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Nuclear power plant in Washington unexpectedly shut down

Associated Press reported that Washington state's only nuclear power plant has been shut down after operators received an indication that a system used to cool equipment wasn't working but there was no release of radiation and no danger to the public.

The Tri-City Herald reported that the plant was shut down after operators were alerted to problems with the system that uses water to cool heat exchangers and pumps, including those that control the power level of the reactor.

Energy Northwest spokesman John Dobken said that “The Columbia Generating Station near Richland was shut down about 1:30 PM on Monday. Officials hope to restart the plant sometime this week.”

Energy Northwest says it seems that a water system valve may not have been in the right position, but adds that an investigation is ongoing.

The last time the plant had an unplanned shutdown, known as a scram, was in November 2009, when there was a hydraulic fluid leak.

Source : Associated Press
France committed to UK Hinkley Point nuclear plant – Mr Macron

Mr Emmanuel Macron, French economy minister told Britain that France is "completely committed" to the Hinkley Point nuclear power plant in Somerset in England's southwest.

Interviewed on the BBC's Andrew Marr Show, Macron said the 23 billion euro project was "very important" for France and EDF, which is 85 per cent owned by the French state.

Asked whether he thought the deal would go ahead, Macron added "That's my view, and that's our perspective, because I think it's very important for our commitment to nuclear energy."

Mr Macron said that "Now we have to finalise the work, and especially the technical and industrial work, very closely with EDF, with the British government, to be in a situation to sign in the coming week or more."

UK Energy Secretary Amber Rudd echoed this positive outlook "Hinkley Point will power nearly six million homes, boosting our long-term energy security and create over 25,000 jobs, meaning financial security for working people and their families."

But there is a question mark over how the project will be funded.

In October last year, EDF agreed a deal under which China General Nuclear Power Corporation (CGN) would pay a third of the cost of the project, in exchange for a 33.5% stake. But EDF has been struggling to find the cash for its remaining 66.5% stake and the cost of the Hinkley Point project now exceeds EDF's market value.

At the end of 2015, EDF had a net debt of 37,4 billion d'euros.

Within France, the future of the plant also seems to be in doubt. The company's financial director Thomas Piquemal resigned in March over the cost and last week the French Energy Minister Ségolène Royale said it should be delayed.

Mr Royale said that "More proof of the viability of this project is needed and guarantees that the money invested in the project will not be siphoned off renewable energy projects."

After a meeting on 6 April, the Energy and Mines trade union (FO) reiterated its demand to delay the construction of the two new reactors for at least three years.

Meanwhile, John Sauven, director of Greenpeace points out that Macron has been sending mixed messages to the French public on the situation, by continually stressing that no final decision has yet been made.

Further expressing his position on Britain's economy in light of the upcoming referendum on the UK's European membership, Macron on Thursday urged Britain to remain in the bloc, saying it was "in its interests" to protect its trade position.

Source : RFI
China nears completion of first floating nuclear plant

According to the Chinese newspaper, China is pushing ahead with its construction of a first-ever floating nuclear power platform, which is expected to add to Beijing's ever-increasing clout in the South China Sea.

The report said that the construction of China's first maritime nuclear power platform in the South China Sea is due to be completed by 2018 and be put into operation by 2019.

The newspaper quoted analysts as saying that such a platform could boost the efficiency of China's ongoing construction work on islands in the South China Sea considerably.

In a recent interview with the Global Times, Mr Liu Zhengguo, head of the general office of the China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC) which is responsible for designing and assembling the platforms, said that the CSIS is "pushing forward with the work."

Earlier this month, it was reported that China plans to construct at least 20 maritime nuclear power platforms "in the future."

According to the Global Times, the platforms "will play an important role in China's long-term South China Sea strategy."

The newspaper cited Li Jie, a Beijing-based naval expert, as saying that the platforms will add to reliable power supplies for lighthouses, rescue and relief equipment as well as airports and harbors on the South China Sea islands.

Mr Sun Qin, board chairman of the China National Nuclear Corporation, said last month that the country will start the construction of a floating nuclear power station by the end of this year.

According to him, the facility, which is designed to power offshore oil and gas drilling as well as island development and remote areas, is set to be put into operation in 2019.

Source : Sputnik
Egypt announces plans for nuclear power plant

Egypt announced a USD 25 billion loan from Russia for the building of a nuclear power plant.

The May 19 announcement came in a decree by President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi. The Russian loan will cover 85 per cent of the expenses of the plant's construction.

Egypt, which will cover the other 15 per cent, is to repay the loan over a 22-year period, starting in 2029, with a three per cent annual interest rate.

Egypt and Russia agreed in February 2015 to build the plant together and signed a memorandum of understanding on the project.

But the relations between the two nations were badly impacted after the horrific Russian passenger plane crash in Sinai last October, when all 224 people on board were killed.

Source : The Associated Press
French unions deliver new blow to Hinkley Point nuclear power scheme

Press Association reported that the Hinkley Point nuclear power station project suffered a fresh setback as it emerged trade unions are "unlikely" to back the scheme, which is being developed by French energy giant EDF.

The secretary of EDF's central works committee said that the £18 billion project to build the new plant in Somerset would not be given the French unions' blessing in its "current state."

Mr Vincent de Rivaz, EDF's chief executive, said that he was confident the plan would go ahead but the company had decided to consult French trade unions after some of them called for a delay of two to three years because of concerns over the impact of the project on the firm's finances.

Mr Emmanuel Macron, French economy minister, said that owing to the importance of the project, EDF had decided to promote "exemplary labour/management dialogue" by consulting the Central Works Committee on the project.

Now Mr Jean-Luc Magnaval, secretary of that committee, has revealed unions are demanding further information from EDF and could not back the current plans.

He told BBC2's Newsnight "We have reservations about several aspects of the project - organisation, supply chain, installation, and procurement. The trade unions are unlikely to give their blessing to the project in its current state. We are not reassured by the documents we have received. We have been given a marketing folder not the full information we require."

Mr de Rivaz told MPs on the Energy and Climate Change Committee that money was in place and no project had been better prepared.

But he said there was a "difference of opinion" with some French unions over Hinkley, adding that "We hope those differences will be resolved during the consultation."

He said that he understood the "impatience" of the MPs on the delay: "The team has the same impatience, but we have to remain calm."

Mr de Rivaz said that the £18 billion cost of the project had not changed and still had the full support of the French government and partners, the China General Nuclear Power Corporation.

He insisted the project was not on hold, and "everything was set" for power to be generated by 2025.

Source : Press Association
California to shut down last nuclear power plant by 2025

It is reported that the world once hailed nuclear power as the future of clean energy. But California recently announced it’ll be shuttering its last nuclear power plant for good.

California’s Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant generates more than 8 percent of the state’s electricity. It’s California’s largest nuclear plant.

Now it can be claimed as being the state’s last. Just last week, environmental group Friends of the Earth reached an agreement with Pacific Gas & Electric.

Diablo Canyon will shut down its two nuclear reactors by 2025, replacing them with renewable energy-like solar, water, and wind.

The U.S. currently has 61 nuclear power plants in operation with 99 total reactors. But since 2013, 14 reactors have either closed or are scheduled to be retired early. And now, environmentalists hope California’s decision will help spread the no-nuclear campaign globally.

But Mr Daniel Hirsch, director of the Nuclear Policy program at the University of California-Santa Cruz has concerns based on past behavior of power plant management, since researchers discovered one, then two, then three and finally four active faults.

Mr Hirsch said that “The nuclear industry has been very shortsighted. It’s been brought to its knees by Chernobyl, by Fukushima, by Three Mile Island. Yet it never seems to learn the lesson that you don’t cut corners with a device that has 1000 times the long life radioactivity of the Hiroshima bomb.”

He said that the Santa Susana reactor meltdown in Southern California. It happened in 1959-and it’s still being cleaned up today.

Source : cctv-america.com
France submits fresh plan for six nuclear plants in Jaitapur

PTI reported that France has given a fresh techno-commercial proposal for building six atomic reactors in Jaitapur even as it again raised concerns over India's civil liability law and sought "same level of protection" which are available for companies at the international level.

An Electricite de France (EDF) team, comprising senior officials, is currently holding talks with the Ministry of External Affairs and Nuclear Power Corporation of India (NPCIL) on setting up of these plants.

A top EDF official said that "We have raised our concerns over the liability issue. France is a party to Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage. We want similar binding conditions in the Jaitapur contract.”

Official said that "All these steps will help us bring nuclear industry players from France to India. The delegation has asked to provide same level of protection to the EDF which is available at the international level."

The official added that "We have also given a fresh techno-commercial proposal to NPCIL. It's now up to the NPCIL to decide."

The proposal includes negotiating with India for six reactors as against two, which was the case earlier. This would help bring down the cost. It also includes a proposal for localisation of technology to make the project cost effective.

The EDF has raised concern over various clauses dealing with the Right to Recourse under the Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage (CLND) Act 2010.

Though the French side still has some concerns over the impact of India's liability law, they acknowledged the Indian government has taken several steps to assuage those through initiatives like formation of Nuclear Insurance Pool.

In February, in a significant move aimed at putting an end to the contentious liability issue and assuage suppliers' concerns, India ratified the Convention on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage.

Meanwhile, the move will help establish a worldwide liability regime of enhanced compensation for nuclear damages.

Source : PTI
Virginia group says new nuclear plant would be boondoggle

AP reported that a consumer group says if a new $19 billion nuclear plant in Virginia were built it would be one of biggest ratepayer ripoffs in the history of producing electricity.

The Virginia Citizens Consumer Council filed a comments Tuesday with state regulators arguing that Dominion Virginia Power should stop spending money on a potential new nuclear power plant because it will unfairly burden the company’s customers while enriching its investors.

Dominion has not committed to build the new plant, known as North Anna 3, but plans to have spent at least $647 million by next year preparing for a potential build. The company says ratepayers will benefit from having the option to build a reliable, long-lasting and carbon-free power source.

Source : WTOP
Korea wins KRW 1 trillion deal to operate UAE nuclear reactors

Korea's state-run energy firm said that it has clinched a deal with its United Arab Emirates (UAE) counterpart to operate four nuclear reactors under construction there through 2030.

Under the plan signed in Abu Dhabi on July 20, Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power will be in charge of the operation of the four Advanced Power Reactor (APR)-1400 nuclear reactors under construction in the UAE, marking the first time for a South Korean firm to sign an agreement of that kind with overseas partners.

Starting May 2017, the state-run firm will send 210 personnel every year to the Middle East country to run the reactors.

The Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC) will bear the costs of the operation. The size of the deal is estimated at 1 trillion won ($878 million), including living expenses for the South Korean workers.

The UAE has been making efforts to tap deeper into sustainable energy sources, and easing its dependency on traditional sources.

Industry watchers said the latest agreement will help South Korea win more potential nuclear-reactor construction deals from the UAE.

In 2009, a Korean consortium led by state-run Korea Electric Power won a $20 billion deal to build four nuclear power plants in the UAE, marking the nation's first export of nuclear reactors. Last year, President Park Geun-hye visited the UAE to attend a ceremony marking the installation of a Korean-built nuclear reactor at a power plant in Barakah.

Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power president Cho Seok said the latest operating support services agreement with the UAE is unprecedented for Korean industries.

Mr Cho said that "Globally, too, it's rare that a country has foreigners in charge of operating its nuclear reactors. South Korea's relationship with the Middle East has evolved around the construction sector since the 1970s, but a new era seems to be dawning now."

Source : Yonhap
Tehran, Moscow to construct 2 nuclear power plants in Iran – Iranian lawmaker

Spokesman of the Parliament National Security and Foreign Policy Committee Mr Seyed Hossein Naqavi Hosseini said that Iran and Russia will construct two nuclear power plants in Iran.

Mr Hosseini said that Iran needs 20,000MW of electricity, which requires construction of about 10 nuclear power plants.

He said that the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) had prepared plans of construction of the nuclear power plants but it was impossible to build 10 facilities simultaneously – so building two plants in cooperation with Russia is on the agenda.

He added that Iran should gain technologies to construct nuclear plants.

Russia and Iran have rich experience of cooperation in the nuclear sphere. The Russian-built Bushehr nuclear power plant started operating in 2011 and reached full capacity the following year.

Source : Sputnik
Russia, Egypt to sign final contract to build nuclear plant by year-end

Mr Abdel Fattah Sisi, the nation’s President, said that Egypt plants to finalize the signing of a raft of contracts to build its first nuclear power plant by the end of this year.

The 1,000-megawatt power station in northern Egypt’s El Dabaa will be built and serviced by Russia. An intergovernmental deal to this effect was signed last November.

Russia’s state nuclear authority Rosatom said last May they had agreed a contract on engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) and had moved into the final stage on deals involving nuclear fuel deliveries for the duration of the power plant's operation as well as a back-end pact on its decommissioning and were still working on a service agreement.

Source : Sputnik
Second nuclear power unit at Kudankulam connected to grid - Official

A senior official said that the second 1,000 MW unit of the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project (KNPP) in Tamil Nadu was connected to the grid on Monday.

Mr RS Sundar, the site director at KNPP, said that "The second unit of KNPP was connected to the grid at 11.17 a.m. The unit is operating at 170 MW."

Mr SK Sharma, chairman and managing director, NPCIL, said that "With this the atomic power generation of Nuclear Power Corp of India Ltd (NPCIL) on Monday crossed 5,000 MW. It was a twin milestone for us."

Mr Sharma said that the commercial operation of the second unit was expected to happen by the end of this year and the tariff for the power generated from this unit will be decided then.

He said that the tariff for the power generated from the first unit is around Rs 3.90 per unit.

However, the second unit will be operated for three or four days and then will disconnected from the grid for testing the parametres.

Mr Sundar said that "A week after that the unit will be reconnected with the grid and the power generation will be gradually increased to 50 per cent. After clearances from AERB (Atomic Energy Regulatory Board), the power generation will be increased in stages. In three months time we expect the unit to start power generation to its full capacity."

Mr HN Sahu, station director, said that "We will touch power generation of 280 MW by the end of the day. We will operate the plant at that level for four days and then disconnect the unit from the grid."

Mr Sahu said that the unit had AERB permission to operate up to 50 per cent capacity.

He said that "On restarting the unit later, the power levels will be increased to 50 per cent. After that we have to get AERB's permission for increasing the power levels. In a couple of months, we hope to touch 100 per cent power levels."

Source : IANS
Hinkley Point nuclear plant 'not essential' for UK energy

It is reported that a new nuclear power plant at Hinkley Point is not needed for the UK to meet its energy and climate change targets.

The Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit (ECIU) argues that more wind farms and gas-fired power stations would be enough to keep the lights on, while also saving £1bn a year.

The new power infrastructure would also have to be combined with measures to manage energy demand, but the ECIU says its research shows Hinkley Point C is "not essential".

Hinkley's future was thrown into doubt last month after Prime Minister Theresa May unexpectedly delayed approving the project, prompting China to urge a decision "as soon as possible".

Hinkley Point C would involve French energy firm EDF building two new reactors at the existing Hinkley site, with the plan part-financed by China General Nuclear Power.

But concerns have been raised by intelligence agencies that allowing China to invest in the UK's nuclear energy market could be a danger to national security.

Mr Richard Black, ECIU director, said that his organisation's report showed there were other alternatives to avoid an energy black hole in Britain.

Mr Black said that "Despite years of debate on Hinkley, we're still not sure whether or not it's going to get built - the Prime Minister is due to make a decision next month, but even if she says yes there are many other issues that could derail the project, including legal cases and EDF's financial woes."

He said that "So we wanted to know how essential Hinkley is for the 'energy trilemma' - keeping the lights on whilst cutting greenhouse gas emissions and keeping costs down.”

He added that "Our conclusion is that it's not essential; using tried and tested technologies, with nothing unproven or futuristic, Britain can meet all its targets and do so at lower cost."

Meanwhile, the ECIU proposal would involve building four extra wind farms on top of those already scheduled for construction, combined with measures encouraging the population to use electricity more efficiently and productively.

Source : Sky.com
Russia to build two nuclear power plants in Iran - Report

It is reported that Iran and Russia have agreed to build two nuclear power plants in Iran's southern city of Bushehr shortly.

Mr Ali Akbar Salehi, the head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), said that "Operations to build two new nuclear power plants in Bushehr will start on September 10."

Mr Salehi said that construction of the power plants, with an estimated cost of USD 10 billion, will be completed in 10 years.

By building these two power plants, Iran will save 22 million barrels of oil per year, Mr Salehi said without detailing on the specifications of the projects.

Iran's first nuclear power plant, the Bushehr plant, was first constructed in 1975 by several German companies. However, the work was halted when the United States imposed an embargo on high-tech supplies to Iran after the 1979 revolution. Russia signed a contract with Iran in 1998 to complete the construction.

Source : Xinhua
India powers past 6,000MW mark in nuclear energy

TOI reported that with synchronization of the second unit of the Kudankulam power plant, India's civil nuclear programme has reached a couple of landmarks: the Kudankulam project+ turned a page on protests and a legal challenge over its safety parameters in the Supreme Court, and India crossed the 6,000MW mark in nuclear power.

Once the output of Unit II is scaled up to a full 1,000MW in two months, India's 22 nuclear power reactors will be able to generate 6,780MW of power and the Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL) expects four more reactors to be commissioned in a year. Unit II is functioning smoothly as scientists seem to have incorporated the right lessons from hitches that marred Unit I's functioning after attaining criticality in 2013.

The two 1,000MW nuclear units built with Russian assistance have made Tamil Nadu the highest consumer of nuclear power on a daily basis. Kudankulam I and II are also the last nuclear units in India built with foreign collaboration that will not attract the liability clause legislated after the India-US nuclear deal.

NPCIL engineers learnt bitter lessons while commissioning Unit I. The reactor has been in continuous operation only since February 2016. Protests in 2011-12 by anti-nuclear activists delayed the project by months when it was over 90% ready, but not much is known of the problems it faced later. The Unit I has been operating continuously for 189 days since February 22 and has generated 11,269 million units of electricity since October 2013.

But NPCIL did its homework and made changes to Unit II.

Mr R S Sunda, Kudankulam project site director, said that "We carried out all changes effected to Unit I on Unit II. This made the commissioning of the second unit easier."

In the near future — around six months to a year — two indigenous reactors each in Rajasthan and Kakrapar in Gujarat should be ready.

Mr Sunda said that "Beyond Kudankulam, Nuclear Power Corporation is hopeful of commissioning the four reactors in a year. These reactors are built by NPCIL engineers and each has a capacity of 700MW."

Not all of India's 22 nuclear reactors are functioning to full capacity. "A total of 14 reactors are under International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards. Only these reactors are eligible to use imported nuclear fuel and are currently operational. The plant load factor (PLF) of these reactors is around 90%," a former Atomic Energy Commission chief said.

The PLF of reactors using indigenous fuel is less. For example, the PLF of two units of 220MW capacity in Kalpakkam is around 65-70% as there is a shortage of nuclear fuel in the country. "As we synchronized Unit-2 with the grid on August 29, the total nuclear power generation in the country on that day was 5100MW.

He added that this is a new high for nuclear power generation. As on date, Unit-2 is generating 270MW and we will be scaling up the generation in the coming days.

Source : TOI
India, US set the ball rolling for Westinghouse’s nuclear plants - Report

Economic Times reported that India and the US moved closer to the planned construction of six reactors by American company Westinghouse at a proposed nuclear plant in Andhra Pradesh, with the two sides deciding to immediately commence the work on engineering and site design, and make an early conclusion of a competitive financing package.

The issue of the nuclear power plant was among the key items on the agenda for the second round of Strategic and Commercial Dialogue between the two nations here.

According to a joint statement issued on Wednesday following the dialogue, "The sides noted the progress made in bilateral civil nuclear cooperation and applauded continued engagement between Westinghouse and the Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd toward finalising the contractual arrangements by June 2017 to build six AP 1000 reactors that will provide clean, reliable energy to millions of people in India."

It said that "They also looked forward to the immediate commencement of work on engineering and site design and the early conclusion of a competitive financing package based on the joint work by India and the US Export-Import Bank."

Source : Economic Times
'Niet veiligheid maar geld leidend bij kernreactor Petten'

Er is te veel financiële druk op de exploitant van de kernreactor in Petten. Daardoor ontstaan potentieel onveilige situaties en spanningen tussen de directie en medewerkers van het nucleaire bedrijf NRG, blijkt uit een document dat in handen is van de NOS. Dat werd opgesteld door een nucleair deskundige.

Redactie 07-09-16, 17:46 Laatste update: 18:23 Bron: ANP

De tekst zou, aldus NOS, expliciet zeggen dat veiligheid bij NRG niet het leidende principe meer is, door de noodzaak een lening aan het Rijk terug te betalen.

Perverse prikkels
De deskundige moest in opdracht van NRG orde op zaken stellen bij het bedrijf, waar radioactieve isotopen worden gemaakt voor het bestrijden van kanker wereldwijd. Hij spreekt van 'perverse prikkels' die het gevolg zijn van de overheidslening van 82 miljoen die het bedrijf heeft.

,,De lening, de voorwaarden van de lening, en de noodzaak om het geld terug te betalen, versterken de noodzaak om commerciële doelen voorrang te geven. Deze gevolgen zijn fundamenteel onveilig'', schrijft hij.

Veiligheid voorop
In reactie op de bevinden zegt de directie dat het bedrijf inderdaad met financiële problemen kampt, maar ontkent dit tot 'onveilige situaties' leidt. De veiligheid zou vooropstaan volgens directeur Thomas martin.

Uit de notitie blijkt verder dat een geheim businessplan, om de lening terug te betalen, niet haalbaar is. De betrouwbaarheid van de reactor in Petten zou aanzienlijk hoger worden ingeschat dan realistisch is. Ook na aanpassing van het plan blijft de vraag of het nu wel haalbaar is.

Een onlangs opgestapte medewerker van NRG waarschuwt dat, hoewel de veiligheid bij directie en medewerkers vooropstaat, 'een ongeluk in de maak is'. Bij anderen bestaat de angst dat bij calamiteiten de reactor niet direct wordt stilgelegd. Zij blijven echter anoniem, omdat er door hen een geheimhoudingsverklaring is getekend.

Russia all set to build Iran's Bushehr-2 NPP by 2019 - Expert

Press TV political observer and nuclear energy expert, Hassan Beheshtipour, said in an interview with Sputnik it could take Russia just three years to build two more reactor units for the Bushehr nuclear power station in southern Iran.

Construction of the second and the third power-generating units for the Bushehr-2 nuclear power plant will begin on September 10.

According to a statement by ASE, an engineering company operating as part of Russia’s state atomic energy corporation Rosatom, the station will be built in keeping with European Utility Requirements and will utilize “unique technology and a new concept of safety.”

He added that that the 1,000 megawatts generated by Bushehr-1 accounted for a mere one-seventieth of Iran’s overall consumption.

Mr Hassan Beheshtipour said that “However, Russia has already invested in the modernization of our Ramin thermal power station and is working hard to develop natural gas sector of this country’s energy market.”

He said that Bushehr-2 could take between three and five years to build now that most of the problems holding up the construction had already been solved.

He added htat “That’s why I’m confident that the second stage of the Bushehr power station will have been completed by 2019-2021.”

An agreement to expand civilian nuclear energy cooperation and construct a total of eight additional nuclear reactors at Bushehr was signed between Russia and Iran on November 11, 2014.

The agreement for the construction of the Bushehr-1 nuclear power plant was finalized in 1995, but the project was delayed several times due to a number of technical and financial issues. Bushehr-1 was launched in September 2011 and reached its maximum power generation capacity in August 2012.

Source : Sputnik
Australian solar power production to triple with 12 new plants to be built - ARENA

The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) said that the construction of 12 new solar power plants in Australia will triple the nation's large-scale solar power production.

The federally funded agency has announced a $92 million investment in six plants in Queensland, five in New South Wales and one at Cervantes in Western Australia.

ARENA said that they would increase Australia's large-scale solar capacity from 240 megawatts to 720 megawatts, providing enough energy to power 150,000 average Australian homes.

The agency said that the projects were also expected to unlock almost $1 billion of commercial investment and boost regional Australian economies. The largest plant will be built on Queensland's Darling Downs, and will be able to generate up 110 megawatts of power.

Other solar locations in Queensland include Dalby, Longreach, Oakey, Kidston, Collinsville and the Whitsundays.

The five locations in New South Wales include Parkes, Manildra, Griffith, Dubbo and Glen Innes.

Mr Mark Bailey, Queensland Energy Minister, said that it was a momentous day.

Mr Bailey said that "Today is the beginning of a new industry in Queensland, with six projects - the hefty half-dozen as I call them. My Government promised to establish a large-scale renewable energy industry, to act on climate change while creating new jobs and diversifying our economy. I am proud that the largest solar farm in Australia will now be located on the Darling Downs, and that two of the three largest solar farms will be located in Queensland.”

He said that "We truly have transitioned from the Sunshine State to the Solar State. It means more than half-a-billion-dollars of investment coming into Queensland, it means more than 500 regional jobs, with hundreds of indirect jobs."

He added that the projects would generate enough renewable energy to power 120,000 homes.

Four of the projects in Queensland had also secured State Government support through long-term revenue contracts.

Source : ABC
TNERC allows power utility to procure 500 MW solar power

The Hindu reported that Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission (TNERC) has given its nod to the Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) for procurement of 500 MW of solar power through competitive bidding.

TNERC said that the approval sought by TANGEDCO for procurement of solar power for a quantum of 500 MW was to meet the solar renewable purchase obligation of 5 per cent fixed for 2017-18.

TANGEDCO had sought to procure the power through reverse bidding with Rs. 5.10 per unit as upper limit.

It said that it approved the proposal and TANGEDCO would have the liberty to restrict the purchase below the specified limit after a prudence check with respect to the energy consumption and reduction of energy generated from hydro sources.

Source : The Hindu
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