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Al Kipone

henk38 schreef op 2 november 2018 13:23:

Harvard study: CNN, NBC Trump coverage 93 percent negative!!!
JE zou eens op moeten zoeken hoe de pers Ebola covered. Of ISIS, of Boka Haram. Of syphilis.

Al Kipone
Al Kipone

Tjeerdo schreef op 2 november 2018 13:45:

Henk heeft liever z'n eigen waarheid. Prima toch?
de ouwe socialist in mij blijft proberen de wereld te verbeteren, te beginnen bij Henk. Misschien moet ik toch maar repulikein worden, zodat ik ook gewoon kan liegen bedriegen zonder een fuck te geven.

Nog 3 werkdagen....
Al Kipone
Trump administration decides to stop funding efforts to counter far-right extremism

It also follows two years of notable increase in any number of metrics pertaining to white supremacist violence. A report earlier this year from the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) found that white supremacist murders had “far surpass[ed]” deaths attributable to Islamist extremists. A separate ADL report noted that, from 2016 to 2017, anti-Semitic violence had spiked some 60 percent in the U.S. — “the largest single-year increase on record and the second highest number reported since ADL started tracking such data in 1979.”

A 2017 report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) summed up the problem: “Of the 85 violent extremist incidents that resulted in death since September 12, 2001, far right wing violent extremist groups were responsible for 62 (73 percent) while radical Islamist violent extremists were responsible for 23 (27 percent).”

And that’s not all. As The Daily Beast reported this week, the FBI has also placed less of an emphasis on combating far-right terror under the Trump administration, with one FBI retiree saying the agency currently gives far-right terror threats “the lowest priority.”


Sir Chanticleer schreef op 2 november 2018 14:29:

en tot slot, een instructief filmpje!

Leuk om te zien dat linkse rakkers allemaal naar de zelfde programma's kijken.
Amerikaanse humor is al verschrikkelijk, maar dit soort humor is helemaal om te huilen en in al die shows gaat het ook alleen maar over Trump.

Achter de schermen lopen er mensen rond met bordjes, nu lachen, nu klappen enz.
Hele flauwe linkse humor!!!


Tjeerdo schreef op 2 november 2018 14:31:

En maar met z'n schijnheilige bek naar Pittsburgh...
Hoe werd Trump ontvangen door de dokters in Pittsburgh,

Tjeerdo schreef op 2 november 2018 14:31:

En maar met z'n schijnheilige bek naar Pittsburgh...

... of zoals één van zijn voorgangers deed,.... namelijk eerst laten p**pen in de office door een vermeende stagière, alvorens de legendarische handtekening onder het 'historische' akkoord te zetten .... de mede-ondertekenaars moesten (onwetend hiervan) een paar deuren verderop wachten.....
Al Kipone
Wat leesvoer voor het weekend.
trump heeft geloof ik vanaf nu elke dag twee rallies, dus dat wordt smullen voor de sycophantjes!

Vanity Fair:

Like many, Cohen has observed the president’s scorched-earth campaign tactics as the midterm elections approach, and as the prospect of a Democratic House majority beckons, with its attendant promise of investigations and inquiries. He has heard Trump’s constant invocation of the migrant caravan moving through Central America; he’s noticed the president threaten to revoke birthright citizenship; he’s noted Trump’s tweet calling Florida’s African-American gubernatorial candidate, Andrew Gillum, a “thief,” without any evidence. He also watched Trump shirk responsibility after it was discovered that Bowers invoked the caravan in posts online ahead of the mass murder in Pittsburgh, and after one of his ardent supporters was charged last week with mailing pipe bombs to notable Democrats and other frequent Trumpian targets. (The suspect plans to plead not guilty.) On Twitter and during rallies, Trump has referred to the media as “the enemy of the people,” blaming the free press for “the anger we see today in our society.”
He said that events also activated within him an urge to reveal details from his tenure at the Trump Organization, during which he said the president privately uttered chilling, racist language in one-on-one conversations. On Tuesday, the day of the first funerals in Pittsburgh, he shared some of these memories.
When I asked him why he was coming forward now with such uncomfortable claims, Cohen was clear: he knew that the president’s private comments were worse than his public rhetoric, and he wanted to offer potential voters what he believed was evidence of Trump’s character in advance of the midterm elections.
During our conversation, Cohen recalled a discussion at Trump Tower, following the then-candidate’s return from a campaign rally during the 2016 election cycle. Cohen had watched the rally on TV and noticed that the crowd was largely Caucasian. He offered this observation to his boss. “I told Trump that the rally looked vanilla on television. Trump responded, ‘That’s because black people are too stupid to vote for me.’” (The White House did not respond to multiple requests for comment.)

This conversation, he noted, was reminiscent of an exchange that the two men had engaged in years earlier, after Nelson Mandela’s death. “[Trump] said to me, ‘Name one country run by a black person that’s not a shithole,’ and then he added, ‘Name one city,’” Cohen recalled, a statement that echoed the president’s alleged comments about African nations earlier this year. (White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders denied those comments at the time. She added that “no one here is going to pretend like the president is always politically correct—he isn’t.” She subsequently noted that it was “one of the reasons the American people love him.”)

Cohen also recounted a conversation he had with Trump in the late 2000s, while they were traveling to Chicago for a Trump International Hotel board meeting. “We were going from the airport to the hotel, and we drove through what looked like a rougher neighborhood. Trump made a comment to me, saying that only the blacks could live like this.” After the first few seasons of The Apprentice, Cohen recalled how he and Trump were discussing the reality show and past season winners. The conversation wended its way back to the show’s first season, which ended in a head-to-head between two contestants, Bill Rancic and Kwame Jackson. “Trump was explaining his back-and-forth about not picking Jackson,” an African-American investment manager who had graduated from Harvard Business School. “He said, ‘There’s no way I can let this black f-g win.’” (Jackson told me that he had heard that the president made such a comment. “My response to President Trump is simple and Wakandan,” he said, referring to the fictional African country where Black Panther hails from. “‘Not today, colonizer!’”)

In retrospect, Cohen told me that he wishes he had quit the Trump Organization when he heard these offensive remarks. “I should have been a bigger person, and I should have left,” he said. He didn’t, he said, because he grew numb to the language and, in awe of the job, forgave his boss’s sins. Cohen, in fact, even defended the president publicly against charges of racism. Last year, he explicitly tweeted as much. Cohen explained that he defended the president because he thought the magnitude of the office would eventually force him to be more judicious with his words. “I truly thought the office would change him,” he said. But it hasn’t, Cohen continued. In fact, he said, it has exacerbated his rhetoric.


Comfortabel in de eigen echokamer

Donald Trump dicteert met immigratie de nieuwsagenda in de hoop lastige thema's te ontwijken. Dat lukt heel aardig. Met dank aan Fox.

Progressieve Democraat in Florida maakt Republikeinen nerveus

Een activist als gouverneur van Florida? De zeer progressieve Afro-Amerikaan Andrew Gillum maakt een goede kans.
Pyongyang dreigt met hervatting kernprogramma
Updated 4 min geleden
13 min geleden in BUITENLAND

PYONGYANG - Noord-Korea dreigt met de hervatting van zijn omstreden kernprogramma als de Verenigde Staten de strenge sancties tegen het land niet opheffen.

De VS „kunnen maar beter stoppen met hun zelfvernietigende actie van druk uitoefenen” op Noord-Korea, zei een woordvoerder van het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken.

De sancties hinderen Zuid-Korea in de pogingen samenwerking te zoeken met het Noorden. Eerder zei de Noord-Koreaanse leider Kim Jong-un al dat „venijnige” sancties de ontwikkeling van Noord-Korea in de weg staan.

De opmerking komt een week voordat de Amerikaanse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Michael Pompeo een ontmoeting heeft met een hoge Noord-Koreaanse functionaris om de details te bespreken rond een tweede top tussen Kim en de Amerikaanse president Donald Trump.
Hier een debat tussen twee tegenpolen Steve Bannon, voormalig chief strategist van president Trump en David Frum, voormalig medewerker van President George W. Bush en auteur van het boek Trumpocracy.

Aan het begin van het debat was maar 28% van het publiek het eens met Steve Bannon, na het debat was 57% van het publiek het eens met Bannon.


henk38 schreef op 2 november 2018 15:35:


Hoe werd Trump ontvangen door de dokters in Pittsburgh,
Leuk filmpje. Je kunt het zien met eigen ogen, en kunt het horen met de eigen oren:)
Dinsdag breekt de hel los op de beurzen als de democraten beiden huizen winnen.

Wordt een bloedbad op de beurzen met een giga beurskrach.
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