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Goud / Zilver / USdollar / Olie - Deel 5

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Grappig hoe die algo's bovenop die gehackte tweets duiken. Zij die algo's écht zo slim, of....? Libor fraude, OK, maar een Twitter accounts hacken voor valse insider trading, dat zouden ze nóóóóóóiiiit doen!
Norton Gold updates quarterly exploration on March 2013

Norton Gold Fields Limited provides an update on exploration activities around the Paddington Operation reflecting its exploration strategy to better exploit the potential of the Company’s extensive landholdings around Kalgoorlie.
Completion of Year 1 of the USD 37 million Exploration & Resource Development Program saw +245,000 ounces added to mineral resources (after mining depletion). This compares favourably against the original targeted resource extensions and additional mineral resources to the point of mine development identified in Norton’s original release dated 3 November 2011.

2. Resource Development and Exploration programs during the quarter comprised a total of 17,882 meters in 135 drill holes comprising reverse circulation surface and underground diamond core drilling. Expenditure for the quarter was USD 3.87 million.

3. Programs continued at the Homestead underground mine (18 kilometers south west of the Paddington Mill) and within the broader Mount Pleasant Gold Camp, which is one of the company’s most prospective areas.

4. High grade underground diamond drill intercepts from the Black Flag West vein at Homestead continue to define and extend mineralization.

Dr Dianmin Chen MD & CEO of Norton said that “We believe opportunities remain to investigate and exploit the Paddington tenement package further and we continue to seek higher grade deposits to complement the Company’s overall strategy of increasing production and reducing costs.”

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Gold holds near two week high and equities cap gains

Reuters reported that gold neared its highest level in more than two weeks but gains may be capped by a rally in equity markets and promising US jobs data that dampened speculation the Federal Reserve may boost monetary stimulus.

Bullion has slipped almost 12% so far this year, having posted annual gains in the past 12 consecutive years as easy monetary policy prompted investors to buy the precious metal to hedge against inflation and economic uncertainties.

Gold added USD 5.36 an ounce to USD 1,475.56 by 0317 GMT due to a stronger euro. It hit a high of USD 1,487.80 on Friday its highest since April 15, on safe haven buying spurred by a cut in interest rates by the European Central Bank and the Fed's decision to stick to its stimulus program.

Mr Joyce Liu an investment analyst at Phillip Futures, referring to a report from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission said that "The market is trying to test USD 1,487 and it has been tested twice. That might be the reason why the market is pushing up. On the other hand we have a slight improvement in funds holding of gold."

He said that "If you look at the technicals, gold is still in an upward correction. For it to go into the bull territory, we at least need to break USD 1,530. For me to confidently call it an upward trend, it needs to break USD 1,590. We are quite some way off."

The CFTC showed that hedge funds and money managers increased their bullish bets in gold futures and options in the week to April 30 as the price of the precious metal rallied 4.5% during the period. But daily outflows on exchange traded funds indicated investors were still jittery after gold's historic decline in mid April, when it plunged more than USD 200 over 2 days.

Source – Reuters

From 7 may.
Ole In het Berenbos

Gold future loopt op de 29e af dus zou best wat kunnen blijven hangen. Brent loopt de 16e af dat zou weer wat swaps olie/goud teweeg kunnen brengen..

Er is ontzettend veel papier van handen gewisseld. De grote jongens gaan long, kleintjes short. Wie zou er gelijk krijgen? Kleintjes waren historisch het meest short op bodems...

Skater schreef op 8 mei 2013 23:45:

Wie zou er gelijk krijgen? Kleintjes waren historisch het meest short op bodems...
Kleintjes waren historisch juist het meest long op de toppen..
Minder ontslagen bij platinabedrijf Amplats

Gepubliceerd op 10 mei 2013 om 13:09 | Views: 195

JOHANNESBURG (AFN) - De grootste platinaproducent ter wereld, Anglo American Platinum (Amplats), is van plan 6000 banen te schrappen bij zijn mijnen in Zuid-Afrika. Dat werd vrijdag gemeld door het bedrijf.

Begin dit jaar overwoog de platinaproducent nog 14.000 banen te schrappen. Die plannen werden na kritiek van de Zuid-Afrikaanse regering echter op de lange baan geschoven. De regering dreigde mijnbouwvergunningen in te trekkken als die ontslagronde zou worden doorgezet. Amplats is onderdeel van het wereldwijd actieve mijnbouwconcern Anglo American.

Stakingen door mijnwerkers in Zuid-Afrika bezorgden het bedrijf grote verliezen in 2012. Door de werkonderbreking van 2 maanden viel de winning van platina met ruim 9500 kilo terug. Daar kwam nog bij dat de loon- en elektriciteitskosten aanzienlijk zijn gestegen, waardoor de mijnbouwers worstelen met hoge kosten.

De vakbond voor mijnwerkers AMCU liet weten niet in te zullen stemmen met de ontslagen en zei bereid te zijn de strijd aan te gaan met Amplats. De vakbond legde in januari kortstondig verschillende mijnen stil nadat Amplats met de oorspronkelijke ontslagplannen naar buiten was gekomen.
Quintessential completes diamond drilling targeting silver and gold at PNG project

Quintessential Resources has completed the diamond drilling to test the recently shown Gold Zone and the copper, silver, gold and molybdenum magnetite mineralized Northern Skarn at the Irak prospect in Papua New Guinea.

The cores from all 4 holes have been flown for laboratory analysis. The company recently drill tested the Gold Zone to about 300.2 meters depth with one of the drill holes targeting strong conductivity anomaly from about 75 meters depth which was coincident with the upper sections of a large and intense chargeability anomaly.

Soil assays at the Irak prospect showed the Gold Zone in the north central sector of the grid with peak results showing up to 1.06 grams per tonne gold, 0.8 grams per tonne silver. 0.08% copper and 88 parts per million molybdenum.

The hole also tested hydrothermally brecciated argillic and potassic altered feldspar porphyry with cohesive and coincident chargeability and conductivity.

The drilling program commenced after the peak outcrop in the Northern Skarn sampled in January 2013 assayed 12 meters of 2.75% copper; 112 grams per tonne silver; 0.11 grams per tonne gold and 92 parts per million molybdenum across its width.

Source - Proactive Investors
Lonmin verhoogt verwachting platinadelving

Gepubliceerd op 13 mei 2013 om 08:47 | Views: 1.278

JOHANNESBURG (AFN) - Lonmin, de op twee na grootste producent van platina, verwacht in zijn boekjaar meer van het edelmetaal te delven. Dat meldde het bedrijf maandag bij de publicatie van de halfjaarcijfers.

Waar Lonmin in januari nog rekende op meer dan 680.000 troy ounce, denkt het nu meer dan 700.000 troy ounce uit de grond te halen. 1 troy ounce is circa 31,1 gram.

Lonmin behaalde in het eerste halfjaar van zijn boekjaar, dat loopt tot eind maart, een winst voor belasting van 54 miljoen dollar. Een jaar geleden was dat nog 18 miljoen dollar. Lonmin herstelde daarmee enigszins van een zwaar jaar met langdurige werkonderbrekingen. Die begonnen na een bloedig treffen tussen politie en mijnwerkers van het bedrijf.
Mining Group drilling finds more economic copper and gold at Comval target

Mining Group has confirmed the presence of additional economic copper and gold mineralization from initial drilling of the Kapangawan target, as well as uncovered near surface gold from trenching at another target within the Comval Project in the Philippines.

Best intercepts returned from drilling were 11.4 meters at 1.94 grams per tonne gold including 5 meters at 3.33 grams per tonne gold and 1 meter at 7.57 grams per tonne. This intercept was hosted within strongly altered andesitic volcanics and provides encouragement that mineralization not only occurs within the skarns but also within altered volcanic rocks, adding to the prospectivity of the target.

Similar mineralization was observed at Tagpura North with potential for gold mineralization to occur in both the skarns and volcanic lithologies.

Mr Zeff Reeves MD of Mining Group said that "The first pass drilling at the newly discovered Kapangawan skarn has encountered a number of massive magnetite lenses containing copper and gold mineralization. These results are significant in that they provide evidence that the Kapanganwan skarn, previously identified from ground magnetics, contains economic grades of copper and gold and, in conjunction with the Tagpura North discovery has the potential to add further resources to our resource inventory at Comval.”

Mr Reeves said that “As time goes on and we complete first pass work on each of the targets, the Comval Project continues to deliver positive results which gives us the confidence that we can achieve the resource targets we have set in order to deliver a robust, low cost copper and gold resource. With our key prospects Bayag Bayag, Tagpura North and Kapangawan all delivering ore grade results, we are now in a position to delineate each of these targets and begin converting them into resources.

He said that “While the copper-gold skarn targets form the core of our focus, we are still discovering the tremendous potential for near surface high grade gold resources through first pass work, such as the results Tandawan is delivering and we will also continue to work these targets up.”

Source - Proactive Investors
Barrick and Dominican Republic agree tentative gold deal revamp

Reuters reported that the Dominican Republic and Barrick Gold Corp have reached a preliminary agreement to boost the government's cut of profits from a gold mine in the Caribbean nation, easing investor doubts over the future of one of the world's largest new gold projects.

Mr Danilo Medina president of Dominican had demanded in February that the Canadian company renegotiate a contract signed with a previous government for the Pueblo Viejo mine, spooking investors as he threatened to clamp a windfall tax on profits if the deal was not modified.

The tentative agreement would increase the country's share in profits from the mine by about USD 1.5 billion over its 30 year life, with around half the cash flow from the project going to the government from 2013 to 2016.

At an estimated gold price of USD 1,600 per ounce, total tax revenues over that 3 year period would be about USD 2.2 billion. Spot gold was worth around USD 800 per ounce in 2009 when the original deal was struck but then doubled to more than USD 1,600 before dropping back to around USD 1,470.

Mr Andy Lloyd a spokesman for Barrick said that "We have shifted the timing, but also, under this agreement, they will get more an extra USD 1.5 billion over the life of the mine.”

Source - Reuters
Antipa Minerals raises funds for gold copper drilling in WA

Antipa Minerals has raised USD 1.52 million from a fully subscribed placement to sophisticated and professional investors, with the company also launching a Share Purchase Plan which could help increase capital raised to around USD 3 million.

Funds will be allocated to fund exploration of the company’s wholly owned Citadel gold copper project in Western Australia, with a specific focus on extensional drilling of the Calibre Discovery.

Recent results include: 85.75 meters at 0.71 gram per tonne gold, 0.20% copper, 0.72 gram per tonne silver and 0.03% tungsten for a gold equivalent grade of 1.18 gram per tonne or a copper equivalent grade of 0.78% from 315 meters.

The placement will comprise 23.4 million shares at USD 0.065 per share with a 1 for 3 attaching option with an exercise price of USD 0.08 and an expiry date of 31 December 2014.

The Share Purchase Plan will be priced the same as the placement and has the potential to rise up to USD 1.2 million with further USD 275,000 to directors subject to shareholder approval. Both of these would have the same option entitlements as the placement.

The Citadel Project;
The project covers over 1700 square kilometers in the Proterozoic Paterson Province of Western Australia and is situated around 100 kilometers north of Newcrest’s Telfer gold and copper mine and includes the drill defined gold and copper mineralization known as the Magnum Deposit.

The Company has applied for an additional 1,330 square kilometers of exploration licences, known as the North Telfer Project which, on grant will extend its ground holding in the Paterson Province to within 20 kilometers of Telfer.

Source - Proactive Investors
De goudmijnproductie is sinds 2001 nauwelijks toegenomen. Volgens Michael Kosares van USAGold zal dat vroeg of laat gaan wringen. Steeds meer goud moet uit het secundaire circuit komen, maar hoe lang duurt het nog voordat die stroom opdroogt aan de huidige goudprijs...


Ondertussen blijft met in India vrolijk goud kopen... www.marketupdate.nl/nieuws/goud-en-zi...

En ook in Dubai: www.marketupdate.nl/nieuws/goud-en-zi...
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