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1e Half jaar cijfers 2017 Sopheon

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Bertus S

Results for the 6 Months to 30 June 2017

Sopheon plc, the international provider of software and services that improve the return from innovation and new product development investments, announces its unaudited half-yearly financial report for the six months ended 30 June 2017 together with a business review and outlook statement for the remaining part of the current year.


Revenue: $12.5m (2016: $11.5m)

EBITDA (adjusted): $3.0m (2016: $2.7m)

Profit before tax (adjusted): $1.8m (2016 : $1.4m)

EBITDA1 and profit before tax have been adjusted to exclude foreign exchange gains, amounting to $0.2m in the first half of 2016.
No such adjustment was required for 2017.

Continued growth in revenue and profitability as the business delivers on its strategy. 28 license transactions were closed in the period vs 20 for the same period last year.

Revenue visibility2 for full-year 2017 now at $20.3m, compared to $18.4m at this time last year.

Market activity with and inquiries from leading industry voices Gartner and Forrester have increased materially year on year.

Sopheon investment in extending the use of Accolade to enterprise-wide digital automation gains momentum. Two product releases since the start of the year, including a market first with landmark knowledge discovery and insights features are expected to contribute to growth

Bertus S.
Precies zoals we hadden verwacht toch, langzaam elk jaar meer orders, meer klanten, meer omzet en winst, dus ben er blij mee
en dit:
Sopheon’s Chairman, Barry Mence said: “In addition to increasing both revenue and profits, we continue to build momentum and gain enhanced market recognition… full year revenue visibility for 2017 from contracted business and recurring revenue streams is already at $20.3m. In addition we have a growing sales pipeline, including several blue chip companies representing major enterprise opportunities. These factors give the Board confidence in meeting our goals for the year, and as importantly, our ambition to accelerate growth in the future. Given these positive circumstances, the Board is actively considering the introduction of a dividend policy.”

dat laatste zinnetje is ook best interessant :-)
Leg eens uit ovi! Ze overwegen de introductie van dividend uitbetalen? Dus voogens mij zou dat voor het eerst zijn in de geschiedenis van Soof!
het bestuur is aan het overwegen om een dividend beleid in te voeren.
Lijkt me op zich vreemd dat ze dividend gaan uitbetalen, terwijl er ook nog een aantal (relatief) dure leenovereenkomsten liggen.

Maar het feit dat ze dit overwegen, betekent in ieder geval dat er A. voldoende cash is en B. dat ze proberen om iets van aandeelhouderswaarde te creeeren.
Beiden zijn positief in mijn ogen.

24cent winst per aandeel is op zich lager dan ik had gehoopt.
gr. OVI
ik volg soof al lange tijd en heb sinds een aantal jaren een pakket aandelen op de plank liggen. Ik ga er vanuit dat de stijgende trend voor deze aandelen nu ook doorgaat, heb zelfs het idee dat ze ondergewaardeerd zijn. wat zal het koersdoel worden naar aanleiding van deze wederom goede cijfers ? mbt dividend, denk eerlijk gezegd dat dividend uitkering nog wel even duurt, het is gemakkelijk om het te zeggen want dan trek je natuurlijk de aandacht en bepaalde mensen hebben daar denk ik wel voordeel mee, als is het de verkondiger zelf...
Arie de Beuker
Ziet er wederom goed uit,
Dividend? 30% van de winst uitkeren of ben ik erg optimistisch.
Cash is nu $11,5 kk. Kunnen een stootje hebben.
Recurring is nu 10,5.


Arie de Beuker

Sopheon plc (SPE)

Solid interims show good momentum

Sopheon has reported good interim results with revenues just below half of our full year estimate and adjusted EBITDA just above. The announcement highlights a growing sales pipeline and good revenue visibility for the full year. Higher first half licence revenue was spread across a broad customer profile while maintenance and hosting revenues also increased. Annualised recurring revenues (ARR) improved to U$10.5 million at the end of H1. The outlook statement is positive and the Group says that it is considering the introduction of a formal dividend policy. We note the positive momentum in the business with a broad range of customers adopting Accolade for an increasingly wide range of applications. Although we leave estimates unchanged for now, the balance of risk appears to be on the upside, and we see the results as a clear and positive step in the right direction. We will revert with further analysis on the back of the company’s upcoming customer event.

tritace schreef op 24 augustus 2017 10:36:

recurring 20,5
Our recurring base of maintenance, hosting and SaaS contracts is now at $10.5m annually, compared to approximately $9m at this time last year, underlining overall momentum and demonstrating the increased “stickiness” and value associated with our solutions.

Groet ABC.
Arie de Beuker
Vanmorgen dacht ik nog dat de 4 snel gepasseerd zou worden. De basis is in ieder geval goed bij Sopheon. Koers gaat vanzelf omhoog bij verdere groei.

Arie de Beuker
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