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DNV & Dutch Emergency Services to Open Battery Safety Test Lab

DNV and the Twente Safety Region, the consortium of emergency services and municipalities responsible for public safety in the Twente region of eastern Netherlands, today have announced their plans to open the unique safety testing laboratory for battery systems. The new Battery Safety Lab is intended to stimulate the future safe development of battery systems. Located on the Twente Safety Campus (in the eastern part of the Netherlands), the new lab will carry out safety testing on complete battery systems for grid-connected storage and electric / hybrid ships. In addition to commercial and R&D testing and certification of systems entering the market, the lab will perform destructive testing to perform root cause analysis in finding out why and how battery systems fail. These data will contribute to the development of new standards to improve battery energy storage system safety. Safer products give emergency services time to get to incidents, enabling them to handle the incident reducing its effect on life, property and the environment. At the same time, it will help emergency services to develop new, improved protocols for dealing with fires and other incidents resulting from battery system failures as these protocols are simply not in place yet.

Construction of the new laboratory will commence in Q3 2021 with the first tests expected to start in Q2 2022. The lab will offer design evaluation, fire propagation and fire suppression testing to validate manufacturers claims, as well as certification against the IEC standard released in 2020. In addition, the lab will offer power failure investigations to determine the root causes of battery system failures in the field.

Energy storage will play a key role in the transition to a cleaner, greener energy system based on renewable energy. Consequently, the global market for energy storage is expected to grow 55-65% per year for the next five years. Hence it is critical that energy storage systems operate safely. However, while the individual battery cells that make up such systems are typically individually certified as safe, there are big challenges in integrating them into a safe overall system – as evidenced by the number of large fires at grid-scale energy storage systems in the last two years.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Vorige week ingestapt...

EcoGraf’s commercial scale program delivers 20% product yield increase

A key objective of the joint mechanical shaping program was to ensure the new EcoGraf Battery Anode Material Facility has maximum flexibility to efficiently produce a range of products to satisfy customer requirements.

EcoGraf Limited (ASX:EGR) (OTCMKTS:ECGFF) (FRA:FMK) will incorporate positive results from an international mechanical shaping program into the engineering design for its new Australian battery anode material facility in Western Australia.

The program was conducted using a commercial-scale plant, in collaboration with an industry-leading equipment manufacturer for the engineering design work of the new facility.

EcoGraf demonstrated that by improving the design of the mechanical shaping plant, an overall product yield of more than 60% can be achieved, which compares favourably to previously reported yields of 50%.

Three core product ranges

A key objective of the joint mechanical shaping program was to ensure the new EcoGrafTM Battery Anode Material Facility has maximum flexibility to efficiently produce a range of products to satisfy customer requirements.

The results of the program have confirmed the opportunity for the new facility to produce three core product ranges that include, a 15-16 micrometre(µm) battery anode material called SpG 16, an ultrafine battery anode material and their bi-products.

Notably, the ultrafine battery anode material referred to as ‘Super’ BAM is used for high-performance battery applications requiring improved energy density characteristics which typically attracts a premium pricing of 20-25% over SpG 16.

Data from the collaboration program will be included in the detailed engineering design works and final equipment selection in preparation for procurement and construction of the new facility.

Environmentally responsible

EcoGraf is building a diversified battery anode material business to produce high purity graphite products for the lithium-ion battery and advanced manufacturing markets.

The first new state-of-the-art EcoGraf processing facility in Western Australia will manufacture spherical graphite products for export to Asia, Europe and North America using environmentally responsible HFfree purification technology to provide customers with sustainably produced high-performance battery anode material.

Subsequently, the battery graphite production base will be expanded to include additional processing facilities in Europe and North America to support the global transition to clean, renewable energy in the coming decade and the rapid growth in battery materials.
Solvay & Veolia Set Up Demo Plant for Recycling Battery Metals

As part of their partnership to enable the circular economy of EV battery metals in Europe through closed-loop recycling, Veolia and Solvay have entered a Joint Operation Agreement to begin their collaboration in a demonstration phase. Solvay and Veolia’s joint innovative technology will enable strategic metals from used EV batteries to be extracted and refined into high-purity metals ready to be reused in new batteries. As lithium-ion battery production in Europe is expected to increase drastically, the project aims to reduce the environmental footprint of future EV batteries while securing a local supply source for critical raw materials.

At this stage, the proof of concept has successfully demonstrated Solvay’s hydrometallurgical process’ ability to purify cobalt, lithium and nickel after Veolia’s chemical extraction process from shredded battery cells (“black mass”). The next step is to validate and optimize the process in a pre-industrial setting by running a scaled-down production unit.

The demonstration plant will feature and operate all the units of operation of the industrial process, including the dissolution of the metals contained in the incoming black mass, the separation, concentration, purification of individual metal elements, and finally their transformation into high-purity metal salts responding to the specifications of cathode active materials producers.

Different locations of the demonstration plant are still being evaluated, but the two companies already confirmed that the unit will be located in France. The companies benefit from public funding from the French government, on top of their own investments in this important project. The design, permits, utilities and equipment of the plant is to start this year.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
TES Starts Facility in Rotterdam to Recycle EV Batteries

TES is commencing operations at a large facility in the port of Rotterdam to recycle batteries from electric vehicles. TES is one of the largest companies worldwide in the battery and e-waste recycling. The company has taken the lease of an approx. 10,000 m2 facility along the Elbeweg, including a 2,000 suare meter building, with plans to extend, providing a 40,000 m2 site in total. The facility is planned to be fully operational by late 2022 and will be the first Lithium-Ion battery recycling plant in the Netherlands. The number of electric vehicles is increasing rapidly, which leads to both a huge rise in global demand for Lithium-Ion batteries as well as discarded batteries.

The Port of Rotterdam aspires to be a frontrunner in both the energy transition and the circular economy. Being Europe’s largest port and industrial cluster, the port of Rotterdam can make a significant contribution realizing climate and circularity targets of Europe and the Netherlands. The Port Authority therefore works in close cooperation with leading companies, like TES, to develop circular hubs for plastics, batteries and building materials in Rotterdam. This way economic growth and employment go hand in hand with the energy transition and the creation of a circular economy.

TES is active in Europe, Asia, Australia and the USA. In March TES opened a state-of-the-art facility to recycle lithium batteries in Singapore, the first of its kind in Southeast Asia. The facility uses a combination of mechanic equipment and hydrometallurgical processes to recover precious metals such as Nickel, Lithium and Cobalt. The recovery rate of precious metals exceeds 90% and yields a purity level of almost 99%. Thus, the metals recovered from lithium batteries are commercially ready for fresh battery production. TES plans to use comparable technology in Rotterdam.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Lightyear: efficiëntie boven alles

Vorige week heeft Nederlands jongste automobielbedrijf, Lightyear, een belangrijke mijlpaal bereikt door 710 kilometer op één acculading te rijden met het prototype van de Lightyear One. Nu zijn er wel meer elektrische auto’s die dat hebben gehaald, maar niet met een batterij van slechts 60 kWh en een gemiddelde snelheid van 85 kilometer per uur.

Het prototype van de Lightyear One bereikte vorige week een mijlpaal door 710 kilometer op één acculading te rijden met een batterij van 60 kWh en een gemiddelde snelheid van 85 km/uur.
Het prototype van de Lightyear One bereikte vorige week een mijlpaal door 710 kilometer op één acculading te rijden met een batterij van 60 kWh en een gemiddelde snelheid van 85 km/uur. Foto: Lightyear
De Lightyear One is voorzien van zonnepanelen die helpen de actieradius te vergroten en die onder de juiste omstandigheden de auto zelfs onafhankelijk van het netwerk kunnen laten rijden. Twee jaar geleden ging de technische topman van BMW, Klaus Fröhlich, stevig los op het fenomeen zonneauto, dat hij neerzette als een absoluut onhaalbare gimmick. Hij rekende voor dat zonnepanelen op een auto maximaal 1,2 kWh per dag zouden kunnen opwekken, en dat brengt volgens hem een elektrische auto maar een kilometer of vijf verder. Met die sigarendoosberekening miste Fröhlich echter één fundamenteel punt. Lightyear heeft namelijk een compleet andere filosofie gekozen dan BMW. Waar BMW bij elke ontwerpkeuze met veel succes zijn motto Freude am Fahren doorvoert, heeft Lightyear zich tot doel gesteld rijden volledig duurzaam te maken. Zij stellen daarom alles, maar dan ook alles, in het kader van maximale efficiëntie.

BMW-topman Klaus Fröhlich ging stevig los op het fenomeen zonneauto

Een voorbeeld zijn de naafmotoren van Lightyear. Dat zijn in de wielen gemonteerde elektromotoren. BMW zal daar niet snel voor kiezen, omdat het resulterende zwaardere wiel voor het rijplezier op een circuit niet de allerbeste oplossing is. Maar omdat een wielmotor geen overbrenging nodig heeft en ook aerodynamische voordelen kent, kiest Lightyear wel voor zuinigere naafmotoren. En zo gaat het bij elke ontwerp- en componentkeuze. Voor comfort en rijprestaties wordt altijd gestreefd naar het beste, maar als dit ten koste gaat van de efficiëntie kiest men voor goed genoeg. Ook voor de vormgeving geldt dus: mooi genoeg is mooi genoeg, zolang het maar maximaal efficiënt is. De extreem lage luchtweerstandscoëfficiënt, camera’s in plaats van spiegels en de afgedekte achterwielen zijn allemaal dingen die je ­vaker op prototypes ziet, maar die verdwijnen in het definitieve ontwerp. Dat zal bij de Lightyear One niet gebeuren. Want forse spiegels en zichtbare brede wielen zien er misschien stoerder uit, maar kosten energie.

Als gevolg van al die ontwerpkeuzes bleek de Lightyear One tijdens de record­rit vorige week geen 1,2 maar 3,45 kWh aan elektriciteit op te hebben gewekt. En dat is bij de Lightyear genoeg voor 30 tot 40 kilometer, heel wat meer dan de 5 kilometer van de Beierse sigarendoos. Een Nederlandse auto rijdt gemiddeld 32 kilometer per dag. Maar dat is niet eens de essentie: het volledig kunnen rijden op de zon was dan misschien wel het ultieme doel, maar als bijvangst heb je een auto die 710 kilometer rijdt met 60 kWh. Zelfs al rij je alleen ’s nachts en parkeer je altijd binnen, dan nog hoef je maar eens in de zoveel weken te laden en rij je voor anderhalve cent energiekosten per kilometer.

In een interview met NRC vertelde uitgerekend oud-BMW-hoofdontwerper Chris Bangle eerder dit jaar dat hij voorziet dat een nieuwe generatie ­auto-ontwerpers esthetische tradities los gaat laten. Dan is, in zijn woorden, een auto geen totem meer van snelheid, luxe en gestileerde agressie, maar van schoonheid, zuinigheid en vriendelijkheid. Een ontwerp als oplossing voor een intellectuele uitdaging. Precies zoals ze het in Helmond al vanaf het begin doen: ­efficiëntie boven alles.
MAN Energy Solutions Confirms World-First LAES Project

MAN Energy Solutions has formally signed a contract to provide its LAES turbomachinery solution to Highview Power’s CRYOBattery facility. The signing took place at Highview’s London offices and follows on the agreement previously reached by the companies in April 2021. Highview, a global leader in long-duration, energy-storage solutions, is currently constructing a 50 MW liquid-air, energy-storage facility with a minimum of 250MWh at Carrington Village in Greater Manchester in UK.

The liquid-air energy-storage plant uses cryogenically liquefied air as a medium for storing energy. Off-peak or excess electrical energy is used to compress ambient air and liquefy it in the charging cycle. The liquefied air is stored at low temperatures in insulated tanks. When power is required, liquid air is drawn from the tanks and evaporated again in the discharging cycle to generate electricity. The system efficiency is increased by using the stored cold and the compression heat. LAES is especially suitable for special applications that require large amounts of energy over a discharge time of several hours, and enables fluctuating, renewable sources to bear base-loads. The MAN turbomachinery train will form the core of the CRYOBattery facility that, upon completion, will form one of Europe’s largest battery-storage systems. This will ultimately supply clean, reliable, and cost-efficient long-duration energy storage – primarily from renewable sources.

Construction of the CRYOBattery began in late 2020 with commercial operation set to commence during 2022. Highview Power will operate the facility in partnership with Carlton Power, a UK independent power-station developer.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Hou deze gasten in de gaten....

Elestor - HBr Flow Batteries

Yesterday, we had the pleasure to welcome a delegation from Vopak and start preparing the installation of the flow battery on Vopak’s terminal in Vlissingen. Thank you Vopak team for your enthusiasm ! We look forward to the next meeting and visit the terminal in Vlissingen.
Shell Starts Trading Power from Minety Battery in UK

Europe’s largest battery storage project, the 100-megawatt system in Minety in Wiltshire in South West England is now fully operational. Controlled and optimised by Shell-owned Limejump, the battery will help balance the UK’s electricity demand, providing electricity for up to 10,000 homes for a day before being recharged. Shell Energy Europe Limited signed a multiyear offtake agreement in early 2020 to trade all of the power from the battery, as part of Shell’s wider work to help accelerate the transition to cleaner energy sources. The Minety project, consisting of two 50-megawatt batteries, was developed by Penso Power and funded by China Huaneng Group and CNIC Corporation.

The Minety scheme is now the largest battery within National Grid ESO’s Dynamic Containment market, which was set up last year to deal with sudden frequency issues with grid balancing.

Limejump is an energy-tech platform that connects and delivers renewable and stored energy to the UK’s electricity system and wholesale markets. As more renewable energy connects to the electricity system, supply becomes less predictable and batteries are needed to help National Grid balance supply and demand. Limejump manages more than 400 megawatts of responsive assets, including Minety’s 100-megawatt battery, that can be rapidly dispatched to support the grid when needed.

Shell aims to make power a significant business that could sit alongside its oil, gas and chemicals businesses. It is building an integrated power business that includes generating renewable electricity, buying and selling it, storing it and supplying it directly to customers.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Siemens to Build Battery Storage Facilities in Wunsiedel in Germany

Siemens Smart Infrastructure and Zukunftsenergie Nordostbayern GmbH have signed a letter of intent in Wunsiedel for the turnkey construction of a 100 megawatt battery storage facility in the German town. The plant, with a storage capacity of 200 megawatt hours, is intended to use surplus renewable energy and cover demand peaks in the power grid. The 5,000 square meter energy storage facility is capable of supplying 20,000 average households with electricity for a year. The lithium-ion battery storage system will be provided by Fluence, a joint venture between Siemens and AES. Siemens will handle project management, including a technical implementation concept, as well as the construction of a medium-voltage switchgear system and connection to the high-voltage grid. Among other things, the letter of intent also includes the development of a financing concept.

The planned storage system from Fluence will be able to store and release large amounts of green power. This will allow the more flexible use of clean energy beyond the hours of production, including during periods of expensive peak load.

Official groundbreaking for the construction of a hydrogen generation plant with a capacity of 8.75 megawatts in Wunsiedel recently too place. Once operational in 2022, the facility will produce up to 1,350 tons of hydrogen per year using only renewable energy, for example from solar or wind power.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Ben wel benieuwd wat er gaat gebeuren als de handel weer opent op dit aandeel.

Dit is het traject sinds de laatste handelsdag 16/7/21:
19 Jul 2021 - Trading Halt
21 Jul 2021 - Suspension from Official Quotation
22 Jul 2021 - Application for quotation of securities - JRV
22 Jul 2021 - US$100M Bond Offering settles, purchase of ICO Camp

Jervois jumps toward cobalt’s big league
Peter KerJul 27, 2021 – 1.57pm
Jervois Mining has taken a big step toward becoming a globally relevant battery minerals producer, after acquiring the cobalt processing division of copper giant Freeport-McMoran.

Jervois got the $US160 million ($218 million) deal, revealed by Street Talk on Tuesday morning, over the line after Freeport, Lundin Mining and AustralianSuper agreed to support a $313 million issuance of new Jervois shares.

While Jervois and Freeport are both mining companies, the deal was focused on the refining end of the cobalt value chain, in another example of how the battery minerals sector is making vertical integration fashionable again.

The deal will give Jervois the right to put 6250 tonnes of cobalt through Umicore’s Kokkola refinery in Finland every year until 2093.

Umicore cannot charge a profit margin on the volumes and Jervois will inherit Freeport’s customer base to sell the refined cobalt products to.

When combined with an existing plan to restart a nickel and cobalt mine in the US and a refinery in Brazil, Jervois said the Freeport deal put it on “a pathway” to becoming the second-biggest producer of refined cobalt products outside of China.

Of the various commodities required by the manufacturers of lithium-ion batteries, cobalt has arguably the most concentrated and oligopolistic supply structure.

The metal is typically produced as a byproduct of nickel or copper and the Democratic Republic of Congo supplies about 70 per cent of the world’s cobalt.

Small amounts of cobalt come out of Western Australian mines like IGO Group’s Nova and Glencore’s Murrin Murrin, with the latter selling its cobalt to German auto giant BMW.

Jervois has sought to build a vertically integrated battery minerals business in the four years since it was recapitalised and refocused by a group of former Glencore executives including managing director Bryce Crocker.

The company hopes to start mining nickel and cobalt in Idaho in the middle of 2022 and also owns an undeveloped nickel and cobalt asset in NSW.

The Jervois deal is another example of how the battery minerals sector is reversing the trend of the previous decade, which saw big miners like BHP try to extricate themselves from the smelters and refineries that dominate the downstream end of the natural resources value chain.

Battery manufacturers demand very precise specifications of the commodities they put into their batteries and that focus on purity is handing power back to those in charge of the refineries that turn crude or intermediate products into chemical grade products.

Two major lithium hydroxide processing plants have been built between Perth and Bunbury as part of efforts by lithium miners Albemarle, Mineral Resources, Tianqi and IGO Group to access the greater profit margins on offer downstream.

BHP has also gone further downstream over the past four years by building a nickel sulphate plant at its long-standing Kwinana refinery.

ASX-listed graphite miner Syrah Resources is also going further downstream into the value chain, by building a facility in Louisiana that can refine natural graphite into higher margin materials for battery manufacturers.
RWE Building Battery Storage Facilities in Germany

Spread across two locations and coupled with hydropower stations, RWE is building one of the largest and most innovative battery storage systems in Germany. A battery system with a total capacity of 117 megawatts is being installed at the company’s power plants in Lingen in Lower Saxony and Werne in North Rhine-Westphalia. What is special about this project is that the batteries will be virtually coupled with RWE’s run-of-river power stations along the river Mosel. By raising or decreasing the flow-through at these power stations, RWE can make additional capacity available, also as balancing energy. This coupling process raises the total capacity of the batteries by another good 15 percent. So the battery and the hydropower stations work hand in hand to help keep the frequency in the power grid stable. Around 50 million euros are being invested in this project. The system is scheduled to start operations at the end of 2022.

The planned system comprises 420 lithium-ion battery racks, housed in 47 overseas shipping containers spread across two RWE power stations. The system at the Gersteinwerk in Werne will have a capacity of 72 MW while the one at the Emsland station in Lingen will have 45 MW.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Renault-manager moet Opel elektrische glans bezorgen
Uwe Hochgeschurtz kreeg van zijn vader het advies niet in diens voetsporen te treden als profwielrenner. Hij koos daarop voor een carrière in de auto’s in plaats van op de fiets.

De Kapitän. De Kadett. De Manta. De Astra. Opel heeft in zijn lange geschiedenis genoeg legendarische en goedlopende automodellen ontworpen. Maar wat zijn de krakers van de laatste twee decennia? De Karl? De Mokka? De Adam? De Ampera? Noch onder General Motors, noch – sinds 2017 – onder het Franse PSA (lees: Peugeot-Citroën) heeft Opel naam gemaakt.

Maar nu is er toch een verrassing gekomen uit Rüsselsheim, waar het ooit begon met Opel-naaimachines in 1862. Topman Michael Lohscheller ruimt ogenschijnlijk van de ene op de andere dag het veld 'om nieuwe uitdagingen buiten het moederbedrijf aan te gaan'. Dat moederbedrijf heet inmiddels Stellantis, na de fusie tussen PSA en Fiat/Chrysler.

Een week voor zijn aangekondigde vertrek presenteerde Lohscheller nog ambitieuze plannen voor het merk waar de ambitie verdwenen leek. Zo wil Opel vanaf 2028 louter elektrisch aangedreven modellen aanbieden en komt er een 'moderne interpretatie' van de Manta, die de gouden tijden van het merk bij het grote publiek moet doen herleven.

‘Uiteindelijk wil iedereen te allen tijde mobiel kunnen zijn, en dan kom je toch uit op een eigen auto’
Uwe Hochgeschurtz
Voor Lohschellers opvolging is Stellantis gaan winkelen bij de Franse buur Renault, waar het zijn topman voor het Duitssprekende deel van Europa weghaalde. Op 1 september treedt Uwe Hochgeschurtz (58) aan als ceo in Rüsselsheim. Hij rapporteert direct aan de topman van Stellantis, Carlos Tavares. Kennis maken hoeven ze niet meer; ze werkten al samen bij Renault.

Af en toe in de deelauto

Hochgeschurtz, geboren in Keulen, kent in zijn werkzame leven niet anders dan auto's. Hij begon bij Volkswagen, ging naar Ford, toen naar Renault en nu dan naar Opel. Hij is dan ook een believer. Hij laat de eigen auto naar eigen zeggen af en toe staan ten faveure van een deelauto, hij zou ook graag meer en beter openbaar vervoer willen zien in zijn land en zijn deelstaat Noordrijn-Westfalen. 'Maar uiteindelijk wil iedereen te allen tijde mobiel kunnen zijn, en dan kom je toch uit op een eigen auto.'

In zijn jeugd stond de fíets centraal, wat veel te maken had met zijn vader Willi, een oud-wielrenner. Drie jaar als prof in de tweede helft van de jaren vijftig hadden vader Hochgeschurtz echter duidelijk gemaakt dat hard fietsen vooral betekende dat je matig verdiende. 'Mijn vader heeft me afgeraden diezelfde kant op te gaan.'

Toen de jonge Hochgeschurtz op zijn 18de een tweedehands Simca Talbot kocht en het knutselen ontdekte, was hij verkocht. Toen hij zijn wagen ook nog eens voor meer geld kon doorverkopen dan hij er zelf voor betaald had, wist hij wat zijn voorland was. Een bijbaantje als taxichauffeur tijdens zijn studie verhevigde zijn hartstocht voor auto's alleen maar.

'Elektrificatie komt niet uit de lucht vallen'

Van de elektrische ambities die zijn voorganger uitsprak zal hij niet echt geschrokken zijn. Hochgeschurtz gaf de afgelopen jaren meermalen aan trots te zijn op Renault, omdat het concern voorop zou lopen met elektrisch rijden. Zo zei hij vorig jaar: 'Wie nu niet inziet dat het de komende twintig, dertig jaar om elektrisch rijden gaat, die wedt op het verkeerde paard. Renault is zeven jaar geleden al begonnen met zeer serieuze investeringen in e-mobiliteit. Want die komt niet uit de lucht vallen.'

‘Wie nu niet inziet dat het de komende twintig, dertig jaar om elektrisch rijden gaat, die wedt op het verkeerde paard’
Uwe Hochgeschurtz
Het Gebod van Timmermans — de Eurocommissaris wil dat vanaf 2028 elke nieuwe Europese auto elektrisch is — zal hij dan ook niet echt geschrokken zijn. Hochgeschurtz trok al eerder de vergelijking met de jaren tachtig: 'Toen trokken de investeringen in schonere dieselmotoren gaten in de balansen van de automakers, maar uiteindelijk werden ze er allemaal beter van. En alle producenten zijn er nog.'

Tol? Doe maar

Hochgeschurtz is niet te beroerd een heilig huisje in Duitsland aan het wankelen te brengen. Voorzichtig, maar toch. Weg met het taboe op tol voor personenauto's op autosnelwegen voor de Duitsers zelf. Duitsland moet, zegt hij bij herhaling, zijn infrastructuur verbeteren, want als de mobiliteit stokt, stokt in zijn ogen ook de economische groei. Met lichte jaloezie kijkt hij naar Frankrijk. Daar zijn niet alleen veel meer snelle treinen dan in Duitsland en goede verbindingen met de vliegvelden, maar ook het autosnelwegennet is er dankzij de tol accurater.

'We hebben in Keulen dringend een extra brug over de Rijn nodig. Waarom doen we dat niet met particulier geld? Dan maar tol heffen. Ik denk te weten dat er genoeg mensen zijn die graag extra betalen om een half uur sneller te zijn van Keulen naar Frankfurt.'

Blik op China en de ex-DDR

Volgens FD-autojournalist Niek Schenk was Opel 35 jaar lang, tot 2004, dé favoriet van autorijdend Nederland. Hochgeschurtz' voorganger Lohscheller blufte in 2019 dat Opel het verloren terrein hier weer zou goedmaken 'met de nieuwe elektrische modellen van zowel personenauto's als bestelauto's.'

Hochgeschurtz' blik zal eerder gericht zijn op het oosten dan op het westen. Op China, waar Opel denkt te kunnen landen. En op het oosten van het eigen land, de voormalige Deutsche Demokratische Republik (DDR). In 2019 vertelde hij als baas van Renault Duitsland dat het Franse merk sinds de Duitse eenwording de harten van de ex-Trabantrijders heeft gestolen. Dat had onder meer te maken met 'een prijs-kwaliteitverhouding die bij de mensen in het oosten past en de hoge restwaarde van een Renault'.

Kijk, dat zijn inzichten waar Opels moederbedrijf — en grote Renault-concurrent! — Stellantis iets mee kan.

Bronnen: AD, Bild, Automobiel Magazine, Rheinische Post (RP Online), Nfz-Messe.com, Boss-Interview SuperIllu Verlag.
Calpine & GE Renewable Complete Santa Ana Storage Project

Calpine and GE Renewable Energy announced the completion of the Santa Ana Storage Project in Southern California. The project contains a 20 MW/80 MWh standalone battery energy storage system using GE’s Reservoir energy storage technology. The system, now in commercial operations, is supported by a 20-year Resource Adequacy Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). The project will be able to provide energy to up to 12,000 households during peak events, and/or 24,000 households during normal load conditions.

This grid-connected battery energy storage system represents a major step forward in Calpine’s plans to grow the company’s energy storage footprint. The SASP facility itself will be capable of considerable expansion in future phases.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Winstmarge autofabrikant Stellantis beter dan verwacht
Stellantis AQ55€16,37+1,19% , het Frans-Italiaans-Amerikaanse autobedrijf dat dit jaar ontstaan is uit de versmelting van Fiat, Chrysler en Opel, denkt dit jaar een winstmarge van 10% te kunnen behalen. Dat is meer dan het dubbele van de ondergrens waarmee het bedrijf in maart rekening hield.

In de eerste zes maanden, waarover het bedrijf dinsdagochtend bericht, lag de winstmarge al duidelijk boven het nu verhoogde doel. De operationele marge kwam uit op 11,4%.

Financieel bestuurder Richard Palmer zei tegen verslaggevers dat Stellantis en andere autofabrikanten hun prijzen hebben verhoogd en een breder aanbod van duurdere wagens wisten te verkopen.


Een wereldwijd tekort aan halfgeleiders had voor Stellantis tot gevolg dat het van januari tot en met juni 700.000 voertuigen minder kon assembleren dan besteld waren. Palmer rekent op een gelijk aantal in het tweede halfjaar. De hogere kosten van grondstoffen als koper, aluminium en staal leverden het bedrijf een extra kostenpost op van €700 mln. Palmer voorziet in het tweede halfjaar een even groot extra bedrag, aldus persbureau Bloomberg.

De concernomzet steeg pro forma met 46% naar €75,3 mrd. Het nettoresultaat bedroeg €5,9 mrd. In de eerste zes maanden van 2020 leed de onderneming pro forma een verlies van €813 mln.


Carlos Tavares, de bestuursvoorzitter van de gefuseerde onderneming, ontvouwde vorige maand een investeringsplan van €30 mrd voor de omschakeling op elektrische voertuigen. Stellantis wil in Europa sneller zijn geëlektrificeerd dan in de Verenigde Staten en is van plan ook hybride auto's aan te blijven bieden.

Op de effectenbeurs van Milaan noteert het aandeel in Stellantis dinsdag aan het einde van de voormiddag bijna 4% hoger op ruim €17. Het hoofdkantoor van Stellantis staat in Lijnden, een dorp in de Haarlemmermeer nabij Amsterdam.
Talga’s planned anode to emit 96% less CO2 than Chinese competitors

Australia’s Talga Group said on Thursday its flagship battery anode product, Talnode-C, is the greenest graphite anode in the world, Kallanish reports.

The announcement comes with the completion of the life cycle assessment (LCA) of its planned lithium-ion battery anode production in Sweden, conducted by Hitachi ABB Power Grids. The assessment results show the product emits 96% less greenhouse gas than those produced in China, which is equivalent to a reduction of around 2.9 million tonnes of CO2 per million EVs produced, the company said on Thursday.

Emissions from Chinese synthetic graphite anode production stands at roughly 34 kilograms of CO2 equivalent (kgCO2e), compared to 1.477 kg CO2e from Talnode-C. Talga believes there’s still scope for further emission cuts on its product, given 86% of the production emissions comes from external suppliers. Further optimisation through strategic procurement processes should enable a greater carbon footprint, the firm believes.

The huge cradle-to-gate green credentials of Talga’s planned anode production in Sweden are attributed to a unique high-yield graphite ore, innovative anode process and use of renewable energy. The proximity of the operations to customers and availability of low-carbon transport such as electric trains, also enable further mine-to-customer environmental advantages past the factory gate, the company adds.

Talga is currently in talks with 11 automotive companies, among 48 battery customer engagements, each testing and qualifying its anode products. The company is highly supportive of the EU’s proposed regulation on batteries, including the 2026 introduction of a passport for them, subjecting battery materials imported into the EU to tariffs based on environmental credentials.

“This high quality Hitachi LCA confirms the world-leading low emissions profile of our flagship Li-ion battery anode product and highlights the importance of the Vittangi anode project to European decarbonisation,” comments Talga’s managing director Mark Thompson.

The company plans to produce 19,000 tonnes/year of coated anodes. Mining activities are set to start in 2023 and anode production to follow in 2024. Talga also intends to expand production capacity by 85,000 t/y with the Niska project expansion, targeting 2025-2026 production.

Gabriela Farhangi UK
FREYR Battery plans new gigafactory in Finland amid expansion plans

Norwegian battery manufacturer FREYR Battery is looking into setting up a gigafactory in Finland, expanding its Nordic footprint and supporting ambitions to develop 83 gigawatt-hours of production capacity.

The company announced on Thursday it’s exploring industrial scaling of battery cell technology and production in the city of Vaasa with state-owned Finnish Minerals Group. The parties have signed a memorandum of understanding for respective strategic collaborations, Kallanish notes.

FREYR has previously disclosed plans to develop up to 43 GWh of battery cell production capacity by 2025. Now, it’s targeting up to 83 GWh by 2028 in order to become one of Europe’s largest battery suppliers.

Under the proposed deal in Finland, Finnish Minerals Group would provide FREYR with low-carbon materials, while the City of Vaasa would provide the exclusive right to a 90-hectare site for a potential cell plant. They will also investigate joint site-development to accelerate supply of low-carbon and low-cost batteries in the country.

FREYR’s ceo Tom Einar Jensen explains that Vaasa offers an attractive location for a gigafactory inside the EU with access to local, short-travelled raw materials, abundant renewable power and cooling water, plus an existing cluster of leading suppliers for the battery value chain.”

Additionally, the Nordic country is working to develop a local lithium-ion battery value chain, is the largest nickel producer in the EU, and the only EU member state with industrial scale cobalt production. Lithium output is expected to commence in Finland over the next few years, FREYR notes.

Gabriela Farhangi UK
China’s CALB to build 50 GWh gigafactory in Hefei

China’s fourth largest battery manufacturer CALB is expanding its production capacity in the country with plans to build a 50-gigawatt-hour gigafactory in Hefei, Kallanish reports.

The company signed an undisclosed investment contract with the City of Hefei for the EV battery and battery storage manufacturing facility in the Changeng county. The new base follows CALB’s RMB 10 billion ($1.54 billion) investment in a facility in Wuhan, with Phase 1 capacity planned at 20 GWh.

Commenting on the Hefei base, representatives of the company and the local government said the project was a “win-win” development. By joining forces, they will quickly promote the completion and commissioning of the plant, while combining high-quality projects with strong scientific research strength and high industrial level of Hefei. The aim is to make the Chinese city “an internationally influential smart EV capital,” they said in a joint statement.

Hefei city is home to carmakers Nio, JAC, Volkswagen (Anhui) and Chery.

CALB said in June it plans to reach 100 GWh capacity this year, before raising it to 200 GWh in 2022 and eventually reaching 300 GWh by 2025. The company produces batteries for EVs, energy storage systems and special applications markets such as aviation.

Gabriela Farhangi UK
Sungrow’s Minety energy storage system connected to the UK grid

China’s Sungrow Power Supply says its energy storage system solution in the UK’s Minety project has been successfully connected to the grid, Kallanish reports.

The company supplied the 100-megawatt-hour battery storage project in Wiltshire, around 12 miles northwest of Swindon, with an integration of NCM (nickel cobalt manganese) and LFP (lithium iron phosphate) batteries. The solution minimised footprint, slashed commissioning duration and reduced system costs by 5%, Sungrow said on Wednesday.

“The solution well meets the latest UK frequency regulation requirement called dynamic containment – requesting the plant to respond to the power instruction for the grid within 1 second, making the project one of the rare 30% of the UK’s storage plants equipped with this function,” it adds.

The project developed by China Huaneng Group will be operated and monitored by renewable energy company RES. It’s the largest battery storage project in Europe to date.

“We are proud of being part of this landmark project, offering solutions with extreme efficiency and safety while in compliance with the stringent UK grid codes,” comments James Wu, Sungrow vice president.

The company, which shipped over 800 MWh of energy storage systems last year, noted that the UK faced “the most debilitating blackout in nearly a decade in August 2019.” The event exposed the “serious lack of frequency regulation of the national grid and demonstrated that the construction of energy storage projects that can regulate the frequency of the grid in a timely fashion should be prioritised,” Sungrow adds.

Gabriela Farhangi UK
Terra-Gen arranges financing for giant California energy storage project

New York-based Terra-Gen LLC says it has completed financing on the initial phase of a large solar storage facility in southern California, Kallanish reports.

Financing for the Edwards Sanborn Solar Storage facility in Kern County, California, includes $804 million senior secured credit facilities comprising a $400m construction and term loan, a $328m tax equity bridge facility and a $76m construction and revolving letter of credit facility. JP Morgan is providing the tax equity commitment for the initial phase of the project with Deutsche Bank leading the construction and term financing.

Deutsche Bank is sole bookrunner and joint lead arranger along with BNP Paribas and ING Capital serving as joint lead arrangers. Mizuho Bank, CoBank, Kookmin Bank, Robobank and KeyBank are all lead arrangers.

“This financing allows us to complete the ongoing construction of the first phase of the Edwards Sanborn Solar Storage facility and help California meet its carbon reduction goals through the deployment of large-scale renewable energy,” says Terra-Gen ceo Jim Pagano in a statement.

The Edwards Sanborn Solar Storage facility is composed of 346 megawatts, alternating current, of solar modules and 1,501 megawatt-hours of battery storage. The facility is on land leased from Edwards Air Force Base as well as on adjacent private land. The project will produce power for 158,000 homes and reduce carbon emissions by 307,000 short tons/year. The uncder-construction project currently employs 500 construction workers and that number is expected to grow to 750.

Terra-Gen says the first 735 MWh of battery storage will be coming online in the third quarter of 2021 with the rest of the battery storage being commissioned by 2Q 2022. Subsequent near-term phases of the project will be financed later this year and will come online in the second half of 2022 and early 2023. When complete, the project will produce 760 MW of solar and 2,445 MWh of energy storage and is expected to be the world’s largest integrated solar-powered battery storage project, Terra-Gen says.

Bob Downing USA
AES Indiana acquires solar, storage project

AES Indiana is acquiring and supervising construction of a 250-megawatt solar and 180 megawatt-hour energy storage facility in southern Indiana, Kallanish reports.

The Petersburg Solar Project in Pike County, Indiana, is being sold by a NextEra Energy Resources subsidiary. The sale price was not disclosed. NextEra will develop and build the project.

The project is expected to begin commercial operations on 1 May, 2024, pending approval from Indiana regulators. The solar-plus-storage facility will be connected to the AES Petersburg Generating Station and will power up to 45,0000 homes during peak hours. The coal-fired plant can produce up to 2.146 gigawatts of electricity.

The new facility will be in Petersburg about 201 kilometres southwest of Indianapolis, Indiana.

“The Petersburg Solar Project is a win-win situation that adds new technologies to our generation fleet, while also keeping economic benefits right here in Indiana,” says Kristina Lund, AES Indiana president and ceo, in a statement. The project is the next step toward AES Indiana’s transition to greener and smarter solutions to meet Indiana’s future energy needs, the company says.

AES Indiana is a subsidiary of the AES Corp. It was formerly the Indianapolis Power and Light Co.

Bob Downing USA
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