coal to power sector during current year, registering a growth of 8 per cent over the same period last year. Railway rake loading of CIL has increased by 8 per cent during current year as compared to the same period last year.

It said that “The coal ministry has been in constant endeavor to maintain coal stock at sufficient level and increase coal supply to meet energy need of the country.”

The statement said that as on January 22, 2019 power plants are having 18.663 million tonnes coal stock sufficient for 11 days. Last year on the same date it was 13.759 million coal stock sufficient for nine days. There has been an increase of 35.6 per cent in coal stock at the power plants as compared to the same period of last year.

Source : Economic Times
China's NEA approves coal mine projects in Xinjiang

Reuters quoted China's National Energy Administration as saying that it has given approval for a new open-pit coal mine project in the Xinjiang region. The open-pit coal mine will have an annual capacity of 4 million tonnes with total investment at 854 million yuan (USD 126 million)

The energy administration said it has also given the green light for a coal mine expansion project in Xinjiang worth 1.06 billion yuan

The expansion will raise total capacity at the project to 5 million tonnes per year from 900,000 tonnes per year previously.

Source : Reuters
China imports 64.23 million tonne of coking coal in 2018

SP Global reported that China coking coal import volume saw a slight decline in 2018. According to China's customs data released, China's coking coal import fell 8.11% to 64.23 million tonne in 2018, down from 69.90 million tonne in 2017.

Imports from major coking coal producers in Australia, Canada and the US to China declined in 2018.

Imports from Australia fell 10.45% to 27.74 million tonne, while imports from Canada fell 49.81% to 2.13 million tonne.

US' coking coal imports to China fell 29.81% to 1.97 million tonne.

Several factors accounted for the drop in import volumes. From train railing constraints in Australia due to a spat between local authorities, and trade tensions between the US and China, which eventually saw China slapping an additional 25% import tariff on US coking coals in August 2018.

Meanwhile, imports from Mongolia inched 5.36% higher to 27.67 million tonne in 2018, just behind Australia, China's key supplier of coking coal.

China's coking coal import for December 2018 fell 48.89% compared with the previous year to 3.13 million tonne.

The large decline was likely due to the sudden import halt imposed by the Chinese authorities on November 14.

The import halt meant that imported coals would no longer be able to clear customs until the end of 2018.

Source : SP Global
Two killed in Dukki coal mine accident

Tribune reported that at least two miners were killed after a trolley full of coal fell on them while they were working inside a mine of Dukki area in Loralai on Sunday. The mine is located 260 kilometre north of Quetta. The deceased have been identified as Niaz Muhammad and Suleman. Both belonged to Afghanistan. The bodies were being sent to their native villages in Afghanistan after the completion of medico-legal formalities.

Coal mines in Balochistan are notorious for poor safety standards and bad ventilation. So far, as many as 19 colliers have been killed in Dukki this month.
Dukki Civil Hospital Medical Superintendent Dr Jauhar Khan told The Express Tribune that four to six cases of coal miners getting injured are reported on a daily basis. “We try our best,” the official said.

He said that a hospital for coal miners has been closed for the time being. “We don’t have enough doctors here. We are under a tremendous burden,” said Jauhar.

Pakistan Labour Federation member Abdul Majeed Shah said that Dukki mines have become a deathtrap for the miners. He said that “Accidents occur almost every day. Nineteen people have so far died in 27 days this year.”

A representative of the miners’ union said that a major reason why accidents occur so frequently is because no one takes any safety precautions. There aren’t even mines inspectors, he said.

Source : Tribune
Adani Mining begins roadworks at Carmichael Coal Project

Investing News reported that Adani Mining has taken another step forward at its Carmichael coal project by beginning roadworks at the asset in Queensland. The company can only make so much progress under current legal approvals, but roadworks will include work on grid bypasses to transport larger machinery and equipment to the site. Adani is collaborating with a regional Queensland business for various work on the access road to Carmichael.

Adani CEO Lucas Dow said in a statement that “The road upgrades are an important step to prepare for the construction of the Carmichael project to ensure larger equipment can be transported to site, and the infrastructure meets future demand for increased traffic.”

“We’re getting on with doing everything we can under our current approvals.”

The project, set to be built in Queensland’s North Galilee Basin, is docketed to produce 27.5 million tonnes of coal annually during its first stage.

However, the project has faced several roadblocks on its path to development; in November 2018, parent company Adani Group agreed to finance the mine and its accompanying rail line in full when Adani was unable to find an outside investor.

A month later, Carmichael hit another snag when the Queensland state government refused to sign off on project plans until further investigating the proposed mine’s environmental impact.

Queensland’s department of environment and science said in a statement that “Two plans are yet to be approved before any significant disturbance can commence at the Carmichael coal mine.”

Source : Investing News
Colombia extends Drummond license to operate La Loma coal mine

Mining Technology reported that Colombia has granted an extension to coal mining firm Drummond’s license to operate La Loma mine in the Cesar province for another 20 years. The new contract at the mine will begin in May and, according to the National Mining Agency, it will generate USD 586 million in royalties during its lifetime, reported Reuters.

Drummond has been operating the mine for over three decades besides the transportation operations. It has been providing around 5,000 direct employment opportunities, and is Colombia’s largest exporter of coal.

The company was quoted by the news agency said that “This contract represented 30% of Drummond’s mining operation production in 2018 in Colombia. The area of this renewed concession has proven reserves of approximately 60.5 million tons.”

In addition to Drummond, the major firms in the country’s coal industry are Prodeco, Colombia Natural Resources, and Cerrejon.

In November 2018, Drummond terminated the sale process of its Colombian coal assets and announced its intention to operate these assets.

In November 2017, the firm engaged Goldman Sachs as a financial advisor to explore the possible sale of all or a part of its stake in the Colombian coal mining operations and associated transportation assets of Drummond International.

Earlier this week, human rights and environmental activists urged Ireland to stop buying coal from Cerrejon mine for alleged abuses of local communities.

The campaigners urged Irish power utility ESB and the government to stop buying coal from the mine which operates in La Guajira province.

According to the campaigners, with the importation of coal, Ireland has become complicit in human rights violations in Colombia.

ESB imported millions of tonnes of coal from the Cerrejon mine to cater to its Moneypoint power plant.

Source : Mining Technology
India 2018 thermal coal imports grew at fastest pace in 4 years – Report

Reuters reported that India’s 2018 thermal coal imports rose at the fastest pace in four years, according to two industry sources, despite moves by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government to cut imports in a bid to reduce its trade deficit. Coal is among the top five commodities imported by India, one of the world’s largest consumers of coal, and the rise in imports of the fuel after two consecutive years of decline adds to its trade deficit. That trade gap has been hurting the valuation of the rupee, the worst performing major Asian currency in 2018.

Thermal coal imports jumped 19 percent to 171.85 million tonnes in 2018, the highest since 2014, according to data from American Fuels & Natural Resources, a Dubai-based trader of US origin coal. Thermal coal is mainly used to produce electricity.

Imports of coking coal - which is mainly used in the manufacturing of steel - rose at the quickest rate since 2015, according to consultancy firm Wood Mackenzie and American Fuels & Natural Resources.

India imported 52.26 million tonnes of coking coal in 2018, up 14 percent from 45.93 million tonnes in 2017, the data showed.

The value of all coal imports for the year ended December 31, 2018 was 28.7 percent higher at 1.72 trillion Indian rupees (USD 24.25 billion) than it was a year earlier, according to government data from the coal and trade ministries reviewed by Reuters.

Traders said that coal imports grew largely due to restrictions on consumption of petroleum coke, a dirtier alternative to coal, in some parts of the country.

Mr Puneet Gupta, founder of online coal and petcoke marketplace Coalshastra said that “2018 was a booming year for coal imports in India, mostly on the back of demand from cement and small and medium-scale industries in India.”

He added that “Higher demand was also fuelled by restrictions on the use of petcoke.”

Higher coal imports may be bad news for India’s trade deficit, they are a boon for international miners such as Indonesia’s Adaro Energy, Australia’s Whitehaven Coal , US, coal miner Peabody Energy Corp and global commodity merchants such as Glencore.

Source : Reuters
US coal production declined as exports and Appalachian region prices rose

EIA estimates that total 2018 US coal production was 755 million short tons, 20 million short tons less than in 2017 and 36% less than in the previous decade. In 2018, coal prices rose in three of the five major coal-producing regions, particularly the Northern and Central Appalachian regions. Although US coal exports increased by about 10 million short tons in 2018, volumes were not great enough to offset the decline in U.S. coal consumption, resulting in declining coal production.

Of the five major coal-producing basins, two saw increased production in 2018 compared with 2017. In the Central Appalachian and Illinois Basins, production increased 4% (3 million short tons) and 2% (2 million short tons), respectively. The Rocky Mountain region experienced the largest decline as a share of production, 12% (6 MMst) lower than in 2017. The Powder River and Northern Appalachian Basins also declined by 3% and 2%, respectively.

EIA estimates that total coal consumption in the United States was 692 million short tons in 2018, falling to the lowest level in 39 years. More than 90% of domestic coal consumption is in the power sector, and nearly 15 gigawatts of coal-fired generation capacity were retired in 2018, contributing to the decline in coal consumption. Although natural gas prices continued to rise in 2018, EIA estimates that the coal share of total power generation declined, reaching a new low of 28%, lower than the natural gas share (35%) for the third consecutive year. Increasing coal prices and demand for coal exports, along with continued competition with natural gas, also contributed to a decline in overall coal consumption.

Coal exports rose for the second consecutive year in 2018, reaching 116 million short tons, or 15% of total US coal production. International demand for US coal was driven by Asian and European countries. The largest importers of US coal in Asia were India, Japan, and South Korea. In Europe, the Netherlands was the largest destination with Turkey, Morocco, Croatia, and the United Kingdom showing growth during 2017.

The average price of US steam coal used in electricity generation increased in 2018 in most regions. The price of Northern and Central Appalachian coal, driven by strong international demand for both metallurgical and steam coal, increased by 41% and 39% in 2018, respectively. Illinois Basin coal prices also rose, climbing 19%, while Power River Basin and Rocky Mountain prices fell by 2% and 3%, respectively.

The bituminous coals produced in Appalachian and Illinois Basins have higher heat content than the subbituminous coal produced in the West. Appalachia coals are valued for their coking properties in producing iron and steel both domestically and abroad. The Appalachian regions also benefit from closer proximity to existing coal-exporting infrastructure at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Germany to stop using coal by end of 2038 - Commission

DW reported that Germany government commission has agreed that Germany should phase out all coal-fired power plants by the end of 2038. The government is already planning to shut down nuclear power plants over the next three years. A government-appointed commission has agreed that Germany will stop producing energy from coal-fired plants by 2038.

A final agreement was reached after 21-hour talks that lasted well into the night, with only one opposing vote in the 28-member body.

The decision aims to reduce Germany's carbon emissions from coal, which drive climate change.

German Finance Minister Mr Olaf Scholz welcomed the proposal, stressing that it was important for Germany to keep power prices stable while at the same time creating new jobs in coal-producing regions. He said that "If we all work hard and don't lose sight of the joint goal, then we can further develop Germany into a role model in energy politics.”

Germany currently produces nearly 40 percent of its electricity from coal and has failed to meet targets agreed to under the 2015 Paris climate agreement.

Financial considerations and the exact date of the phaseout were major sticking points during the marathon session, as energy companies had insisted on compensation to hedge against rising electricity prices.

Source : DW
Germany RWE says coal exit in 2038 too early

Reuters reported that RWE, Germany's biggest electricity producer, said it would thoroughly review the impact of proposals by a government-appointed commission for how to phase out coal, adding fully exiting the fuel by 2038 was too early.

Chief Executive Rolf Martin Schmitz said in a statement that "The commission's proposals have grave consequences for the lignite business of RWE. We will thoroughly assess the specific implications for our company."

Earlier, the commission proposed to shut down all coal-fired power plants in Germany by 2038 at the latest, recommending at least 40 billion euros in aid to affected regions as well as compensation payments to operators.

Source : Reuters
India's army joins search and rescue operations for 13 miners trapped in Meghalaya coal mine - Report

IANS reported that a platoon of Indian soldiers January 28 joined the search and rescue operations in Meghalaya where the fate of 13 miners remains unknown inside an illegal 370 feet deep coal mine in East Jaitia Hills district. Indian Navy divers couldn't retrieve the body of another miner, which was detected January 26 by an underwater remotely operated vehicle inside a rat-hole coal mine at Ksan village, as the UROV got "badly entangled" with the second wooden cart inside the mine.

A Defence Ministry official who wished not to be named told IANS "The soldiers will be providing logistics support to Navy divers, who are deployed in the search and rescue trapped miners for more than a month now." He said the soldiers had already started setting up their camps near the tragedy site.

A senior rescue official told IANS that "The Navy divers on Monday couldn't make headway in retrieving the body of another miner from inside the rat-hole mine as the UROV is non-functional after it got badly entangled with the second wooden cart inside the mine. They are trying recover the UROV. They will lower another new UROV tomorrow (Jan. 29) inside the mine to retrieve the other body."

Howevcer, a 15-member team of Navy divers from Visakhapatnam detected the second body with the help of the UROV inside the rat-hole coal mine but through a complex maize of sub rat-hole mines.

Source : IANS
RPF DG Mr Kumar meets coal majors on pilferage - Report

ET reported that Railway Protection Force director general Mr Arun Kumar met representatives of Coal India Ltd, Mahanadi Coalfields Ltd, Central Coalfields Ltd, Eastern Coalfields Ltd and their customers like SAIL, NTPC, DVC, CESC and WBPDCL in Kolkata on Monday to discuss ways to prevent losses suffered while transporting coal. It was decided that an RPF team will coordinate with officials and interact with the local police to check pilferage.

Mr Kumar said that “While railway coal sidings have RPF guards, others have either CISF or private security personnel on duty. There is certainly some lack of coordination. Small settlements have come up near the loading points and they could be responsible from some pilferage. The remaining loss may be due to incorrect calibration of weigh bridges and other technical causes. Sometimes, the pilferage is not even reported. Our recoveries are higher than the missing figures. In recent times, losses have come down.”

Source : ET
Alliance Resource coal sales jumped to record high in 2018

Alliance Resource Partners rose 3.3% in trade despite missing Q3 earnings estimates after reporting that it sold a record-high 40.42M tons of coal in 2018, up 6.9% Y/Y, primarily due to an increase in thermal and metallurgical coal exports. During today's earnings conference call, ARLP said it sold 10.46M tons of coal during Q4, up 3.9% from Q3 and 3.6% higher Y/Y, primarily due to increased export sales from the Gibson mining complex." Coal sales prices averaged USD 46.34/st in Q4, up from USD 45.71/st in Q3 and USD 45.03/st in the year-ago quarter; it also was the highest quarterly average since USD 48.01 in Q4 2016.

ARLP said coal stockpiles at the end of Q4 totaled 600K tons, down from 900K tons at the end of Q3 and 700K after the end of the year-ago quarter. ARLP priced and secured new commitments of ~3.9M tons of coal during Q4 that will be delivered in 2019, and it has volume and price commitments for 36.8M tons in 2019, more than 82% of the 2019 production forecast.

Source : Strategic Research Intitute
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