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Commissioning of the offshore wind farm Rampion

The construction of the Rampion offshore wind farm in the British Channel has made significant progress. All 116 turbines are online and feed renewable energy into the grid. The Rampion thus reaches its maximum generation capacity of 400 megawatts, which can supply almost 350,000 households. Further work will have to be completed in the coming months before the substations on land and at sea, for example, can be fully commissioned. Offshore construction of the Rampion project began in 2016. The project is to be completed before the end of this year.

The Rampion Offshore Wind Farm is being built 13 kilometres off the Sussex coast by E.ON, Canadian energy infrastructure company Enbridge and a consortium comprising of the Green Investment Group, Macquarie European Infrastructure Fund 5 and the Universities Superannuation Scheme.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Belgium to double offshore wind energy capacity as it exits nuclear power

Reuters reported that Belgium will double the area of its North Sea waters made available to offshore wind parks after 2020, the government announced, as part of its exit strategy from nuclear power. The country has four offshore wind parks that produce 871 megawatts of power and wants to increase that capacity to 2.2 gigawatts by 2020 and to 4 gigawatts by 2030.

After 2020, the government plans to designate a new, 221-square-kilometre (85 square miles) area near French waters.

Belgian state secretary for the North Sea, Philippe De Backer, said in a statement that "Our North Sea is a crucial partner in the energy transition towards renewable energy which is happening in our country.”

Belgium's two nuclear power plants, at Doel and Tihange with a total capacity of 6 gigawatts, have experienced a series of technical problems at reactors and are earmarked for closure by 2025.

With the costs of building and running offshore wind farms coming down in other European countries, De Backer said he believed future wind projects would not require any state subsidies.

Source : Reuters
Britain goes for record 55 hours without coal power

Thisismoney reported that Britain went a record 55 hours without using electricity made with coal. Instead the nation was powered by electricity made from gas, wind, nuclear, solar, and biomass. The 55-hour, coal-free period ran from 10.25 PM on April 16th 2018 until 5.10am of April 18th 2018.

The UK is trying to get rid of coal-fired generation by 2025 to protect the environment.

Yorkshire power station Drax has been converting power stations to run on biomass, which is a type of wood chip, instead.

The nation went 24 hours without coal-fired electricity last April for the first time since the Victorian era.

In 2017 coal made up less than 7 per cent of the electricity mix.

National Grid director of UK system operations Fintan Slye said that “It's important to remember coal is still an important source of energy as we transition to a low-carbon system.”

Mr James Thornton, chief executive of environmental legal charity Client Earth, said that “As if we needed any more proof, the UK has moved beyond coal. We now need the grid to be ready to bring renewables on-line.”

Source : Thisismoney

Solar outshined all fossil fuels sources combined in 2017

Last year, the world invested more in solar power than in all fossil-fuel sources combined. Investors and governments installed an all-time record of 157 gigawatts of renewable energy capacity, according to a new report from the United Nations. In 2017, the world installed 98 W of solar capacity nearly half of which was in China. The net new capacity from fossil fuels was only 70W in 2017. UN Environment head Erik Solheim told Reuters that “We are at a turning point … from fossil fuels to the renewable world. The markets are there and renewables can take on coal, they can take on oil and gas.”

Although renewable energy is clearly the way of the future, fossil fuels remain the dominant source of energy on the planet. Only 12.1 percent of the world’s electricity came from renewable energy sources, an improvement on 5.2 percent in 2007. This boom in renewable energy has been backed by strong investment in recent years. In 2017, global investment in renewable energy rose by two percent. China invested USD 122.6 billion, 45 percent of global investment and the most of any country, into the industry in the same year.

Governments and investors have noticed a change in the fundamentals behind renewable energy. Lead author Angus McCrone told Reuters said that “Much lower costs … are the driver of solar investment worldwide.” For example, the cost of energy production through large-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) decreased by 15 percent last year to USD 86 per megawatt hour. Even with an administration hostile to renewable energy in the White House, the drive towards renewable energy continues. Mr Solheim. President Trump recently signed a government spending bill that retained many of the existing tax credits for renewable energy in the United States said that “Trump can no more brake this than those who opposed the Industrial Revolution could stop the Industrial Revolution.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Krachtigste windmolen ter wereld in Aberdeen Bay geïnstalleerd
16 april 2018 Windenergie Courant

Bij Vattenfalls European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre (EOWDC), een test- en ontwikkelingscentrum in Aberdeen Bay in Noordoost-Schotland, is onlangs de eerste 8,8-megawatt-turbine van MHI Vestas geplaatst: de krachtigste commercieel geïnstalleerde windmolen ter wereld.

In het EOWDC-windpark worden diverse innovaties voor de offshorewindenergiesector toegepast. Een van de opmerkelijkste is de toepassing van de suction-bucketfunderingen met frames voor de turbines, in plaats van de funderingen in de zeebodem te heien, wat de normale procedure is. De suction-bucketmethode is vrijwel geluidloos, wat de verstoring van de in zee levende dieren minimaliseert.
Ook de nieuwe windturbines spreken tot de verbeelding. Er komen 11 turbines met een totaal vermogen van 93,2 megawatt te staan. De jaarlijkse productie komt overeen met 70 procent van de elektriciteitsvraag van Aberdeen.

met video:

Lagerwey introduceert waterstofwindturbine
24 april 2018 Windenergie Courant

Lagerwey presenteert op de Hannover Messe de waterstofwindturbine.

De waterstofwindturbine is volgens het bedrijf een voorbeeld van hoe de integratie van verschillende duurzame technieken elkaar én het toekomstige duurzame energiesysteem versterken.

De Lagerwey waterstofwindturbine, met een vermogen van 4,8 megawatt, zal geschikt worden gemaakt om elektrolysetechnologie in te bouwen. Door de integratie van beide technieken kunnen er veel componenten weggelaten worden waardoor de waterstofproductie goedkoper, efficiënter en robuuster wordt. In 2019 moet de eerste waterstofmolen ter wereld een feit zijn.

Dat is de inzet van een samenwerkingsovereenkomst tussen duurzamewaterstofleverancier HYGRO, windturbinefabrikant Lagerwey en onderzoeksinstituut ECN. Lagerwey plaatst de eerste waterstofwindturbine in het windturbinetestveld van ECN in de Wieringermeer. De waterstofwindturbine komt in 2 varianten. Een variant die alle windenergie omzet in waterstof (voor industrieel gebruik) en een hybride variant die zowel groene stroom als waterstof kan leveren (voor lokaal gebruik).

Windenergie omzetten in waterstof lost volgens het bedrijf het probleem op van het fluctuerende aanbod van windenergie. Op winderige dagen wekt een windturbine meer energie op dan wellicht verbruikt wordt, deze wordt deels omgezet in waterstof en kan worden opgeslagen. Op windluwe dagen is er dan alsnog groene energie voorhanden. Met name voor transport is het overstappen op groene waterstof een belangrijke stap in de verdere verduurzaming van de sector.

MHI Vestas V164 9.5 megawatt wind turbine

MHI Vestas has been awarded the Silver Medal in the category of renewable energy at the prestigious Edison Awards for its 9.5 MW offshore wind turbine, which it will test at Clemson University’s wind turbine testing facility at the SCE&G Energy Innovation Center in the former naval shipyard.

Mr Randy Collins, Clemson’s associate vice president, Office of Academic Affairs, Charleston said that “To be a partner with MHI Vestas, testing their award-winning 9.5 MW wind turbine that is recognized by national experts in science, technology, design and engineering, is something we at Clemson are very proud of. We’re really looking forward to further discovery through our support of and in partnership with MHI Vestas.”

Now in their 21st year of existence, the Edison Awards recognize and honor some of the most innovative new products, services and business leaders in the world.

The awards are named after Thomas Edison and are meant to symbolize and honor the persistence and excellence personified by him while also strengthening the human drive for innovation, creativity and ingenuity. Previous winners include General Electric, Tesla Motor Company and Apple.

Earlier this year, MHI Vestas agreed to test and verify its V164 9.5 MW turbine the world’s largest at the SCE&G Energy Innovation Center. There, in the university’s state-15 MW test bench, the 9.5 MW gearbox will be put through the paces to gain a better understanding of how the gearbox and bearings will react over the course of a 20-plus year lifecycle.

Mr Søren Thomsen, senior specialist, drive train engineering for MHI Vestas said that “The dramatic cost reduction in offshore wind is the result of many critical factors coming together, not the least of which is boundary-pushing technology inside the turbine. Our recent Edison innovation award affirms the leading position of the V164 platform and is a tribute to all of the men and women who brought it to life, so we’re exceptionally pleased to bring the V164 to the U.S. for testing in partnership with Clemson University. Their unparalleled 15 MW test facility will ensure that MHI Vestas turbine technology will produce clean energy safely and reliably for our customers for years to come.”

The deal with Clemson University marks MHI Vestas Offshore Wind’s first major investment in the United States, catapulting the U.S. into a leadership position in offshore wind as the country will be testing the world’s most powerful wind turbine.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Parkwind and MHI Vestas Join hands for Northwester 2 in Belgium

With installation planned for late 2019, Northwester 2 is set to become the world’s first offshore wind park with the record-setting V164-9.5 MW turbine. The offshore wind industry will look to Belgium for its first glimpse at the V164-9.5 MW turbine, the most powerful available wind turbine in the world.

The 224 MW Northwester 2 project, the fourth collaboration between Parkwind and MHI Vestas, will comprise 23 turbines and provide enough clean energy to power 220,000 Belgian homes.

Co-CEO’s of Parkwind, Eric Antoons & François Van Leeuw, said that “The Northwester 2 timing and general schedule is very challenging in the light of the timing wanted by the Belgian government. This challenging timeline has played an important role in the choice for MHI Vestas as turbine supplier having the capability of delivering the V164-9.5 MW. Parkwind is very delighted to have MHI Vestas for the fourth time as a partner.”

Both companies attribute the fast installation timetable, set for late 2019, to the industrialisation of offshore wind in Belgium, a highly collaborative approach, and supply chain readiness.

MHI Vestas CEO, Philippe Kavafyan, said that “We are delighted to sign our fourth project with Parkwind and it is a historic one. The first commercial installation of the world’s most powerful available turbine, the V164-9.5 MW, will be a Parkwind project, which is significant for our company and a notable milestone for the industry.”

Highlighting the positive impact of offshore wind on local communities in Belgium, the project promises to provide more than 1,000 direct and indirect jobs during the construction phase and 100 long-term jobs for operations and maintenance.

The conditional order announcement, which includes a service agreement, comes as the government has recently announced it will double offshore wind capacity in Belgian territorial waters, up to 4 GW by 2025.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
GE Renewable and ORE Catapult inks five year R&D agreement

GE Renewable Energy and the UK's Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult have signed a five-year research and development agreement to test and develop next generation offshore wind technologies. GE's recently announced Haliade-X 12 MW offshore wind turbine and existing Haliade 150-6MW will undergo advanced test and demonstration programs that accurately replicate real-world operational conditions to enhance performance and reliability. Testing will take place at ORE Catapult's 15MW power train test facility in Blyth, Northumberland.

Research and development activities will include cooling technologies, converters, loading conditions across mechanical and electrical components, grid testing and design validation. This collaboration will drive technology improvements that will also help to develop the UK supply chain and increase access to demonstration opportunities for innovative small businesses.

Welcoming news of the agreement, UK Government Energy & Clean Growth Minister Claire Perry said that "This collaboration is great news and highlights our world-class research and testing facilities. Through our Industrial Strategy, we are making the UK a global leader in renewables, including offshore wind, with more support available than any other country in the world. With 22% of all investment in European wind projects coming to the UK, the offshore wind industry is exceptionally well placed to boost supplies of home grown clean energy whilst growing new jobs and opportunities."

Mr John Lavelle, President & CEO of GE's Offshore Wind business, said that "This is an important agreement because it will enable us to prove Haliade-X in a faster way by putting it under controlled and extreme conditions. Traditional testing methods rely on local wind conditions and therefore have limited repeatability for testing. By using ORE Catapult's facilities and expertise, we will be in a better position to adapt our technology in a shortened time, reduce unplanned maintenance, increase availability and power output, while introducing new features to meet customers' demands."

ORE Catapult Chief Executive, Andrew Jamieson said that "This five-year collaborative program with GE Renewable Energy is a testament to the Catapult's world class engineering, research and development capabilities across all aspects of wind turbine development and performance. By working closely together in areas such as power trains, blades and electrical infrastructure, we look forward to helping GE to both enhance their existing portfolio and bring new products and services to the offshore wind market, while simultaneously generating significant economic growth opportunities in the UK."

In addition to the R&D activities, the agreement also includes a GBP 6 million (USD 8.5 million) combined investment with Innovate UK and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) to install the world's largest and most powerful grid emulation system at the Catapult's National Renewable Energy Centre in Blyth. Supplied by GE Power, Grid Emulation, in conjunction with the Catapult's power train test facilities, will enable the partners, UK companies and researchers to better assess the interaction between the next generation of large scale wind turbines and the electrical distribution network in the most challenging environments.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Orsted wins 551.75MW in German offshore wind auction

In the second German auction for offshore wind, the Bundesnetzagentur has awarded Ørsted the right to build an additional 551.75MW offshore wind in the German North Sea. Ørsted won with the following projects:

1. Borkum Riffgrund West 1 with a capacity of 420MW at a price of EUR 0 per MWh.
2. Gode Wind 4 with a capacity of 131.75MW at a price of EUR 98.30 per MWh.

In the first German offshore wind auction, which took place in April 2017, Ørsted won three projects with a total capacity of 590MW: OWP West (240MW at EUR 0 per MWh), Borkum Riffgrund West 2 (240MW at EUR 0 per MWh), and Gode Wind 3 (110MW at EUR 60 per MWh).

This brings Ørsted’s projects in Cluster 1 up to their full 900MW capacity. Ørsted’s Gode Wind 3 and 4 projects will have a total capacity of 241.75MW at a weighted average price of EUR 81 per MWh.

In total, this means that Ørsted will build 1,141.75MW new offshore wind capacity in Germany by 2024/2025, subject to Ørsted taking Final Investment Decisions.

The fundamental value-drivers behind Ørsted’s bids are the same as in last year’s German auction. The value-drivers include larger turbines, superior wind speeds, synergies with adjacent sites, the possibility to extend the operational lifetime of the assets from 25 to 30 years, and the fact that the transmission asset is not part of the construction scope. In addition to these drivers, a corporate PPA market is developing in Europe, and we see corporates considering offshore wind to secure a utility-scale supply of green electricity.

Mr Martin Neubert, Executive Vice President and CEO of Wind Power at Ørsted said that “We’re very pleased with winning these new projects which add significant capacity to our existing German portfolio and will be value creating to our investors. This is another important step towards achieving our ambition of 11-12GW installed offshore wind capacity world-wide by 2025.”

Mr Volker Malmen, country manager in Ørsted Germany, said that “Today’s result confirms that offshore wind is a cost-competitive source of renewable energy which can be a cornerstone in Germany’s green energy transition. We look forward to extending our contribution to Germany’s energy mix.”

With its operational offshore wind farms Gode Wind 1&2 and Borkum Riffgrund 1, Ørsted can currently supply 894MW of offshore wind to the German electricity consumers. Ørsted has another 450MW under construction in Germany at Borkum Riffgrund 2, which is expected to be commissioned in 2019. In total, Ørsted has installed approx. 4.4GW offshore wind capacity across Germany, UK and Denmark and has a further 4.5GW under construction.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Vestas voelt druk van concurrenten

Gepubliceerd op 4 mei 2018 om 09:09 | Views: 779

Sif Holding 16:10
18,94 -0,26 (-1,35%)

54,96 -0,18 (-0,33%)

AARHUS (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Windmolenmaker Vestas kampt naar eigen zeggen met stevige concurrentie in de sector. Dat zorgde er in de eerste maanden van het jaar voor dat de omzet lager uitviel dan een jaar eerder. Ook de winstgevendheid van het Deense bedrijf verslechterde. Evengoed hield Vestas vast aan zijn verwachtingen voor heel 2018.

De windmolenproducent zette in het afgelopen kwartaal een omzet in de boeken van 1,7 miljard euro, tegenover 1,9 miljard een jaar eerder. De winst daalde van 160 naar 102 miljoen euro. Vestas gaf aan dat door de concurrentie opbrengsten onder druk staan, onder meer door de scherpe aanbestedingsprocedures vanuit overheden. De resultaten waren ook slechter dan kenners in doorsnee van uitgingen.

Op de langere termijn is Vestas positief gestemd over de ontwikkelingen in de markt. De opkomst van windenergie zet prijzen voor elektriciteit aanhoudend onder druk. Daarnaast is er steeds meer het besef dat de toekomst van energie-opwekking duurzaam moet zijn.

Voor heel 2018 verwacht Vestas een omzet tussen de 10 miljard tot 11 miljard euro. De brutowinstmarge zal daarbij uitkomen tussen de 9 en 11 procent.
EDF plan for tallest UK onshore wind turbines

The Guardian reported that UK first government-backed effort to revive onshore windfarms after ministers scrapped public subsidies for the technology has run into opposition in the western isles of Scotland.

EDF Energy has said its plans for two major windfarms on the Isle of Lewis may need to reach heights normally the preserve of turbines at sea, prompting an outcry from residents.

The French company’s renewables unit said it may need higher turbines for the project to be economically viable and win millions of pounds in government subsidies.

Kerry MacPhee, the head of community liaison at Lewis Wind Power, the EDF-led joint venture behind the plan, told locals this week that one of the windfarms could be 200 metres (650ft) tall, with the other 187 metres, up from 150 metres and 145 metres previously. That would be taller than the UK’s largest existing onshore turbine (193.5 metres) and be on a par with some of the world’s most powerful offshore wind turbines, which are 60 metres taller than the London Eye.

MacPhee said the potential changes were designed to increase the project’s chances of winning future auctions for low-carbon electricity and unlock “substantial benefits for Lewis”.

The Conservatives ended subsidies for onshore windfarms shortly after coming to power in 2015, citing public opposition to them. However, last year the government announced onshore wind could compete for subsidies if built on remote islands, where they could benefit communities and generate large-scale clean power. Claire Perry, the energy minister, has also hinted at a return for the technology on the mainland, saying she is “looking carefully” at supporting onshore windfarms in Scotland and Wales – but not England.

EDF said it was likely, but not guaranteed, that fewer turbines would be needed for the Lewis project than the original 36 planned. Bigger turbines would also require a new application for planning approval, allowing opponents a chance to air their opinions.

Critics remain unimpressed, however. Four crofting groups have been battling EDF’s proposal, arguing that local people would benefit more if the island’s wind resource was harnessed by community-owned turbines.

Rhoda MacKenzie, a spokesperson for the crofters, said that “It’s going to have a detrimental effect on tourism. The largest wind turbines in the UK? I hardly think that’s going to bring people here.”

Calum MacDonald, a former MP who backs an expansion of community-owned wind power, said the turbine size was staggering.

EDF has said there would be no case for more community windfarms without a new power cable to the mainland. The estimated GBP 780 million investment needed for such an interconnector would only be justified by electricity generation on the scale proposed by EDF.

Wind power developers fighting in auctions for government subsidies across Europe are increasingly dependent on scale to win contracts by bidding with the lowest subsidy price. The next UK auction is scheduled for the spring of 2019.

Source : Guardian News and Media
Vestas surpasses 1 GW in order intake from Italian auctions with new order

Vestas has received a 31 MW order for the supply and installation of nine V117-3.45 MW turbines for an undisclosed project in Italy. The project, which was won in Italy’s latest auction held in November 2016, takes Vestas’ order intake from the four Italian auctions since 2012 above 1 GW, underlining the company’s leadership in the country.

Mr Rainer Karan, General Manager of Vestas in Italy, Greece and the MENA region said that “The project takes Vestas past the 1 GW milestone for orders from Italian auctions, highlighting how our knowledge and expertise in auctions position Vestas as the wind energy leader in the country.”

Turbine delivery is expected in the last quarter of 2018, with commissioning planned for the second quarter of 2019.

Customer and project are undisclosed per the customer’s request.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Eurus Energy Group beging construction of Windpark Spui in South-Holland

Eurus Energy Group has begun construction of the 21MW Windpark Spui in South-Holland, the Netherlands. This project is owned jointly by Eurus Energy and YARD ENERGY group, a major wind energy developer in the Netherlands. It is our 10th project in the Netherlands following the 9 projects we purchased in 2016. Commercial operation of the plant is planned to commence in June 2019. This project is expected to generate a total amount of electric power equal to the power consumption of approximately 24,000 general households.

The Netherlands had 4,340MW of wind power installed as of the end of 2017, and has set a target of 6,000MW total installation by 2023. As new environmental policies are expected to continue to be implemented, Eurus Energy Group looks forward to promoting further business development in the Netherlands in the future.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Poland PGE to abondon nuclear power plans in favour of offshore wind

PGE, Poland’s largest power group, has decided to abandon its leading role in building the country’s first nuclear power plant and will instead focus investment on offshore wind energy. According to Reuters, state-owned refiner PKN Orlen could take over PGE’s stake in the nuclear project, while the latter concentrates on a $10bn offshore wind power development. The move into renewables and nuclear represents a major change in Polish energy policy. Up until now, the country has relied on coal for around 80% of its energy but this made the country one of the EU’s major polluters.

Unnamed sources told the news agency PGE could not fund both projects, and cheap technology had swung the decision in favour of wind. PGE could still play a smaller role in the nuclear project which has been delayed and still needs government approval.

A proposed law is currently before the Polish parliament aiming at facilitating the construction of wind farms. If the law is passed, several other large wind farm projects could also proceed.
Polenergia has said it would like to build a wind farm in the Baltic by 2022. PKN Orlen is also considering building one.

In January, PGE’s renewable energy unit PGE Energia Odnawialna started a two-year wind measurement operation for the planned 1GW offshore wind farm project. The project site is located some 32km from Leba in the Polish Exclusive Economic Zone of the Baltic Sea.

PGE said in March that it wants to build offshore windfarms with a capacity of 2.5 gigawatts by 2030.

Analysts and investors say that offshore wind farms are the easiest and fastest way for Poland to fill the expected capacity gap from coal and reduce CO2 emissions in line with EU’s 2030 targets.

The decision to open up the offshore power industry could also draw in outside investors. Statoil said in April it would join Polenergia’s offshore project which has drawn interest from other international wind companies.

The Polish Wind Energy Association estimates that offshore windfarms with a total capacity of 6 GW would help create around 77,000 new jobs and add around 60 billion zlotys to economic growth.

Source : Reuters
Trelleborg exhibits cable protection system at Global Offshore Wind

Trelleborg’s offshore operation will exhibit its innovative protection system, NjordGuard™, at the Global Offshore Wind exhibition. Mr Andy Smith, Business Manager for Developing Markets for Trelleborg’s offshore operation, states that “With much of the world looking for fossil-free energy sources, wind power is becoming an increasing are of focus and forward-looking companies are adapting their oil and gas solutions for use in the renewables sector. While the challenges related to protecting windfarms are developing at a rapid pace, Trelleborg is able to use its experience and expertise in more established industries to tackle these challenges head on.”

One of the ways that Trelleborg has contributed to solving offshore wind challenges is in the development of NjordGuard™, a cable protection system for offshore wind cables.

Njordguard™ is an integrated protection system designed and developed to protect offshore windfarm power cables in wind turbine generators and offshore substation platforms. It is easily assembled on a vessel to allow speedy installation, while it’s highly abrasion resistant API 17L certified Uraduct® material enables it to travel over the seabed without damage, extending cable life. Most importantly, it facilitates installation, reuse and removal without diver and ROV intervention, optimizing efficiency and maximizing safety.

RenewableUK presents Global Offshore Wind 2018, the association’s 17th annual offshore wind energy conference and exhibition. Taking place over two days, the conference program will showcase how the industry is embracing innovation and delivering reliable power into the energy system.

Trelleborg is at the forefront of technical evolution, providing innovative solutions to meet the world’s growing demand for energy and is proudly committed to supporting the offshore wind industry.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Jonas zijn hart moet zwellen van trots: geen woorden maar daden!

" Op de Tweede Maasvlakte in de Rotterdamse haven komt waarschijnlijk een van de grootste windturbines ter wereld. Het enorme gevaarte gaat net zoveel stroom leveren als achtduizend huishoudens per jaar verbruiken en heeft een vermogen van 10 megawatt.

Dat heeft de gemeente Rotterdam bekendgemaakt." Nu.nl

IZDP; dat zal het waarschijnlijk nog meer doen als GE dat ding levert en Boskalis daarbij ook werkzaamheden kan doen, want daarin heb ik belangen als belegger.

Overigens levering van stroom voor 8000 huishoudens is niet zoveel zeker als je bedenkt dat het overgrote deel van het stroomverbruik niet bij de huishoudens ligt. Energiebeleid in de EU is trouwens toch een zooitje. Duitsland stokt soms met steenkool bij, Frankrijk wil wel duurzaam, maar dan wel met nucleair meerekenen. In Nederland willen ze van gas af en in België bouwen ze juist gascentrales etc. Lijkt op spaghetti.

Groet, Jonas
Ik denk niet dat GE die levert. Die hebben er wel 1 die in 2021 op de markt moet komen als grootste ter wereld, nl. 12Mw.

Duitsland soms steenkool bijstoken??? Juist veel meer en nog erger; veel meer bruinkool.
Van een Europees energiebeleid kan je absoluut niet spreken. Inderdaad noem het maar een soepzooitje.
Vestas partners with Swedish utility fund for wind project in Sweden

With wind energy becoming the lowest cost of energy solution in many markets, the global wind energy market is expanding and creating new opportunities that involve new customer segments, partnership constellations, technology solutions and financing structures. As the global leader in wind energy, Vestas continues to be highly involved in this evolution and is together with key partners developing solutions that address a wind park’s full value chain and hereby maximise return on investment and profitability.

Highlighting this development, Vestas has entered into a partnership with Swedish utility, Vattenfall, and Danish pension fund, PKA, for a 353 MW wind energy project in Sweden. For the project, which is PKA’s first investment in onshore wind, Vestas will provide 353 MW of V136-4.2 MW turbines as well as become a shareholder through a share purchase agreement for 40 percent of the project. PKA and Vattenfall will own 30 percent project equity each. The project’s total construction funding is around EUR 350m and will be partially funded by non-recourse project financing while financial close is expected to be finalised in the coming months.

To grasp further opportunities in this emerging space and develop additional revenue streams, Vestas aims to engage in project solutions with customers and investors that have strong track records within sustainable energy. Depending on project and customer needs, such solutions may include co-development, financial solutions or equity investments, and hereby go beyond supplying, installing, and servicing turbines as well as full engineering, procurement and construction projects. By doing so, Vestas secures project pipeline and creates attractive and profitable investment opportunities.

The project has been developed by Vattenfall and consists of 84 V136-4.2 MW turbines to be installed across the Blakliden and Fäbodberget wind parks located in Åsele and Lycksele Municipality in central Sweden. Blakliden and Fäbodberget wind parks will consist of 50 and 34 turbines respectively.

Mr Magnus Hall, President and CEO of Vattenfall said that “It is highly gratifying that we can now continue our expansion of onshore wind farms in Sweden. Blakliden/Fäbodberget represents an important step in our strategy to become fossil free within one generation. It is also important for Vattenfall to demonstrate that we are making a major investment in renewables in Sweden.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
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Stijgers Laatst +/- % tijd
KPN 3,625 +0,018 +0,50% 16:51
ABN AMRO BANK N.V. 16,310 +0,060 +0,37% 16:52
RELX 43,140 +0,040 +0,09% 16:52
Dalers Laatst +/- % tijd
ASMI 561,800 -29,400 -4,97% 16:52
ASML 714,400 -33,500 -4,48% 16:52
BESI 112,100 -4,850 -4,15% 16:51

EU stocks, real time, by Cboe Europe Ltd.; Other, Euronext & US stocks by NYSE & Cboe BZX Exchange, 15 min. delayed
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