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Spyker: handel in aandeel Spyker beeindigd per 13 september 2013

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Egeltje, er is hoge vraag naar de B6 Venator. Obligaties afzetten is wat anders.

Chiddix schreef op 14 maart 2014 18:46:

Egeltje, er is hoge vraag naar de B6 Venator. Obligaties afzetten is wat anders.
mij is alleen ter ore gekomen dat er "gezegd" wordt dat er hoge vraag is, ik heb daar geen bewijs voor gezien, wel reden om te twijfelen aan de eerlijkheid van degene/diegenen die dus zeggen dat er hoge vraag is.
Hoge vraag geeft ook wat meer zekerheid voor obligatiekopers. Bij weinig vraag hoef je niet aan te komen met obligaties.
Aan VM is gevraagd, lees ik, door dealers en potentiele klanten een betaalbare sportcar te ontwikkelen.
De kans bestaat dat Spyker wat klanten afsnoept van de grijze muis(Porsche).

Sommigen hebben een gebrek aan onderscheidend vermogen, zijn goed van vertrouwen en verwarren fictie met realiteit.

Of ze zijn bereid - door een ongefundeerde, niet-verklaarbare adoratie - elke uiting gedaan door het subject van hun aanbidding kritiekloos voor waar aan te nemen. Dat gebeurt dagelijks in de beleving van de liefde, in de eerste verkenning tussen partners. Ook in de politiek komt het voor, echter ook daar nooit zonder een perspectief van verwacht voordeel. Slechts zelden zien we het fenomeen in de sfeer van een internetforum rond een obscuur automerk - en dan zelfs zonder het 'voordeelperspectief'.

Normaliter dringt op basis van objectieve omstandigheden een gezond(er) realiteitsbesef door na verloop van enkele weken tot enkele maanden. Zo er na die tijd geen blijk is van een groeiend realiteitsbesef, kan worden gesteld dat betrokkene onder behandeling moet worden gesteld van een psychotherapeut. Deze zal cliënt, al dan niet in combinatie met reguliere medicatie, behulpzaam moeten zijn bij het stabiliseren (en daarna normaliseren) van de beleving van de wereld zoals deze zich naar algemene norm en aan stabiele mensen toont.

Je kunt beter je been breken. Dan loop je na zes weken tenminste weer fluitend door je autofabriekje....

Er gaat heel wat fout in de wereld. Wanneer je uitgaat van het goede in de mens(van God los), raak je diep teleurgesteld.
Overal waar je komt of zaken doet, moet je op je hoede zijn.
Ik bedoel geen supermarkten etc
Vooral in garages kun je snel opgelicht worden, is mijn ervaring.
Daarnaast gebeurt er veel in de financiele en bedrijvenwereld wat riekt naar oplichting en misleiding.
Witteboorden criminaliteit is springlevend. Banken en financiele instellingen verrijken zich door manipulatie, leugens en onrealistische koersdoelen.
Zelfs Harry Mens haalde het in zijn hoofd rekeningen uit te schrijven waarvoor hij geen diensten voor verleend had.
Een tweede gezinnetje erbij stichten buiten medeweten van zijn vrouw, draaide Harry zijn hand ook niet voor om.
En toch zit een groot volksdeel zondagsmorgens naar businessclass te kijken.
De gerespecteerde Hans Wiegel werd in 2013 ook al achterna gezeten door gedupeerden.
Het is maar het topje van de ijsberg.
Sorry voor mijn slechte russisch

Central Bank found Fetisov accomplice
Comments 1

Central Bank deputy chairman Mikhail Sukhov found signs of a crime in the actions of Acting Chairman of the " My Bank " Kira Andrianova


In the resonant criminal case billionaire former chairman of the Board of Directors and Shareholders of « My Bank » Gleb Fetisov , suspected frauds to 555 million rubles, may get a new decoy . Central Bank deputy chairman Mikhail Sukhov wrote a letter to the Investigation Committee (there is a "News" ), which explains how , in his opinion, the withdrawal of funds from " my bank". He believes that all transactions were profitable Fetisov or new owners of the bank , and acting against chairman Andrianova Kira offers to institute criminal proceedings under Part 4 of Art. 160 of the Criminal Code (" embezzlement ").

According to the CBA , the scheme was as follows: November 25, 2013 "My Bank" bought for 555 million rubles shares of the Dutch sports car manufacturer Spyker Cars NV in 11 individuals - Russians and foreigners . Later they became the new owners of "My Bank ". According to the Bank , the purchase price per share averaged nearly 2.7 thousand rubles, while recent quotes on them do not exceed the threshold of 87 cents per share. Thus , the price of illiquid stocks obviously been overestimated by 3.1 thousand times . Sellers shares then transferred the money to the account of GF Financial Corporation, which , according to the investigation , is still controlled by Gleb Fetisov .

According to the version of CB , GF Financial Corporation has over 558 million rubles redeemed at "My Bank " marketable shares Altimo Holdings and Investments Limited, which owns large stakes in the company VimpelCom and the largest mobile operator in Turkey Turkcell.

As a result of this scheme , according to the Central Bank 's liquid assets "My Bank " have been replaced by illiquid , and the money received the bank's owners . However, the letter is not clear who at the time belonged to the bank. The document CB only says that at the time of the transactions , the sole owner of FFF Finance Group BV and the largest owner of "My Bank" was Fetisov . Belonged to this group and 94.81 % of the share capital of the bank .

CBA believes that Fetisov sold its stake in FFF Finance Group BV former owners Spyker Cars NV November 29, 2013 , citing information from the media.

According to the regulator , all contracts signed on behalf of the Bank acting chairman Cyrus Andrianov . Regulator can not say for sure in whose interests she acted - Fetisov or new owners . However, the Central Bank reported zapred investigators that she was actually " free drew her bank property entrusted to a third party ," so in the actions Andrianova seen signs of a crime under Part 4 of Art . 160 (" embezzlement ").

The investigation has refused to name "Izvestia" current legal status Acting Chairman of the " My Bank " in this criminal case. Andrianov herself was unavailable for comment .

Fetisov representatives claim that he was not involved in this scam because it has ceased to be the owner of "My Bank " a few days before all these events .

- At the time of the transactions for the purchase Spyker Cars from 25-26 November Fetisov is no longer the owner of the authorized capital of the bank , because that on November 21 he sold his share to 11 individuals and all the key operations were already in Ms. Andrianov , - the " Izvestia" Assistant Fetisov Igor Pylaev .

His words , he confirms one of the 11 contracts of sale of shares 179 FFF Finance Group BV nominal value of € 10 total cost of $ 1.7 million , which was signed by one of the eleven new owners November 21.

The press service of the Central Bank "Izvestia" reported that they do not comment on the situation surrounding the criminal cases , as well as correspondence with law enforcement.

Cyrus Andrianov - economist with experience : in the banking sector has been running for over 20 years , has two degrees - in 1991 received a diploma of the Moscow Pedagogical University on specialty " Mathematics" , and in 1994 - graduated from the Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation in the specialty " economist in the banking and insurance business ." In Open "My Bank" Andrianov came in 2005 . Six years later , in April of 2011, she was appointed chairman of the bank , before she oversaw active operations and liquidity of the banking group , as well as emissions and treatment of debt instruments .

Criminal case under Art . 159 of the Criminal Code ( "Fraud" ) on the situation around "My Bank " was initiated in December 2013 and based on the initiative of the Central Bank. February 28 , was detained Gleb Fetisov , after which the court issued a warrant for his arrest. Initially, he was accused of fraud by 6 billion rubles, but then the amount was reduced to 555 million

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Read more : izvestia.ru/news/567453 # ixzz2vxytts8X
Volume removed from "My bank" assets estimated at half a billion rubles

To the Former owner of "My bank" Gleb Fetisov brought charge of a conclusion from bank of assets more than on 500 million rubles, writes "Kommersant". According to the edition, it is a question of replacement of good assets on bad. Instead of shares of the company of Altimo, the key investor in Vympelcom, Fetisov transferred to balance of bank of paper of Spyker Cars firm, the producer of sports cars. Company capitalization for September, 2013 made only one million euros, and in September of an action were withdrawn from the auctions of the Amsterdam exchange. The firm revenue in the first half of the year 2013 made only 680 thousand euros. Thus, shares of the company were overestimated approximately in 3 thousand times, the real cost of the package which has appeared on balance didn't exceed 200 thousand rubles. Fraud was used to pay bank sale by Fetisov. The money received for the stocks Spyker, was transferred to the account of the structure connected with the businessman. At the same time the court should prove that the businessman is responsible for all event. According to the representative Fetisov, the transaction was structured by the buyers representing 11 natural persons. Concrete information on these people still isn't given. Gleb Fetisov was arrested on February 28 according to the decision of Basmanny Court of Moscow on charge of fraud, a month later after "My bank" lost the license. The general deficiency of means of bank estimated at ten billion rubles.
Detained last week the ex-owner of «My Bank», the Chairman of the " green Alliance " party people» Gleb Fetisov charged assets. While there are about 500 million rubles note, However, is not the sum of claims, and used according to the investigation, the scheme is money taken from the Bank, allegedly went to pay for his purchases.
on Friday, the Investigative Committee was presented to the former owner of «My Bank» Gleb Fetisov, now fully committed to the policy, the prosecution in a criminal case for the withdrawal of assets from the Bank (license revoked on January 31). The businessman was February 28, imprisoned by the Basmanny court of Moscow until April 20. Officially it is known only, that the prosecution used including 4 items 159 of the criminal code («Fraud, committed by a group of persons upon a preliminary collusion, in especially large size»). But Kommersant managed to familiarize with documents containing details of the charges. While the main episode, according to the investigation,replacement of good assets «My Bank» in the form of shares of Altimo (possessed at that moment a little less than 50% in Vympelcom Ltd and 13.2% of Turkcell) bad - stock company Spyker. The amount of damage, according to sources of Kommersant, has exceeded 555 million rbl. that on the Bank's balance in a current transaction to sell it appeared shares of Spyker, «Kommersant» was told on January 24, but the details of the deal were not known.
According to Kommersant's information, the investigation considers that a few years ago Mr Fetisov handed «My Bank» shares of Altimo Holdings and Investments Limited in the amount of 500 million rubles, «It was part of the shares of Altimo, belonging to Mr. Fetisov, which were transferred to the Bank as gratuitous aid»,- said the source«», familiar with the situation. In the course of the sale of the Bank, which was closed in November 2013, patterns Gleb Fetisov bought the shares of the Bank. By itself, this is quite a normal transaction, experts say. Questions investigators have caused further destiny of the funds received by the Bank for the shares.
As noted by Kommersant's sources, this money has been credited to the new owners of the Bank (11 individuals)opened «My Bank». In the end funds went to pay for the received by the Bank from the new owners of shares of Spyker Cars N. V. the Real value of these securities is difficult to define. Until mid September 2013 shares of Spyker NV is a Dutch manufacturer of exclusive sports cars were traded on the Amsterdam stock exchange (part of NYSE-Euronext), but then were removed from the auction. On the last trading day company capitalization does not exceed Euro 1 million According to Bloomberg, the revenue Spyker NV for the first half of 2013 $ 0.68 mln, net loss - €5.2 million, According to sources of Kommersant, people familiar with the situation in the Bank, the acquisition price of shares of Spyker inflated more than 3 thousand times, their real estimation of less than 200 thousand roubles,
thus, according to sources of Kommersant, received for the shares of Spyker money, the new owners of the Bank transferred to the account of the GF Financial Corporation, allegedly associated with Mr. Fetisov in the settlement of the purchase of the Bank. Thus, the deal on the purchase of the Bank was actually at the expense of funds of the Bank through the replacement scheme of good assets doubtful, indicate sides «b».
thus, according to «Kommersant», is the essence of the accusations the Investigation Committee.
the words of the sources of Kommersant indirectly confirmed the Bank's financial statements under RAS. At the end of 2013 the main growth of investments in equity securities occurred because of the securities of non-residents that are not related to credit organizations. In November increased sharply Postings. In previous months 2013 average volume of purchased securities was less than 75 million rubles, and implemented a little more than 45 million roubles, in November the volume of purchases reached nearly 1.2 billion rubles, sales exceeded 650 million rubles Operation was made in the currency. In December, the turnover fell to below average levels.
However, the issue of the appropriateness of bringing to responsibility for what happened exactly Gleb Fetisov remains open. According to «Kommersant», the documents were signed at the time of acting Chairman of the management Board of the Bank Cyrus Andrianova. According to interlocutors«», familiar with the position of the investigation, it did so on the orders of the owner, not knowing what is behind the operations. Also leaves open the question of the degree of awareness of participation in these procedures, the new owners of the Bank. To contact them with Mrs. Andrianova failed.
Representative Gleb Fetisov said: «the Deal was structured party buyers - 11 individuals. Questions about the loss of anything of the Bank's transactions should be addressed to them. Gleb Fetisov the deal received for the Bank «cash», he don't know where buyers have got them, and especially not participated in the process of occurrence in them of these resources.
to Decide whether the ring scheme of financing the purchase of «My Bank» and who exactly is to blame it is the old owner, contractor, in the person of acting Chairman of the management Board or the new owners are going to the court. «The main question is whether the accused actually controlled the process, including the company, which went through the transaction, and influenced decisions of their governing bodies, and, of course, the question of the court's approach to the assessment of the evidence»,- said the partner of the company «Yakovlev & partners» Igor Dubov. «The indictment before sending the case to court, signed by the Prosecutor. And, if there is not enough evidence, the case to court, most likely, will not come, " said the Chairman of the Moscow colleagues-lawyers «International partnership Tatiana Protsenko.

greenspanalan schreef op 14 maart 2014 20:24:

Fijne vrienden die Muller
Zie het van de zonnige kant want dit heeft ook voordelen.

Immers "met zulke vrienden heb je geen vijanden meer nodig".


Chiddix schreef op 14 maart 2014 20:17:

Er gaat heel wat fout in de wereld. Wanneer je uitgaat van het goede in de mens(van God los), raak je diep teleurgesteld.
Overal waar je komt of zaken doet, moet je op je hoede zijn.
Ik bedoel geen supermarkten etc
Vooral in garages kun je snel opgelicht worden, is mijn ervaring.
Daarnaast gebeurt er veel in de financiele en bedrijvenwereld wat riekt naar oplichting en misleiding.
Witteboorden criminaliteit is springlevend. Banken en financiele instellingen verrijken zich door manipulatie, leugens en onrealistische koersdoelen.
Zelfs Harry Mens haalde het in zijn hoofd rekeningen uit te schrijven waarvoor hij geen diensten voor verleend had.
Een tweede gezinnetje erbij stichten buiten medeweten van zijn vrouw, draaide Harry zijn hand ook niet voor om.
En toch zit een groot volksdeel zondagsmorgens naar businessclass te kijken.
De gerespecteerde Hans Wiegel werd in 2013 ook al achterna gezeten door gedupeerden.
Het is maar het topje van de ijsberg.
Op je wenken. Mafketel.


Maar inderdaad, je Russisch sucks, Green! Ik moet het verhaal voor een tweede keer lezen...


greenspanalan schreef op 14 maart 2014 20:39:

Op je wenken. Mafketel.
Weinig oog voor de positieve kanten van Spyker. Jammer.

Chiddix schreef op 14 maart 2014 21:36:


Weinig oog voor de positieve kanten van Spyker. Jammer.
Ja, dat ben ik met je eens. Groen zou best een graadje positiever kunnen zijn over Spykert.

Altijd maar zijn gezever over niet-gehaalde doelen, oplichting, zelfverrijking, witwaspraktijken, maffia-connecties...


Ik heb Spyker toch al gecomplimenteerd met het feit dat ze dit jaar maar liefst twee auto's gaan bouwen? Hulde Vic!

FFF Finance Group B.V. - Zeewolde

Naam: FFF Finance Group B.V.
Tel: 0205214777
Adres: Edisonweg 2
Postcode: 3899 AZ
Plaats: Zeewolde
KvK nummer: 34371982
Type vestiging: Hoofdvestiging
Rechtsvorm: BV
Categoriën (SBI): Financiële holdings
Financiële instellingen (geen verzekeringen en pensioenfondsen)
Handelsnamen: FFF Finance Group B.V.
Vestiging nummer: 15785467
Vergelijkbaar: Financiële holdings in Zeewolde

Russische bank emigreert naar Nederland

Donderdag 6 September 2012 | Bron : RusInform/Kommersant.ru

Voormalig senator en eigenaar van Moj Bank, Gleb Fetisov, kent de betekenis van het woord Moj (mijn). Hij doet zijn bank dan ook aan zichzelf cadeau. Aanvankelijk leek hij afstand te nemen van zijn bankactiviteiten, omdat hij zich op de politiek wil richten. Zijn aandelen in Moj Bank zijn ondergebracht in de Nederlandse trust FFF Finance Group BV en Fetisov is geen directievoorzitter meer. Maar of er iets verandert is de vraag: Fetisov is zelf de begunstigde van de trust waarin zijn aandelen zijn opgenomen.

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