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12 maart in Londen !!

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We kunnen elkaar lopen beschimpen met argumenten van wat wel en niet , maar mijn idee van vandaag is toch dat er geleerd is binnen het MT.
Voorzichtigheid is troef en prognoses ten aanzien van producten op de markt worden heel duidelijk gesteld op 2010 en later.
Factor V viel denk ik ons allen tegen want de verwachtingen waren hoog gespannen.

Wat blijft imho is een onderneming die heel veel in de pipeline heeft , heel veel research doet en op basis van research en de resultaten daarvan de beslissingen MOET nemen waar je verder mee gaat op DIT moment, om als bedrijf in bizz te blijven en daarmee ook aandeelhouderswaarde genereerd, als item om door te kunnen gaan.

Ik vond de info vandaag to the point en vooral terughoudend.
Er is geleerd dat beleggers niet achtelijk zijn en dat je afgerekend wordt op de uitspraken die je doet .
Dat zie je vandaag ook aan de koers ...... klein beetje eraf omdat er een teleurstelling te melden was, maar wel een goed beeld gegeven was van de lopende zaken .

Morgen...... weer de waan van de dag wat de koers betreft.
Dow en Nas down , olie up en dollar down......

Wordt inleveren morgen op basis van het sentiment van de dag, maar is niet gerechtvaardigd op basis van het fundament van Crucell.


wilb52 schreef:

Ja wilb, dan moet je gewoon even luisteren wat er over de KT werd gezegd (QV, Wyeth, cost cut) en een beetje aan het rekenen slaan.
O ja, het MT van Galapagos kan met het vuil mee, of niet sammy?

Ik kan , als het perse moet, erg goed rekenen ( wiskundige achtergrond ) ,
maar ik heb ook af en toe een olifantengeheugen.
Ebola, FaktorV, Korea ( het gaat dus echt weg!!!: Dus dat kost een paar duiten) Star???, gestopt WNV, wat toch ook een grote markt zou worden.

Ze gaan helemaal niet weg uit KOREA. Ze gaan daar zonder dat het veel kost een nieuwe grotere fabriek bouwen:)
En NU, is het QV, Wyeth, cost cut.??

Het is me vandaag duidelijk geworden, wat ik charttechnisch al heel lang aangeef: Het geld stroomt uit het aandeel: DE redenen heb je vandaag kunnen zien/beluisteren.
In dezen heeft Willemn gelijk.
Ik vertaal het anders: De ene worst maakt plaats voor de andere.
Als de koers technisch uitbreekt, ben ik van de partij.

En om nog maar even op Korea terug te komen en Faktor 5
Ze gaan dus weg uit Korea, hetgeen ik hier al vele malen gesteld heb.
Faktor 5: Komt NOOIT meer iets van terecht.

Aangezien ik aandeelhouder ben , heb ik imo terechte kritiek op het MT en mag ik ook kritiek hebben, en het reilen en zeilen van deze onderneming.
En ik hou er niet van , om keer op keer , voor de gek gehouden te worden, met een nieuwe ( hema? ) worst.


Je conclusie en gedachten deel ik volkomen. Ik heb hier niets aan toe te voegen. Voorlopig is geduld nog even een schone zaak.
Van IV:
Analcyst Day

Oh my god. How much of a cover-your-ass exercise was this piece of crap meeting?

Like the sleeping Analysts I observed while watching the first half of this presentation I too went to sleep. Couldn't believe the analysts actually went to sleep during the presentation. Classic.

It's now clear why there was no news forthcoming from Factor V. I've also determined the modus operendi for the mis-management team. Post anything that stands even a remote chance of attracting positive attention immediately. Post nothing that may have negative repercussions until you can arrange a huge cover-your-ass extravaganza.

As I stated in a previous post regarding Cees, the new COO, management finally realized they were in way over their head and had absolutely no clue how to actually run a real company.

Kudos for hiring Cees. He seems to actually have a clue. Well, sort of. # 1, create a cute name for your highly publicized project: Healthy B.S. or whatever he calls it. # 2, establish fanciful goals. # 3, create unrealistic timeframes. # 4, create excuses why the goals/timeframes were not met. # 5, roll over the un-met goals into a new project with an even more cute name, I suggest Healthy Dose of B.S. II. # 6, repeat ad infinitum.

I certainly hope Cees can accomplish even half of his objectives. Given the employment laws in NL it would cost more to get rid of employees than to simply keep non-performers. Switzerland is somewhat less bad in that regard.

At least the non-performing projects seem to have been purged. No more West Vile. No more Factor V. I'd say a minimum of $10 million wasted. Add another $10 million wasted for the Berna U.S. sales team purchase that doesn't have a product to sell. Hell, I've just cut out 20% in costs with just those 2 examples. Call it Project VillagePeople and put me on the payroll.


15 g/l, How Convenient

Anybody else find it convenient that the yield announcement of 15 g/l was announced the day prior to the analcyst day?

Unusually odd considering that 13 g/l had already been announced in a futile effort to prop up the share price.

Now there's another small increase announced just the day before the analcyst meeting.

Give me a break. These mis-management assholes are really stretching.

Yet another cover-your-ass exercise. Remember, 20 g/l was the stated goal for within 1 year when the 10 g/l milestone was announced. It's 1.25 years now and they missed their goal by 50%.

I'm glad they got something but are we to now expect an announcement for every g/l?

Patent Challenge

Yet another CYA effort. Our patent was challenged. We lost. But we didn't lose.

Ever heard of too little too late?

I did appreciate the comparison of the PerC6 patent to the Cabilly patent where it was clarified that the recently pounded Cabilly patent covered the method while the PerC6 patent involves the actual cells.

For those of you who follow such things, I was worried about the ramifications of the successful Cabilly patent challenge and the resulting effects on Crucell. In the Cabilly challenge, Genentech stands to lose what they consider to be an inconsequential amount of income due to people no longer having to pay them royalties. Equivalent royalty loss for Crucell would devastate the company. Well I guess the company has already been devastated in the last year. I guess we could still go to $0.
Spokeswoman Barbara Mulder said Crucell is still determining exactly where and how the cost savings will be made, but added that the company hopes to achieve some of the savings this year.

'We will have a final validation of the savings target in June,' Mulder said, adding that the cost savings plan will then be implemented in the second half of the year.

She added that the savings plan is open ended and does not have a pre-defined target date.

But Crucell said in its statement that cash generated by streamlining business processes and making full use of synergies within the integrated organisation will fuel further R&D in targeted areas.

Mulder declined to comment on whether the company can report a full-year net profit in 2008, stressing that the company is not changing the full-year guidance it gave in February.

flosz schreef:

Spokeswoman Barbara Mulder said Crucell is still determining exactly where and how the cost savings will be made, but added that the company hopes to achieve some of the savings this year.

'We will have a final validation of the savings target in June,' Mulder said, adding that the cost savings plan will then be implemented in the second half of the year.

She added that the savings plan is open ended and does not have a pre-defined target date.

But Crucell said in its statement that cash generated by streamlining business processes and making full use of synergies within the integrated organisation will fuel further R&D in targeted areas.

Mulder declined to comment on whether the company can report a full-year net profit in 2008, stressing that the company is not changing the full-year guidance it gave in February.


the only way is down

willemn schreef:


the only way is down
Willemn, geef je ook aan wanneer we wel weer veilig kunnen instappen?
Vertrouw volledig op je.
Sir Piet

willemn schreef:

Sir Piet
aan de koersreactie van vanmiddag te zien ben jij de enige die het postitief ziet
Niet relevant de koers reactie. Dat is voor day traders etc. Gaat mij om de kracht van het bedrijf. Ze zitten gewoon op track. Het is ook een beetje nederlands om er uit tehalen wat niet doorgaat (Zat allang in de koers verwerkt) dan wat er wel doorgaat ( zit bij lange na niet in koers verwerkt). Luister dit weekeinde nogmaals naar de webcast en dan nog negatief neem dan afscheid want dan zit je tijd te verdoen. Ik ga weer bijkopen vandaag.

flosz schreef:

....can rupture spontaneously, temporarily easing the symptoms.
Dat is dan wel weer reden voor een tijdelijke opluchting zou ik denken.
Na alle zwartgalligheid, die over Crucell is uitgestort in dit draadje ter afsluiting een prijsvergelijking met een aantal andere biotechs, noterend in Amerika, en min of meer bij ons bekend.

Koersen per 31 december 2007 resp. 13 maart 2008.

GTC Biotherapeutics...0.87...0.51...-0.36...-41.4%

Ook er nog even melding van maken, dat Crucell in EURO'S een tikkie harder zakt, maar dat zijn dan valuta-invloeden:

CRUCELL(IN EURO'S)...11.40...8.80...-2.60...-22.8%

Ik hoop hiermede aangetoond te hebben, dat de zwartgalligheid meer marktgericht, dan Crucellgericht behoort te zijn.


flosz schreef:

Spokeswoman Barbara Mulder said Crucell is still determining exactly where and how the cost savings will be made, but added that the company hopes to achieve some of the savings this year.
Ik weet er een. Gooi Barbara Mulder er zelf uit.
Fri, 14 Mar, 16:12 GMT

FOCUS Crucell analyst day short on new information; Quinvaxem vaccine impresses

AMSTERDAM (Thomson IM) - Analysts have expressed disappointment at Crucell NV's research and development day, saying the company failed to provide new information on its tuberculosis, malaria and rabies programmes.
Petercam said it could identify only one trigger for the share: a partnership for the company's malaria, tuberculosis or epaxal programmes.
However, analysts cheered Crucell's best-selling product Quinvaxem, a five-in-one vaccine for childhood diseases, which, combined with cost-cuts announced this week, is expected to boost the group's cash position, raising the prospect of acquisitions.
SNS Securities said a partnership deal for the group's malaria programme is unlikely this year because Phase II clinical trials can only start in 2009.
SNS Securities said it was also disappointed at Crucell's decision to halt its blood factors programe: 'We believed that (the programme) had a considerable upside potential in addressing a multibillion-dollar market'.
Petercam said it was skeptical Crucell will be able to seek approval for its hepatitis A vaccine Epaxal in the US by 2010. 'Crucell is discussing with the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), and maybe a partner on the best way to proceed with this compound. Nevertheless, management indicated that they would need to do clinical trials taking around 2.5 years. We fail to see how this then can lead to a 2010 filing,' Petercam said.
On Quinvaxem, brokers said sales are expected to grow strongly and could be further boosted by additional contracts with the United Nations Children's Fund and the Pan American Health Organisation.
SNS Securities believes the market for this type of vaccine is expected to grow to 150 mln doses a year in the medium term. Last year, Crucell sold 21.3 million doses and SNS Securities expects the group to sell at least 30 mln doses in 2008.
Petercam predicts sales will rise to 40 mln doses in 2008 and to 48 mln in 2009. However, the broker said Indian competition could hurt Crucell's market share, which is around 50 pct at present, as volumes increase in the expanding market.
In light of Quinvaxem's potential, SNS Securities found the outlook -- the company expects its vaccine business to grow by 20 pct in 2008 -- 'rather conservative'.
The company's cost-savings programme, which aims to cut costs by 15 pct excluding research and development, will increase Crucell's cash position and allow it to make acquisitions that will strengthen its pipeline with more late-stage products, SNS Securities said.
Rabo Securities is convinced Crucell will avoid 'more disappointments' in view of Quinvaxem's potential and the cost-cuts. The broker has a 'buy' recommendation on Crucell shares and a price target of 15.0 eur.
SNS rates the shares a 'buy' and today lowered its target price to 17.50 eur from 20.
Petercam has a 'reduce' rating.
Cornelia Messing;
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