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Erin Ventures - Boron property

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Ik schreef Blake Falls (General Manager Erin) of er behalve de verkoop van Belize (700.000) nog verdere plannen zijn om de cash positie te versterken.

Hij deelde mee dat with regard to financing "we are currently in the process of an offering to the market by way of private placement ($600,000.00 - $0.10 share with a warrant for 2 years at $0.15 and $0.25 respectively)
The private placement is verhoogd tot 16,5 miljoen aandelen aan 10 cent, met warrants.

Erin Ventures laat de laatste dagen hoge volumes zien, macd/rsi geven positieve signalen, bij de huidige zone 13/14 cent ligt stevige (fibo) weerstand, daarboven ligt veel ruimte, zeker boven de 20 cent.

Bij nieuws mbt een joint venture voor Piskanja, mag, imho, gezien de waarde van het gebied een zeer significant hogere koers verwacht worden.

Keep a close watch...

Ziet er goed uit Kees, zit er nu gemm. voor 12 cents in, het virtuele drankje komt voor de jaarwisseling jouw kant op!
No problem Kees; Erin stoomt nu aardig op, nu (1900hrs) 3 centen omhoog naar 0.16 oftewel 23.08% maar daar zal het niet bij blijven gezien de omzet van al dik over het miljoen....
Keep an eye on Erin. Gisteren .18 gezien, laatste week grote omzetten, iceberg bid op 0,155, en een laat a 1 miljoen stuks die in een keer werd weggekocht.

LT Fibo rond 0,2, daarboven technisch gezien veel ruimte.
Serbian Boron Project Update
Erin Ventures Inc EV
12/7/2010 9:30:00 AM

Serbian Boron Project Update

Victoria , British Columbia CANADA, December 07, 2010 /FSC/ - ERIN VENTURES INC. (TSX - VX: EV, OTCBB: ERVFF, BSE: EKV), announces the following update regarding Erin's Piskanja boron project in Serbia:

Acquisition, compilation and reinterpretation of the entire historical exploration data base of the Piskanja boron deposit is currently underway by Erin's geological team. Three separate exploration programs have been conducted at Piskanja since the 1980s: a program of 21 diamond core drill holes concluded in 1991, totaling 6,500 meters, conducted by the Geological Institute of Serbia on behalf of the Serbian government; a 10 RC hole drill program completed by Erin Ventures in 1998 totaling 3,300 meters, and; a 14 diamond drill hole exploration program of 6,400 meters completed in 2009 by Rio Tinto's Serbian subsidiary.

When analysis of the historical data is complete, Erin intends to proceed with the next phase of drilling on the Piskanja deposit, with the goal of establishing a NI43-101 compliant resource, by conducting in-fill drilling and the twinning of certain of the historical holes, along with step-out drilling in an attempt to expand the known size of the resource. This drilling will form the base for a scoping study on developing a plan for mining the deposit. Engineering, geohydrology, and environmental studies will be completed in conjunction with this drilling. It is anticipated that this next phase will commence during the first quarter of 2011, depending on drill availability.

As part of its overall development strategy at Piskanja, Erin's management recently hosted a due diligence site visit with the management of a company who is a significant participant in the boron market. These discussions are exploring the possibility of developing a long-term strategic alliance regarding the exploitation of the Piskanja deposit. Erin's management anticipates meetings with additional potential strategic partners, in an attempt to secure the most advantageous alliance possible.

The historical data, prepared to standards of the Serbian government, states that the Piskanja property has a historical resource estimate of approximately 7.5 million tonnes, averaging 36 - 39 per cent B2O3 (boron). The Piskanja deposit has the potential of hosting additional significant borate tonnage beyond the historical estimate, based on initial review of the historical drill information and assay data showing other zones of possible borate mineralization. A Qualified Person has not done sufficient work to classify the historical estimate as a current mineral resource. Erin is not treating the historical estimate as current mineral resources and the historical estimate should not be relied upon.

It has been ascertained that the boron at Piskanja is primarily colemanite and ulexite. Colemanite currently sells on the world market for approx. US$280/ton, based on a boron content of 40% (approx. the purity found at Piskanja). Ulexite currently sells on the world market for approx. US$500/ton, based on a boron content of 40% (approx. the purity found at Piskanja).
Blake Falls: "We seem to be getting quite a bit of institutional interest lately, which I believe is contributing to increased volume."

Het persbericht had naar mijn mening twee kanten: positief was de bevestiging van interesse van en gesprekken met geïnteresseerde partijen, lastig te interpreteren was het bericht dat ze gaan drillen - verlangt de potentiële partner eerst een upgrade naar een officiële 43-101? Dan zou een joint venture nog enige maanden op zich kunnen laten wachten.

De upgrade hoeft overigens niet lang te duren, want er is al veel gedrilled door de overheid, Rio Tinto en Erin zelf. Tot nu toe hanteren ze echter de Russische classificatie.
De voordelen van Piskanja zijn evident: hoge grades, tot nu toe geen vervuiling met arsenicum, dikke lagen mineralisering (weinig dilution), en, wat een voordeel kan zijn van drillen, veel exploratiepotentieel.

Spannend. Meerdere geïnteresseerde partners, een al aangetoond deposit in de grond van 2 miljard US$, en een market cap van rond de 20 miljoen CA$.
Drillen is m.i. zeer positief: idd de gebruikelijke normering, zonder welke eigenlijk niet door IB's ingestapt kan worden, en zo te zien is er ng heel erg veel potentieel ( zag ik nou juist dat plm 4% van het potentiele wingebied pas is onderzocht?)

Dit lijkt me sowiso een LT play, met enorm potentieel en dito overname'risico'...

benito c.

smith&jones schreef op 9 december 2010 10:56:

Gisteren ingestapt @ 0,16

Ook beginpositie op 16 cent.
"Erin has suspended the bulk of its activities in Panama pending the outcome of its concession applications and protests."

Jammer dat het stroef verloopt, maar misschien niet onbegrijpelijk gezien het feit dat ze ongeveer 5$ per ounce zouden moeten betalen voor de resources.
Daarover zal een aantal mensen zich wel achter de oren zijn gaan krabben.
Gelukkig verloopt niet alles stroef.....

Erin Completes Sale of Belize Gold Project

December 16, 2010

Erin Ventures Inc. [TSX-Venture: EV] is pleased to report that it has completed the sale of 100% interest in its Ceibo Chico gold prospect and other assets in Belize. It is Erin’s intention to use the net proceeds from this sale, after payment of expenses related to the property, towards development of its higher priority projects.

“It is our on-going strategy to upgrade our portfolio of projects, whenever possible. While the Belize project has potential for the future, we believe our resources are better utilized on our more advanced projects, such as our Serbian boron project” said Tim Daniels, President.

Erin received a $750,000 cash payment, and will be paid a 3% NSR on any hard rock production (Erin has agreed to pay a 1% NSR to the previous owner). The buyer agreed to spend $350,000 on exploration by the third anniversary of the agreement, failing which the property reverts back to Erin.

I like this:

"we believe our resources are better utilized on our more advanced projects, such as our Serbian boron project"

deze week Erin eruit gedaan op 14,5 en 15 centen, zeer kleine winst maar het gaat me te lang duren, succes Kees e.a.
Pinetree meldt 10% belang in Erin Ventures.

Pinetree Capital Ltd. Acquires Securities of Erin Ventures Inc.

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Jan. 20, 2011) - Pinetree Capital Ltd. (TSX:PNP), announces that on January 17, 2011, it acquired ownership of 1,000,000 common shares ("Common Shares") and 1,000,000 common share purchase warrants (the "Warrants") of Erin Ventures Inc. ("Erin Ventures"). Each Warrant entitles the holder thereof to acquire one additional common share at a price of $0.15 until January 7, 2012 and at a price of $0.25 until January 7, 2013. In the event that the Warrants are fully exercised, these holdings represent approximately 1.4% of the total issued and outstanding common shares of Erin Ventures as of January 17, 2011, calculated on a partially diluted basis assuming the exercise of the Warrants only. As a result of this transaction, Pinetree held, as at January 17, 2011, an aggregate of 10,125,000common shares of Erin Ventures, including the Common Shares, and rights to acquire an additional 4,875,000 common shares of Erin Ventures upon exercise of certain convertible securities, including the Warrants (the "Convertible Securities"). In the event that the Convertible Securities are fully exercised, the holdings of Pinetree represents a total of 15,000,000 common shares of Erin Ventures, or approximately 10.1% of all issued and outstanding common shares as at January 17, 2011, calculated on a partially diluted basis assuming the exercise of the Convertible Securities only.

This transaction was made for investment purposes and Pinetree could increase or decrease its investment in Erin Ventures depending on market conditions or any other relevant factor.
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