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*pretty* sure a tear gas canister just bounced off of MSNBC’s joling kent
while she was live on the air from seattle?

video 0:31 minuut

Wow. Blackhawk helicopters flying low in DC and appear to be using downdraft to disperse peaceful protestors.

video 0:11 minuut

NYT reporter has video of military helicopter flying over protesters in DC in show of force.

video 0:16 minuut

Trump gisteravond

TRUMP: "I am mobilizing all available federal resources, civilian and military, to stop the rioting and looting, to end the destruction and arson. And to protect the rights of law-abiding Americans, including your Second Amendment rights."

video 1:20 minuut

Ze gaan dus het volk scheren, pure intimidatie.
Een Black Hawk naast je keukenraam hangend is zeker geen pretje, daar schijt je 6 kleuren bagger van, maar Trump gaat leveren, net als bij Coolblue: "gistermiddag besteld, vannacht nog geleverd!"

Het gelazer moet nu ophouden, Infinita=terreur.

Trump gaat de gouverneurs overrullen, hij doet daar niet moeilijk over, hij zal meer materieel laten klaarzetten...
Infinita? Nou, als je de protestbewegingen niet eens correct kunt benoemen valt het allemaal nog wel mee.
Vreedzame demonstranten van keurige huize en evenzeer moreel hoogstaand, geven zich over aan vernielen en plunderen. Om " nu eens " geweld(?) met geweld te bestrijden!
Ik hoop dat ze ook spiegels meenemen bij hun plundertocht. Kunnen ze zich daar zelf eens in spiegelen.
Als je denkt dat je huidskleur het verschil maakt, ga dan bij jezelf eens te rade. Begin bij de vraag: Wie houdt mij klein? Ren dan snel naar de spiegel en kijk; daar staat hij/zij.

Andrew Cuomo, New York Governor :

"The protesters themselves have been making a very valid point: wake up America, we're killing people based on the color of their skin ... POTUS wants to make it a reality TV show of God & country. 'Call out the military & then I go to church & hold up a Bible.'"

video 0:42 minuut


closer schreef op 2 juni 2020 15:37:

Volgens mij is Antifa helemaal geen organisatie, meer een term die buitenstaanders als verzamelnaam gebruiken voor allerhande protestanten.
  • Links? Ja, waarschijnlijk wel.
  • Terroristisch? Echt? Of noemen anderen dat zo?
  • Anarchie als doel? Ik weet niet hoor.
  • Dragen ze een uniform met een logo? Dat is meer iets voor extreem-rechts.

Het is geen organisatie, meer een groep individuen met het zelfde gedachtengoed zonder organisatie structuur.
ze dragen volledig zwarte kleding, geen logo.

voor de andere vragen, beter goed het artikel lezen, geschreven door iemand die de groep volgt.


Russia not welcome at G7, Canada's Trudeau says

OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canada does not support Russia’s return to the Group of Seven, proposed by U.S. President Donald Trump over the weekend, because Moscow continues to flout international law,


luchtschip schreef op 2 juni 2020 17:30:

Russia not welcome at G7, Canada's Trudeau says

OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canada does not support Russia’s return to the Group of Seven, proposed by U.S. President Donald Trump over the weekend, because Moscow continues to flout international law,
Heel goed, dat geflikflooi van Trump met Poetin hoeft geen plaats te krijgen op de G7.

Joe Biden gaf vandaag een toespraak

"'I can't breathe. I can't breathe.' George Floyd's last words, but they didn't die with him. They're still being heard, echoing all across this nation."

video 1:06 minuut

In a powerful moment, The Tennessee National Guard lays down their shields at a protest that has made its way up the steps of the Tennessee Capitol



Australian PM Scott Morrison has demanded an investigation into the assault of an Australian journalist and cameraman at the hands of US Police, that was broadcast live on one of the country’s biggest morning shows


‘I am George Floyd’:

Air Force Chief Master Sergeant backs protests as Trump threatens military force

Kaleth O. Wright, the Chief Master Sergeant of the United States Air Force, expressed his support for anti-police brutality protests across the country just as President Donald Trump threatened to use military force to put down violence.

“I am a Black man who happens to be the Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force,” Wright wrote on Twitter Monday night. “I am George Floyd… I am Philando Castile, I am Michael Brown, I am Alton Sterling, I am Tamir Rice. Just like most of the Black Airmen and so many others in our ranks… I am outraged at watching another Black man die on television before our very eyes.”

Wright then explained how even being a high-ranking military official doesn’t exempt black men from facing racial discrimination at the hands of police.

“I hope you realize that racism/discrimination/exclusion does not care much about position, titles or stature,” he wrote. “So yes, it could happen to you, or one of your friends, or your Airmen, or your NCOIC, your Flight Chief, your Squadron Commander or even your Wing Commander.”

Wright’s support of the protests came around the same time that peaceful demonstrators were hit with teargas to make way for President Donald Trump to have a photo op at St. John’s Church in Washington D.C. Trump has vowed to send the American military into cities to quell violent protests even if states’ governors do not request them.

Al Kipone
trump bezoekt een katholieke kerk in DC.
Dit is de response van de Aartsbissschop:

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Here is a statement from Washington Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory
regarding the planned visit today from the president at the Saint John Paul II National Shrine:
I find it baffling and reprehensible that any Catholic facility would allow itself to
be so egregiously misused and manipulated in a fashion that violates our religious
principles, which call us to defend the rights of all people even those with whom
we might disagree. Saint Pope John Paul II was an ardent defender of the rights
and dignity of human beings. His legacy bears vivid witness to that truth. He
certainly would not condone the use of tear gas and other deterrents to silence,
scatter or intimidate them for a photo opportunity in front of a place of worship
and peace.


Ed Verbeek

taurus86 schreef op 2 juni 2020 17:07:

Vreedzame demonstranten van keurige huize en evenzeer moreel hoogstaand, geven zich over aan vernielen en plunderen.
hoe kom je daar nu weer bij? De over overgrote meerderheid van de demonstranten blijft vreedzaam. Een kleine minderheid verpest het, maar dat is wel waar je de beelden van krijgt, want dat trekt kijkers (=geld). Zie je hoe het werkt?
Wat opvalt is dat er relatief veel beelden zijn waarop mensen best herkenbaar in beeld zijn.

Ik zag een filmpje waarop o.a. een vrouw te zien was die schoenen had gestolen. Ze zei als ik het goed heb met een geveinsde onverschilligheid dat het voor haar zoontje was voordat ze de autodeur dicht sloeg en weg reed.

Wat gaat er in zo iemand om?

Schoenen stelen.

Denkt ze dat ze ermee weg gaat komen? Is dat de sfeer die er nu hangt? Alles kan?
Al Kipone
de kerk blijkt een 'shrine'. Zouden ze ook hebben gebeld met de Basilica iets verderop?

The large shrine was opened as a museum to John Paul in 2001, but nose-dived financially and was bailed out in 2011 by the Knights of Columbus, a Catholic men’s religious organization that has lobbied for conservative political causes, such as opposing same-sex marriage.

In his statement, Gregory noted the legacy of Pope John Paul II, suggesting he would not have condoned Trump’s actions either.

“Saint Pope John Paul II was an ardent defender of the rights and dignity of human beings. His legacy bears vivid witness to that truth," Gregory said. "He certainly would not condone the use of tear gas and other deterrents to silence, scatter or intimidate them for a photo opportunity in front of a place of worship and peace.”

Gregory, who was installed as the first black archbishop of Washington in 2019, previously issued a statement on the death of George Floyd in police custody in Minneapolis. The death was the trigger for the protests that have unfolded outside the White House and across the nation for much of the last week.

“The horror of George Floyd’s death, like all acts of racism, hurts all of us in the Body of Christ since we are each made in the image and likeness of God, and deserve the dignity that comes with that existence,” Gregory said last week.

Al Kipone
Biden speech in link:

"The president held up the Bible at St. John's Church yesterday. I just wish he opened it once in a while instead of brandishing it," Biden said. "If he opened it, he could have learned something: that we are all called to love one another as we love ourselves. It's really hard work, but it's the work of America. Donald Trump isn't interested in doing that work."

Biden echoed the words spoken by George Floyd, the black man whose death while in custody of Minneapolis police has led to the widespread unrest. The words "I can't breathe," Biden said, "are a wake-up call for our nation."

Biden addressed police abuses and economic disparities that affect what he called "communities that have had a knee on their neck for a long time" — alluding to the since-charged police officer who had his knee on Floyd's neck before he died.

"The moment has come for our nation to deal with systemic racism," Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, said.

He asked Congress to take up measures he called "a down payment on what is long overdue," including police reform bills outlawing chokeholds, banning the transfer of military weapons to police forces and establishing a uniform use of force standard. He said he would create a police oversight commission in his first 100 days as president.

Trump Says He'll Deploy Military To States If They Don't Stop Violent Protests
Trump Says He'll Deploy Military To States If They Don't Stop Violent Protests
What Is The Insurrection Act That Trump Is Threatening To Invoke?
What Is The Insurrection Act That Trump Is Threatening To Invoke?
Biden also called for expanding the Affordable Care Act to millions more Americans, saying that Trump, who has long opposed the law, is "consumed with his blinding ego when it comes to [former President] Barack Obama."

Obama's former vice president reiterated what he has long said on the 2020 campaign trail, that there is a "battle for the soul of America."

"Donald Trump has turned this country into a battlefield driven by old resentments and fresh fears," Biden said. "He thinks division helps him. His narcissism has become more important than the nation's well-being that he leads.

"The presidency is a big job. Nobody will get everything right. And I won't either," Biden said. "But I promise you this. I won't traffic in fear and division. I won't fan the flames of hate."

In a statement following his remarks, Katrina Pierson, a Trump campaign adviser, said Biden has "obviously made the crass political calculation that unrest in America is a benefit to his candidacy." She added: "Over the course of his public life, Joe Biden has used the politics of racial division when they suited his needs and he is doing it again."

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