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Delhi Badarpur power plant shut as air turns toxic - Authorities

The Asian Age reported that the city’s emergency plan to fight ‘poor’ to ‘severe’ levels of air pollution was rolled out on Monday, starting with a ban on diesel generator sets in the national capital. Authorities said that Delhi’s biggest coal power plant at Badarpur has been ordered to be permanently closed from Monday and the roads will be swept with special machines as part of a set of emergency measures that have been put in place by the government to combat air pollution.

The plan came into force even as Delhi already encountered 9 days of ‘poor’ air quality in the first two weeks of October.

The Graded Response Action Plan which was notified by environment ministry and launched in Delhi last year to combat different levels of pollution, has an advisory for each category of air pollution emergency, severe, very poor, poor, and moderate.

On Monday, as the air quality remained in the ‘poor’ category but deteriorated compared to Sunday, measures like mechanised sweeping of roads, pollution control measures at brick kilns, and deployment of traffic police to ensure smooth passage of traffic at vulnerable areas in Delhi-NCR region came into force.

Source : Asian Age
Shell: inhaalslag in duurzame energie

Gepubliceerd op 19 okt 2018 om 08:33 | Views: 3.449

Royal Dutch Shell A 14:43
28,67 +0,38 (+1,34%)

DEN HAAG (AFN) - Shell is naar eigen zeggen bezig aan een inhaalslag op het vlak van hernieuwbare energie. Dat zegt directeur Geert van de Wouw van Shell Ventures, een investeringsvehikel van het olie- en gasconcern, in een interview met Bloomberg.

,,We zijn bezig aan een inhaalslag. Shell was al actief in hernieuwbare energie, stapte daar toen uit en nu zijn we weer terug'', zegt Van de Wouw. Dit jaar investeerde Shell Ventures in bijna dertig start-ups die op nieuwe technologieën en brandstof broeden. Naast duurzame energie gaat het bijvoorbeeld ook om elektrisch of autonoom rijden. Daarnaast zoekt Shell ook naar investeringen die de zoektocht naar olie- en gas goedkoper maken.

Ook de komende jaren wil het Shell-onderdeel jaarlijks in zo'n twintig tot dertig start-ups stappen. Daarbij neemt het bedrijf doorgaans een belang tussen de 10 procent en 20 procent, aldus Van de Wouw.
India likely to add up to 8.5 Gw renewable energy capacity in current fiscal - ICRA

Economic Times reported that India is likely to add between 8 Gigawatt and 8.5 Gw of renewable energy generation capacity in the current financial year ending March 2019 followed by healthy growth next fiscal (2019-20) too. According to research and rating agency ICRA, the country added around 12 Gw renewable energy capacity in the last financial year ending March 2018. Contribution from solar was upto 9 Gw, wind upto 2 Gw and capacity addition from other sources was upto 1 Gw.

Mr Sabyasachi Majumdar, Group Head-Corporate ratings, ICRA Ltd that "The project awards so far provide a reasonably healthy visibility for RE capacity addition in FY2019 and FY2020 with the expected addition of about 8-8.5 Gw in FY2019. This apart, RE projects are likely to remain cost competitive against conventional power sources.”

He explained imposition of safeguard duty on imported PV modules and the recent Rupee depreciation against the Dollar is estimated to increase the capital cost of solar power projects by 20-25 per cent. Although the impact of this is partly moderated by the decline in the PV module prices by about 20 per cent since June 2018.

Further, the rising interest rates are putting pressure on the bid tariffs and on the viability of the wind and solar projects having tariffs less than Rs 3 per unit. Also, the winning developers in the recent bids are facing challenges in securing connectivity and open access to the inter-state transmission network, ICRA said in a statement. This has resulted in cancellation or capacity downsizing of some of the bids by Solar Energy Corporation of India.

Mr Majumdar added that “Despite these challenges, the wind and solar power projects remain highly cost competitive against the conventional sources and would continue to increase their share in the generation mix over the next few years. The share of RE in the generation mix is expected to increase to 12-13 per cent by FY2022 from 7.7 per cent in FY2018.”

ICRA statement said that the bidding activity in the renewable energy sector has remained sizeable with central nodal agencies like the SECI and NTPC as well as state distribution utilities issuing bids for wind and solar power capacities of about 10 GW and 15 GW, respectively, during calendar year 2017 and 2018. While this augers well for the sector, several key concerns remain.

Source : Economic Times
German network companies join up to build power to gas plant

Reuters reported that German power and gas network companies TenneT, Thyssengas and Gasunie Deutschland plan to build a 100 megawatt (MW) plant to turn renewable energy into gas for industrial use in the Ruhr region. The plant in Lower Saxony would be the biggest power-to-gas plant in Germany and would be connected to the grid in phases from 2022. But they did not give the estimated investment.

As Germany has set a target to nearly double the share of wind and solar power to 65 percent of electricity generation by 2030, grid operators are looking to develop ptg plants and other technologies.

Ptg entails running wind or solar power through water to split it into oxygen and hydrogen, which can then be used as a transport fuel or fed into electricity grids.

The three companies said that "The partners aim to create comprehensive links between the energy, transport and industrial sectors. The green power that is turned into gas will be transported to the industrial Ruhr region, but also supply hydrogen filling stations for mobility, and can be stored in underground caverns for industrial usage.”

Source : Reuters
India switching to clean energy may save 11 million life in a year – Harvard University

Economic Times reported that India could save an estimated 11 million life years annually by replacing coal-fired power plants with clean, renewable energy. According to a Harvard study, the 2.7 billion people who live in India and China more than a third of the world's population regularly breath some of the dirtiest air on the planet. Researchers from the Harvard University in the US said that air pollution is one of the largest contributors to death in both countries, ranked 4th in China and 5th in India, and harmful emissions from coal-fire power plants are a major contributing factor. In the study, published in the journal Environment International, researchers wanted to know how replacing coal-fired power plants in China and India with clean, renewable energy could benefit human health and save lives in the future.

They found that eliminating harmful emissions from power plants could save an estimated annual 15 million years of life in China and 11 million years of life in India.

Previous research has explored mortality from exposure to fine particulate matter (known as PM2.5) in India and China but few studies have quantified the impact of specific sources and regions of pollution and identified efficient mitigation strategies, researchers said.

Using state-of-the-art atmospheric chemistry modelling, they calculated province-specific annual changes in mortality and life expectancy due to power generation.

The researchers were able to narrow down the areas of highest priority, recommending upgrades to the existing power generating technologies in Shandong, Henan, and Sichuan provinces in China, and Uttar Pradesh in India due to their dominant contributions to the current health risks.

Mr Chris Nielsen, executive director of the Harvard-China Project and a co-author of the research paper said that "This study shows how modelling advances and expanding monitoring networks are strengthening the scientific basis for setting environmental priorities to protect the health of ordinary Chinese and Indian citizens.It also drives home just how much middle-income countries could benefit by transitioning to non-fossil electricity sources as they grow.”

Source : Economic Times
Potentie thermische energie uit water groter dan gedacht

Uit onderzoek naar verschillende vormen van aquathermie, blijkt de potentie van thermische energie uit water als alternatief voor aardgas groter dan gedacht. Zo zou energie uit oppervlaktewater kunnen voorzien in circa 40 procent van de totale warmtevraag van de gebouwde omgeving. De totale potentie van aquathermie is meer dan 50 procent.

Het rapport waar dat uit blijkt is door DirkSiert Schoonman van de Unie van Waterschappen overhandigd aan directeur-generaal Chris Kuijpers van het ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties. STOWA, de Unie van Waterschappen, Rijkswaterstaat en het ministerie van Infrastructuur & Waterstaat hebben CE Delft en Deltares gevraagd het nationaal potentieel van aquathermie in beeld te brengen.

‘Thermische energie uit oppervlaktewater heeft een potentieel van ongeveer 150 petajoule per jaar, ruim 40 procent van de totale toekomstige warmtevraag in de gebouwde omgeving van 350 petajoule per jaar. Dat is meer dan inschattingen uit eerdere studies’, aldus Peter Struik van Rijkswaterstaat. Naast het oppervlaktewater heeft ook het afvalwater in Nederland een grote thermische potentie, met een economisch potentieel van circa 56 petajoule. Thermische energie uit drinkwater heeft een beperkter technisch potentieel van circa 46 petajoule, wat vooral lokaal heel interessant kan zijn.

De potenties van de verschillende vormen van aquathermie zijn niet bij elkaar op te tellen, omdat ze deels overlappen. Aanvullende analyses zijn nodig om het exacte gezamenlijk potentieel te bepalen. DirkSiert Schoonman: ‘Nederland staat voor de grote uitdaging om in 2050 een warmtevoorziening te hebben waarin geen aardgas wordt gebruikt en die geen CO2-uitstoot heeft. Een van de opties die tot op heden echter beperkt aandacht heeft gekregen is aquathermie. In de Nederlandse delta is veel oppervlaktewater beschikbaar, dat in de zomer opwarmt en in de winter afkoelt. Deze warmte en koude kan aan het oppervlaktewater onttrokken worden om gebouwen en ruimten te verwarmen en te koelen.’

De waterschappen en Rijkswaterstaat kunnen deze duurzame energiebron aan gemeenten of woningcorporaties ter beschikking stellen als alternatief voor aardgas. Juist voor de Warmtetransitieplannen die gemeenten uiterlijk in 2021 moeten opstellen, is het belangrijk deze bron goed te ontsluiten. Er is veel bebouwing met water in de buurt en het heeft weinig ruimtelijke impact. Er zijn al diverse succesvolle voorbeelden in de regio. De gemeenten Katwijk en Drimmelen kregen een rijkssubsidie toegekend om aquathermie in te zetten voor aardgasvrije wijken.

China's power generation in Jan to Sep up by 7.4 pct

Xinhua reported that China's power generation rose 7.4 percent in the first nine months of 2018, with electricity from nuclear and wind power facilities expanding at a fast pace in September. The growth in the first three quarters was 0.3 percentage points lower than the first eight months, the National Development and Reform Commission said Wednesday. In September, electricity from hydropower plants rose 4.1 percent. Nuclear and wind power production surged 12.8 percent and 13.5 percent, respectively.

Power consumption in the first nine months rose 8.9 percent, 2 percentage points faster than the same period of last year, but slightly slower than 9 percent for the first eight months of this year.

The slowdown in power production and consumption came amid slightly slower economic growth.

China's economy expanded 6.7 percent in the first three quarters, down from 6.8 percent in the first half but staying above the government's annual target of around 6.5 percent.

Source : Xinhua
SkanGas delivered LBG for first time to Finland

Reuters reported that SkanGas, a Norwegian-based unit of Finland's state-owned Gasum, has delivered liquefied biogas (LBG) to two Finnish customers for the first time. LBG, a renewable version of liquefied natural gas (LNG), is produced from organic waste and can reduce the carbon footprint of companies using it, said SkanGas, which had previously only delivered the product to one Swedish and one Norwegian buyer. While LBG is still considered an immature market and thus costlier than many alternatives, it is also part of a growing trend of bioenergy consumption.

The company said in a statement that "We delivered liquefied biogas for the first time to Nornickel Harjavalta and STEP Oy. LNG and liquefied biogas can be delivered with the same equipment and the transition to liquefied biogas can be achieved without additional investment."

STEP, an acronym for Finnish Industrial Energy Services, offers sustainable energy solutions for industrial customers and is a joint venture owned by Pori Energia and Veolia.

Source : Reuters
Vietnam first waste-to-power plant to be officially operational in Nov

Vietnam Plus reported that the Thoi Lai waste-to-energy plant in the Mekong Delta city of Can Tho is expected to be put into official operation in late November. At an October 25 working session with representatives of Can Tho Everbright Environmental Protection Holdings Ltd the project’s management unit, Chairman of the municipal People’s Committee Vo Thanh Thong urged the company to coordinate with competent agencies in order to ensure the progress of the project.

Since the plant, the first of its kind in Vietnam, was put into a trial run on October 15, it has handled 3,878 tonnes of waste.

Construction of the plant started on June 30, 2018. The project will last 22 years, including the construction period, with a total investment of 1,050 billion VND (45.6 million USD). Sitting on a site of 5.3ha in Truong Xuan commune, Thoi Lai district, the plant is capable of processing 400 tonnes of household waste and generating 150,000 kWh of electricity per day.

The factory is expected to help Can Tho deal with household waste as it consumes up to 77 percent of the city’s total garbage volume.

Source : Vietnam Plus
Pakistan energy minister appeals to permission for 35 wind energy projects

The News reported that Pakistan minister for energy Mr Imtiaz Ahmed Shaikh has appealed to Prime Minister Imran Khan to issue directives to the relevant federal agencies to readily grant permission to 35 upcoming wind power projects to be installed in Sindh having the capacity to generate 4,000 megawatts of clean electricity. Speaking at a press conference, the energy minister said Sindh had abundant natural resources in the form of wind, solar power, coal and natural gas that could be readily exploited to overcome the country’s energy shortfall. He said that “The Centre should rely on Sindh as we are well in a position to overcome the electricity crisis prevailing in the country.”

Mr Shaikh claimed there were dozens of upcoming energy projects in Sindh, especially those based on renewable energy sources, but the relevant federal agencies had been consistently impeding either their commencement or completion.

According to the minister, the commencement of new wind energy projects would be a major step towards the goal of supplying inexpensive electricity to people who have to bear unbearable increase in oil prices and power tariff.

He said Sindh had the most natural gas reserves in the country as compared to the other provinces, but even then it had been receiving just 1,100 MBTU gas supply quota that is much less volume of gas than the actual share of the province from the country’s gas system.

Source : The News
Stroomverkoop doet Nuon-moeder goed

Gepubliceerd op 30 okt 2018 om 09:19 | Views: 1.115

STOCKHOLM (AFN) - De Zweedse energieproducent Vattenfall heeft in de eerste negen maanden van dit jaar meer omzet uit stroom gehaald, onder meer door hogere prijzen in Nederland en Duitsland. Het moederbedrijf van Nuon produceerde ook meer stroom dan een jaar eerder. Dat kwam onder meer omdat kerncentrales in Zweden toen onderhouden werden. Verder zijn er dit jaar meer windparken in gebruik genomen.

Vattenfall als geheel voerde de omzet in het derde kwartaal op tot 32,5 miljard Zweedse kroon, omgerekend ruim 3,1 miljard euro. Dat was een stijging van 19 procent. De winst kwam uit op zo'n 1,8 miljard kroon tegen 750 miljoen kroon in dezelfde periode een jaar eerder.

De omzet uit warmte bleef ongeveer gelijk, maar de onderliggende winst liep terug. Dat kwam door onder meer de hogere prijzen voor kolen, gas en CO2-emissierechten. Verder verliest Vattenfall het warmtenet in de stad Hamburg, nu de gemeenteraad daar het net weer in eigen beheer wil nemen.
STX Marine wins USD 500 million deal to restore power in Iraq

Yonhap reported that South Korea's STX Marine Service Co has secured a contract to restore and operate diesel-fueled electric power plants in Iraq. The ship management service and power plant operation and maintenance (O&M) company said the US$500 million deal is a five-year work project on four 900 megawatt-capacity electricity generation units in the Middle Eastern country. The project calls for 100 South Korean engineers to be dispatched by STX, along with the hiring of 500 local workers. The company said work started as of July 1.

The Busan-based company added that it inked a so-called credit bills negotiated facility deal with the Dubai branch of Standard Chartered Bank on Friday (Korea time). The financial arrangement is worth USD 125 million, with the company seeking additional ties with other financial institutions at home and abroad to cover the remaining USD 375 million of the Iraqi contract.

STX Marine Service said the deal with Standard Chartered is critical as any business contract in Iraq needs to receive firm financing in order to make progress.

The O&M company, meanwhile, claimed that the deal is noteworthy because the company competed with large International rivals and Iraqi operators to grab the contract from Iraq's Ministry of Electricity.

Source : Yonhap News
Spain Acciona eyes PHL renewable energy projects

Bworld Online reported that spanish firm Acciona, SA plans to expand its operations in the Philippines and beef up its manpower as it explores opportunities in the renewable energy sector in partnership with a local company. Mr Jorge F Gayoso Mediero, Acciona head of business development for Southeast Asia and Iran, during an appreciation event with its local partner said that “What we’re trying to do is to understand the possibilities on the energy side, the green energy side of the country.”

He said that “We know that there is no feed-in tariff right now in the Philippines, but we’re trying to move forward with different deals, referring to the government scheme that grants a fixed tariff for 20 years to early investors in renewable energy.”

The Acciona official said the company was looking at the potential of signing power purchase agreements with private companies, specifically big industrial consumers, in place of the feed-in tariff. Acciona’s expertise is in designing specific solutions in wind and solar energy.

He said that “We need partners because of regulation, citing the 40% limitation in the stake of a foreign firm embarking on a local renewable energy project.” He added that “We have conversations with local partners, but declining to identify the prospective partners because of a confidentiality agreement.”

Source : Bworld Online
Vietnam Ninh Thuan speeds up renewable energy projects

VNA reported that central province of Ninh Thuan is speeding up the construction of wind and solar power plants in order to generate commercial electricity as scheduled. Amongst the 16 wind power projects in the master plan on power development approved by the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Industry and Trade, 12 have received licences with combined capacity of over 748 MW and a total registered capital of more than 22.5 trillion VND (978 million USD).

There are also 29 solar power projects in the master plan, 12 of which have a total capacity of 968MW and a total registered capital of over 27.8 trillion VND.

As scheduled, more than 82MW of wind power from plants in Dam Nai (second stage), Mui Dinh, and Trung Nam will be added to the national grid.

According to the provincial People’s Committee, three renewable energy projects and the National Power Transmission Corporation have reached agreements on power generation. Meanwhile, 22 other projects signed deals with the Southern Power Corporation and 11 renewable energy projects inked contracts on power purchase with the Electricity of Vietnam.

Chairman of the Committee Mr Luu Xuan Vinh said Ninh Thuan considers renewable energy development one of the key breakthroughs for local socio-economic development, adding that the province prioritises capable and experienced investors determined to develop renewable energy projects.

Source : VNA
GE Power to supply wet FGD technology for four NTPC coal plants

GE Power has announced that it has been awarded four orders by NTPC Limited to supply and install wet FGD systems for a combined value of INR 1783 crore (USD 247 million). The four power plant projects are:
Solapur super thermal power project – 2x660 MW.
Tanda Stage II super thermal power project – 2x660 MW.
Feroze Gandhi Unchahar thermal power project – 1x500 MW.
Meja thermal power project – 2x660 MW by Meja Urja Nigam Private Limited (a JV of NTPC & UPRVUNL).

These new awards build on GE Power’s expertise in Wet FGD systems with the recent completion of facilities and performance guarantee tests for wet FGD at NTPC’s Vindhyachal Stage V/Unit 13 – 1 x 500 MW thermal power plant and awarded contract for wet FGD for NTPC’s 2x800 MW Telangana thermal power project earlier this year.

These six wet FGDs together will treat more than 42 million m3/hr of flue gas and will remove more than 540 000 t of SO2 each year which will be converted into gypsum by-product for use in the construction industry.

The installation of these wet FGDs will help NTPC meet the new emission standards issued by the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC), Government of India in December 2015 making it mandatory for thermal power plants in India to install FGD technology to reduce SO2 emissions. The installation of GE Power’s wet FGDs will take 33 months for the first unit and 39 months for the second unit from the date of award of the contract. GE’s scope includes Design, Engineering, Civil Work, Supply, Erection and Commissioning of wet FGD systems along with auxiliaries like Limestone and Gypsum Handling System and Wet Stack.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Southeast Asia's renewables held back by policy inaction - IRENA

Reuters reported that Southeast Asia is a potential hotspot for renewable energy, yet the region has not met expectations because it lacks policy frameworks that would encourage investment, the International Renewable Energy Agency told Reuters that renewables across the world have typically been boosted by policies like price subsidies and guaranteed grid takeoff.

In Southeast Asia, though, barring some exceptions such as in Thailand, support for renewables has been smaller, and the region lags far behind others in renewable output despite its potential, especially for solar, geothermal and wind power. One of the factors holding back renewables is the region's abundance of thermal coal, of which Indonesia is the world's biggest exporter.

IRENA's director general Mr Adnan Amin told the Reuters Commodity Summit interview series this week that "Some of the ministers here believe coal is one of their cheaper alternatives.”

Glencore, the world's biggest thermal coal exporting company, said that "Southeast Asia will drive future economic growth and demand for coal."

The miner said "coal will account for 40 percent of energy growth" in Southeast Asia by 2040 despite the emergence of renewables in the region.

Global renewable capacity, excluding hydro, has soared from under 100,000 megawatts (MW) in 2000 to more than 1 million MW in 2017, according to IRENA data.

Only a tiny portion of that has come in Southeast Asia.

Europe and North America were the first regions to seriously boost renewable energy, and today, China is the leader in the sector, with India catching up.

Now, there are also efforts underway in Southeast Asia: the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) plans to generate 23 percent of its primary energy needs from renewables by 2025, up from just over 10 percent now.

To help achieve that, ASEAN and IRENA signed an agreement this week to boost renewable investment and deployment.

Source : Reuters
Power plants may not get natural gas on priority basis

Economic Times reported that the government proposes to withdraw priority in gas allocation to power plants, a major setback to the already stressed power sector and country’s top power producer NTPC. The proposal floated by the ministry of petroleum and natural gas seeks dismantling the existing pricing for domestic gas and replace it with a market based discovery mechanism on a gas exchange by pooling the local fuel with LNG. A senior government official said the oil ministry has floated a cabinet note proposing the new price discovery mechanism and has removed power plants from the priority allocation list. The other two sectors- city gas distribution and fertiliser – are proposed to be kept on the list.

The official said that “The power ministry has vehemently opposed the proposal saying power is a regulated sector and needs domestic gas allocation more than any other sector.”

Another official said the price increase is still manageable as NTPC can pass through the costs to consumers but taking away the basket of gas allocation from power sector will be a greater setback.

NTPC has seven gas-based power plants with a capacity of over 4,000-mw, which require up to 7 mmscmd. The power sector gets 39% of the total domestic gas distributed, and NTPC consumes a large part of it. An NTPC official said the move will be a major setback for the company. The official said that “It will be a bad move for the company and the power sector as a whole. Most of our gas comes from ONGC. Also, the investments made in the gas pipelines by GAIL to supply gas specifically to us will be affected.”

Data available with the Central Electricity Authority showed the 24,812-mw gas based power stations in the country generated higher than the target in September and in the financial year so far. The projects operated at a capacity of 23.3% between April and September.

While gas stations of central PSUs operated at around 30% capacity, most of the private plants of companies like GMR Energy, Sugen, Lanco Infra were shut. The private plants operated at average 16% plant load factor (PLF).

ET had on October 24 reported that the government is planning a major gas-pricing reform by permitting trading of all domestic supply on a local exchange, to help discover market price for gas locally and render current gas price formula and ceiling redundant.

Source : Economic Times
The demand for coal is stronger than ever - World Coal Association

Mining Global reported that earlier this year, one of the world’s leading mining companies announced that it was to end its association with an international coal lobby group, citing ‘material differences’ and a ‘narrow range of activities of benefit’. Given that this was BHP, the world’s largest exporter of coal for steel making, cutting its ties with the World Coal Association (WCA), one could be forgiven for thinking this would have a major impact on both the coal industry and on the WCA itself. Add to this news that a number of major companies including Rio Tinto and BHP have sold off most of their coal assets, what does this mean for coal? Are we going to see the end of coal as a major resource?

Mr Benjamin Sporton, Former Chief Executive of WCA, speaking to us earlier this year as his tenure comes to an end “We see coal as being a vital, strategic and economic resource for the world because today, cIose to 40% of the world’s electricity comes from coal. It's still a very important part of making steel and cement and other products as well. So, it's a critical strategic and economic resource, particularly in developing an emerging economy.” Sporton immediately addresses the selling of coal assets. “With these major companies selling their coal assets, don’t look at it from the perspective of ‘backing away’ from coal,” he says. “These companies sold these assets for huge prices. For an industry that some say is on its way out, I think that actually shows an industry that is incredibly strong.”

The WCA is the global network for the coal industry, striving to demonstrate and gain acceptance for the fundamental role coal can and will play in achieving a sustainable, lower carbon energy future. In a time where the eyes of the world are constantly looking at ways of reducing the carbon footprint, forcing some companies to move away from coal, the important role that the WCA plays is as crucial as ever before.

Sporton recognises that the coal industry is often dominated, and often overshadowed, by the conversation of climate change. In effect, this is what drives WCA. “It’s about obtaining those strategic benefits of coal while addressing the environmental challenges that come with it,” he says. “By looking at how technology can reduce the environmental impact, we want to end up in a place where we can use coal and don’t have the consequences that have traditionally come with it.”

Technology is the key driver in getting to that scenario and the WCA works extremely close in better understanding and implementing high efficiency, low emission (HELE) coal technologies and carbon capture and storage (CCS) solutions.

The technology conversation surrounding coal has changed significantly over the last decade and Sporton notes this has impacted the way that WCA has adapted its key messaging. “Progress is being made on CCS,” he says. “Good progress too, but the technology story is only at the beginning and will continue to grow immensely over the coming years.”

Source : Mining Global
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