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WASHINGTON - Agenten van de geheime dienst brachten president Donald Trump op vrijdagavond met spoed naar een bunker in het Witte Huis toen honderden demonstranten zich verzamelden buiten het uitvoerende herenhuis, sommigen van hen gooiden met stenen en sleepten naar de politiebarricades.

"Trump bracht bijna een uur door in de bunker, die was ontworpen voor gebruik in noodsituaties zoals terroristische aanslagen, volgens een Republikein in de buurt van het Witte Huis die niet bevoegd was om privézaken openbaar te bespreken en sprak op voorwaarde van anonimiteit. Het account werd bevestigd door een administratief medewerker die ook op voorwaarde van anonimiteit"

Marketwatch.com en zet "translate" aan rechter bovenhoek, alle artikelen en postings in bijna goed Nederlands....
Al Kipone
After days in which the empathy he expressed for George Floyd, the man killed, was overshadowed by his combative threats to ramp up violence against looters and rioters, Mr. Trump spent Sunday out of sight, even as some of his campaign advisers were recommending that he deliver a nationally televised address before another night of violence. The building was even emptier than usual as some White House officials planning to work were told not to come in case of renewed unrest.

Thousands of protesters demonstrated peacefully near the White House during the day, but by nightfall, with hundreds still in the streets, the scene turned more volatile as crowds surged forward against lines of riot police with plastic shields as the two sides vied for control of Lafayette Square across from the White House. Protesters threw water bottles, set off fireworks and burned a pile of wood and at least one car.

One of the fires on H Street NW a block from the White House may have spread because soon afterward flames erupted in the basement of St. John’s Episcopal Church, the iconic “church of presidents” attended at least once by every chief executive going back to James Madison, but were soon doused by firefighters. Businesses far away from the White House boarded up to guard against vandalism, and Mayor Muriel E. Bowser ordered an 11 p.m. curfew. The White House turned off at least some of its exterior lights.

Mr. Trump remained cloistered inside, periodically sending out Twitter messages like “LAW & ORDER!” until the evening, when he went quiet. While some aides urged him to keep off Twitter, Mr. Trump could not resist blasting out a string of messages earlier in the day berating Democrats for not being tough enough and attributing the turmoil to radical leftists.

“Get tough Democrat Mayors and Governors,” he wrote. Referring to his presumptive Democratic presidential opponent, former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., he added: “These people are ANARCHISTS. Call in our National Guard NOW. The World is watching and laughing at you and Sleepy Joe. Is this what America wants? NO!!!”


Al Kipone

Pittsburgh Police say 20 year old Brian Bartels is the man who incited riots in downtown Pittsburgh yesterday. This is video taken of him destroying a police cruiser. An arrest warrant has been issued.

video 1:02 minuut

"You guys are the dumbest mother fuckers"

Racist Police try arresting this guy.

Except the problem for them is he's an FBI officer.

video 2:19minuut
Al Kipone
A man was shot dead in Louisville after police officers and the Kentucky National Guard “returned fire” while clearing a large crowd early Monday.

Louisville Metro Police Chief Steve Conrad said in a statement that at around 12:15 a.m. his officers and the national guard were sent to a parking lot to break up a crowd.

“Officers and soldiers began to clear the lot and at some point were shot at,” Conrad said in a statement. “Both LMPD and national guard members returned fire, we have one man dead at scene”



Donald J. Trump

Sleepy Joe Biden’s people are so Radical Left that they are working to get the Anarchists out of jail, and probably more. Joe doesn’t know anything about it, he is clueless, but they will be the real power, not Joe. They will be calling the shots! Big tax increases for all, Plus!
Al Kipone

Black and white police officers have strikingly different views on a number of important issues related to their jobs, including recent fatal encounters between law enforcement and black citizens and the protests that those encounters have sparked, according to a new Pew Research Center survey. On some subjects, racial differences among the police are considerably more pronounced than they are among the public as a whole.

Black officers are about twice as likely as white officers (57% vs. 27%) to say that recent deaths of blacks during encounters with police are signs of a broader problem and not isolated incidents, according to the survey of nearly 8,000 sworn officers working in departments of 100 officers or more, which was conducted on behalf of the Center by the National Police Research Platform. The general public is also divided by race on this question, but majorities of both blacks (79%) and whites (54%) say recent fatal encounters are part of a broader problem and aren’t isolated incidents.

Views of the protests that have followed these encounters also differ sharply by race, especially among police. About seven-in-ten black officers (69%) say that the protests are motivated some or a great deal by a genuine desire to hold police accountable for their actions, compared with just 27% of white officers who hold this view. Among the general public, 79% of blacks and 63% of whites say the protests are motivated some or a great deal by a genuine desire to hold police accountable.

Interessante data

Al Kipone
Nog meer kalmerende woorden vanuit de GOP. Senator Tom Cotton, Arkansas:

Tom Cotton
Verified account

Follow Follow @TomCottonAR
Anarchy, rioting, and looting needs to end tonight.

If local law enforcement is overwhelmed and needs backup, let's see how tough these Antifa terrorists are when they're facing off with the 101st Airborne Division.

We need to have zero tolerance for this destruction.
Al Kipone
en eindelijk, een reactie van de President in meer dan een tweet:

As millions of people across the country take to the streets and raise their voices in response to the killing of George Floyd and the ongoing problem of unequal justice, many people have reached out asking how we can sustain momentum to bring about real change.
Ultimately, it’s going to be up to a new generation of activists to shape strategies that best fit the times. But I believe there are some basic lessons to draw from past efforts that are worth remembering.
First, the waves of protests across the country represent a genuine and legitimate frustration over a decades-long failure to reform police practices and the broader criminal justice system in the United States. The overwhelming majority of participants have been peaceful, courageous, responsible, and inspiring. They deserve our respect and support, not condemnation — something that police in cities like Camden and Flint have commendably understood.
On the other hand, the small minority of folks who’ve resorted to violence in various forms, whether out of genuine anger or mere opportunism, are putting innocent people at risk, compounding the destruction of neighborhoods that are often already short on services and investment and detracting from the larger cause. I saw an elderly black woman being interviewed today in tears because the only grocery store in her neighborhood had been trashed. If history is any guide, that store may take years to come back. So let’s not excuse violence, or rationalize it, or participate in it. If we want our criminal justice system, and American society at large, to operate on a higher ethical code, then we have to model that code ourselves.
Second, I’ve heard some suggest that the recurrent problem of racial bias in our criminal justice system proves that only protests and direct action can bring about change, and that voting and participation in electoral politics is a waste of time. I couldn’t disagree more. The point of protest is to raise public awareness, to put a spotlight on injustice, and to make the powers that be uncomfortable; in fact, throughout American history, it’s often only been in response to protests and civil disobedience that the political system has even paid attention to marginalized communities. But eventually, aspirations have to be translated into specific laws and institutional practices — and in a democracy, that only happens when we elect government officials who are responsive to our demands.
Moreover, it’s important for us to understand which levels of government have the biggest impact on our criminal justice system and police practices. When we think about politics, a lot of us focus only on the presidency and the federal government. And yes, we should be fighting to make sure that we have a president, a Congress, a U.S. Justice Department, and a federal judiciary that actually recognize the ongoing, corrosive role that racism plays in our society and want to do something about it. But the elected officials who matter most in reforming police departments and the criminal justice system work at the state and local levels.
It’s mayors and county executives that appoint most police chiefs and negotiate collective bargaining agreements with police unions. It’s district attorneys and state’s attorneys that decide whether or not to investigate and ultimately charge those involved in police misconduct. Those are all elected positions. In some places, police review boards with the power to monitor police conduct are elected as well. Unfortunately, voter turnout in these local races is usually pitifully low, especially among young people — which makes no sense given the direct impact these offices have on social justice issues, not to mention the fact that who wins and who loses those seats is often determined by just a few thousand, or even a few hundred, votes.
So the bottom line is this: if we want to bring about real change, then the choice isn’t between protest and politics. We have to do both. We have to mobilize to raise awareness, and we have to organize and cast our ballots to make sure that we elect candidates who will act on reform.
Finally, the more specific we can make demands for criminal justice and police reform, the harder it will be for elected officials to just offer lip service to the cause and then fall back into business as usual once protests have gone away. The content of that reform agenda will be different for various communities. A big city may need one set of reforms; a rural community may need another. Some agencies will require wholesale rehabilitation; others should make minor improvements. Every law enforcement agency should have clear policies, including an independent body that conducts investigations of alleged misconduct. Tailoring reforms for each community will require local activists and organizations to do their research and educate fellow citizens in their community on what strategies work best.
But as a starting point, here’s a report and toolkit developed by the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights and based on the work of the Task Force on 21st Century Policing that I formed when I was in the White House. And if you’re interested in taking concrete action, we’ve also created a dedicated site at the Obama Foundation to aggregate and direct you to useful resources and organizations who’ve been fighting the good fight at the local and national levels for years.
I recognize that these past few months have been hard and dispiriting — that the fear, sorrow, uncertainty, and hardship of a pandemic have been compounded by tragic reminders that prejudice and inequality still shape so much of American life. But watching the heightened activism of young people in recent weeks, of every race and every station, makes me hopeful. If, going forward, we can channel our justifiable anger into peaceful, sustained, and effective action, then this moment can be a real turning point in our nation’s long journey to live up to our highest ideals.
Let’s get to work.

Al Kipone
Biden will have a virtual roundtable today at 1 p.m. with Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, and St. Paul Mayor Melvin Carter, his campaign says. Usually it would be the president convening such key mayors.


Joe Biden is meeting with community leaders at Bethel AME Church in Wilmington, Delaware this morning. There are 14 leaders, including Delaware Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester, spread out across the church.

Al Kipone schreef op 1 juni 2020 16:39:

Nog meer kalmerende woorden vanuit de GOP. Senator Tom Cotton, Arkansas:

Tom Cotton
Verified account

Follow Follow @TomCottonAR
Anarchy, rioting, and looting needs to end tonight.

If local law enforcement is overwhelmed and needs backup, let's see how tough these Antifa terrorists are when they're facing off with the 101st Airborne Division.

We need to have zero tolerance for this destruction.
Waarom zou iemand kalmerende woorden uitspreken richting terroristen, als dat is wat de desbetreffende groep is?

Hippie denkwijze waar je niets mee opschiet.

Al Kipone schreef op 1 juni 2020 16:50:

en eindelijk, een reactie van de President in meer dan een tweet:
Deze tekst komt van voormalig president Obama, en niet van president Trump.
Pas maar op, er zijn genoeg mensen in Nederland die die onlusten in Amerika 1 op 1 willen copy pasten hier in Nederland. Hoeft maar iets te gebeuren hier, en grote groepen gaan hier los. Met dat hele slappe pappen en nathouden beleid als het gaat om linkse relschoppers, hoedt u winkelier!
Al Kipone
JUST IN: President Trump unloads on the nation's governors on a call, calls on them to step up enforcement: "You have to dominate, if you don’t dominate you’re wasting your time. They’re going to run over you, you’re going to look like a bunch of jerks. You have to dominate."
In audio obtained by @CBSNEws, Trump tells governors: "Washington was under very good control, but we’re going to have it under much more control. We’re going to pull in thousands of people."
Trump tells governors: "You’ve got to arrest people, you have to track people, you have to put them in jail for 10 years and you’ll never see this stuff again," per audio obtained by @CBSNews

One person listening in on the call describes the president's words and tone as "unhinged."
On the call, Trump references Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Milley and Attorney General Bill Barr. "We will activate Bill Barr and activate him very strongly," Trump says.
Trump tells governors later: "You’re making a mistake because you're making yourselves look like fools. And some have done a great job. But a lot of you, it’s not – it’s not a great day for our country."
TRUMP ADDS: "You know when other countries watch this, they’re watching this, the next day wow, they’re really a push over. And we can’t be a push over. And we have all the resources – it’s not like we don’t have the resources. So, I don’t know what you’re doing."


Marty.mcFly schreef op 1 juni 2020 18:00:

Pas maar op, er zijn genoeg mensen in Nederland die die onlusten in Amerika 1 op 1 willen copy pasten hier in Nederland. Hoeft maar iets te gebeuren hier, en grote groepen gaan hier los. Met dat hele slappe pappen en nathouden beleid als het gaat om linkse relschoppers, hoedt u winkelier!
Zodra onze minister-president Rutte signalen krijgt dat er iets op het punt staat te gebeuren zal hij waarschuwende woorden uitspreken waar men koude rillingen van krijgt.

Alleen een complete imbeciel zou denken dat kalmerende woorden richting plunderaars passend zijn.
Al Kipone
Transcript van gesprek tussen Gov. Pritzker (Illinois) en trump

Gov: I wanted to take this moment – and I can’t let it pass – to speak up and say that I’ve been extraordinarily concerned about the rhetoric that’s been used by you. It’s been inflammatory, and it’s not okay for that officer to choke George Floyd to death. But we have to call for calm. We have to have police reform called for. We’ve called out our national guard and our state police, but the rhetoric that is coming out of the White House is making it worse. And I need to say that people are feeling real pain out there and we’ve got to have national leadership in calling for calm and making sure that we’re addressing the concerns of the legitimate peaceful protesters. That will help us to bring order.

Potus: Okay well thank you very much JB. I don’t like your rhetoric much either because I watched it with respect to the coronavirus, and I don’t like your rhetoric much either. I think you could’ve done a much better job, frankly. But that’s okay. And you know, we don’t agree with each other.


Al Kipone
Eager to build loyalty, Trump has prioritized police power
At times, he has encouraged strength to the detriment of justice.

(WaPo, June 1 2020)

Last October, while watching Fox News, Trump highlighted the story of a group of officers who were told by the mayor of their city that they could not wear their uniforms to political rallies — such as an upcoming rally for the president. The police responded by selling “Cops for Trump” shirts. During his rally, Trump invited the officers onstage to loud applause.

Those officers were in Minneapolis, where the death of George Floyd at the hands of police last week spurred the protests that have unfolded since. The man Trump praised after appearing on Fox was the union president, Bob Kroll, whose disciplinary record includes accusations about the use of excessive force and racial slurs.



asti schreef op 1 juni 2020 17:48:

Waarom zou iemand kalmerende woorden uitspreken richting terroristen, als dat is wat de desbetreffende groep is?

Hippie denkwijze waar je niets mee opschiet.
waarom noemt hij alleen de extreem linkse radicale Antifa beweging, die als terroristische organisatie, aangepakt moet worden?

Waarom noemt hij niet de extreem rechtse terroristische groepen als White Extremists, Proud Bpys en de Boogaloo Movement?

De GOP steunt op de rechts extremisten.

Kalmerende woorden naar de ultra rechts extremisten : maken jullie je geen zorgen, wij pakken alleen de linkse antifa aan en laten rechtse extremisten met rust.

Trump, Barr , Hoekstra (US ambassadeur in Nederland) noemden allen Antifa als relschopper. In hun kielzog nu ook Marc Rubio.
De protesten van zwart Amerika worden politiek uitgebuit, door Trump en de GOP om links in een kwaad daglicht te stellen.
Dit heeft alles met politiek gewin te maken en niets met adequaat optreden.

Tom Cotton Arizo zei :

If local law enforcement is overwhelmed and needs backup, let's see how tough these Antifa terrorists are when they're facing off with the 101st Airborne Division.

Dat is net zoiets als wanneer de politie een kruimeldief moet oppakken en het leger vraagt met kanonnen te komen, om hem te grazen te nemen.

Het heeft niets met het aanpakken van terroristen te maken wat Marc Rubio zegt.
Het is alleen olie op het vuur gooien om links zwart te maken en extreem rechts het hand boven het hoofd te houden.


Al Kipone schreef op 1 juni 2020 19:13:

Transcript van gesprek tussen Gov. Pritzker (Illinois) en trump

Gov: I wanted to take this moment – and I can’t let it pass – to speak up and say that I’ve been extraordinarily concerned about the rhetoric that’s been used by you. It’s been inflammatory, and it’s not okay for that officer to choke George Floyd to death. But we have to call for calm. We have to have police reform called for. We’ve called out our national guard and our state police, but the rhetoric that is coming out of the White House is making it worse. And I need to say that people are feeling real pain out there and we’ve got to have national leadership in calling for calm and making sure that we’re addressing the concerns of the legitimate peaceful protesters. That will help us to bring order.

Potus: Okay well thank you very much JB. I don’t like your rhetoric much either because I watched it with respect to the coronavirus, and I don’t like your rhetoric much either. I think you could’ve done a much better job, frankly. But that’s okay. And you know, we don’t agree with each other.


Je hebt volgens mij de inhoud van de tekst niet helemaal begrepen. Met andere woorden: De klok horen luiden maar niet weten waar de klepel hangt.

Er zijn woorden richting o.a. demonstranten. Mensen die (terecht) boos zijn. Dan is oproepen tot kalmte gepast.

En er zijn woorden richting terroristen en dergelijke.

Blijf altijd zelf nadenken, dan kun je mensen hun woorden beter in context plaatsen en pas je ze niet te pas en te onpas toe.

luchtschip schreef op 1 juni 2020 19:29:


waarom noemt hij alleen de extreem linkse radicale Antifa beweging, die als terroristische organisatie, aangepakt moet worden?

Waarom noemt hij niet de extreem rechtse terroristische groepen als White Extremists, Proud Bpys en de Boogaloo Movement?

De GOP steunt op de rechts extremisten.

Kalmerende woorden naar de ultra rechts extremisten : maken jullie je geen zorgen, wij pakken alleen de linkse antifa aan en laten rechtse extremisten met rust.

Trump, Barr , Hoekstra (US ambassadeur in Nederland) noemden allen Antifa als relschopper. In hun kielzog nu ook Marc Rubio.
De protesten van zwart Amerika worden politiek uitgebuit, door Trump en de GOP om links in een kwaad daglicht te stellen.
Dit heeft alles met politiek gewin te maken en niets met adequaat optreden.

Tom Cotton Arizo zei :

If local law enforcement is overwhelmed and needs backup, let's see how tough these Antifa terrorists are when they're facing off with the 101st Airborne Division.

Dat is net zoiets als wanneer de politie een kruimeldief moet oppakken en het leger vraagt met kanonnen te komen, om hem te grazen te nemen.

Het heeft niets met het aanpakken van terroristen te maken wat Marc Rubio zegt.
Het is alleen olie op het vuur gooien om links zwart te maken en extreem rechts het hand boven het hoofd te houden.

Het stelen van kruimels en bijv brandstichten zijn twee verschillende vergrijpen. Wellicht heeft hij informatie dat de groepering die hij noemt hoofdverantwoordelijk is voor bepaalde sinistere (geplande) activiteiten.

Overigens laten beelden duidelijk zien dat het niet alleen maar 'zwart Amerika' is die deelneemt aan de protesten.
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