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Nogmaals.... Vestas power......

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Banken schieten Vestas te hulp met lening
Gepubliceerd op 26 nov 2012 om 12:52 | Views: 463

Vestas Wind Systems 16:19
EUR 4,24 +0,69 (+19,50%)

KOPENHAGEN (AFN) - De noodlijdende Deense windturbinefabrikant Vestas heeft met zijn banken een kredietfaciliteit afgesloten van 900 miljoen euro. Dat werd maandag gemeld door het bedrijf.

Het krediet werd verstrekt door negen internationale banken en zorgt ervoor dat Vestas op korte termijn geen extra aandelen hoeft uit te geven om geld op te halen. Het bedrijf kampt met overcapaciteit, hoge kosten en een lagere vraag. Om kosten te besparen, worden duizenden banen geschrapt.

In de afgelopen maanden werd al gespeculeerd dat Vestas zou kunnen worden overgenomen. In augustus maakte het bedrijf bekend onderhandelingen te voeren met het Japanse Mitsubishi Heavy Industries over samenwerking.

Op de beurs in Kopenhagen werd het nieuws over de kredietfaciliteit goed ontvangen. Het aandeel Vestas sprong meer dan 18 procent omhoog.
Fors verlies voor windmolenproducent Vestas

Gepubliceerd op 6 feb 2013 om 09:52 | Views: 639

Vestas Wind Systems 15:58

EUR 4,84+0,33(+7,41%)

AARHUS (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Vestas Wind Systems heeft een fors verlies geleden in het afgelopen jaar. Dat blijkt uit de jaarcijfers die 's werelds grootste producent van windturbines woensdag openbaar maakte. Het nettoverlies kwam uit op 963 miljoen euro, terwijl analisten het verlies voor het Deense bedrijf veel lager hadden geschat op 228 miljoen euro.

Vestas zit momenteel in een flinke reorganisatieperiode waarbij het personeelsbestand met 30 procent terug wordt gebracht tot 16.000 werknemers. ,,We hebben nog een lange weg te gaan om weer rendabel te worden'', aldus topman Bert Nordberg. Het bedrijf schreef de afgelopen 2 jaar rode cijfers. In 2011 was het verlies voor Vestas 116 miljoen euro.

De windmolenfabrikant verlaagde woensdag zijn verwachtingen voor de productie in 2013. Daarnaast gaat het bedrijf uit van een forse omzetdaling dit jaar, tot 5,5 miljard euro. In 2012 werd een omzet van 7,2 miljard euro gerealiseerd.

zzzaai schreef op 30 oktober 2013 11:35:

Sprakeloos van hun nieuwste turbine.....

7.0 megawatt
Ik begrijp dat je sprakeloos bent. Ik ook, ik zie het (nog) niet op hun website. Waar haal jij dit nieuws vandaan?

Er zijn diverse 7MW molens, zie ook deze link:

Securing the World’s Largest Wind Turbine

Jim Bell, Managing Director, FoundOcean
oktober 01, 2013 | 6 Comments

At 7 megawatts (MW), Samsung Heavy Industries' S7.0-171 is the world's largest offshore wind turbine. The 196-metre tall structure is being installed 20 metres offshore in Fife, Scotland, with a connecting walkway to enable visitors to get up close to the structure.

FoundOcean has been contracted to secure the foundations for the turbine. Beaton Sutherland, Project Manager, explains how this project differs from the other offshore projects the company has worked on. “There are two main differences: Our equipment and personnel are based onshore at the dock side, with the grout lines running along a temporary platform to the piles, rather than being on a vessel. Secondly, this foundation has been designed to use pilot caissons around the piles. Everything else remains the same.”

And by the same token, Sutherland is referring to the factors that can influence how smoothly the project runs.

“The weather still affects all the contractors on site – if the wind is too high then the crane which moves hoses, people, and steel around the site cannot operate.”

The Samsung turbine is being housed on a four-legged steel jacket foundation. A number of characteristics are taken into consideration when designers recommend which foundation type is most appropriate, including turbine size, water depth, and soil properties.

In this case, although the water depth is negligible, the seabed is rocky and the turbine is very large – the nacelle alone weighs 500 tonnes.

A technique called rock socket grouting will be used for the project, ensuring a solid connection for the piles in the rock bed. When piles cannot be hammered, a socket is drilled in the seabed, resulting in a hole slightly larger than the pile that will be placed. This is to allow for fabrication tolerances and verticality of the socket. It also reduces noise, a key factor when so close to shore.

The installation of the jacket itself will happen when the substructure arrives onsite this autumn. Each of its four legs has a stab-in connection that sits inside the pile, a tried-and-tested design that has been used in other wind farms including Ormonde and Thornton Bank. Once the jacket is craned into position, grout will be injected into the stab-in leg connections and fill the pile annuli.

The walkway from the shore to the turbine foundation will be secured using the same procedure.

Innovation for Cost Saving

With any developing industry comes innovation, whether it is product-, service- or supply chain-related. The same can certainly be said for grouting operations for the offshore renewables sector, with the introduction of new materials, faster mixing equipment, and safer procedures.

The ultra-high strength (UHS) materials used in offshore wind, especially for monopile foundations, do not easily lend themselves to the high delivery rates of ordinary Portland cement (OPC) used in the majority of grouted connections, seen mostly in the oil & gas sector. This is due to the two different methods of mixing grout: batch-mixing for UHS materials and continuous, and silo-fed mixing for OPC-based materials.

Damien Murphy, Technical Director at FoundOcean, explained how the cost savings are achieved. “We got rid of the inefficiency of the one-step-at-a-time batch mixing grouting process. The new configuration means that we are able to perform simultaneously the three key functions of grouting: loading material, mixing it, and pumping grout to the structure.” He continues, “This means we can produce larger volumes of grout at a time and annuli can be filled quicker. Our clients get the benefit of much faster UHS grouting times, which ultimately leads to a reduction on the number of days offshore.”

Ultra-high strength material’s properties lend themselves well to the project requirements, including:
•Low heat of hydration, thus eliminating the risk of thermal cracking
•Rapid strength build-up even at low temperatures to support increased installation rates
•28-day compressive strengths of 140 MPa
•Pumpability in temperatures as low as 0ºC, extending the available installation season

Finally, and arguably the most important attribute, autogenous shrinkage is a factor which, when present, is proven to cause cracking in high-strength concrete connections.

The Winds of Change

In the next five years, an estimated 4,000 new fixed structures are scheduled to be installed in the North Sea alone. This is mainly due to the upsurge in offshore wind activity associated with Round 2 and Round 3 projects.

Once consent is granted, all members of the supply chain will need to work together to make the installation process run efficiently: from tier two suppliers all the way to wind farm developers. This is happening to some extent already – but more joined-up project planning and collaboration across companies will be the real source of revolutionary innovation.

FoundOcean is already in talks with its suppliers to develop new high and ultra-high strength materials that are able to be mixed using a recirculating jet mixer-method, potentially quadrupling current grout output rates.

An interesting concept and one that the company would not expand on – yet.

Lead image: offshore wind farm via Shutterstock

Vestas was er wel in 2011 mee bezig:

V164-7.0 MW turbine launched

14:35 CET - 30 Mar. 2011

With reference to Vestas Wind Systems A/S’ company announcement No. 10/2011 of 30 March 2011, Vestas has earlier today at a press conference in London revealed the details of its next generation dedicated offshore turbine. To ensure the lowest possible cost of energy, this new machine, the V164-7.0 MW, boasts an entire 7.0 MW – and a rotor diameter of 164 metres.
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A dedicated offshore turbine – specifically designed for the roughest North Sea conditions.

Lowering the cost of energy in relation to offshore wind is essential for the industry. Some of the major stepping stones in achieving this are size and subsequent increased energy capture, which means a need for much bigger turbines that are specifically designed for the challenging offshore environment.

With the introduction of the V164-7.0 MW Vestas is taking a major step towards meeting these needs.

CEO Ditlev Engel says of the new turbine: “We are very pleased to be able to serve the market and show our commitment to the offshore wind industry by introducing our dedicated offshore turbine - the V164-7.0 MW. Seeing the positive indications from governments worldwide, and especially from the UK, to increase the utilisation of wind energy is indeed very promising. We look forward to this new turbine doing its part in making these political targets a reality.”

According to Anders Søe-Jensen, President of Vestas Offshore, the offshore wind market is set to really take off over the coming years, but more so in some parts of the world than in others: “We expect the major part of offshore wind development to happen in the Northern part of Europe, where the conditions at sea are particularly rough. Based on our broad true offshore experience and our many years as pioneers within the offshore wind industry, we have specifically designed the V164-7.0 MW to provide the highest energy capture and the highest reliability in this rough and challenging environment. This makes our new turbine an obvious and ideal choice for instance for many UK Round 3 projects.”

Based on the potential market size, the V164-7.0 MW business case is based on Europe and primarily the Northern European markets. Should market demand require so, Vestas is however also prepared to take the V164-7.0 MW to other parts of the world in due time.

Combining innovation and proven technology to ensure reliability
Having pioneered the offshore wind industry, Vestas has over the years gained extensive experience and knowledge which we continuously use actively in our research and development activities. Vestas works intensively to ensure that lessons learned are combined with new and innovative solutions to eventually provide the highest possible business case certainty for our customers. This newest addition to our offshore product portfolio is no exception.

The innovative part of the new turbine is, along with a wide range of technical features, its size and consequently much increased energy capture whereas the proven technology is represented by, among other things, the medium-speed drive-train solution.

“We actually kept all options open from the start, running two separate parallel R&D development tracks; One focusing on direct drive and one on a geared solution. It soon became clear that if we wanted to meet the customers’ expectations about lowest possible cost of energy and high business case certainty we needed a perfect combination of innovation and proven technology and so the choice could only be to go for a medium-speed drive-train solution,” says Finn Strøm Madsen, President of Vestas Technology R&D on this particular design choice and concludes: “Offshore wind customers do not want new and untested solutions. They want reliability and business case certainty – and that is what the V164-7.0 MW gives them.”

To ensure alignment between customer needs and the features of the next generation offshore turbine, a number of experienced offshore customers have been invited to provide their input during the development process – resulting in a match between turbine specifics and customer business cases.

Paving the way for the next generation offshore turbine
Construction of the first V164-7.0 MW prototypes is expected in Q4 2012. Serial production is set to begin in Q1 2015 provided a firm order backlog is in place to justify the substantial investment needed to pave the way for the V164-7.0 MW.

About Vestas Offshore
Vestas has been a pioneer within offshore wind since the birth of the industry and has installed 580 offshore turbines equalling 43 per cent of all offshore turbines in the world. In 2010 alone, Vestas installed a total of 555 MW at the Robin Rigg, Thanet and Bligh Bank offshore wind farms and the overall number of installed capacity has now surpassed 1,400 MW.

In the UK alone, Vestas employs more than 550 people.

Contact details:
Vestas Offshore, Denmark
Rikke Tikjoeb Christiansen, Vice President, Communications
Telephone +45 4083 7583
Email ritic@vestas.com

Vestas Technology R&D, Denmark
Markela Dedopoulos, Director, Communications
Telephone +45 6180 9205
Email maded@vestas.com

Slides from today's press conference can be found here

Dit is goed nieuws voda, want 3 megawatt per stuk is leuk maar niet genoeg
7 a 8 zou helemaal perfect zijn
Ik zie de hoogovens nog wel eens op windenergie draaien

Je merkt het ook aan de energieleveranciers, ze proberen snel nog een contractje af te sluiten
Voordat naar buiten komt dat energie bijna gratis is/wordt

Goed opletten de komende tijd
Ja, bedankt, maar ik denk dat het nog in de testfase zit, anders had het wel op hun site gestaan.(de marketing van de 7 MW zal wel spoedig beginnen denk ik) De 8 Mw zou begin 2014 getest worden.
Wauw, 80 meter lange bladen. Wat een monster.

Dit gaat de goede kant op.
Is mijn telefoontje van n paar jaar geleden over schaalvergroting toch niet voor niets geweest
Eerste winst Vestas sinds 2010

WOENSDAG 11 FEBRUARI 2015, 09:11 uur | 585 keer gelezen

AARHUS (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Vestas Wind Systems heeft voor het eerst sinds 2010 een jaarwinst in de boeken gezet. Dat maakte de Deense windmolenfabrikant woensdag bekend.

Vestas realiseerde een winst van 392 miljoen euro en een omzet van 6,9 miljard euro. Het bedrijf stelt daarbij voor het eerst in meer dan tien jaar een winstuitkering aan zijn aandeelhouders voor.

Het concern zat de afgelopen jaren in zware financiële problemen. Vestas sneed flink in de kosten en reorganiseerde hard. Sinds eind 2011 zijn er bijna 3000 banen geschrapt bij de onderneming en fabrieken gesloten. Vestas profiteerde het afgelopen jaar echter van toenemende verkopen in de Verenigde Staten.

Een teleurstellende omzetprognose deed het aandeel Vestas woensdag echter geen goed, het kelderde ruim 8 procent. Het concern voorziet opbrengsten van minimaal 6,5 miljard euro, minder dus dan het niveau van vorig jaar. Daardoor ebde de speculatie van een verder herstel in de windenergie-industrie weg.
Vestas receives 149MW order for Tres Mesas wind energy projects in Mexico

Vestas has received an order for 45 of its V117-3.3 MW turbine for the Tres Mesas wind energy projects in the northeastern state of Tamaulipas, Mexico.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Vestas receives a firm and unconditional order in United States

With reference to Vestas Wind Systems A/S’ company announcement No. 19/2015 of May 5th 2015, Vestas has received a firm and unconditional order in the United States for 36 V110-2.0 MW turbines to power the Marshall Wind Farm in Marshall County, Kansas.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Vestas introduces 3.45 MW power mode for its 3 MW platform

Based on site-specific conditions, the 3.45 MW power mode will increase annual energy production and contribute to lowering the cost of energy.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
ah toch nog een vestas draadje gevonden-) beslaat al vele jaren zie ik. als kleine belegger ben ik hier een paar jaar geleden mee begonnen en daar heb ik nog steeds geen spijt van,alleen sinds zwitserse frank is losgekoppeld van de euro vraag ik me wel af of dat ook niet met de dkk kan gebeuren.en wat kan dat voor gevolgen hebben??
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